
Emmesomyia socia, copyright James K. Lindsey.

Belongs within: Calyptratae.
Contains: Myopinini, Hydrophoriini, Eutrichota, Scathophagidae, Mycophagini, Fucelliinae, Eglini, Hylemya, Phorbia, Pegomya, Anthomyia, Acyglossini.

The Anthomyiidae are a group of small to moderately sized flies that are commonly associated with flowers and may play a significant role as pollinators. Most anthomyiids can be recognised by the presence of a cluster of hairs on the underside of the scutellum, and a faint extension of vein A1 to the wing margin (Michelsen 2010).

Characters (from Michelsen 2010): Small to medium-sized muscoid flies, wing length 2.2–10 mm. Commonly strongly sexually dimorphic. Male abdomen usually slender and parallel-sided, cylindrical to strongly depressed with prominent U-shaped sternite 5. Ground colour of head, body and appendages often wholly or predominantly brownish-black, but shades of amber, orange-red or yellow occuring frequently, especially on frontal vitta, antenna, palpus, legs and abdomen. More or less intense layer of whitish-grey to dark brown pruinosity covering most body parts, often resulting in pattern of dark stripes, markings or bands on dorsum of thorax and abdomen; patterns often only clearly visible from certain angles of view. Pair of inclinate frontal setae usually present on frontal vitta of females and broad-fronted males. Katepisternal setae 0–2 + 1–3; meron bares, exceptionally with some irregular setulae, never with row of setae. Ventral tip of scutellum usually with ventral hairs or fine setae (occasionally absent). Basitarsus of hind leg with oustanding ventrobasal setula. M1 not strongly curved or angled forward on distal part; vein A1 usually traceable to margin of wing. Upper and lower calypters usually forming subequal, modest-sized lobes but exceptionally lower calypter strongly reduced.

<==Anthomyiidae [Anthomyinae, Anthomyiinae, Hylemyinae, Pegomyinae, Pegomyini] M10
    |--+--Myopinini KP10
    |  `--+--Hydrophoriini KP10
    |     `--Acridomyia Stackelberg 1929 [Acridomyiini] F92
    |          |--*A. sacharovi Stackelberg 1929 F92
    |          `--A. canadensis H87
    `--+--+--‘Hylemya’ variata KP10
       |  `--+--Eutrichota KP10
       |     `--Emmesomyia Malloch 1917 KP10, F92 [incl. Neopegomyia Malloch 1929 F92]
       |          |--‘Spilogaster’ socialis Stein 1898 [incl. *Emmesomyia unica Malloch 1917] F92
       |          |--E. dorsalis (Stein 1915) [=Pegomyia dorsalis] F92
       |          |--E. flavitarsis Suwa 1974 F92
       |          |--E. grisea (Robineau-Desvoidy 1830) [=Phorbia grisea] F92
       |          |--E. hasegawai Suwa 1979 F92
       |          |--E. kempi (Brunetti 1924) [=Pegomyia kempi] F92
       |          |--E. mjegastigmata Ma, Mou & Fan 1982 F92
       |          |--E. oriens Suwa 1974 F92
       |          |--E. ovata (Stein 1915) [=Pegomyia ovata] F92
       |          |--E. socia F92
       |          |    |--E. s. socia F92
       |          |    `--E. s. suwai Ge & Fan 1988 F92
       |          `--E. subvillica Fan, Ma & Mou 1982 F92
       `--+--+--Scathophagidae KP10
          |  `--+--Mycophagini KP10
          |     `--Hydromyza KP10
          |          |--H. confluens KP10
          |          `--H. livens KP10
          `--+--+--Fucelliinae KP10
             |  `--Eglini KP10
             `--+--Hylemyini F92
                |    |--Hylemya KP10
                |    |--Phorbia F92
                |    |--Heterostylodes Hennig 1967 [incl. Heterostylus Schnabl & Dziedicki 1911 non Faust 1890] F92
                |    |    |--*H. pratensis (Meigen 1826) [=Anthomyia pratensis] F92
                |    |    `--H. pilifera F92
                |    `--Sinohylemya Hsue 1980 F92
                |         |--*S. ctenocnema Hsue 1980 F92
                |         `--S. craspedodonta Hsue 1980 F92
                `--+--+--Pegomya KP10
                   |  `--Anthomyia KP10
                   `--+--Acyglossini KP10
                      `--Hyporitini F92
                           |--Hyporites Pokorny 1893 F92
                           |    |--*H. montana (Schiner 1862) [=Eriphia montana] F92
                           |    `--H. shakshain Suwa 1974 F92
                           `--Engyneura Stein 1907 F92
                                |--*E. setigera Stein 1907 F92
                                |--E. curvostylata Fan & Chen 1980 F92
                                |--E. gracilior Fan & Zhong 1980 F92
                                |--E. leptinostylata Fan, Van & Ma 1980 F92
                                `--E. pilipes Stein 1907 F92

Anthomyiidae incertae sedis:
  Protanthomyia minuta GE05
  Coenosopsia M10
    |--C. mexicana M10
    `--C. prima M10
  Prosalpia silvestris K01
  Hammomyia BM76
    |--H. grisea BM76
    `--H. sociata BM76
  Chortophila K01
    |--C. cilicrura [incl. Anthomyia rubifrons Bigot 1885, A. rubrifrons ms, A. sanctijacobi Bigot 1885] H72
    |--C. cinerella [incl. C. pusilla] K01
    |--C. curvicauda K01
    |--C. discreta K01
    |--C. impudica K01
    |--C. lepida K01
    |--C. longula K01
    |--C. rupicapra R13
    `--C. sepia K01
  Phaonantho mallochi M10
  Taeniomyia [incl. Anthojuba] M10
  Myopinella Michelsen 2010 [=Myopella Malloch 1934 non Robineau-Desvoidy 1853] M10
    `--*M. appendiculata (Stein 1904) [=Myopina appendiculata, *Myopella appendiculata] M10
  Eremomyioides H87
  Macrophorbia houghi H87
  Anthomyiella pratincola H87
  Proboscimyia brevis H87
  Ganperdea H87
  Macateeia H87
    |--M. atra H87
    `--M. protuberans H87
  Erioischia brassicae RD77

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BM76] Bohart, R. M., & A. S. Menke. 1976. Sphecid Wasps of the World. University of California Press: Berkeley.

[F92] Fan Z. 1992. Key to the Common Flies of China 2nd ed. Science Press: Beijing.

[GE05] Grimaldi, D., & M. S. Engel. 2005. Evolution of the Insects. Cambridge University Press: New York.

[H72] Huckett, H. C. 1972. Notes on Bigot's North American type-specimens at the University Museum, Oxford (Diptera: Anthomyiidae, Muscidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist 48 (2): 81–85.

[H87] Huckett, H. C. 1987. Anthomyiidae. In: McAlpine, J. F. (ed.) Manual of Nearctic Diptera vol. 2 pp. 1099–1114. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada.

[K01] Kertész, K. 1901. Legyek [Dipteren]. In: Horváth, G. (ed.) Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazása [Dritte Asiatische Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] vol. 2. Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazásának Állattani Eredményei [Zoologische Ergebnisse der Dritten Asiatischen Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] pp. 179–201. Victor Hornyánszky: Budapest, and Karl W. Hierseman: Leipzig.

[KP10] Kutty, S. N., T. Pape, B. M. Wiegmann & R. Meier. 2010. Molecular phylogeny of the Calyptratae (Diptera: Cyclorrhapha) with an emphasis on the superfamily Oestroidea and the position of Mystacinobiidae and McAlpine's fly. Systematic Entomology 35: 614–635.

[M10] Michelsen, V. 2010. Anthomyiidae (anthomyiid flies). In: Brown, B. V., A. Borkent, J. M. Cumming, D. M. Wood, N. E. Woodley & M. A. Zumbado (eds) Manual of Central American Diptera vol. 2 pp. 1271–1276. NRC Research Press: Ottawa.

[R13] Reuter, O. M. 1913. Lebensgewohnheiten und Instinkte der Insekten bis zum Erwachen der sozialen Instinkte. R. Friedländer & Sohn: Berlin.

[RD77] Richards, O. W., & R. G. Davies. 1977. Imms' General Textbook of Entomology 10th ed. vol. 2. Classification and Biology. Chapman and Hall: London.

Last updated: 7 July 2021.

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