
Micropeuce feredayae, from Phycologia Australica.

Belongs within: Rhodomelaceae.

The Lophothalieae are a Group of Rhodomelaceae characterised by the presence of persistent, rhodoplastic trichoblasts close to axis apices.

Characters (from Womersley 2003): Thallus erect, radially branched, branches clothed with rhodoplastic trichoblasts (usually persistent) developed on successive segments, spirally arranged; pericentral cells 4–7, ecorticate or becoming heavily corticated, in some genera with adventitious monosiphonous filaments from the pericentral or cortical cells. Structure monopodial, with trichoblasts produced close to apices, simple or branched with non-adherent or rarely adherent walls just above the branchings; adventitious filaments simple or branched, arising from pericentral or cortical cells, similar to trichoblasts in dimensions; pericentral cells formed in alternating sequence, undivided or divided in a few species. Gametophytes dioecious. Procarps borne at base of trichoblasts, on the last formed of five pericentral cells, which cuts off a single group or two groups of sterile cells and a four-celled carpogonial branch. Carposporophytes with a basal fusion cell and branched gonimoblast with terminal carposporangia, usually replaced from lower cells. Cystocarps ovoid or urceolate, ostiolate, with cells of the erect filaments producing two outer cells, corticated or not. Spermatangial organs borne as a branch of trichoblasts, axial cells with three pericentral cells producing a layer of initials and outer layer of spermatangia. Tetrasporangia occur in lesser branches bearing trichoblasts or in discrete stichidia borne on the trichoblasts or adventitious filaments, with 4–5 pericentral cells, one, or two opposite ones, becoming fertile; tetrasporangia single, either in a longitudinal line or spirally arranged, or paired and opposite, pairs decussate, with two pre-sporangial and in most genera also one post-sporangial cover cells.

    |--+--Murrayella Schmitz 1893 P01, FT93
    |  |    `--M. periclados P01
    |  `--Lophothalia (Harvey) Kützing 1849 P01, W03 [=Dasya subg. Lophothalia Harvey 1847 W03]
    |       |--*L. verticillata (Harvey) Kützing 1849 [=Dasya verticillata Harvey 1844] W03
    |       `--L. hormoclados (Agardh) Agardh 1890 (see below for synonymy) W03
    `--Brongniartelleae P01
         |--Brongniartella Bory de St-Vincent 1822 W03
         |    |--B. byssoides (Goodenough & Woodward) Schmitz 1893 [incl. *B. elegans Bory de St-Vincent 1822] W03
         |    `--B. australis (Agardh) Schmitz 1893 (see below for synonymy) W03
         `--Micropeuce Agardh 1899 P01, W03
              |--M. feredayae (Harvey) Kylin ex Silva in Silva et al. 1996 (see below for synonymy) W03
              |--M. glomerulifera Womersley & Parsons in Womersley 2003 W03
              |--M. mucronata W03
              |--M. proxima (Harvey) Womersley & Parsons in Womersley 2003 [=Dasya proxima Harvey 1855] W03
              |--M. sarcocaulon (Harvey) Kylin ex Silva in Silva et al. 1996 (see below for synonymy) W03
              `--M. setosus W03

Lophothalieae incertae sedis:
  Holotrichia Schmitz in Schmitz & Falkenberg 1897 W03
    `--*H. comosa (Harvey) Schmitz in Schmitz & Falkenberg 1897 [=Alsidium comosum Harvey 1863] W03
  Erythrostachys White in Ewart et al. 1912 [=Rhodolophia Kylin 1956] W03
    `--E. strobilifera (Agardh) Womersley & Parsons in Womersley 2003 (see below for synonymy) W03
  Gonatogenia Agardh 1896 [incl. Maschalostroma Schmitz in Schmitz & Falkenberg 1897] W03
    `--*G. subulata Agardh 1896 (see below for synonymy) W03
  Veleroa Dawson 1944 [incl. Thaumatella Kylin 1956] W03
    |--*V. subulata Dawson 1944 W03
    `--V. adunca (Agardh) Womersley & Parsons in Womersley 2003 (see below for synonymy) W03
  Haplodasya Falkenberg in Schmitz & Falkenberg 1897 W03
    |--H. urceolata (Harvey) Parsons 1975 (see below for synonymy) W03
    `--H. tomentosa Parsons 1975 W03
  Doxodasya (Schmitz) Falkenberg 1901 [=Lophothalia subg. Doxodasya Schmitz 1893] W03
    |--*D. bolbochaete (Harvey) Falkenberg 1901 (see below for synonymy) W03
    |--D. hirta (Agardh) Womersley & Parsons in Womersley 2003 [=Dasya hirta Agardh 1894] W03
    |--D. lanuginosa (Agardh) Falkenberg 1901 [=Lophothalia lanuginosa Agardh 1890] W03
    `--D. lenormandiana (Agardh) Schmitz 1893 (see below for synonymy) W03
  Lophocladia Schmitz 1893 W03
    |--*L. trichoclados (Agardh) Schmitz 1893 W03
    |--L. japonica W03
    |--L. kipukaia W03
    |--L. kuetzingii (Kuntze) Silva in Silva et al. 1996 (see below for synonymy) W03
    |--L. lallemandii W03
    `--L. minima W03
  Endosiphonia Zanardini 1878 [incl. Spirocladia Børgesen 1933] W03
    |--E. spinulosa (Harvey) Womersley & Parsons in Womersley 2003 (see below for synonymy) W03
    |--*Spirocladia’ barodensis W03
    |--E. clavigera W03
    |--‘Spirocladia’ hodgsoniae W03
    |--‘Spirocladia’ loochooensis (Yendo) Yoshida 1989 W03
    `--‘Spirocladia’ minor Nasr 1939 W03

Brongniartella australis (Agardh) Schmitz 1893 [=Cladostephus australis Agardh 1824, Bindera australis (Agardh) Trevisan 1845, Griffithsia australis (Agardh) Agardh 1828, Lophothalia australis (Agardh) Agardh 1890, Polysiphonia australis (Agardh) Agardh 1863, Vertebrata australis (Agardh) Kuntze 1891; incl. Polysiphonia byssoclados Harvey 1844, Bindera cladostephus Decaisne 1842, P. cladostephus Montagne 1843, Brongniartella australis f. recurva Parsons 1980] W03

*Doxodasya bolbochaete (Harvey) Falkenberg 1901 [=Dasya bolbochaete Harvey 1844, Lophothalia bolbochaete (Harvey) Agardh 1890; incl. Polysiphonia longissima Agardh 1896] W03

Doxodasya lenormandiana (Agardh) Schmitz 1893 [=Dasya lenormandiana Agardh 1863, Lophothalia lenormandiana (Agardh) Agardh 1890] W03

Endosiphonia spinulosa (Harvey) Womersley & Parsons in Womersley 2003 [=Alsidium spinulosum Harvey 1855, Rhodomela spinulosa (Harvey) Harvey 1860, Rytiphlaea spinulosa (Harvey) Silva in Silva et al. 1996; incl. Ry. aculeata Agardh ex Agardh 1841 (n. n.), *Endosiphonia spinuligera Zanardini 1878] W03

Erythrostachys strobilifera (Agardh) Womersley & Parsons in Womersley 2003 [=Lophothalia strobilifera Agardh 1890, Brongniartella strobilifera (Agardh) Schmitz 1893, *Erythrostachys prolifera White in Ewart et al. 1912, *Rhodolophia strobilifera (Agardh) Kylin 1956] W03

*Gonatogenia subulata Agardh 1896 [incl. Alsidium comosum f. denudatum, *Maschalostroma fastigiatum Falkenberg ex Schmitz & Falkenberg 1897 (n. n.), M. scoparium Schmitz ex Hauptfleisch 1897] W03

Haplodasya urceolata (Harvey) Parsons 1975 [=Dasya urceolata Harvey ex Agardh 1863; incl. *H. reinboldii Falkenberg ex Schmitz & Falkenberg 1897, Sarcomenia rhizocarpa Harvey 1863] W03

Lophocladia kuetzingii (Kuntze) Silva in Silva et al. 1996 [=Baillouviana kuetzingii Kuntze 1891; incl. Dasya lallemandii var. gracilis Agardh 1863, Dasya harveyi Kützing 1864 (nom. illeg.), Lophocladia harveyi Schmitz 1893] W03

Lophothalia hormoclados (Agardh) Agardh 1890 [=Dasya hormoclados Agardh 1841, Eupogonium hormoclados (Agardh) Kützing 1849] W03

Micropeuce feredayae (Harvey) Kylin ex Silva in Silva et al. 1996 [=Dasya feredayae Harvey 1859, Brongniartella feredayae (Harvey) Schmitz 1893, Lophothalia feredayae (Harvey) Agardh 1890; incl. Dasya feredayae var. contractior Agardh 1863, *Micropeuce strobiliferum Agardh 1899] W03

Micropeuce sarcocaulon (Harvey) Kylin ex Silva in Silva et al. 1996 [=Dasya sarcocaulon Harvey 1863, Brongniartella sarcocaulon (Harvey) Schmitz 1893, Lophothalia sarcocaulon (Harvey) Agardh 1890] W03

Veleroa adunca (Agardh) Womersley & Parsons in Womersley 2003 [=Dasya adunca Agardh 1890; incl. Brongniartella disticha Falkenberg 1901, Thaumatella disticha (Falkenberg) Kylin 1956] W03

*Type species of generic name indicated


[FT93] Fensome, R. A., F. J. R. Taylor, G. Norris, W. A. S. Sarjeant, D. I. Wharton & G. L. Williams. 1993. A classification of living and fossil dinoflagellates. Micropaleontology Special Publication 7: i–viii, 1–351.

[P01] Phillips, L. E. 2001. Morphology and molecular analysis of the Australasian monotypic genera Lembergia and Sonderella (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta), with a description of the tribe Sonderelleae trib. nov. Phycologia 40 (5): 487–499.

[W03] Womersley, H. B. S. 2003. The Marine Benthic Flora of southern Australia. Rhodophyta pt IIID. Ceramiales—Delesseriaceae, Sarcomeniaceae, Rhodomelaceae. Flora of Australia Supplementary Series 18. Australian Biological Resources Study: Canberra, and the State Herbarium of South Australia: Adelaide.

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