
Dynamene bidentata, copyright David Fenwick.

Belongs within: Sphaeromatidea.
Contains: Monolistrini.

The Sphaeromatidae are a group of marine isopods capable of rolling into a compact ball (Menzies & Kruczynski 1983). They have been divided into subfamilies based on the structure of pleopods 4 and 5, with Dynameninae and Sphaeromatinae having thickened folds and ridges on the pleopods that are absent in Cassidininae, but the monophyly of these taxa is uncertain.

Characters (from Menzies & Kruczynski 1983, as Sphaeromidae): First pleonite distinct; second to fifth fused, forming vault with pleotelson containing pleopods. Males with uropodal endopod fused to peduncle; exopod movable.

<==Sphaeromatidae [Sphaeromidae]
    |--Cassidininae BP03
    |    |  i. s.: Cassidina Milne Edwards 1840 BP03
    |    |           `--C. typa Milne Edwards 1840 BP03
    |    |         Cassidinidea Hansen 1905 BP03
    |    |           |--C. korpie Bruce 1993 BP03
    |    |           |--C. lunifrons (Richardson 1900) MK83
    |    |           `--C. ovalis (Say 1818) MK83
    |    |         Paraleptosphaeroma Buss & Iverson 1981 BP03
    |    |           |--P. brucei Kussakin & Malyutina 1993 BP03
    |    |           `--P. indica Müller 1990 BP03
    |    `--Monolistrini S86
    `--+--Dynamene Leach 1814 [Dynameninae] BP03
       |    |--D. bidentata B78
       |    |--D. bifida PP64
       |    |--D. curalii Holdich & Harrison 1980 BP03
       |    |--D. dilatata H47
       |    |--D. edwardsi BBB-S95
       |    |--D. glabra H47
       |    `--D. sheareri Hatch 1947 H47
       `--Sphaeroma Bosc 1802 [Sphaeromatinae] BP03
            |--*S. serratum (Fabricius 1787) MK83, BP03 [=Oniscus serratus MK83, Talitrus serratus L02]
            |--S. globator [=Oniscus globator] L02
            |--S. hookeri PP64
            |--S. quadridentata Say 1818 [=S. quadridentatum] MK83
            |--S. quoianum Milne Edwards 1840 BP03
            |--S. rugicauda D01
            |--S. terebrans Bate 1866 [incl. S. destructor Richardson 1897] MK83
            `--S. walkeri Stebbing 1904 MK83

Sphaeromatidae incertae sedis:
  Thermosphaeroma thermophilum S86, F01
  Gnorimosphaeroma S86
  Exosphaeroma BP03
    |--E. alba Menzies & Glynn 1968 MK83
    |--E. amplicauda (Stimpson 1857) BP03
    |--E. chilensis HS01
    |--E. crenulata (Richardson 1902) MK83
    |--E. diminuta Menzies & Frankenberg 1966 MK83
    |--E. gigas BP03
    |--E. obtusum (Dana 1853) FZA07
    |--E. oregonensis H47
    `--E. productatelson Menzies & Glynn 1968 MK83
  Cymodoce Leach 1814 MK83
    |--*C. truncata Leach 1814 MK83
    |--C. faxoni (Richardson 1905) (see below for synonymy) MK83
    |--C. japonica H47
    `--C. rubropunctata PP64
  Paradynemene benjamensis Richardson 1905 MK83
  Geocerceis barbarae Menzies & Glynn 1968 MK83
  Cerceis carinata Glynn 1970 MK83
  Discerceis linguicauda (Richardson 1901) MK83
  Paracerceis Hansen 1905 MK83
    |--*P. caudata (Say 1818) (see below for synonymy) MK83
    |--P. edithae Boone 1930 MK83
    |--P. nuttingi (Boone 1921) MK83
    `--P. sculpta (Holmes 1904) HJ08
  Dynamenella MK83
    |--D. acutitelson Menzies & Glynn 1968 MK83
    |--D. angulata (Richardson 1901) MK83
    |--D. barnardi Menzies & Glynn 1968 MK83
    |--D. dianae (Menzies 1962) MK83
    |--D. perforata (Moore 1902) [incl. D. moorei Richardson 1905] MK83
    |--D. plicatura Glynn 1970 MK83
    |--D. quadripunctata Menzies & Glynn 1968 MK83
    `--D. tumidicauda Glynn 1970 MK83
  Dies barnardi Carvacho 1977 MK83
  Paradella dianae (Menzies 1962) HJ08
  Lekanesphaera teissieri (Bocquet & Lejuez 1967) BP03
  Zuzara venosa BP03

Cymodoce faxoni (Richardson 1905) [=Exosphaeroma faxoni; incl. E. antillense Richardson 1912, E. barrerae Boone 1918] MK83

*Paracerceis caudata (Say 1818) [=Naesa caudata, Ciliceae caudata, Cymodocea caudata; incl. Cy. bermudensis Ives 1892, Dynamene bermudensis, Paracerceis tomentosa Schultz & McCloskey 1967, Exosphaeroma yucatanum Richardson 1905] MK83

*Type species of generic name indicated


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Last updated: 29 October 2017.

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