
Tuberitina bulbacea, copyright AMNH.

Belongs within: Eukaryota.

The Tuberitinidae are a group of Palaeozoic microfossils of uncertain affinities known from the Silurian to the Permian (Vachard et al. 2001). An alternation between free and attached generations has been identified for at least some members of the group (Munnecke et al. 2000), with the attached generation being composed of one or more subhemispherical chambers (Loeblich & Tappan 1964).

<==Tuberitinidae [Tuberitinaceae, Tuberitininae] VH01
    |--Eotuberitina Miklukho-Maclay 1958 MSV00
    |    `--*E. reitlingerae Miklukho-Maklay 1958 (see below for synonymy) LT64
    |--Diplosphaerina Derville 1931 MSV00
    |    `--D. inaequalis (Derville 1931) VH01
    |--Illigata Bykova 1956 LT64
    |    `--*I. annae Bykova 1956 LT64
    |--Tubeporina Pronina 1960 LT64
    |    `--*T. gloriosa Pronina 1960 LT64
    `--Tuberitina Galloway & Harlton 1928 (see below for synonymy) LT64
         |--*T. bulbacea Galloway & Harlton 1928 LT64
         |--T. collosa Reitlinger 1950 VH01 [=*Paratuberitina collosa LT64]
         `--T. maljavkini Mikhaylov 1939 [=*Neotuberitina maljavkini] LT64

*Eotuberitina reitlingerae Miklukho-Maklay 1958 [=Tuberitina maljavkini Reytlinger 1950 non Mikhaylov 1939, T. reitlingerae] LT64

Galloway & Harlton 1928 [incl. Neotuberitina Miklukho-Maklay 1958, Paratuberitina Miklukho-Maklay 1957] LT64

*Type species of generic name indicated


[LT64] Loeblich, A. R., Jr & H. Tappan. 1964. Sarcodina: chiefly “thecamoebians” and Foraminiferida. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt C. Protista 2 vol. 1. The Geological Society of America and The University of Kansas Press.

[MSV00] Munnecke, A., T. Servais & D. Vachard. 2000. A new family of calcareous microfossils from the Silurian of Gotland, Sweden. Palaeontology 43 (6): 1153–1172.

[VH01] Vachard, D., M. Hauser, R. Martini, L. Zaninetti, A. Matter & T. Peters. 2001. New algae and problematica of algal affinity from the Permian of the Aseelah Unit of the Batain Plain (East Oman). Geobios 34 (4): 375–404.

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