
Reconstruction of Dendrerpeton, from here.

Belongs within: Neostegalia.
Contains: Stereospondylomorpha, Dissorophoidea.

The Temnospondyli were one of the most significant early clades of amphibian-grade tetrapods, being recorded from the early Carboniferous (Visean) to the mid-Cretaceous (Albian). Whether they survived after this date depends on whether the modern amphibians (particularly frogs and salamanders) are accepted as derived temnospondyls. The clade as a whole is characterised by the presence of interpterygoid vacuities at least half as wide as the skull and bordered by triradiate pterygoids (Ruta et al. 2003). The majority of temnospondyls were semiaquatic, though the clade as a whole includes members varying from almost entirely terrestrial to fully aquatic.

Early Carboniferous temnospondyls include the Scottish Balanerpeton and the Nova Scotian Dendrerpeton, both medium-sized semi-terrestrial forms with the latter reaching about a metre in length. The Late Carboniferous and Early Permian Cochleosauridae were crocodile-like semi-aquatic ambush predators, reaching lengths of over 1.5 m. The Early Permian saw the appearance of even larger forms: Edops craigi reached about two metres in length whereas the three metre-long Eryops megacephalus was one of the largest land animals of its time. Eryops had a more strongly build appendicular skeleton than other temnospondyls, indicating a greater degree of adaptation for terrestrial locomotion. With the exceptions of Edops and the Cochleosauridae, most temnospondyls may be assigned to a clade Rhachitomi, basally characterised by vertebrae with a large intercentrum and smaller paired pleurocentra below the notochord.

Temnospondyli [Dvinosauria, Edopoidea, Euskelia, Limnarchia]
    |--Edops [Edopidae] DS20
    |    `--E. craigi Romer 1935 RCQ03
    `--+--Cochleosauridae SO05
       |    |--Procochleosaurus SO05
       |    `--+--Adamanterpeton ohioensis PSH17
       |       `--+--Cochleosaurus Fritsch 1885 DS20, D07
       |          |    |--C. bohemicus D07
       |          |    `--C. florensis Rieppel 1980 RCQ03
       |          `--Chenoprosopus SO05
       |               |--C. lewisi Hook 1993 RCQ03
       |               `--C. milleri Miehl 1913 M93
       `--Rhachitomi (see below for synonymy) PSH17
            |  i. s.: Peltobatrachus Panchen 1959 PSH17, D07 [Peltobatrachidae]
            |           `--P. pustulatus Panchen 1959 M93
            |--+--Parioxys M93 [Parioxyidae H00]
            |  |    |--P. bolli Carroll 1964 M93
            |  |    `--P. ferricolus Cope 1878 M93
            |  `--Eryopidae RCQ03
            |       |--Onchiodon labyrinthicus YW00, PSH17
            |       |--Eryops Miner 1925 DS20, D07
            |       |    |--E. avinoffi (Romer 1952) M93
            |       |    `--E. megacephalus Cope 1877 RCQ03
            |       `--Clamorosaurus M93
            |            |--C. borealis Gubin 1983 M93
            |            `--C. nocturnus Gubin 1983 M93
            `--+--Stereospondylomorpha DS20
               `--+--+--Palatinerpeton DS20
                  |  `--+--Iberospondylus schultzei DS20, PSH17
                  |     `--+--Dissorophoidea DS20
                  |        `--Lapillopsis [Lapillopsidae] PSH17
                  |             `--L. nanus Warren & Hutchinson 1990 PSH17, M93
                  `--+--Zatracheidae [Stegopidae] H00
                     |    |--Acanthostomatops vorax (Credner 1883) DS20, M93
                     |    |--Zatrachys serratus PSH17
                     |    |--Stegops newberryi (Cope 1875) H00, M93
                     |    `--Dasyceps H00
                     `--+--Capetus [Capetidae] DS20
                        |    `--C. palustris PSH17
                        `--+--Balanerpeton woodi Milner & Sequeira 1994 DS20, RCQ03
                           `--Dendrerpeton RCQ03 [Dendrerpetidae DS20]
                                |--D. acadianum Owen 1853 RCQ03
                                `--D. helogenes YW00

Rhachitomi [Astatodipnoa, Batrachii, Caducibranchia, Dipnoa, Eryopoidea, Lissamphibia, Paratoidia, Prosirenidae, Prosirenoidea] PSH17

*Type species of generic name indicated


[DS20] Daza, J. D., E. L. Stanley, A. Bolet, A. M. Bauer, J. S. Arias, A. Čerňanský, J. J. Bevitt, P. Wagner & S. E. Evans. 2020. Enigmatic amphibians in mid-Cretaceous amber were chameleon-like ballistic feeders. Science 370: 687–691.

[D07] Dixon, D. 2007. The Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Creatures. Hermes House: London.

[H00] Holmes, R. 2000. Palaeozoic temnospondyls. In: Heatwole, H., & R. L. Carroll (eds) Amphibian Biology vol. 4. Palaeontology. The evolutionary history of amphibians pp. 1081–1120. Surrey Beatty & Sons.

[M93] Milner, A. R. 1993. Amphibian-grade Tetrapoda. In: Benton, M. J. (ed.) The Fossil Record 2 pp. 665–679. Chapman & Hall: London.

[PSH17] Pardo, J. D., B. J. Small & A. K. Huttenlocker. 2017. Stem caecilian from the Triassic of Colorado sheds light on the origins of Lissamphibia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 114 (27): E5389–E5395.

[PS17] Pardo, J. D., M. Szostakiwskyj, P. E. Ahlberg & J. S. Anderson. 2017. Hidden morphological diversity among early tetrapods. Nature 546: 642–645.

[RCQ03] Ruta, M., M. I. Coates & D. L. J. Quicke. 2003. Early tetrapod relationships revisited. Biological Reviews 78: 251–345.

[SO05] Sidor, C. A., F. R. O’Keefe, R. Damiani, J. S. Steyer, R. M. H. Smith, H. C. E. Larsson, P. C. Sereno, O. Ide & A. Maga. 2005. Permian tetrapods from the Sahara show climate-controlled endmism in Pangaea. Nature 434: 886–889.

[YW00] Yates, A. M., & A. A. Warren. 2000. The phylogeny of the ‘higher’ temnospondyls (Vertebrata: Choanata) and its implications for the monophyly and origins of the Stereospondyli. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 128: 77–121.

Last updated: 29 January 2022.


Murray turtles Emydura macquarii, photographed by David Kleinert.

Belongs within: Testudinata.

The Chelidae are a family of side-necked freshwater turtles found in South America and Australia.

Synapomorphies (from Gaffney & Meylan 1988): Lateral cheek emargination unusually well developed, reaching the parietal; quadratojugal absent; mesoplastra absent.

    |--Pseudemydura umbrina GM88, USDI77
    `--Chelinae GM88
         |--+--Emydura macquarrii GM88
         |  |--Elseya GM88
         |  `--Rheodytes GM88
         `--Chelodd GM88
              |--Platemys platycephala GM88, DS86
              |    |--P. p. platycephala DS86
              |    `--P. p. melanonota DS86
              `--Chelini GM88
                   |--+--Batrachemys GM88
                   |  |--Mesoclemmys GM88
                   |  `--Phrynops GM88
                   |       |--P. gibbus DS86
                   |       `--P. nasutus DS86
                   `--Chelina GM88
                        |--Chelus fimbriatus GM88, DS86
                        `--Hydromedusad GM88
                             |--Hydromedusa GM88
                             `--Chelodina GM88
                                  |--C. oblonga GM88
                                  `--C. steindachneri HD04

*Type species of generic name indicated


[DS86] Dixon, J. R. & P. Soini. 1986. The Reptiles of the Upper Amazon Basin, Iquitos Region, Peru. Milwaukee Public Museum: Milwaukee.

[GM88] Gaffney, E. S., & P. A. Meylan. 1988. A phylogeny of turtles. In The Phylogeny and Classification of the Tetrapods, vol. 1. Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds (M. J. Benton, ed.) pp. 157-219. Clarendon Press: Oxford.

[HD04] How, R. A., & J. Dell. 2004. Reptile assemblage of the Abydos Plain, north-eastern Pilbara, Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 87 (3): 85-95.

[OC03] Olson, P. D., T. H. Cribb, V. V. Tkach, R. A. Bray & D. T. J. Littlewood. 2003. Phylogeny and classification of the Digenea (Platyhelminthes: Trematoda). International Journal for Parasitology 33: 733-755.

[USDI77] USDI (United States Department of the Interior). 1977. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants - republication of list of species. Federal Register 42: 36420-36431.


Two-toed amphiuma Amphiuma means, photographed by J. D. Wilson.

Belongs within: Euskelia.
Contains: Cryptobranchoidei, Plethodontidae, Salamandridae.

The Caudata are the salamanders, one of the three major groups of living amphibian-grade tetrapods. The earliest known caudates appear in the Jurassic, with both stem- and crown-group taxa known from this period. The neotenic Sirenidae (sirens) have sometimes been regarded as the sister taxon to the remaining caudates, or even classified outside the caudates, but most recent phylogenies have placed them in a more nested position.

Synapomorphies (from Milner 1988): Vertebrae with bicipital rib-bearers and basapophyses; atlas with tuberculum interglenoideum with distinct articulation facets; stapes with large footplate and short slender stylus; basibranchial I with radial horns in metamorphosed individuals; co-ossified scapulocoracoid.

<==Caudata [Batrachoidei, Caudati, Mecodonta, Saurobatrachii, Urodelia]
    |  i. s.: Liaoxitriton zhongjiani ZBH03
    |         Ramonellus Nevo & Estes 1969 RCQ03
    |         Comonecturoides M88
    |         Prosiren M88
    |--Marmorerpeton GS03
    `--+--+--Karaurus sharovi Ivakhnenko 1978 GS03, RCQ03
       |  `--Kokartus GS03
       `--Urodela [Ambystomatoidea, Neocaudata, Salamandroidea] GS03
            |  i. s.: Noterpeton Rage et al. 1993 [Noterpetontidae] GM01
            |           `--*N. bolivianum Rage et al. 1993 GM01
            |         Galverpeton M88
            |         Diemictylus viridescens D56
            |         Valdotriton gracilis Evans & Milner 1996 GS01, RCQ03
            |--+--Cryptobranchoidei GS03
            |  `--+--Jeholotriton paradoxus GS03, ZBH03
            |     `--+--Laccotriton subsolanus GS03, GS01
            |        `--Sinerpeton Gao & Shubin 2001 GS01
            |             `--*S. fengshanensis Gao & Shubin 2001 GS01
            `--Diadectosalamandroidei FG06
                 |--Plethosalamandroidei FG06
                 |    |--Rhyacotriton Dunn 1920 [Rhyacotritonidae] FG06
                 |    |    |--R. cascadae FG06
                 |    |    |--R. kezeri FG06
                 |    |    |--R. olympicus FG06
                 |    |    `--R. variegatus FG06
                 |    `--Xenosalamandroidei FG06
                 |         |--Plethodontidae FG06
                 |         `--Amphiuma Garden 1821 [Amphiumidae] FG06
                 |              |--A. means BF88
                 |              |--A. pholeter FG06
                 |              `--A. tridactylum HNM93
                 `--Hydatinosalamandroidei FG06
                      |--Perennibranchia (see below for synonymy) FG06
                      |    |--Sirenidae [Sirenes, Sirenina, Trachystomata] FG06
                      |    |    |--Pseudobranchus Gray 1825 FG06
                      |    |    |    `--P. striatus FG06
                      |    |    `--Siren Österdam 1766 [=Sirena] FG06
                      |    |         |--S. intermedia FG06
                      |    |         `--S. lacertina FG06
                      |    `--Proteidae [Proteoidea] FG06
                      |         |--Phanerobranchus Leuckart 1821 [Phanerobranchoidea] FG06
                      |         |--Hylaeobatrachus Dollo 1884 [Hylaeobatrachidae] FG06
                      |         |--Menobrachus Harlan 1825 [Menobranchida] FG06
                      |         |--Necturus Rafinesque 1819 [incl. Exobranchia; Necturi, Necturina] FG06
                      |         |    |--N. alabamensis AA87
                      |         |    |--N. beyeri FG06
                      |         |    `--N. maculosus (Rafinesque 1818) W08
                      |         `--Proteus Laurenti 1768 Sw86 (see below for synonymy)
                      |              `--P. anguinus Laurenti 1768 Sw86 (see below for synonymy)
                      |                   |--P. a. anguinus N10
                      |                   `--P. a. parkelj N10
                      `--Treptobranchia FG06
                           |--Salamandridae FG06
                           `--Ambystomatidae [Ambystomina] FG06
                                |--Dicamptodon Strauch 1870 [Dicamptodontidae, Dicamptodontinae] FG06
                                |    |--D. aterrimus FG06
                                |    |--D. ensatus FG06
                                |    `--D. tenebrosus FG06
                                `--Ambystoma Tschudi 1838 FG06 (see below for synonymy)
                                     |  i. s.: A. annulatum Cope 1886 W08
                                     |         A. californiense FG06
                                     |         A. dumerilii FG06
                                     |         A. gracile (Baird 1859) W08
                                     |         A. jeffersonianum W-CL06
                                     |         A. laterale Hallowell 1875 M68
                                     |         A. macrodactylum Baird 1849 W08
                                     |           |--A. m. macrodactylum W08
                                     |           |--A. m. columbianum Baird 1849 W08
                                     |           `--A. m. croceum Baird 1849 W08
                                     |         A. maculatum (Shaw 1802) W08
                                     |         A. opacum (Gravenhorst 1807) W08
                                     |         A. ordinarium FG06
                                     |         A. platineum Cope 1867 M68
                                     |         A. talpoideum (Holbrook 1838) W08
                                     |         A. texanum (Matthes 1855) W08
                                     |         A. tremblayi Comeau 1943 M68
                                     |--A. cingulatum FG06
                                     `--+--A. mexicanum FG06
                                        `--A. tigrinum (Green 1825) FG06, W08
                                             |--A. t. tigrinum W08
                                             `--A. t. mavortium (Baird 1850) W08

Ambystoma Tschudi 1838 FG06 [incl. Bathysiredon Sh86, Rhyacosiredon Sh86, Siredon Wagler 1830 Sh86, FG06; Soredontina]

Perennibranchia [Amphipneusta, Branchiata, Branchiuromalgaei, Diplopneumena, Dysmolgae, Externibranchia, Manentibranchia, Meantia, Perennibranchiata, Ramibranchia] FG06

Proteus Laurenti 1768 Sw86 [incl. Hypochthon Merrem 1820 FG06, Larvarius FG06; Hypochthonina]

Proteus anguinus Laurenti 1768 Sw86 [incl. Hypochthon carrarae Fitzinger 1850 N10, H. freyeri Fitzinger 1850 N10, H. haidingeri Fitzinger 1850 N10, H. laurentii Fitzinger 1850 N10, H. schreibersii Fitzinger 1850 N10, H. xanthostictus Fitzinger 1850 N10, H. zoisii Fitzinger 1850 N10]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[AA87] Avise, J. C., J. Arnold, R. M. Ball, E. Bermingham, T. Lamb, J. E. Neigel, C. A. Reeb & N. C. Saunders. 1987. Intraspecific phylogeography: The mitochondrial DNA bridge between population genetics and systematics. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 18: 489-522.

[BF88] Bishop, M. J., & A. E. Friday. 1988. Estimating the interrelationships of tetrapod groups on the basis of molecular sequence data. In The Phylogeny and Classification of the Tetrapods, vol. 1. Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds (M. J. Benton, ed.) pp. 33-58. Clarendon Press: Oxford.

[D56] Dawes, B. 1956. The Trematoda with special reference to British and other European forms. University Press: Cambridge.

[FG06] Frost, D. R., T. Grant, J. Faivovich, R. H. Bain, A. Haas, C. F. B. Haddad, R. O. de Sá, A. Channing, M. Wilkinson, S. C. Donnellan, C. J. Raxworthy, J. A. Campbell, B. L. Blotto, P. Moler, R. C. Drewes, R. A. Nussbaum, J. D. Lynch, D. M. Green & W. C. Wheeler. 2006. The amphibian tree of life. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 297: 1-370.

[GS01] Gao, K.-Q., & N. H. Shubin. 2001. Late Jurassic salamanders from northern China. Nature 410: 574-577.

[GS03] Gao, K.-Q., & N. H. Shubin. 2003. Earliest known crown-group salamanders. Nature 422: 424-428.

[GM01] Gayet, M., L. G. Marshall, T. Sempere, F. J. Meunier, H. Cappetta & J-C. Rage. 2001. Middle Maastrichtian vertebrates (fishes, amphibians, dinosaurs and other reptiles, mammals) from Pajcha Pata (Bolivia). Biostratigraphic, palaeoecologic and palaeobiostratigraphic implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 169: 39-68.

[HNM93] Hedges, S. B., R. A. Nussbaum & L. R. Maxson. 1993. Caecilian phylogeny and biogeography inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences of the 12S rRNA and 16S rRNA genes (Amphibia, Gymnophiona). Herpetological Monographs 7: 64-76.

[M68] Maslin, T. P. 1968. Taxonomic problems in parthenogenetic vertebrates. Systematic Zoology 17 (3): 219-231.

[M88] Milner, A. R. 1988. The relationships and origin of living amphibians. In The Phylogeny and Classification of the Tetrapods, vol. 1. Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds (M. J. Benton, ed.) pp. 59-102. Clarendon Press: Oxford.

[N10] Naish, D. 2010. Tetrapod Zoology: Book One. CFZ Press: Bideford (UK).

[RCQ03] Ruta, M., M. I. Coates & D. L. J. Quicke. 2003. Early tetrapod relationships revisited. Biological Reviews 78: 251-345.

[Sh86] Shaffer, H. B. 1986. Utility of quantitative genetic parameters in character weighting. Systematic Zoology 35 (1): 124-134.

[Sw86] Sweet, S. S. 1986. Caudata. In Stygofauna Mundi: A Faunistic, Distributional, and Ecological Synthesis of the World Fauna inhabiting Subterranean Waters (including the Marine Interstitial) (L. Botosaneanu, ed.) pp. 734-740. E. J. Brill / Dr. W. Backhuys: Leiden.

[W08] Warburg, M. R. 2008. Temporal variations in body dimensions followed for 25 years in a breeding population of adult salamanders, with a partial review on other Urodela (Amphibia, Urodela, Salamandridae). Senckenbergiana Biologica 88 (1): 81-101.

[W-CL06] Watkins-Colwell, G. J., T. A. Leenders, B. T. Roach, D. J. Drew, G. Dancho & J. Yuckienuz. 2006. New distribution records for amphibians and reptiles in Connecticut, with notes on the status of an introduced species. Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History 47 (1-2): 47-62.

[ZBH03] Zhou, Z., P. M. Barrett & J. Hilton. 2003. An exceptionally preserved Lower Cretaceous ecosystem. Nature 421: 807-814.


Lioconcha (Lioconcha) castrensis, photographed by Guido & Philippe Poppe.

Belongs within: Veneridae.

Lioconcha is a genus of venerid bivalves found in the tropical Pacific and East Indies, with a fossil record dating to the Pliocene. It is divided between two subgenera, Lioconcha (Lioconcha) with a smooth shell surface with zigzag streaks or spots, and Sulcilioconcha with concentric ribs (Cox et al. 1969).

Characters (from Cox et al. 1969): Hinge strong, resembling Pitar; lunule present; pallial sinus shallow.

    |  i. s.: L. dautzenbergi LS96
    |         L. fastigiata (Sowerby 1851) [=Cytherea fastigiata] H09
    |         L. tigrina (Lamarck 1816) BW09
    |--L. (Lioconcha) LS96
    |    |--L. (L.) annettae Lamprell & Whitehead 1990 LS96
    |    |--L. (L.) castrensis (Linnaeus 1758) (see below for synonymy) LS96
    |    |--L. (L.) ornata (Dillwyn 1817) [=Venus ornata; incl. Cytherea picta Lamarck 1818] LS96
    |    `--L. (L.) polita (Röding 1798) [=Venus polita; incl. Cytherea sulcatina Lamarck 1818] LS96
    `--L. (Sulcilioconcha) LS96
         |--L. (S.) melharteae Lamprell & Stanisic 1996 LS96
         |--L. (S.) philippinarum (Hanley 1844) [=Cytherea philippinarum] LS96
         `--L. (S.) richerdeforgesi Lamprell & Stanisic 1996 LS96

Lioconcha (Lioconcha) castrensis (Linnaeus 1758) [=Venus castrensis; incl. Cytherea ornata Lamarck 1818 non Dillwyn 1817] LS96

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BW09] Bryce, C. & C. Whisson. 2009. The macromolluscs of Mermaid (Rowley Shoals), Scott and Seringapatam Reefs, Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 77: 177-208.

Cox, L. R., N. D. Newell et al. 1969. Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt N. Bivalvia vol. 2. The Geological Society of America, Inc. and The University of Kansas.

[H09] Hedley, C. 1909. The Marine Fauna of Queensland: Address by the President of Section D. Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science: Brisbane.

[LS96] Lamprell, K. L., & J. Stanisic. 1996. Callista, Lioconcha and Pitar in New Caledonia and adjacent waters (Mollusca, Veneridae). Molluscan Research 17: 27-48.


Chione cancellata, photographed by Edward T. Babinski.

Belongs within: Venerinae.

Chione is a genus of venerid bivalves found in the Americas and the South Pacific, with the earliest records from the Oligocene. Representatives have a cordate shell, usually with a well-defined lunule and escutcheon and with strong, occasionally frilled concentric sculpture (Cox et al. 1969).

Chione Megerle 1811 M27
    |--*C. (Chione) cancellata M27
    |--C. (Austrovenus Finlay 1927) P61
    |    |--C. (*A.) stutchburyi (Gray 1828) P61 [=Venus stutchburyi P61, C. (Timoclea) stutchburyi M27]
    |    |--C. (A.) aucklandica Powell 1932 P61
    |    `--C. (A.) crassitesta Finlay 1924 M27
    |--C. (Chionopsis) purpurissata Dall 1902 PP78
    `--C. (Hinemoana Marwick 1927) M27
         `--C. (*H.) acuminata Hutton 1873 M27 [=Austrovenus acuminata M27, Cytherea (Callista) acuminata H86]

Chione incertae sedis:
  C. amathusia C64
  C. californiensis Brod. 1835 M27, C64 [=Venus californiensis C64]
  C. costellifera (Adams 1850) [=Venus costellifera] H09
  C. dysera F66
  C. excavata Cpr. 1856 C64
  C. fluctifraga M27 [=Venus fluctifraga C64; incl. C. callosa C64, V. cortezi Sloat ms C64, V. gibbosula C64]
  C. gayi M27
  C. gnidia C64
  C. halli Pritchard 1895 F27b
  C. infans Smith 1885 H09
  C. latilirata GS79
  C. lordi C64
  C. marica (Linnaeus 1758) [=Venus marica] H09
  C. martini Finlay 1927 [=Venus pulcherrima Martin 1883 non Deshayes 1860] F27b
  C. neglecta [incl. C. undatella var. bilineata, C. undatella] C64
  C. nuttalli M27
  C. phoenicopterus (Romer 1869) [=Caryatis phoenicopterus] H09
  C. pulicaria [=Venus pulicaria; incl. C. pulicaria var. lilacina, V. pinacatensis Sloat ms] C64
  C. pygmaea WE63
  C. recognita (Smith 1885) [=Venus recognita] H09
  C. regularis (Smith 1885) [=Cytherea regularis] H09
  C. roberti Pritchard 1906 [=C. halli Tate 1900 non Pritchard 1895] F27b
  C. scabra (Hanley 1845) [=Venus scabra] H09
  C. semperi Dunker 1871 H09
  C. similicentrifuga Viader 1951 L96
  C. simillima C64
  C. subnodulosa (Hanley 1845) [=Venus subnodulosa] H09
  C. succincta Valenciennes 1833 [=Venus succincta; incl. V. leucodon, V. nuttallii] C64
  C. sugillata [incl. C. crenifera] C64
  C. toreuma H08
  C. torresica Reeve 1863 H09
  C. undulosa (Lamarck 1819) [=Venus undulosa] H09

Nomen nudum: Chione multitaeniata Tate 1893 F27b

*Type species of generic name indicated


[C64] Carpenter, P. P. 1864. Supplementary report on the present state of our knowledge with regard to the Mollusca of the west coast of North America. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 33: 517–686.

Cox, L. R., N. D. Newell et al. 1969. Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt N. Bivalvia vol. 2. The Geological Society of America, Inc. and The University of Kansas.

[F27] Finlay, H. J. 1927. New specific names for austral Mollusca. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 57: 488–533.

[F66] Fraser, L. 1866. Communication of a list of mollusks collected by R. Swinhoe, Esq., in Formosa. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866: 146.

[GS79] Gore, R. H., & L. E. Scotto. 1979. Crabs of the family Parthenopidae (Crustacea Brachyura: Oxyrhyncha) with notes on specimens from the Indian River region of Florida. Memoirs of the Hourglass Cruises 3 (6): 1–98.

[H08] Hedley, C. 1908. Studies on Australian Mollusca. Part X. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 33: 456–489, pls 7–10.

[H09] Hedley, C. 1909. The Marine Fauna of Queensland: Address by the President of Section D. Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science: Brisbane.

[H86] Hutton, F. W. 1886. The Mollusca of the Pareora and Oamaru systems of New Zealand. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, series 2, 1 (1): 205–237.

[L96] Loch, I. 1996. Notice: R. Viader collection. Molluscan Research 17: 110.

[M27] Marwick, J. 1927. The Veneridae of New Zealand. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 57: 567–636.

[PP78] Poorman, F. L., & L. H. Poorman. 1978. Additional molluscan records from Bahía de Los Angeles, Baja California Norte. Veliger 20 (4): 369–374.

[P61] Powell, A. W. B. 1961. Shells of New Zealand: An illustrated handbook 4th ed. Whitcombe and Tombs Limited: Christchurch.

[WE63] Warmke, G. L., & D. S. Erdman. 1963. Records of marine mollusks eaten by bonefish in Puerto Rican waters. Nautilus 76 (4): 115–120.

Last updated: 23 October 2021.


Pitar (Pitarina) citrina. Photo from here.

Belongs within: Veneridae.

Pitar is a genus of venerid bivalves found worldwide, first recorded from the Eocene (Cox et al. 1969).

Characters (from Cox et al. 1969): Oval or subtrigonal, smooth or finely concentrically lamellate; lunule superficial, escutcheon not defined; hinge with 2b triangular, joined to a thin 2a, 3a and 1 separate.

    |  i. s.: P. nipponica Kuroda & Habe 1971 LS96
    |         P. subpellucidus LS96
    |--*P. (Pitar) tumens [=Venus tumens] M27
    |--P. (Hyphantosoma) LS96
    |    |--P. (H.) intricata (Dautzenberg 1907) [=Meretrix (Pitar) intricata] LS96
    |    `--P. (H.) sculpturatus (Marshall 1918) [=Macrocallista sculpturata] M27
    `--P. (Pitarina) LS96
         |--P. (P.) affinis (Gmelin 1791) LS96 (see below for synonymy)
         |--P. (P.) citrina (Lamarck 1818) (see below for synonymy) LS96
         |--P. (P.) healyi Lamprell & Stanisic 1996 LS96
         |--P. (P.) japonicus Kuroda & Kawamoto 1956 [=P. (Agriopoma) japonicum] LS96
         |--P. (P.) nancyae Lamprell & Whitehead 1990 LS96
         |--P. (P.) noguchii Habe 1958 [=P. (Agriopoma) noguchii] LS96
         |--P. (P.) pellucidus (Lamarck 1818) LS96 (see below for synonymy)
         |--P. (P.) potteri Healy & Lamprell 1992 LS96
         |--P. (P.) prora (Conrad 1837) [=Venus prora] LS96
         |--P. (P.) sophiae (Angas 1877) [=Cytherea sophiae] LS96
         `--P. (P.) spoori Lamprell & Whitehead 1990 LS96

Pitar (Pitarina) affinis (Gmelin 1791) LS96 [=Venus affinis LS96; incl. Cytherea inflata Sowerby 1853 LS96, Gafrarium inflatum H09]

Pitar (Pitarina) citrina (Lamarck 1818) [=Cytherea citrina, Dione citrina, Pitar (Pitarina) citrinus; incl. D. ustulata Reeve 1863] LS96

Pitar (Pitarina) pellucidus (Lamarck 1818) LS96 [=Cytherea pellucidus LS96; incl. Dione australica Reeve 1863 LS96, Gafrarium australica H09]

*Type species of generic name indicated


Cox, L. R., N. D. Newell et al. 1969. Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt N. Bivalvia vol. 2. The Geological Society of America, Inc. and The University of Kansas.

[H09] Hedley, C. 1909. The Marine Fauna of Queensland: Address by the President of Section D. Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science: Brisbane.

[LS96] Lamprell, K. L., & J. Stanisic. 1996. Callista, Lioconcha and Pitar in New Caledonia and adjacent waters (Mollusca, Veneridae). Molluscan Research 17: 27-48.

[M27] Marwick, J. 1927. The Veneridae of New Zealand. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 57: 567-636.


Features of Cobanocythere labiata, from Hartmann (1959). 117: Right valve; 118: hinge; 119: end of body; 120: female antenna; 121: male copulatory organ.

Belongs within: Cytheroidea.

Cobanocythere is a genus of marine interstitial ostracods found around the world. Members of this genus are united by the presence of three adductor muscle scars, a rudimentary or absent bracnhial plate on the mandible, and a copulatory organ with a ventro-median extension and short penis. The genera Microcytheridea and Platymicrocythere, each previously distinguished by features of the external shell, share these characteristics and hence were synonymised by Gottwald (1983).

Characters (from Hartmann 1959*): Shell similar to Microcythere, with large radial pore canals; hinge with cardinal teeth or bar. Eyes reduced. Distinct adductor muscle scars. First antenna 6-segmented; distalmost segment reduced. Second antenna 4-segmented, distally with one large and one small seta. Mandibular palp slender, 3-segmented; basis of mandible with long tooth and several shorter teeth. Maxilla with small exopod, with only a few rays. Maxilliped well-developed, exopod one-segmented, distal segment not developed. Bristles of maxilliped and exopod slim and long. Thoracopods 4-segmented.

*Translated from original German with the help of Google Translate; any errors of translation are my own.

<==Cobanocythere Hartmann 1959 DH86 [incl. Microcytheridea Hartmann 1965 G83, Platymicrocythere Schormikov 1975 G83]
    |  i. s.: C. angularis Gottwald & Scherner 1980 DH86
    |         C. axi Gottwald 1983 DH86
    |         C. chilensis Gottwald 1983 [=Microcytheridea labiata Hartmann 1965 non C. labiata Hartmann 1959] DH86
    |         C. cuneiformis Hartmann 1974 DH86
    |         C. hartmanni Reys 1961 DH86
    |         C. longiantennata (Marinov 1962) DH86 [=Microcythere longiantennata G83]
    |         ‘Microcythere’ subterranea Hartmann 1954 [=Cobanocythere parva Gottwald 1983] DH86
    |         C. subterranoides Hartmann 1974 DH86
    |         C. syltensis Gottwald 1983 DH86
    |--C. elongata Gottwald 1983 G83
    |--C. guttaeformis Gottwald 1983 G83
    |--C. santacruzensis Gottwald 1983 G83
    |--+--*C. ‘subterranea’ Hartmann 1959 non Microcythere subterranea Hartmann 1954 G83
    |  |--C. arenicola Gottwald 1983 G83
    |  `--C. japonica Schornikov 1975 G83
    |--+--C. tokiokai (Schornikov 1975) [=Platymicrocythere tokiokai] G83
    |  `--+--C. labiata Hartmann 1959 G83
    |     `--C. mielkei Gottwald 1983 G83
    `--+--C. fernandinensis Gottwald 1983 G83
       |--C. hoodensis Gottwald 1983 G83
       |--C. lanceolata Gottwald 1983 G83
       |--C. pacifica Gottwald 1983 G83
       |--C. psammophila Gottwald 1983 G83
       `--C. sublitoralis Gottwald 1983 G83

*Type species of generic name indicated


[DH86] Danielopol, D. L., & G. Hartmann. 1986. Ostracoda. In: Botosaneanu, L. (ed.) Stygofauna Mundi: A Faunistic, Distributional, and Ecological Synthesis of the World Fauna inhabiting Subterranean Waters (including the Marine Interstitial) pp. 265–294. E. J. Brill/Dr. W. Backhuys: Leiden.

[G83] Gottwald, J. 1983. Interstitielle Fauna von Galapagos. XXX. Podocopida 1 (Ostracoda). Mikrofauna des Meeresbodens 90: 1–187.

Hartmann, G. 1959. Zur Kenntnis der lotischen Lebensbereiche der pazifischen Küste von El Salvador unter besonderer Berücksichtigung seiner Ostracodenfauna. Kieler Meeresforschungen 76 (2): 187–241.


Marama murdochi, from Marwick (1927).

Belongs within: Veneridae.

Marama is a genus of venerid bivalve recorded from the Miocene to the Pliocene of New Zealand. It contains two subgenera: Marama (Marama) with the left median cardinal tooth joined to the anterior, the right posterior cardinal broad and deeply divided, and the lunule very large and pouting, and Hina with the median and anterior cardinals not joined, th escutcheon well marked, the posterior end abruptly truncated, and the right posterior cardinal much stronger than the median (Marwick 1927).

Characters (from Marwick 1927): Moderate to tubercular anterior lateral tooth in left valve, hinge narrow, marginal crenulations very fine.

<==Marama Marwick 1927 M27
    |--M. (Marama) M27
    |    |--*M. (M.) murdochi Marwick 1927 M27
    |    |--M. (M.) hurupiensis Marwick 1927 M27
    |    |--M. (M.) ovata Marwick 1927 M27
    |    `--M. (M.) pristina Marwick 1927 M27
    `--M. (Hina Marwick 1927) M27
         |--M. (*H.) pinguis Marwick 1927 M27
         |--M. (H.) hendersoni Marwick 1927 M27
         |--M. (H.) mackenziei Marwick 1927 M27
         |--M. (H.) tumida (Marshall 1918) [=Dosinia tumida non Artemis tumida Gray 1838 (not preoc. if dif. gen.)] M27
         |--M. (H.) vaga Marwick 1927 M27
         `--M. (H.) williamsi Marwick 1927 M27

*Type species of generic name indicated


[M27] Marwick, J. 1927. The Veneridae of New Zealand. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 57: 567-636.


Eumarcia fumigata, photographed by Denis Riek.

Belongs within: Veneridae.

Eumarcia is a genus of venerid bivalves found from the Oligocene to the present of Australia and New Zealand. The genus is divided into two subgenera, Eumarcia (Eumarcia) with a superficial lunule and escutcheon and no concentric grooves on the shell surface, and Atamarcia with a well-impressed lunule and escutcheon and generally strong concentric grooves on the shell surface (Marwick 1927).

Characters (from Marwick 1927): Shell moderate to large size, oval, margins smooth, pallial sinus ample.

<==Eumarcia Iredale 1925 M27
    |--E. (Eumarcia) M27
    |    |--*E. (E.) fumigata [=Venus fumigata; incl. V. nitida] M27
    |    |--E. (E.) altilunula Marwick 1927 M27
    |    |--E. (E.) kaawaensis Marwick 1927 M27
    |    |--E. (E.) pareoraensis (Suter 1917) [=Macrocallista pareoraensis] M27
    |    `--E. (E.) plana Marwick 1927 M27
    `--E. (Atamarcia Marwick 1927) M27
         |--E. (*A.) sulcifera Marwick 1927 M27
         |--E. (A.) benhami Marwick 1927 (see below for synonymy) M27
         |--E. (A.) crassa Marwick 1927 M27
         |--E. (A.) crassatelliformis Marwick 1927 M27
         |--E. (A.) curta (Hutton 1873) [=Tapes curta, Paphia (Ruditapes) curta] M27
         |--E. (A.) enysi (Hutton 1873) [=Cytherea enysi] M27
         |--E. (A.) thomsoni Marwick 1927 M27
         `--E. (A.) trigonalis Marwick 1927 M27

Eumarcia (Atamarcia) benhami Marwick 1927 [=Venus sulcata Hutton 1875 non Lamarck 1835, Cytherea (Circomphalus) sulcata] M27

*Type species of generic name indicated


[M27] Marwick, J. 1927. The Veneridae of New Zealand. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 57: 567-636.


Periglypta puerpera, from here.

Belongs within: Veneridae.

Periglypta is a genus of venerid bivalves that first appeared in the Oligocene (Cox et al. 1969).

Characters (from Cox et al. 1969): Quadrate, heavy, pallial sinus rounded; sculpture cancellate.

<==Periglypta Jukes-Brown 1914 KS02 [=Cytherea (preoc.) M27]
    |  i. s.: ‘Venus’ anadyomene Anton 1839 [=Cytherea anadyomene] H09
    |         ‘Venus’ calophylla Philippi 1836 [=Cytherea calophylla] H09
    |         ‘Chione’ capricornea Hedley 1908 [=Cytherea capricornea] H09
    |         ‘Venus’ chemnitzii Hanley 1845 [=Cytherea chemnitzii] H09
    |         ‘Chione’ embrithes Melvill & Standen 1899 [=Cytherea embrithes] H09
    |         ‘Venus’ foliacea Philippi 1846 [=Cytherea foliacea] H09
    |         ‘Cytherea’ hebraea Lamarck 1818 LS96 [=Macrocallista hebraea H09]
    |         ‘Venus’ laqueata Sowerby 1853 [=Cytherea laqueata] H09
    |         ‘Venus’ lionota Smith 1885 [=Cytherea lionota] H09
    |         ‘Dosinia’ listeri Gray 1838 [=Cytherea listeri] H09
    |         ‘Venus’ reticulata Linnaeus 1758 [=Cytherea reticulata] H09
    |         ‘Cytherea’ tenuis Hall & Meek 1854 F27
    |         ‘Venus’ tiara Dillwyn 1817 [=Cytherea tiara] H09
    |         ‘Venus’ toreuma Gould 1850 [=Cytherea toreuma] H09
    |         ‘Venus’ torresiana Smith 1884 [=Cytherea torresiana] H09
    |--*P. (Periglypta) puerpera (Linnaeus 1758) KS02 [=Venus puerpera KS02, *Cytherea puerpera M27]
    `--P. (Proxichione Iredale 1929) KS02

*Type species of generic name indicated


Cox, L. R., N. D. Newell et al. 1969. Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt N. Bivalvia vol. 2. The Geological Society of America, Inc. and The University of Kansas.

[F27] Finlay, H. J. 1927. New specific names for austral Mollusca. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 57: 488-533.

[H09] Hedley, C. 1909. The Marine Fauna of Queensland: Address by the President of Section D. Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science: Brisbane.

[KS02] Kanjilal, S., & M. S. Srinivasan. 2002. New bivalves from the Miocene of Little Andaman Island, Bay of Bengal. Journal of the Geological Society of India 60: 527-536.

[LS96] Lamprell, K. L., & J. Stanisic. 1996. Callista, Lioconcha and Pitar in New Caledonia and adjacent waters (Mollusca, Veneridae). Molluscan Research 17: 27-48.

[M27] Marwick, J. 1927. The Veneridae of New Zealand. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 57: 567-636.


Abra nitida, from the National Museum of Wales.

Belongs within: Heterodonta.
Contains: Psammobia, Gari, Donax, Iphigenia, Galatea, Solecurtidae, Macoma, Semele, Tellina, Arcopagia, Angulus.

The Tellinoidea are a group of infaunal bivalves that first appeared in the Upper Triassic. With their elongate, mobile siphons, tellinoids tend to burrow relatively deep within the sediment, using the siphons to pick up food particles from the sediment surface. Within the Tellinoidea, the Tellinidae have more or less elongate shells with unequal valves and an external ligament. The Semelidae have shells that are generally well sculptured with a slight posterior flexure. The Psammobiidae have inequilateral shells, usually slightly gaping at the posterior end.

<==Tellinoidea [Tellinacea]
    |  i. s.: Scrobiculariidae H96
    |           |--Scrobiculabra condamini (Morris 1854) SB93
    |           `--Scrobicularia H96
    |                |--S. alta C64
    |                |--S. cottardi PP64
    |                |--S. piperata PP64
    |                |--S. plana H96
    |                `--S. tenuis D56
    |--Psammobiidae [Donacina, Garidae] TW07
    |    |  i. s.: Psammobia H09
    |    |         Flavomala biradiata M54
    |    |         Adansonella duponti (Cossmann 1886) SB93
    |    |--Gari TW07
    |    `--+--Asaphis Modeer 1793 TW07, G79
    |       |    |--A. contraria (Deshayes 1863) [=Psammobia contraria] H09
    |       |    |--A. deflorata (Linnaeus 1758) H09 [=Venus deflorata H09; incl. A. rugosa G79]
    |       |    `--A. violascens (Forsskal 1775) TW07
    |       `--Donacidae TW07
    |            |--Donax L58
    |            |--Plebidonax H96
    |            |--Notodonax (Protodonax) minutissimus (Whitfield 1891) SB93
    |            |--Iphigenia PB27
    |            `--Galatea PB27
    `--+--Solecurtidae TW07
       `--+--+--Macoma TW07
          |  `--Semelidae TW07
          |       |--Semele BW09
          |       |--Ervilia Turton 1822 JB12, G79
          |       |    |--E. bisculpta Gould 1861 H09
          |       |    `--E. nitens G79
          |       |--Theora HJ08
          |       |    |--T. fragilis (Adams 1856) [=Neaera fragilis] H09
          |       |    `--T. lubrica Gould 1861 HJ08
          |       `--Leptomya Adams 1864 P61
          |            |--*L. cochlearis P61
          |            |--L. gravida Hamley 1879 MG-H11
          |            |--L. minutata Habe 1960 XZ10
          |            |--L. psittacus Hanley 1883 H09
          |            |--L. retiaria (Hutton 1885) P61 (see below for synonymy)
          |            |    |--L. r. retiaria P61
          |            |    `--L. r. aucklandica Powell 1955 P61
          |            |--L. simplex Marwick 1926 F26
          |            `--L. suteri (Smith 1898) [=Macoma suteri] F26
          `--+--Abra TW07
             |    |--A. alba (Wood 1802) TW07 [=Mactra alba J64b, Scrobicularia alba J64a; incl. Abra boysii J64a]
             |    |--A. longicallus PP64
             |    |--A. nitida GO06
             |    |--A. ovata PP64
             |    |--A. prismatica GW02
             |    |--A. profundorum TH77
             |    `--A. truncata Hedley 1906 H09
             `--Tellinidae [Tellininae] TW07
                  |  i. s.: Eurytellina F26
                  |         Elliptotellina urinatoria F26, PG98
                  |         Tellina BW09
                  |         Palaeomoera inconspicua [=Psammobia inconspicua] F27
                  |         Quadrans gargadia (Linnaeus 1758) BW09
                  |         Tellinides cockburnensis (Kendrick & Brearley 1984) MG-H11
                  |         Pseudarcopagia F27
                  |           |--*P. decussata (Lamarck 1818) F26 (see below for synonymy)
                  |           `--P. marshalli Finlay 1927 (see below for synonymy) F27
                  |         Barytellina Marwick 1924 F26
                  |           |--*B. crassidens Marwick 1924 F26
                  |           `--B. anomalodonta Finlay 1924 F26
                  |         Zearcopagia Finlay 1927 P61
                  |           |--*Z. disculus (Deshayes 1855) P61 (see below for synonymy)
                  |           `--Z. piratica (Hedley 1918) [=Pseudarcopagia piratica] F26
                  |         Exotica BW09
                  |           |--E. obliquaria (Deshayes 1854) BW09
                  |           `--E. rhomboides (Quoy & Gaimard 1833) BW09
                  |         Macomona Finlay 1927 P61
                  |           |--*M. liliana (Iredale 1915) P61 [=Tellina liliana P61, Macoma liliana F26]
                  |           |--M. basedowi [=Tellina basedowi] F26
                  |           `--M. deltoidalis [=Tellina deltoidalis] F26
                  |         Solyma Conrad 1870 S98
                  |           |--*S. lineolatum Conrad 1870 S98
                  |           |--S. flemingae Stilwell 1998 S98
                  |           |--S. levis Stephenson 1923 S98
                  |           `--S. stewarti Stephenson 1952 S98
                  |         Arcopagia JB12
                  |         Moerella JB12
                  |           |--M. carpenteri [=Tellina (Moerella) carpenteri] B56
                  |           |--M. huttoni PG98
                  |           `--M. jedoensis (Lischke 1872) XZ10
                  |         Linearia SB93
                  |           |--L. subconcentrica SB93
                  |           `--L. subhercynica Maas 1895 SB93
                  |         Maera salmonea Carpenter 1864 C64
                  |         Oedalia Carpenter 1864 C64
                  |           |--*O. (Oedalia) subdiaphana Carpenter 1864 C64
                  |           `--O. (Cooperella Carpenter 1864) C64
                  |                `--O. (*C.) scintillaeformis Carpenter 1864 C64
                  |         Lutricola C64
                  |           |--L. alta [=Tellina alta; incl. Scrobicularia biangulata, Arcopagia unda] C64
                  |           |--L. dombeyi [incl. Scrobicularia producta] C64
                  |           `--L. viridotincta C64
                  |         Cumingia C64
                  |           |--C. adamsii C64
                  |           |--C. californica C64
                  |           |--C. coarctata C64
                  |           |--C. lamellosa Sowb. 1833 M01
                  |           |--C. occatilla Melville 1901 M01
                  |           |--C. tellenoides T72
                  |           |--C. trigonularis C64
                  |           `--C. varia C64
                  |         Heterodonax C64
                  |           |--H. bimaculatus (see below for synonymy) C64
                  |           `--H. congesta (Conrad 1855) [=Tellina congesta] C64
                  |         Tellinella Moerch 1853 P61 [incl. Maoritellina Finlay 1926 P61, F26]
                  |           |--*T. virgata (Linnaeus 1758) P61, H09 [=Tellina virgata P61]
                  |           |--T. charlottae (Smith 1885) P61 (see below for synonymy)
                  |           |--T. cumingii (Hanley 1844) [=Tellina cumingii] PP78
                  |           |--T. eugonia (Suter 1913) P61
                  |           `--T. huttoni (Smith 1885) P61
                  |                |--T. h. huttoni P61
                  |                `--T. h. sterrha (Suter 1913) P61
                  |--Angulus TW07
                  `--+--‘Donax’ (Tentidonax) veruinus Hedley 1913 TW07
                     `--Strigilla Turton 1822 TW07, G79 [incl. Aeretica Dall 1900 H08]
                          |--S. carnaria G79
                          |--S. euronia Hedley 1908 H09
                          |--S. flexuosa [incl. Tellina mirabilis] G79
                          |--S. fucata C64
                          |--S. grossiana Hedley 1908 H09
                          |--S. lenticula C64
                          |--S. pisiformis C64
                          |--S. senegalensis H08
                          |--S. sincera C64
                          `--S. splendida (Anton 1839) [=Tellina splendida] H09

Heterodonax bimaculatus [incl. H. pacifica, Psammobia pacifica, Tellina versicolor Ad. ms, T. vicina] C64

Leptomya retiaria (Hutton 1885) P61 [=Tellina retiaria F26; incl. T. lintea Hutton 1873 (preoc.) F26, T. perconfusa Iredale 1915 F26]

*Pseudoarcopagia decussata (Lamarck 1818) F26 [=Tellina decussata F26, Semele decussata G79; incl. Amphidesma jayanum G79, Pseudoarcopagia victoriae F26]

Pseudarcopagia marshalli Finlay 1927 [=Tellina (Arcopagia) inconspicua Marshall 1918 non T. inconspicua Broderip & Sowerby 1829] F27

Tellinella charlottae (Smith 1885) P61 [=Tellina charlottae F26, *Maoritellina charlottae F26, Serratina charlottae PG98; incl. Tellinella ferrari P61]

*Zearcopagia disculus (Deshayes 1855) P61 [=Tellina disculus P61, Arcopagia disculus F26, Pseudarcopagia disculus F26]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B56] Berry, S. S. 1956. Mollusca dredged by the Orca off the Santa Barbara Islands, California, in 1951. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 46 (5): 150–157.

[BW09] Bryce, C., & C. Whisson. 2009. The macromolluscs of Mermaid (Rowley Shoals), Scott and Seringapatam Reefs, Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 77: 177–208.

[C64] Carpenter, P. P. 1864. Supplementary report on the present state of our knowledge with regard to the Mollusca of the west coast of North America. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 33: 517–686.

[D56] Dawes, B. 1956. The Trematoda with special reference to British and other European forms. University Press: Cambridge.

[F26] Finlay, H. J. 1926. A further commentary on New Zealand molluscan systematics. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 57: 320–485.

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Last updated: 5 March 2022.