
Sporangiophores of Umbelopsis ramanniana, copyright Alena Kubátová.

Belongs within: Fungi.

The Mucorales is a clade of mesotrophic fungi supported by molecular phylogenetic analysis (Meyer & Gams 2003). Mucorales are among the most abundant micro-organisms in soil and other organic-rich environments, and include many of the most familiar mould species.

<==Mucorales [Chaetocladiaceae, Mycotyphaceae, Pilobolaceae, Radiomycetaceae, Thamnidiaceae]
    |--Umbelopsis Amos & Barnett 1966 (see below for synonymy) MG03
    |    |--+--U. vinacea (Dixon-Stew.) Arx 1984 (see below for synonymy) MG03
    |    |  `--+--+--*U. versiformis Amos & Barnett 1966 (see below for synonymy) MG03
    |    |     |  `--U. nana (Linnemann) Arx 1982 [=Mortierella nana Linnemann 1941] MG03
    |    |     `--+--U. isabellina (Oudem.) Gams in Meyer & Gams 2003 (see below for synonymy) MG03
    |    |        `--U. ovata (Yip) Yip 1986 MG03
    |    `--+--+--U. fusiformis Yip 1986 MG03
    |       |  `--+--U. swartii Yip 1986 MG03
    |       |     `--U. westeae Yip 1986 MG03
    |       `--+--U. gibberispora Sugiyama et al. 2003 MG03
    |          `--+--U. ramanniana (Möller) Gams 2003 (see below for synonymy) MG03
    |             `--+--U. angularis Gams & Sugiyama in Sugiyama et al. 2003 MG03
    |                `--U. autotrophica (Evans) Gams 2003 [=Mortierella ramanniana var. autotrophica Evans 1971] MG03
    `--Mucoraceae OL01
         |--+--+--*Spinellus fusiger OL01
         |  |  `--Phycomyces [Phycomycetaceae] OL01
         |  |       `--P. blakesleeanus OL01
         |  `--+--+--*Dichotomocladium elegans OL01
         |     |  `--Mycocladus OL01
         |     |       |--‘Absidia’ blakesleeana OL01
         |     |       `--M. corymbifera OL01 [=Absidia corymbifera (Cohn) Saccardo & Trotter 1912 MG03]
         |     `--+--+--*Protomycocladus faisalabadensis OL01
         |        |  `--+--*Thermomucor indicae-seudaticae OL01
         |        |     `--Rhizomucor OL01
         |        |          |--*R. pusillus (Lindt) Schipper 1978 OL01, MG03
         |        |          |--R. miehei SSW01
         |        |          |--R. racemosus SSW01
         |        |          `--R. variabilis SSW01
         |        `--+--Syncephalastrum OL01
         |           |    |--*S. racemosum OL01
         |           |    `--S. monosporum OL01
         |           |         |--S. m. var. monosporum LK04
         |           |         `--S. m. var. pluriproliferum LK04
         |           `--+--+--*Thamnostylum piriforme OL01
         |              |  `--*Fennellomyces linderi OL01
         |              `--+--*Zychaea mexicana OL01
         |                 `--+--*Phascolomyces articulosus OL01
         |                    `--*Circinella umbellata OL01
         `--+--+--*Radiomyces spectabilis OL01
            |  `--+--*Apophysomyces elegans OL01
            |     `--Saksenaea [Saksenaceae] OL01
            |          `--*S. vasiformis OL01
            `--+--+--+--*Gongronella butleri OL01
               |  |  `--*Hesseltinella vesiculosa OL01
               |  `--+--Cunninghamella [Cunninghamellaceae, Cunninghamellales] OL01
               |     |    |--*C. echinulata OL01
               |     |    |--C. bertholletiae SSW01
               |     |    |--C. elegans SSW01
               |     |    `--C. polymorpha SSW01
               |     `--+--*Halteromyces radiatus OL01
               |        `--+--*Chlamydoabsidia padenii OL01
               |           `--Absidia OL01
               |                |--*A. repens OL01
               |                |--A. coerulea SSW01
               |                `--A. glauca OL01
               `--+--+--‘Rhizopus’ oligosporus OL01 [=R. microsporus var. oligosporus LK04]
                  |  `--+--*Amylomyces rouxii OL01
                  |     `--+--*Sporodiniella umbellata OL01
                  |        `--+--*Syzygites megalocarpus OL01
                  |           `--Rhizopus OL01
                  |                |--*R. stolonifer OL01
                  |                |--R. arrhizus C-OE-PG-C91
                  |                |--R. nigricans PHK96
                  |                |--R. oryzae SSW01
                  |                `--R. thailandensis C-OE-PG-C91
                  `--+--+--*Backusella circina OL01
                     |  `--‘Mucor’ recurvus OL01
                     |       |--M. r. var. recurvus LK04
                     |       `--M. r. var. indicus LK04
                     `--+--+--*Utharomyces epallocaulus OL01
                        |  `--Pilobolus umbonatus OL01
                        `--+--+--Gilbertella [Gilbertellaceae] OL01
                           |  |    `--*G. persicaria OL01
                           |  `--Choanephoraceae OL01
                           |       |--Choanephora cucurbitarum OL01
                           |       `--+--*Blakeslea trispora OL01
                           |          `--*Poitrasia circinans OL01
                           `--+--Mycotypha OL01
                              |    |--*M. microspora OL01
                              |    `--M. africana OL01
                              `--+--*Kirkomyces cordense OL01
                                 `--+--+--*Cokeromyces recurvatus OL01
                                    |  `--*Benjaminiella poitrasii OL01
                                    `--+--+--*Actinomucor elegans OL01
                                       |  `--*Hyphomucor assamensis OL01
                                       `--+--+--*Dicranophora fulva OL01
                                          |  `--*Zygorhynchus heterogamus OL01
                                          `--+--+--*Parasitella parasitica OL01
                                             |  `--+--‘Mucor’ racemosus Fresen. 1850 OL01, MG03
                                             |     `--+--*Ellisomyces anomalus OL01
                                             |        `--+--‘Backusella’ ctenidia OL01
                                             |           `--‘Mucor’ circinelloides OL01
                                             |                |--M. c. f. circinelloides MG03
                                             |                |--M. c. f. janssenii (Lendn.) Schipper 1976 MG03
                                             |                `--M. c. f. lusitanicus OL01
                                             `--+--Chaetocladium OL01
                                                |    |--*C. jonesii OL01
                                                |    `--C. brefeldii OL01
                                                `--+--*Pilaira anomala OL01
                                                   `--+--+--*Pirella circinans OL01
                                                      |  `--+--*Helicostylum elegans OL01
                                                      |     `--*Thamnidium elegans OL01
                                                      `--Mucor OL01
                                                           |--*M. mucedo OL01
                                                           |--M. amphibiorum SSW01
                                                           |--M. hiemalis SSW01
                                                           |--M. pusillus PHK96
                                                           |--M. ramosissimus SSW01
                                                           `--M. rouxii PHK96

Umbelopsis Amos & Barnett 1966 [incl. Mortierella subg. Micromucor Gams 1977, Micromucor (Gams) von Arx 1984 non Malchevskaya 1939 (nom. inv.); Umbelopsidaceae] MG03

Umbelopsis isabellina (Oudem.) Gams in Meyer & Gams 2003 [=Mortierella isabellina Oudem. 1902, Micromucor isabellinus (Oudem.) Arx 1984] MG03

Umbelopsis ramanniana (Möller) Gams in Meyer & Gams 2003 [=Mucor ramannianus Möller 1903, *Micromucor ramannianus (Möller) Arx 1984, Mortierella ramanniana] MG03

*Umbelopsis versiformis Amos & Barnett 1966 [incl. Mortierella roseonana Gams & Gleeson 1976, U. roseonana (Gams &  Gleeson) Arx 1984] MG03

Umbelopsis vinacea (Dixon-Stew.) Arx 1984 [=Mortierella vinacea; incl. U. multispora Watanabe 1977, Micromucor ramannianus var. angulisporus Naumov ex Váňová 1991, Mortierella ramanniana var. angulispora, Mucor angulisporus Naumov 1935 (nom. inv.)] MG03

*Type species of generic name indicated


[C-OE0PG-C91] Casasolas-Oliver, A., A. Estrada-Peña & J. Gonzalez-Cabo. 1991. Activity of Rhizopus thailandensis, Rhizopus arrhizus and Curvularia lunata on reproductive efficacy of Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Ixodidae). In Dusbábek, F. & V. Bukva (eds) Modern Acarology: Proceedings of the VIII International Congress of Acarology, held in České Budĕjovice, Czechoslovakia, 6–11 August 1990 vol. 2 pp. 633-637. SPB Academic Publishing: The Hague.

[LK04] Lutzoni, F., F. Kauff, C. J. Cox, D. McLaughlin, G. Celio, B. Dentinger, M. Padamsee, D. Hibbett, T. Y. James, E. Baloch, M. Grube, V. Reeb, V. Hofstetter, C. Schoch, A. E. Arnold, J. Miadlikowska, J. Spatafora, D. Johnson, S. Hambleton, M. Crockett, R. Shoemaker, G.-H. Sung, R. Lücking, T. Lumbsch, K. O'Donnell, M. Binder, P. Diederich, D. Ertz, C. Gueidan, K. Hansen, R. C. Harris, K. Hosaka, Y.-W. Lim, B. Matheny, H. Nishida, D. Pfister, J. Rogers, A. Rossman, I. Schmitt, H. Sipman, J. Stone, J. Sugiyama, R. Yahr & R. Vilgalys. 2004. Assembling the fungal tree of life: progress, classification, and evolution of subcellular traits. American Journal of Botany 91 (10): 1446-1480.

[MG03] Meyer, W., & W. Gams. 2003. Delimitation of Umbelopsis (Mucorales, Umbelopsidaceae fam. nov.) based on ITS sequence and RFLP data. Mycological Research 107 (3): 339-350.

[OL01] O’Donnell, K., F. M. Lutzoni, T. J. Ward & G. L. Benny. 2001. Evolutionary relationships among mucoralean fungi (Zygomycota): Evidence for family polyphyly on a large scale. Mycologia 93 (2): 286-297.

[PHK96] Prescott, L. M., J. P. Harley & D. A. Klein. 1996. Microbiology (3rd ed.) Wm. C. Brown Publishers: Dubuque (Iowa).

[SSW01] Schüßler, A., D. Schwarzott & C. Walker. 2001. A new fungal phylum, the Glomeromycota: Phylogeny and evolution. Mycological Research 105 (12): 1413-1421.

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