
Cyphoderia ampulla, copyright Picturepest.

Belongs within: Monadofilosa.
Contains: Psammonobiotidae, Euglyphidae.

The Euglyphida are a group of testate amoeboids, often with a covering of silica scales (Adl et al. 2012).

Characters (from Adl et al. 2012): Test of organic material; usually with secreted silica scales held together by organic cement; tubular mitochondrial cristae.

Euglyphida [Euglyphacea]
    |  i. s.: Deharvengia AS12
    |         Matsakision AS12
    |         Psammonobiotidae AS12
    |--+--Paulinellidae AS12
    |  |    |--Paulinella Lauterborn 1895 BM05, MM05 [incl. Cyanospira Chodat 1920 LT64; Paulinellinae]
    |  |    |    |--*P. chromatophora Lauterborn 1895 MM05
    |  |    |    |--*Cyanospira’ aeruginosa Chodat 1920 LT64
    |  |    |    `--P. ovalis MM05
    |  |    `--Ovulinata AS12
    |  `--Cyphoderiidae [Revolventiidae] N03
    |       |--Messemvriella Golemansky 1973 N03, G86
    |       |    `--M. filosa Golemansky 1973 G86
    |       |--Pseudocyphoderia Sudzuki 1979 G86
    |       |    `--P. orientalis Sudzuki 1979 G86
    |       |--Corythionella Golemansky 1970 N03, G86
    |       |    |--C. acolla Golemansky 1970 G86
    |       |    |--C. anteroplanata Chardez 1977 G86
    |       |    |--C. minima Golemansky 1970 [incl. C. minima var. nipponica Sudzuki 1979] G86
    |       |    |--C. pontica Golemansky 1970 G86
    |       |    `--C. sudzukii Chardez 1977 G86
    |       |--Pseudocorythion Valkanov 1970 N03, G86
    |       |    |--P. acutum (Wailes 1927) [incl. P. acutum var. nipponicum Sudzuki 1979] G86
    |       |    |--P. mannei Chardez 1971 G86
    |       |    |--P. nipponicum Sudzuki 1976 G86
    |       |    |--P. undulacollis Chardez & Thomas 1980 G86
    |       |    `--P. wailesi Golemansky 1971 G86
    |       |--Cyphoderia Schlumberger 1845 G86 (see below for synonymy)
    |       |    |--C. ampulla (Ehrenberg 1840) (see below for synonymy) LT64
    |       |    |    |--C. a. ampulla N03
    |       |    |    `--C. a. bicornis N03
    |       |    |--C. compressa Golemansky 1979 G86
    |       |    |--C. laevis N03
    |       |    |--‘Difflugia’ lagena Ehrenberg 1843 [=*Allodictya lagena, D. (Reticella) lagena] LT64
    |       |    |--C. littoralis Golemansky 1973 [incl. C. littoralis var. simodensis Sudzuki 1979] G86
    |       |    `--C. lunata Štĕpánek 1967 N03
    |       `--Schaudinnula Averintsev 1906 AS12, LT64
    |            `--*S. arcelloides Averintsev 1906 [=Cyphoderia arcelloides] LT64
    `--+--Tracheleuglypha Deflandre 1928 C-SC03, LT64
       |    |--*T. dentata (Vejdovský 1882) [=Euglypha dentata] LT64
       |    `--T. acolla LNB03
       `--+--Assulinidae AS12
          |    |--Assulina Ehrenberg 1872 C-SC03, LT64
          |    |    |--*A. seminulum (Ehrenberg 1848) [=Difflugia seminulum, Sphenoderia seminulum] LT64
          |    |    `--A. muscorum C-SC03
          |    |--Placocista Leidy 1879 AS12, LT64 [=Placocysta Blochmann 1886 LT64]
          |    |    `--*P. spinosa (Carter 1865) [=Euglypha spinosa, *Placocysta spinosa] LT64
          |    `--Valkanovia AS12
          `--+--Trinematidae [Trinematinae, Trinemidae, Trineminae] LT64
             |    |--Corythion Taránek 1882 LT64
             |    |    |--*C. dubium Taránek 1882 LT64
             |    |    `--C. delmarei LB90
             |    |--Trinema Dujardin 1841 BM05, LT64 [incl. Homoeochlamys Ehrenberg 1872 LT64]
             |    |    |--T. enchelys (Ehrenberg 1838) (see below for synonymy) LT64
             |    |    |--T. complanatum [incl. T. complanatum var. inaequalis] LNB03
             |    |    `--T. lineare G86
             |    |--Playfairina AS12
             |    `--Puytoracia AS12
             `--+--Trachelocorythion pulchellum C-SC03
                `--Euglyphidae BM05

Cyphoderia Schlumberger 1845 G86 [incl. Allodictya Ehrenberg 1872 LT64, Ampullaria Werneck in Ehrenberg 1872 non Lamarck 1799 LT64]

Cyphoderia ampulla
(Ehrenberg 1840) [=Difflugia ampulla, *Ampullaria ampulla; incl. *Cyphoderia margaritacea Schlumberger 1845] LT64

‘Difflugia’ laevigata Ehrenberg 1842 [=*Crossopyxis laevigata, D. (Exassula) laevigata] LT64

Trinema enchelys (Ehrenberg 1838) [=Difflugia enchelys, Arcella (*Homoeochlamys) enchelys; incl. *Trinema acinus Dujardin 1841] LT64

*Type species of generic name indicated


[AS12] Adl, S. M., A. G. B. Simpson, C. E. Lane, J. Lukeš, D. Bass, S. S. Bowser, M. W. Brown, F. Burki, M. Dunthorn, V. Hampl, A. Heiss, M. Hoppenrath, E. Lara, E. Le Gall, D. H. Lynn, H. McManus, E. A. D. Mitchell, S. E. Mozley-Stanridge, L. W. Parfrey, J. Pawlowski, S. Rueckert, L. Shadwick, C. L. Schoch, A. Smirnov & F. W. Spiegel. 2012. The revised classification of eukaryotes. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 59 (5): 429–493.

[BM05] Bass, D., D. Moreira, P. López-García, S. Polet, E. E. Chao, S. von der Heyden, J. Pawlowski & T. Cavalier-Smith. 2005. Polyubiquitin insertions and the phylogeny of Cercozoa and Rhizaria. Protist 156: 149–161.

[C-SC03] Cavalier-Smith, T., & E. E.-Y. Chao. 2003. Phylogeny and classification of phylum Cercozoa. Protist 154: 341–358.

[G86] Golemansky, V. G. 1986. Rhizopoda: Testacea. In: Botosaneanu, L. (ed.) Stygofauna Mundi: A Faunistic, Distributional, and Ecological Synthesis of the World Fauna inhabiting Subterranean Waters (including the Marine Interstitial) pp. 5–16. E. J. Brill/Dr. W. Backhuys: Leiden.

[LNB03] Ledeganck, P., I. Nijs & L. Beyens. 2003. Plant functional group diversity promotes soil protist diversity. Protist 154 (2): 239–249.

[LT64] Loeblich, A. R., Jr & H. Tappan. 1964. Sarcodina: chiefly “thecamoebians” and Foraminiferida. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt C. Protista 2 vol. 1. The Geological Society of America and The University of Kansas Press.

[LB90] Lousier, J. D., & S. S. Bamforth. 1990. Soil protozoa. In: Dindal, D. L. (ed.) Soil Biology Guide pp. 97–136. John Wiley & Sones: New York.

[MM05] Melkonian, M., & D. Mollenhauer. 2005. Robert Lauterborn (1869–1952) and his Paulinella chromatophora. Protist 156: 253–262.

[N03] Nicholls, K. H. 2003. Form variation in Campascus minutus and a description of Campascus simcoei sp. n. (Testaceafilosea, Psammonobiotidae). European Journal of Protistology 39 (1): 103–112.

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