
Phreatoicus typicus, copyright NIWA.

Belongs within: Eumalacostraca.

The Phreatoicidea are a group of isopods currently found in Australasia, India and South Africa. Modern species are freshwater dwellers (including a number of stygobiotic species), though fossil phreatoicids include marine species. Epigean phreatoicids are superficially amphipod-like in appearance, with high-vaulted, narrow bodies; stygobiotic species are more elongate.

See also: Southern crustacean relicts.

    |  i. s.: Hesslerella shermani K86
    |         Synamphisopus K86
    |         Phreatomerus latipes K86
    |         Protamphisopus wianamattensis (Chiton 1917) K86, F71 [=Phreatoicus wianamattensis F71]
    |--Palaeophreatoicus Birstein 1962 [Palaeophreatoicidae] K86
    |    `--*P. sojanensis Birstein 1962 K86
    |--Nichollsia Chopra & Tiwari 1950 [Nichollsidae] K86
    |    |--N. kashiense Chopra & Tiwari 1950 K86
    |    `--N. menoni Tiwari 1955 K86
    |--Amphisopidae [Hypsimetopidae] K86
    |    |  i. s.: Pilbaraphreatoicus EHH05
    |    |         Amphisopus N31
    |    |           |--A. latipes N31
    |    |           `--A. lintoni N31
    |    |--Hyperoedesipus Nicholls & Milner 1923 [Metamphisopinae] K86
    |    |    `--H. plumosus Nicholls & Milner 1923 K86
    |    |--Phreatoicopsinae N46
    |    |    |--Phreatoicopsis terricola K86
    |    |    `--Uramphisopus pearsoni N46
    |    `--Hypsimetopinae [Hypsimetopidae] K86
    |         |--Hypsimetopus Sayce 1902 K86
    |         |    `--H. intrusor Sayce 1902 K86
    |         `--Phreatoicoides Sayce 1900 K86
    |              |--P. gracilis Sayce 1900 K86
    |              |--P. longicollis Nicholls 1943 K86
    |              |--P. plumosus J31
    |              `--P. wadhami Nicholls 1943 K86
    `--Phreatoicidae K86
         |--Mesacanthotelsoninae N46
         |    |--Onchotelson N46
         |    |    |--O. brevicaudatus N46
         |    |    `--O. spatulatus N46
         |    `--Mesacanthotelson N46
         |         |--M. decipiens N46
         |         |--M. fallax N46
         |         |--M. setosus N46
         |         `--M. tasmaniae N46
         |--Phreatoicinae K86
         |    |--Neophreatoicus Nicholls 1944 K86
         |    |    `--N. assimilis Chilton 1884 K86
         |    `--Phreatoicus Chilton 1882 K86
         |         |--*P. typicus Chilton 1882 G24, K86
         |         |--P. assimilis Chilton 1894 G24
         |         |--P. australis Chilton 1891 G24
         |         |--P. brevicaudatus Smith 1909 G24
         |         |--P. capensis Barnard 1914 G24
         |         |--P. kirkii G24
         |         |    |--P. k. kirkii G24
         |         |    `--P. k. dunedinensis G24
         |         |--P. latipes Chilton 1922 G24
         |         |--P. orarii Nicholls 1944 K86
         |         |--P. palustris Glauert 1924 G24
         |         |--P. shephardi Sayce 1900 G24
         |         `--P. tasmaniae Thomson 1894 [incl. P. spinosus Smith 1909] G24
         `--Paraphreatoicinae K86
              |--Paraphreatoicus relictus N46
              |--Metaphreatoicus N46
              |    |--M. affinis N46
              |    |--M. australis N46
              |    `--M. magistri N46
              `--Colubotelson N46
                   |--C. campestris N46
                   |--C. chiltoni N46
                   |    |--C. c. chiltoni N46
                   |    |--C. c. minor N46
                   |    `--C. c. saycei N46
                   |--C. evansi N46
                   |--C. fontinalis N46
                   |--C. gesmithi N46
                   |--C. huonensis N46
                   |    |--C. h. huonensis N46
                   |    `--C. h. flynni N46
                   |--C. intermedius N46
                   |--C. setiferus N46
                   |--C. tattersalli N46
                   |    |--C. t. tattersalli N46
                   |    `--C. t. dubius N46
                   `--C. thomsoni N46

*Type species of generic name indicated


[EHH05] Eberhard, S. M., S. A. Halse & W. F. Humphreys. 2005. Stygofauna in the Pilbara region, north-west Western Australia: a review. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 88 (4): 167-176.

[F71] Fletcher, H. O. 1971. Catalogue of type specimens of fossils in the Australian Museum, Sydney. Australian Museum Memoir 13: 1-167.

[G24] Glauert, L. 1924. Contributions to the fauna of Western Australia, no. 4. A freshwater isopod, Phreatoicus palustris n. sp. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 10 (8): 49-57.

[J31] Jackson, A. 1931. The Oligochaeta of south-western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 17: 71-136.

[K86] Knott, B. 1986. Isopoda: Phreatoicidea. In Stygofauna Mundi: A Faunistic, Distributional, and Ecological Synthesis of the World Fauna inhabiting Subterranean Waters (including the Marine Interstitial) (L. Botosaneanu, ed.) pp. 486-492. E. J. Brill / Dr. W. Backhuys: Leiden.

[N31] Nicholls, G. E. 1931. Micraspides calmani, a new syncaridan from the west coast of Tasmania. Linnean Society's Journal—Zoology 37 (254): 473-488.

[N46] Nicholls, G. E. 1946. A summary of the Tasmanian phreatoicids: a contribution to the biological survey of Tasmania. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 1945: 55-61.

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