
Leptolobium dasycarpum, copyright Mauricio Mercadante.

Belongs within: Papilionoideae.

The Leptolobieae are a group of trees found in Neotropical rainforests and savannahs (Cardoso et al. 2013).

Synapomorphies (from Cardoso et al. 2013): Subequal and symmetric lower petals (wings and keel), lateral petals (wings) without sculpturing, staminal filaments free to the base, compressed samaroid fruits with a narrow marginal wing.

<==Leptolobieae CP13
    |--+--Bowdichia CP13
    |  |    |--B. nitida CP13
    |  |    `--B. virgiloides CP13
    |  `--Leptolobium CP13
    |       |--+--L. bijugum CP13
    |       |  `--L. brachystachyum CP13
    |       `--+--L. panamense CP13
    |          |--L. parvifolium CP13
    |          `--+--L. dasycarpum CP13
    |             |--L. elegans CP13
    |             |--L. nitens CP13
    |             `--L. tenuifolium CP13
    `--+--+--Guianodendron praeclarum CP13
       |  `--Staminodianthus CP13
       |       |--S. racemosus CP13
       |       `--+--S. duckei CP13
       |          `--S. rosae CP13
       `--Diplotropis CP13
            |--D. martiusii CP13
            `--+--D. brasiliensis CP13
               |--D. purpurea CP13
               `--+--D. triloba CP13
                  `--+--D. ferruginea CP13
                     `--D. incexis CP13

*Type species of generic name indicated


[CP13] Cardoso, D., R. T. Pennington, L. P. de Queiroz, J. S. Boatwright, B.-E. Van Wyk, M. F. Wojciechowski & M. Lavin. 2013. Reconstructing the deep-branching relationships of the papilionoid legumes. South African Journal of Botany 89: 58–75.

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