
Podosphaeraster sp., from Christopher Mah.

Belongs within: Valvatacea.
Contains: Goniasterinae, Anthenoidinae, Hippasteriinae, Pseudarchasterinae.

The Goniasteroidea are a group of starfish with flat, plate-like abactinals (Blake 1987).

Characters (from Blake 1987, as Goniasteracea): Body shape usually more or less flattened with discs large, interbrachial arcs rounded; some species subspherical; multi-armed species lacking; most species moderate to large in size but some small. Abactinals, marginals, actinals almost always differentiated, body moderately stout with closely fitted ossicles, abactinal surface somewhat flexible unless body is subspherical; dermal and skeletal layer thickened in Asterodiscididae. Encrusting ossicles varied, mostly in the form of spinelets, granules, also spines, tubercles; pedicellariae either absent or simple, common; blades varied, sessile or alveolar. Abactinals in form of paxillae, tabulae or flattened plates; marginals enlarged, varied, intermarginals almost always lacking. Ambulacrals, adambulacrals varied, from thin to quite stout; spicules lacking from tube feet; superambulacrals present or absent, interbrachial septa almost always lacking ossicles.

<==Goniasteroidea [Goniasteracea]
    |--Asterodiscides MG-H11 [Asterodiscididae FR02]
    |    |--A. macroplax Rowe 1985 MG-H11
    |    `--A. tessellatus Rowe 1977 MG-H11
    |--Podosphaeraster Clark in Clark & Wright 1962 [Podosphaerasteridae] FR02
    |    |--*P. polyplax Clark in Clark & Wright 1962 FR02
    |    |--P. gustavei Rowe 1985 FR02
    |    |--P. pulvinatus Rowe & Nichols 1980 FR02
    |    |--P. thalassae Cherbonnier 1970 FR02
    |    `--P. toyoshiomaruae Fujita & Rowe 2002 FR02
    `--Goniasteridae FR02
         |  i. s.: Lithosoma Fisher 1911 SW66
         |           |--*L. actinometra Fisher 1911 SW66
         |           `--L. penichra Fisher 1917 MG-H11
         |         Milteliphaster Alcock 1893 SW66
         |           |--*M. woodmasoni Alcock 1893 SW66
         |           `--M. regenerator (Doderlein 1922) MG-H11
         |         Rosaster Perrier 1894 [incl. Nereidaster Verrill 1899] SW66
         |           `--*R. alexandri (Perrier 1881) [=Pentagonaster alexandri] SW66
         |         Codellaster Blake & Kues 2002 BK02
         |           `--*C. keepersae Blake & Kues 2002 BK02
         |         Comptonia Gray 1840 E01
         |           |--*C. elegans Gray 1840 SW66
         |           `--C. comptoni (Forbes 1848) E01
         |         Noviaster Vallette 1929 E01
         |           `--*N. lissajousi Valette 1929 SW66
         |         Mediaster Stimpson 1857 [incl. Isaster Verrill 1894 non Desor 1858; Mediasterinae] SW66
         |           |--*M. aequalis Stimpson 1857 SW66
         |           |--M. australiensis Clark 1916 MG-H11
         |           `--M. hayi Blake 1986 BK02
         |         Nymphaster Sladen 1889 SW66
         |           |--N. arenatus (Perrier 1881) [=Pentagonaster arenatus, *N. protentus Sladen 1889] SW66
         |           |--N. moebii Studer 1884 MG-H11
         |           `--N. moluccanus Fisher 1913 MG-H11
         |         Calliaster Gray 1840 SW66
         |           `--*C. childreni Gray 1840 SW66
         |         Calliderma Gray 1847 [incl. Tomidaster Sladen 1891] SW66
         |           |--*C. emma Gray 1847 SW66
         |           `--C. smithiae SW66
         |         Cenomanaster Wright 1951 [=Jacobella Mercier 1935 nec Jeannet 1908 nec Patte 1926] SW66
         |           `--*C. cenomanensis (Mercier 1935) [=*Jacobella cenomanensis] SW66
         |         Chomataster Spencer 1913 [incl. Huraeaster Valette 1915] SW66
         |           `--*C. acules Spencer 1913 SW66
         |         Crateraster Spencer 1913 [incl. Austinaster Adkins 1928] SW66
         |           `--*C. quinqueloba (Goldfuss 1822) [=Asterias quinqueloba] SW66
         |         Forbesiaster de Loriol 1909 SW66
         |           `--*F. wrighti de Loriol 1909 SW66
         |         ‘Indiaster’ Rao 1957 non Lambert 1920 SW66
         |           `--*I. krishna Rao 1957 SW66
         |         Leptogonium Pomel 1887 SW66
         |           `--*L. mauritanicum Pomel 1887 SW66
         |         Mastaster Mercier 1935 SW66
         |           `--*M. villersensis Mercier 1935 SW66
         |         Miopentagonaster Mercier 1935 SW66
         |           `--*M. calloviensis Mercier 1935 SW66
         |         Ophryaster Spencer 1913 SW66
         |           |--*O. oligoplax (Sladen 1891) [=Nymphaster oligoplax] SW66
         |           `--O. magnus SW66
         |         Pachyaster de Loriol 1909 SW66
         |           `--*P. aegyptiacus de Loriol 1909 SW66
         |         Spenceraster Lambert 1913 [=Trachyaster Spencer 1913 non Pomel 1883] SW66
         |           `--*S. rugosus (Spencer 1907) [=Nymphaster rugosus, *Trachyaster rugosus] SW66
         |         Teichaster Spencer 1913 SW66
         |           `--*T. favosus Spencer 1913 SW66
         |         Tylasteria Valette 1930 [=Tylaster Spencer 1913 non Danielsson & Koren 1881] SW66
         |           `--*T. jurensis (Goldfuss 1822) [=Asterias jurensis, *Tylaster jurensis] SW66
         |         Amphiaster Verrill 1868 SW66
         |           `--*A. insignis Verrill 1868 SW66
         |         Astroceramus Fisher 1906 SW66
         |           `--*A. callimorphus Fisher 1906 SW66
         |         Astrothauma Fisher 1913 SW66
         |           `--*A. euphylacteum Fisher 1913 SW66
         |         Circeaster Koehler 1909 SW66
         |           `--*C. marcelli Koehler 1909 SW66
         |         Eugoniaster Verrill 1899 SW66
         |           `--*E. investigatoris (Alcock 1893) [=Pentagonaster investigatoris] SW66
         |         Gigantaster Döderlein 1924 SW66
         |           `--*G. weberi Döderlein 1924 SW66
         |         Gilbertaster Fisher 1906 SW66
         |           `--*G. anacanthus Fisher 1906 SW66
         |         Johannaster Koehler 1909 SW66
         |           `--*J. superbus Koehler 1909 SW66
         |         Litonotaster Verrill 1899 SW66
         |           `--*L. intermedius (Perrier 1884) [=Pentagonaster intermedius] SW66
         |         Lydiaster Koehler 1909 SW66
         |           `--*L. johannae Koehler 1909 SW66
         |         Mahabissaster Macan 1938 SW66
         |           `--*M. zengi Macan 1938 SW66
         |         Mariaster Clark 1916 SW66
         |           `--*M. giganteus (Goto 1914) [=Johannaster giganteus] SW66
         |         Notioceramus Fisher 1940 SW66
         |           `--*N. anomalus Fisher 1940 SW66
         |         Peltaster Verrill 1899 SW66
         |           `--P. nidarosiensis (Storm 1881) [=Goniaster nidarosiensis; incl. *P. hebes Verrill 1899] SW66
         |         Progoniaster Döderlein 1924 SW66
         |           `--*P. atavus Döderlein 1924 SW66
         |         Pseudogoniodiscaster Livingstone 1930 SW66
         |           `--*P. wardi Livingstone 1930 SW66
         |         Sibogaster Döderlein 1924 SW66
         |           `--*S. digitatus Döderlein 1924 SW66
         |         Styphlaster Clark 1938 SW66
         |           `--*S. notabilis Clark 1938 SW66
         |--Goniasterinae E01
         |--Anthenoidinae SW66
         |--Hippasteriinae SW66
         |--Pseudarchasterinae SW66
         |--Chitonaster Sladen 1889 [Chitonasterinae] SW66
         |    `--*C. cataphractus Sladen 1889 SW66
         |--Nectriinae SW66
         |    |--Nectria Gray 1840 SW66
         |    |    `--*N. ocellifera (Lamarck 1816) [=Asterias ocellifera] SW66
         |    `--Nectriaster Clark 1946 SW66
         |         `--*N. monacanthus (Clark 1916) [=Mediaster monacanthus] SW66
         `--Pycinasterinae SW66
              |--Pycinaster Spencer 1907 [=Pycnaster Sladen 1891 non Pomel 1883] SW66
              |    `--*P. angustatus (Forbes 1848) [=Goniaster (Goniodiscus) angustatus, *Pycnaster angustatus] SW66
              `--Phocidaster Spencer 1913 SW66
                   `--*P. grandis Spencer 1913 SW66

*Type species of generic name indicated


Blake, D. B. 1987. A classification and phylogeny of post-Palaeozoic sea stars (Asteroidea: Echinodermata). Journal of Natural History 21 (2): 481-528.

[BK02] Blake, D. B, & B. S. Kues. 2002. Homeomorphy in the Asteroidea (Echinodermata); a new late Cretaceous genus and species from Colorado. Journal of Paleontology 76 (6): 1007–1013.

[E01] Eagle, M. K. 2001. A new species of Cottreauaster (Asteroidea: Echinodermata) from the Middle Jurassic of New Zealand. Records of the Auckland Museum 37: 93–100.

[FR02] Fujita, T., & F. W. E. Rowe. 2002. Podosphaerasteridae fam. nov. (Echinodermata: Asteroidea: Valvatida), with a new species, Podosphaeraster toyoshiomaruae, from southern Japan. Species Diversity 7: 317–332.

[MG-H11] McEnnulty, F. R., K. L. Gowlett-Holmes, A. Williams, F. Althaus, J. Fromont, G. C. B. Poore, T. D. O’Hara, L. Marsh, P. Kott, S. Slack-Smith, P. Alderslade & M. V. Kitahara. 2011. The deepwater megabenthic invertebrates on the western continental margin of Australia (100–1100 m depths): composition, distribution and novelty. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 80: 1–191.

[SW66] Spencer, W. K., & C. W. Wright. 1966. Asterozoans. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on invertebrate Paleontology pt U. Echinodermata 3 vol. 1 pp. U4–U107. The Geological Society of America, Inc., and The University of Kansas Press.

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