
Mounted skeleton of Arsinoitherium zitteli in the Natural History Museum, London, copyright Aram Dulyan.

Belongs within: Atlantogenata.
Contains: Sirenia, Hyracoidea, Proboscidea.

The Pan-Paenungulata are a clade of mammals including modern hyraxes, elephants and sirenians, and all fossil taxa more closely related to them than other living mammals. Likely fossil members of this clade include the Desmostylia, aquatic herbivores from the Oligocene and Miocene of the North Pacific, and the Embrithopoda from the Eocene and Oligocene of Africa and Asia.

<==Pan-Paenungulata OB13
    |--Desmostylia TS88
    |    |--Behemotops TS88
    |    |--Cornwallius BDR85
    |    |--Palaeoparadoxia Tokunaga 1939 ANG03, D07
    |    |    `--*P. tabatai BDR85, TS88
    |    `--Desmostylus Marsh 1888 D07 [incl. Vanderhoofius BDR85]
    |         |--D. cymnatius Hannibal 1922 R76
    |         `--D. hesperus Marsh 1888 R76
    `--Paenungulata [Pan-Tethytheria, Tethytheria, Uranotheria] OB13
         |  i. s.: Lammidhania wardi TS88
         |         0--Astrapotheria MC00
         |         |    |--Tetragonostylops MC00
         |         |    `--Astrapotherium Ameghino 1887 D07
         |         |         |--A. granda D07
         |         |         `--A. magnum D07
         |         `--Uintatheriamorpha MC00
         |              |--Pyrotheria PMF88
         |              |    |--Carodnia [Xenungulata] OB13
         |              |    |    `--C. vierai OB13
         |              |    `--+--Carolozittelia PMF88
         |              |       `--+--Griphodon PMF88
         |              |          `--Pyrotherium Ameghino 1889 PMF88, D07
         |              |               |--P. macfaddeni D07
         |              |               `--P. romeroi D07
         |              `--Dinocerata MC00
         |                   |--Loxolophodon cornutus C77
         |                   |--Mongolotherium PMF88
         |                   |--Probathyopsis D07
         |                   |--Uintatherium Leidy 1872 D07 (see below for synonymy)
         |                   |    |--U. anceps H07
         |                   |    |--U. mirabile C77
         |                   |    `--U. robustum D07
         |                   `--Prodinoceras Matthew, Granger & Simpson 1929 D07
         |                        |--P. diconicus D07
         |                        |--P. martyr D07
         |                        |--P. primigenium D07
         |                        |--P. simplum D07
         |                        `--P. turfanensis D07
         |--Pan-Sirenia OB13
         |    |--Sirenia FS15
         |    `--Prorastomidae D78
         |         |--Sirenavus hungaricus Kretzoi 1941 D78, S76
         |         |--Prorastomus Owen 1855 D07
         |         |    `--P. sirenoides D01
         |         `--Pezosiren Domning 2001 D01
         |              `--*P. portelli Domning 2001 D01
         `--+--+--Hyracoidea FS15
            |  `--Eritherium azzouzorum RH14, OB13
            `--+--Proboscidea FS15
               `--Embrithopoda ANG03
                    |--Phenacolophus [Phenacolophidae] PMF88
                    |    `--P. fallax RH14
                    |--Crivadiatherium PMF88
                    |--Palaeoamasia PMF88
                    `--Arsinoitherium Beadnell 1902 [Arsinoitheriidae] SKR04
                         |--A. giganteum Sanders, Kappelman & Rasmussen 2004 SKR04
                         `--A. zitteli Beadnell 1902 T78 [incl. A. andrewsi Lankester 1903 SKR04, T78]

Uintatherium Leidy 1872 D07 [incl. Dinoceras Marsh 1872 C77, FT93; Uintatheriidae PMF88]

*Type species of generic name indicated


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