
Sweet broom Cytisus stenopetala, copyright Raul654.

Belongs within: Genisteae.
Contains: Cytisus.

The Genistinae is a group of mostly yellow-flowered leguminous shrubs with a Mediterranean-centred distribution, though a number of species (particularly gorse Ulex europaeus and broom Cytisus scoparius) have become naturalised in other parts of the world. The gorses of the genus Ulex are extremely spiny with leaves almost entirely absent in mature plants and shoots modified into branched thorns.

    |  i. s.: Chorothamnus procumbens (Waldstein & Kitaibel) Presl 1844 (see below for synonymy) P07
    |--Chamaespartium sagittale AB03
    |--+--Echinospartum boissieri AB03
    |  `--+--Pterospartum tridentatum [=Chamespartium tridentatum] AB03
    |     `--Stauracanthus [Ulicinae] AB03
    |          |--S. genistoides AB03
    |          `--+--S. boivinii AB03
    |             `--Ulex AB03
    |                  |  i. s.: U. nanus TG88
    |                  |--U. micranthus AB03
    |                  `--+--U. argenteus AB03
    |                     |    |--U. a. ssp. argenteus AB03
    |                     |    |--U. a. ssp. erinaceus AB03
    |                     |    `--U. a. ssp. subsericeus AB03
    |                     |--U. densus AB03
    |                     |--U. parviflorus AB03
    |                     |    |--U. p. ssp. parviflorus AB03
    |                     |    `--U. p. ssp. funkii AB03
    |                     `--U. sect. Neowilkommia AB03
    |                          |--U. europaeus AB03
    |                          |    |--U. e. ssp. europaeus AB03
    |                          |    `--U. e. ssp. lactebracteatus AB03
    |                          |--U. gallii AB03
    |                          `--U. minor AB03
    `--+--Spartium junceum AB03
       `--+--+--Argyrocytisus AB03
          |  |--Calicotome villosa (Poiret) Link 1808 AB03, PL04
          |  |--Cytisophyllum AB03
          |  |--Cytisus AB03
          |  |--Chamaecytisus AB03
          |  |    |--C. mollis AB03
          |  |    `--C. proliferus [=Cytisus proliferus] H93
          |  `--Spartocytisus AB03
          |       |--S. foliosus ES06
          |       `--S. supranubius ES06
          `--Genista AB03
               |--G. acanthoclada PT98
               |--G. aetnensis H97
               |--G. canariensis [=Cytisus canariensis] H93
               |--G. elata Mönch 1794 P07
               |    |--G. e. f. elata P07
               |    `--G. e. f. pubescens Láng 1824 P07
               |--G. falcata R-RR-GM-S98
               |--G. florida R-RR-GM-S98
               |--G. germanica Linnaeus 1753 [incl. G. heteroacantha Schlosser & Vukotinović 1857] P07
               |--G. januensis Viviani 1802 (see below for synonymy) P07
               |--G. linifolia [=Cytisus linifolius] H93
               |--G. maderensis [=Cytisus maderensis] H93
               |--G. monspessulana [=Cytisus monspessulanus] H06
               |--G. obtusiramea R-RR-GM-S98
               |--G. ovata Waldstein & Kitaibel 1801 P07
               |    |--G. o. ssp. ovata P07
               |    `--G. o. ssp. nervata (Kitaibel) Soó 1971 (see below for synonymy) P07
               |--G. pilosa Linnaeus 1753 [incl. G. pilosa var. umbrosa Heuffel 1858] P07
               |    |--G. p. f. pilosa P07
               |    `--G. p. f. densiflora Soó & Horánszky 1966 [incl. G. pilosa var. dolomitica Pifkó 2007 (n. n.)] P07
               |--G. scorpius L98
               |--G. stenopetala [=Cytisus stenopetalus] H93
               `--G. tinctoria P07
                    |--G. t. ssp. tinctoria P07
                    `--G. t. ssp. elatior (Koch) Nyman 1977 [incl. G. coriacea Kitaibel in Kanitz 1863] P07
                         |--G. t. ssp. e. var. elatior P07
                         `--G. t. ssp. e. var. hungarica (Kerner) Nyman 1977 (see below for synonymy) P07

Chorothamnus procumbens (Waldstein & Kitaibel) Presl 1844 [=Cytisus procumbens; incl. Genista elliptica Kitaibel in Kanitz 1863] P07

Genista januensis Viviani 1802 [incl. G. bihariensis Kerner 1868, G. triangularis Willdenow 1802, G. triquetra Waldstein & Kitaibel 1803] P07

Genista ovata ssp. nervata (Kitaibel) Soó 1971 [=G. nervata Kitaibel ex de Candolle 1825; incl. G. hirsuta Kitaibel in Neilreich 1866] P07

Genista tinctoria ssp. elatior var. hungarica (Kerner) Nyman 1977 [=G. hungarica Kerner 1863; incl. G. tinctoria var. subpubescens Kitaibel in Kanitz 1863] P07

*Type species of generic name indicated


[AB03] Ainouche, A., R. J. Bayer, P. Cubas & M.-T. Misset. 2003. Phylogenetic relationships within tribe Genisteae (Papilionoideae) with special reference to genus Ulex. In: Klitgaard, B. B., & A. Bruneau (ed.) Advances in Legume Systematics vol. 10. Higher Level Systematics pp. 239–252. Royal Botanic Gardens: Kew.

[ES06] Erber, D., & M. Schöller. 2006. Revision of the Cryptocephalus-species of the Canary Islands and Madeira (Insecta, Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Cryptocephalinae). Senckenbergiana Biologica 86 (1): 85–107.

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[H93] Hickman, J. C. (ed.) 1993. The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California. University of California Press: Berkeley (California).

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[PT98] Panitsa, M., & D. Tzanoudakis. 1998. Contribution to the study of the Greek flora: Flora and vegetation of the E Aegean islands Agathonisi and Pharmakonisi. Willdenowia 28: 95–116.

[P07] Pifkó, D. 2007. Taxonomic revision and typification of Genista (Leguminosae) in the Herbarium Carpato-Pannonicum in Budapest. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 99: 23–38.

[PL04] Pohl, G., & I. Lenski. 2004. Zur Verbreitung und Vergesellschaftung von Pennisetum orientale Rich. in Nordeuböa (Griechenland) (Poaceae, Paniceae). Senckenbergiana Biologica 83 (2): 209–223.

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Last updated: 2 November 2020.

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