
Rosalina villardeboana, from Brady (1884).

Belongs within: Rotaliida.
Contains: Discorbis.

The Discorbidae are a group of trochospiral foraminifera known from the Middle Triassic to the present. They are divided between the Discorbinae, in which the umbilical area is open, and the Baggininae, in which the umbilical area is closed with a clear, thin imperforate area next to the umbilicus. Within Baggininae, the genus Baggina is somewhat involute on the spiral side and has an open aperture without a lip. Cancris is more elongate, with a peripheral keel, evolute on the spiral side and has an open umbilicus and apertural lip (Loeblich & Tappan 1964b).

Characters (from Loeblich & Tappan 1964b): Test free, trochospiral; chambers simple; wall calcareous, perforate, radial in structure, monolamellid; aperture basal or areal.

    |--Baggininae LT64a
    |    |--Cancris de Montfort 1808 [=Carcris (l. c.), Pulvinulinella Eimer & Fickert 1899] LT64b
    |    |    `--C. auriculus (Fichtel & Moll 1798) (see below for synonymy) LT64b
    |    |--Baggina Cushman 1926 C40
    |    |    |--*B. californica Cushman 1926 C40
    |    |    `--B. philippinensis LJ98
    |    |--Physalidia Heron-Allen & Earland 1928 LT64b
    |    |    `--*P. simplex Heron-Allen & Earland 1928 LT64b
    |    |--Rugidia Heron-Allen & Earland 1928 LT64b
    |    |    `--*R. corticata (Heron-Allen & Earland 1915) [=Sphaeroidina corticata] LT64b
    |    `--Valvulineria Cushman 1926 [incl. Rotamorphina Finlay 1939] LT64b
    |         |--*V. californica Cushman 1926 C40
    |         |--V. casitasensis C40
    |         |--V. glabra Cushman 1927 [=V. villardeboana var. glabra] H03
    |         |--V. kalimnensis Q72
    |         |--V. loetterlei BL79
    |         |--V. ochotica LT64a
    |         |--V. sadonica Asano 1951 H03
    |         |--V. saulcyi H90
    |         `--V. teuriensis Loeblich & Tappan 1964 (see below for synonymy) LT64b
    `--Discorbinae LT64b
         |--Discorbis C40
         |--Aboudaragina Nakkady 1955 LT64b
         |    `--*A. eponidelliformis Nakkady 1955 LT64b
         |--Bronnimannia Bermúdez 1952 LT64b
         |    `--*B. palmerae (Bermúdez 1935) [=Discorbis palmerae] LT64b
         |--Conorbina Brotzen 1936 LT64b
         |    `--*C. marginata Brotzen 1936 C40
         |--Diplotremina Kristan-Tollman 1960 LT64b
         |    `--*D. astrofimbriata Kristan-Tollman 1960 LT64b
         |--Discorbitura Bandy 1949 LT64b
         |    `--*D. dignata Bandy 1949 LT64b
         |--Duostomina Kristan-Tollmann 1960 LT64b
         |    `--*D. biconvexa Kristan-Tollmann 1960 LT64b
         |--Eurycheilostoma Loeblich & Tappan 1957 LT64b
         |    `--*E. altispira Loeblich & Tappan 1957 LT64b
         |--Helenina Saunders 1961 [=Helenia Saunders 1957 non Walcott 1889] LT64b
         |    `--*H. anderseni (Warren 1957) [=Pseudoeponides anderseni, *Helenia anderseni] LT64b
         |--Lamellodiscorbis Bermúdez 1952 LT64b
         |    `--*L. dimidiata (Jones & Parker in Carpenter, Jones & Parker 1862) [=Discorbina dimidiata] LT64b
         |--Planodiscorbis Bermúdez 1952 LT64b
         |    `--*P. rarescens (Brady 1884) [=Discorbina rarescens] LT64b
         |--Pseudopatellinella Takayanagi 1960 LT64b
         |    `--*P. cretacea Takayanagi 1960 LT64b
         |--Pseudopatellinoides Krasheninnikov 1958 LT64b
         |    `--*P. primus Krasheninnikov 1958 LT64b
         |--Stetsonia Parker 1954 LT64b
         |    `--*S. minuta Parker 1954 LT64b
         |--Variostoma Kristan-Tollmann 1960 LT64b
         |    `--*V. spinosum Kristan-Tollmann 1960 LT64b
         |--Vernonina Puri 1957 LT64b
         |    `--*V. tuberculata Puri 1957 LT64b
         |--Earlmyersia Rhumbler 1938 LT64b
         |    |--*E. liliputana (Rhumbler 1938) [=E. punctulata f. liliputana] LT64b
         |    `--E. punctulata (d’Orbigny 1826) [=Rotalia punctulata, Pulvinulina punctulata] LT64b
         |--Eoeponidella Wickenden 1949 [incl. Heminwayina Bermúdez 1951] LT64b
         |    |--*E. linki Wickenden 1949 LT64b
         |    `--E. multisecta (Galloway & Heminway 1941) [=Discorbis multisectus, *Heminwayina multisecta] LT64b
         |--Gavelinopsis Hofker 1951 LT64b
         |    |--*G. praegeri (Heron-Allen & Earland 1913) [=Discorbina praegeri] LT64b
         |    `--G. translucens JW99
         |--Laticarinina Galloway & Wissler 1927 (see below for synonymy) LT64b
         |    |--*L. pauperata (Parker & Jones 1865) (see below for synonymy) LT64b
         |    `--L. altocamerata (Heron-Allen & Earland 1922) (see below for synonymy) LT64b
         |--Neoconorbina Hofker 1951 LT64b
         |    |--N. terquemi (Rzehak 1888) (see below for synonymy) LT64b
         |    `--N. pacifica LT64b
         |--Patellinella Cushman 1928 LT64b
         |    |--*P. inconspicua (Brady 1884) [=Textularia inconspicua] LT64b
         |    `--P. jugosa JW99
         |--Pijpersia Thalmann 1954 (see below for synonymy) LT64b
         |    |--*P. coronaeformis (Pijpers 1933) [=*Bonairea coronaeformis, *Ruttenia coronaeformis] LT64b
         |    `--P. diadematoides (Le Calvez 1959) [=*Pseudoruttenia diadematoides] LT64b
         |--Planulinoides Parr 1941 [incl. Discotruncana Shirai 1960] LT64b
         |    |--*P. biconcava (Jones & Parker in Carpenter, Parker & Jones 1862) [=Discorbina biconcava] LT64b
         |    `--P. japonica (Shirai 1960) [=*Discotruncana japonica] LT64b
         |--Tretomphalus Möbius 1880 LT64b
         |    |--*T. bulloides (d’Orbigny in de la Sagra 1839) LT64b [=Rosalina bulloides, Cymbalopora bulloides]
         |    `--T. myersi LT64b
         |--Discorbinella Cushman & Martin 1935 [incl. Discopulvinulina Hofker 1951] LT64b
         |    |--*D. montereyensis Cushman & Martin 1935 C40
         |    |--D. bertheloti (d’Orbigny in Barker-Webb & Berthelot 1839) (see below for synonymy) LT64b
         |    `--D. chincaensis S05
         |--Buccella Andersen 1952 LT64b
         |    |--*B. hannai (Phleger & Parker 1951) [=Eponides hannai] LT64b
         |    |--B. frigida LT64a
         |    |--B. inusitata Andersen 1952 H03
         |    `--B. mansfieldi (Cushman 1930) [=Eponides mansfieldi] C95
         |--Epistominella Husezima & Maruhasi 1944 (see below for synonymy) LT64b
         |    |--E. pacifica (Cushman 1927) H03 (see below for synonymy)
         |    |--E. exigua JW99
         |    |--E. rugosa JW99
         |    `--E. subperuviana (Cushman 1926) [=*Pulvinulinella subperuviana, *Pseudoparrella subperuviana] LT64b
         `--Rosalina d’Orbigny 1826 (see below for synonymy) LT64b
              |--*R. globularis d’Orbigny 1826 LT64b [=Discorbis globularis H03, *Turbinolina globularis LT64b]
              |--R. atlantica (Hofker 1956) [=Gavelinopsis atlantica] LT64b
              |--R. australis LJ98
              |--R. bradyi (Cushman 1915) [=Discorbis globularis var. bradyi] H03
              |--R. concinna JW99
              |--R. inflata (Hornibrook 1961) [=*Semirosalina inflata] LT64b
              `--R. villardeboana d’Orbigny 1839 H03 [=Discorbis villardeboanus M62]

Cancris auriculus (Fichtel & Moll 1798) [=Nautilus auriculus; incl. *C. auriculatus de Montfort 1808, *Pulvinulinella auriculata] LT64b

Discorbinella bertheloti (d’Orbigny in Barker-Webb & Berthelot 1839) [=Rosalina bertheloti, *Discopulvinulina bertheloti] LT64b

Epistominella Husezima & Maruhasi 1944 [incl. Pseudoparrella Cushman & Ten Dam 1948, Pulvinulinella Cushman 1926 non Eimer & Fickert 1899] LT64b

Epistominella pacifica (Cushman 1927) H03 [=Pulvulinella pacifica H03; incl. *E. pulchella Husezima & Maruhasi 1944 LT64b, H03]

Laticarinina Galloway & Wissler 1927 [=Carinina Galloway & Wissler 1927 non Hubrecht 1887; incl. Parvicarinina Finlay 1940] LT64b

Laticarinina altocamerata (Heron-Allen & Earland 1922) [=Truncatulina tenuimargo var. altocamerata, T. tenuimargo var. alatocamerata (l. c.), *Parvicarinina altocamerata, P. alatocamerata (l. c.)] LT64b

*Laticarinina pauperata (Parker & Jones 1865) [=Pulvinulina repanda var. menardii subvar. pauperata, *Carinina pauperata] LT64b

Neoconorbina terquemi (Rzehak 1888) [=Discorbina terquemi; incl. Rosalina orbicularis Terquem 1876 non d’Orbigny 1850, *Neoconorbina orbicularis] LT64b

Pijpersia Thalmann 1954 [=Bonairea Pijpers 1933 non Burrington Baker 1924, Ruttenia Pijpers 1933 non Rodhain 1924; incl. Pseudoruttenia Le Calvez 1959] LT64b

Rosalina d’Orbigny 1826 [=Turbinolina d’Orbigny in de la Sagra 1839; incl. Semirosalina Hornibrook 1961] LT64b

Valvulineria teuriensis Loeblich & Tappan 1964 [=*Rotamorphina cushmani Finlay 1939 non Valvulineria cushmani Coryell & Embich 1937] LT64b

*Type species of generic name indicated


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