
Galaxea fascicularis, copyright David Witherall and Jacob Crabtree.

Belongs within: Hexacorallia.
Contains: Montastreinae, Faviinae.

The Faviina are a group of corals characterised by septa formed of one or more fan systems of simple or compound trabeculae, with synapticulae absent and disseptiments well developed. Septal margins are regularly dentate (Cairns 2002).

<==Faviina [Faviida]
    |--Meandrina PR72 [Meandrinidae DB07, Meandrininae]
    |    |--M. danae SC62
    |    `--M. meandrites PR72
    |--Dichocoeniinae [Trochosmilidae] PR72
    |    |--Dichocoenia stokesii PR72
    |    `--Dendrogyra cylindrus PR72
    |--Rhizangiidae C77
    |    |--Astrangia [Astrangiidae] C77
    |    |    |--A. astreiformis Milne-Edwards & Haime 1849 C77
    |    |    `--A. solitaria (Lesueur 1817) C77
    |    `--Phyllangia C77
    |         |--P. americana Milne-Edwards & Haime 1849 C77
    |         |--P. mouchezi S00
    |         `--P. papuensis Struder 1878 MG-H11
    |--Mussidae PR72
    |    |--Mussa angulosa PR72
    |    |--Isophyllastrea rigida PR72
    |    |--Mycetophyllia lamarckiana PR72
    |    |--Australomussa rowleyensis Veron 1985 M09
    |    |--Isophyllia PR72
    |    |    |--I. multiflora PR72
    |    |    `--I. sinuosa PR72
    |    |--Acanthastrea M09
    |    |    |--A. brevis Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 M09
    |    |    `--A. echinata (Dana 1846) M09
    |    |--Lobophyllia M09
    |    |    |--L. hataii Yabe & Sugiyama 1936 M09
    |    |    `--L. hemprichii (Ehrenberg 1834) M09
    |    `--Symphyllia M09
    |         |--S. agaricia Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 M09
    |         |--S. radians Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 M09
    |         |--S. recta (Dana 1846) M09
    |         `--S. valenciennesii Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 M09
    |--Oculinidae C77
    |    |--Bathelia candida SR01
    |    |--Cyathelia SR01
    |    |--Neohelia SR01
    |    |--Schizoculina africana SR01
    |    |--Sclerhelia hirtella SR01
    |    |--Lophohelia prolifera H04
    |    |--Stephanophyllia H04
    |    |    |--S. complicata H04
    |    |    `--S. elegans H04
    |    |--Oculina SR01
    |    |    |--O. diffusa Lamarck 1816 D84
    |    |    |--O. patagonica SR01
    |    |    `--O. tenella Pourtalès 1871 C77
    |    |--Madrepora MG-H11
    |    |    |--M. carolina (Pourtalès 1871) C77
    |    |    |--M. durvillei N79
    |    |    |--M. fruticosa H04
    |    |    `--M. oculata Linnaeus 1758 MG-H11
    |    `--Galaxea M09
    |         |--G. aspera B79
    |         |--G. astreata (Lamarck 1816) M09
    |         |--G. fascicularis (Linnaeus 1767) M09
    |         |--G. horrescens (Dana 1846) M09
    |         `--G. longisepta Fenner & Veron 2000 M09
    `--Faviidae M09
         |  i. s.: Amphimeandra Beauvais & Mori 1988 SR01
         |           `--A. eguchii (Mori 1963) SR01
         |         Plesiastrea versipora (Lamarck 1816) M09
         |         Caulastrea M09
         |           |--C. furcata Dana 1846 M09
         |           `--C. tumida Matthai 1928 M09
         |         Diploastrea heliopora (Lamarck 1816) M09
         |         Echinopora M09
         |           |--E. ashmorensis Veron 1990 M09
         |           |--E. gemmacea Lamarck 1816 M09
         |           |--E. hirsutissima Milne Edwards & Haime 1849 M09
         |           |--E. horrida Dana 1846 M09
         |           |--E. lamellosa (Esper 1795) M09
         |           `--E. mammiformis (Nemenzo 1959) M09
         |         Favites M09
         |           |--F. abdita (Ellis & Solander 1786) M09
         |           |--F. chinensis (Verrill 1866) M09
         |           |--F. complanata (Ehrenberg 1834) M09
         |           |--F. flexuosa (Dana 1846) M09
         |           |--F. halicora (Ehrenberg 1834) M09
         |           |--F. pentagona (Esper 1794) M09
         |           |--F. russelli (Wells 1954) M09
         |           `--F. stylifera (Yabe & Sugiyama 1937) M09
         |         Goniastrea M09
         |           |--G. aspera Verrill 1905 M09
         |           |--G. australensis (Milne Edwards & Haime 1857) M09
         |           |--G. edwardsi Chevalier 1971 M09
         |           |--G. favulus (Dana 1846) M09
         |           |--G. palauensis (Yabe & Sugiyama 1936) M09
         |           |--G. pectinata (Ehrenberg 1834) M09
         |           `--G. retiformis (Lamarck 1816) M09
         |         Leptoria phrygia (Ellis & Solander 1786) M09
         |         Oulophyllia M09
         |           |--O. bennettae (Veron & Pichon 1977) M09
         |           |--O. crispa (Lamarck 1816) M09
         |           `--O. levis (Nemenzo 1959) M09
         |         Platygyra M09
         |           |--P. daedalea (Ellis & Solander 1786) M09
         |           |--P. lamellina (Ehrenberg 1834) M09
         |           |--P. pini Chevalier 1975 M09
         |           |--P. ryukyuensis Yabe & Sugiyama 1936 M09
         |           |--P. sinensis (Milne Edwards & Haime 1849) M09
         |           `--P. verweyi Wijsman-Best 1976 M09
         |--Montastreinae PR72
         `--Faviinae PR72

*Type species of generic name indicated


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[PR72] Powers, D. A., & F. J. Rohlf. 1972. A numerical taxonomic study of Caribbean and Hawaiian reef corals. Systematic Zoology 21 (1): 53–64.

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