Belongs within: Apiformes.
Contains: Leioproctus.
The Colletinae are a group of short-tongued bees that carry pollen externally on the scopa (Michener 1965).
Characters (from Michener 1965): Relatively hairy forms, females with scopa; antenna with first flagellar segment shorter than scape; glossa truncate or bilobed; pre-episternal groove usually extending well below scrobal groove.
<==Colletinae E01
|--Colletes Latreille 1802 L02 [Colletini E01]
| |--*C. succinta [=Apis succinta; incl. Hylaeus glutinosus] L02
| |--C. clypeatus Mocsáry in Mocsáry & Szépligeti 1901 MS01
| |--C. cunicularius PK17
| |--C. davesianus MS01
| |--C. fodiens MS01
| `--C. occidentalis R35
`--Paracolletini [Lonchopriinae, Paracolletinae] E01
|--Leioproctus M65
|--Eulonchopria M65
|--Hexantheda M65
|--Tetraglossula M65
|--Scrapter [incl. Strandiella] M65
|--Hesperocolletes Michener 1965 M65
| `--*H. douglasi Michener 1965 M65
|--Neopasiphae Perkins 1912 [Neopasiphaeinae] M65
| |--*N. mirabilis Perkins 1912 [incl. N. insignis Rayment 1930] M65
| `--N. simplicior Michener 1965 M65
|--Callomelitta Smith 1853 [incl. Binghamiella Cockerell 1907, Pachyodonta Rayment 1954] M65
| |--*C. picta Smith 1853 M65
| |--C. antipodes (Smith 1853) [=Sphecodes antipodes, *Binghamiella antipodes, S. antipus Sichel 1865] M65
| |--C. chlorura Cockerell 1929 M65
| |--C. cyanescens Friese 1924 M65
| |--C. fulvicornis (Rayment 1954) [=Binghamiella (*Pachyodonta) fulvicornis] M65
| |--C. insularis (Cockerell 1914) M65 [=Binghamiella antipodes insularis R35]
| |--C. littleri Cockerell 1914 M65
| |--C. nigra (Rayment 1929) M65 [=Binghamiella antipodes var. nigra R35]
| |--C. nigriventris Friese 1924 M65
| |--C. nigrofasciata Cockerell 1918 M65
| |--C. perpicta Cockerell 1910 M65 [=C. picta perpicta R35]
| |--C. rugosa (Cockerell 1915) M65
| |--C. turnerorum Cockerell 1910 M65
| `--C. wilsoni Cockerell 1929 M65 [=C. picta var. wilsoni R35]
|--Trichocolletes Cockerell 1912 M65
| |--T. (Trichocolletes) M65
| | |--*T. (T.) venustus (Smith 1862) M65 [=Lamprocolletes venustus M65, Paracolletes venustus R35]
| | |--T. (T.) aureotinctus (Cockerell 1906) [=Anthoglossa aureotincta] M65
| | |--T. (T.) burnsi Michener 1965 M65
| | |--T. (T.) chrysostomus (Cockerell 1929) [=Paracolletes chrysostomus] M65
| | |--T. (T.) daviesiae Rayment 1931 M65
| | |--T. (T.) dives (Cockerell 1914) [=Anthoglossa dives] M65
| | |--T. (T.) dowerinensis Rayment 1931 M65
| | |--T. (T.) erythrurus (Cockerell 1914) [=Paracolletes erythrurus] M65
| | |--T. (T.) hackeri (Cockerell 1913) [=Anthoglossa hackeri] M65
| | |--T. (T.) latifrons (Cockerell 1914) [=Paracolletes latifrons] M65
| | |--T. (T.) lucidus (Cockerell 1929) [=Paracolletes lucidus] M65
| | |--T. (T.) marginatulus Michener 1965 M65
| | |--T. (T.) marginatus (Smith 1879) M65 [=Paracolletes marginatus M65, Anthoglossa marginata R35]
| | |--T. (T.) maximus (Cockerell 1929) [=Paracolletes maximus] M65
| | |--T. (T.) nigroclypeatus Rayment 1929 M65
| | |--T. (T.) rufibasis (Cockerell 1929) [=Paracolletes rufibasis] M65
| | |--T. (T.) rufopilosus (Rayment 1935) [=Paracolletes rufopilosus] M65
| | |--T. (T.) rufus (Rayment 1930) [=Paracolletes rufus] M65
| | |--T. (T.) sericeus (Smith 1862) [=Anthoglossa sericea] M65
| | `--T. (T.) tenuiculus Rayment 1931 M65
| `--T. (Callocolletes Michener 1965) M65
| `--T. (*C.) pulcherrimus Michener 1965 M65
`--Paracolletes Smith 1853 M65
| i. s.: P. bicolor R35
| P. bimaculatus R35
| P. carinatus R35
| P. flavorufus R35
| P. fulvescens R35
| P. metallicus R35
| P. paradoxus R55
| P. punctatus R35
| P. ruficornis (Smith 1879) R35
|--P. (Paracolletes) M65
| |--*P. (P.) crassipes Smith 1853 M65
| |--P. (P.) australis Friese 1924 M65
| |--P. (P.) brevicornis (Smith 1854) [=Tetralonia australis] M65
| |--P. (P.) convictus (Cockerell 1909) [=Tetralonia convicta] M65
| |--P. (P.) fervidus Smith 1879 M65
| |--P. (P.) leptospermi Cockerell 1912 M65
| |--P. (P.) rebellis Cockerell 1912 M65
| |--P. (P.) subfuscus Cockerell 1906 M65
| `--P. (P.) submacrodontus Rayment 1934 [=Stenotritus submacrodontus] M65
`--P. (Anthoglossa Smith 1853) M65
|--P. (*A.) plumatus (Smith 1853) [=*Anthoglossa plumata] M65
|--P. (A.) callander Cockerell 1915 M65
|--P. (A.) cygni (Cockerell 1904) [=Anthoglossa cygni] M65
|--P. (A.) montanus Rayment 1935 M65
|--P. (A.) nigrocinctus Cockerell 1914 M65
|--P. (A.) rubellus (Smith 1868) [=Lamprocolletes rubellus; incl. P. frederici (Cockerell 1905)] M65
|--P. (A.) robustus Cockerell 1929 M65
|--P. (A.) tenuicinctus Cockerell 1914 M65
`--P. (A.) vittatus (Rayment 1931) [=Anthoglossa vittata] M65
*Type species of generic name indicated
[E01] Engel, M. S. 2001. A monograph of the Baltic amber bees and evolution of the Apoidea (Hymenoptera). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 259: 1–192.
[L02] Latreille, P. A. 1802. Histoire Naturelle des Fourmis, et recueil de mémoires et d'observations sur les abeilles, les araignées, les faucheurs, et autres insectes. Théophile Barrois père: Paris.
[M65] Michener, C. D. 1965. A classification of the bees of the Australian and South Pacific regions. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 130: 1–362.
[MS01] Mocsáry, A., & V. Szépligeti. 1901. Hymenopterák [Hymenopteren]. In: Horváth, G. (ed.) Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazása [Dritte Asiatische Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] vol. 2. Zichy Jenő Gróf Harmadik Ázsiai Utazásának Állattani Eredményei [Zoologische Ergebnisse der Dritten Asiatischen Forschungsreise des Grafen Eugen Zichy] pp. 121–169. Victor Hornyánszky: Budapest, and Karl W. Hierseman: Leipzig.
[PK17] Peters, R. S., L. Krogmann, C. Mayer, A. Donath, S. Gunkel, K. Meusemann, A. Kozlov, L. Podsiadlowski, M. Petersen, R. Lanfear, P. A. Diez, J. Heraty, K. M. Kjer, S. Klopfstein, R. Meier, C. Polidori, T. Schmitt, S. Liu, X. Zhou, T. Wappler, J. Rust, B. Misof & O. Niehuis. 2017. Evolutionary history of the Hymenoptera. Current Biology 27 (7): 1013–1018.
[R35] Rayment, T. 1935. A Cluster of Bees: Sixty essays on the life-histories of Australian bees, with specific descriptions of over 100 new species. Endeavour Press: Sydney.
[R55] Rayment, T. 1955. Taxonomy, morphology and biology of sericophorine wasps with diagnoses of two new genera and descriptions of forty new species and six sub-species. Memoirs of the National Museum, Melbourne 19: 1–95.
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