
Female Glypta, copyright Tom Murray.

Belongs within: Ichneumonidae.

The Glyptini are a group of ichneumon wasps characterised by the presence of distinct oblique impressions on the second abdominal tergite; further impressions may also be present on the third and fourth tergites (Gauld 1984).

Characters (from Gauld 1984): Mandible simply bidentate, upper tooth not or only slightly broader than lower; propodeum usually with anterior transverse carina present, posterior transverse carina present or more usually weak; hind wing with cu-a at most 1.5 times as long as first abscissa of Cu1; tergite 2 and often also 3 with weak to strong oblique impressions.

<==Glyptini G84
    |--Levibasis G84
    |--Apophua Morley 1913 G84
    |    `--*A. carinata G84
    |--Australoglypta Gauld 1977 G84
    |    `--*A. latrobei G84
    `--Glypta Gravenhorst 1829 (see below for synonymy) G84
         |--*G. sculpturata G84
         |--G. bicornis [=*Diblastomorpha bicornis] G84
         |--‘Pimpla’ ceratites [=*Conoblasta ceratites] G84
         |--G. erythrogaster Lucas 1849 E12
         |--‘Conoblasta’ fronticornis MS01
         |--*Hemiephialtes’ glyptus G84
         |--G. mensurator MS01
         |--G. monstrosa [=G. (*Foveoglypta) monstrosa] G84
         `--G. rufiscutellaris G84

Glypta Gravenhorst 1829 [incl. Conoblasta Foerster 1869, Diblastomorpha Foerster 1869, Foveoglypta Hellén 1915, Hemiephialtes Ashmead 1906] G84

*Type species of generic name indicated


[E12] Evenhuis, N. L. 2012. Publication and dating of the Exploration Scientifique de l'Algérie: Histoire Naturelle des Animaux Articulés (1846–1849) by Pierre Hippolyte Lucas. Zootaxa 3448: 1–61.

[G84] Gauld, I. D. 1984. An Introduction to the Ichneumonidae of Australia. British Museum (Natural History).

[MS01] Mocsáry, A., & V. Szépligeti. 1901. Hymenopterák [Hymenopteren]. In: Horváth, G. (ed.) Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazása [Dritte Asiatische Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] vol. 2. Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazásának Állattani Eredményei [Zoologische Ergebnisse der Dritten Asiatischen Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] pp. 121–169. Victor Hornyánszky: Budapest, and Karl W. Hierseman: Leipzig.

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