Lalage maculosa

Polynesian triller Lalage maculosa, copyright Duncan Wright.

Belongs within: Lalage.

The Polynesian triller Lalage maculosa is a widespread bird on islands of the south-west Pacific, with a heavy bill and short tail. Populations vary in plumage but they mostly have a low level of sexual dimorphism (with females being 'masculine' in appearance), reduced barring on the underside, a pronounced white pattern on the wings, head and back, and lack a buffy wash on the underside.

<==Lalage maculosa
    |--L. m. maculosa L03
    |--L. m. futunae Mayr & Ripley 1941 L03
    |--L. m. keppeli Mayr & Ripley 1941 L03
    |--L. m. melanopygia Mayr & Ripley 1941 L03
    |--L. m. mixta Mayr & Ripley 1941 L03
    |--L. m. modesta Mayr & Ripley 1941 L03
    |--L. m. nesophila Mayr & Ripley 1941 L03
    |--L. m. soror Mayr & Ripley 1941 L03
    |--L. m. tabuensis Mayr & Ripley 1941 L03
    |--L. m. ultima Mayr & Ripley 1941 L03
    |--L. m. vanikorensis Mayr & Ripley 1941 L03
    `--L. m. vauana Mayr & Ripley 1941 L03

*Type species of generic name indicated


[L03] LeCroy, M. 2003. Type specimens of birds in the American Museum of Natural History. Part 5. Passeriformes: Alaudidae, Hirundinidae, Motacillidae, Campephagidae, Pycnonotidae, Irenidae, Laniidae, Vangidae, Bombycillidae, Dulidae, Cinclidae, Troglodytidae, and Mimidae. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 278: 1–156.

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