
Cryptomonas, copyright Wolfgang Bettighofer.

Belongs within: Diaphoretickes.

The Cryptophyceae are a group of flagellate protists including both photosynthetic and phagotrophic taxa.

Characters (from Adl et al. 2012): Autotrophic, mixotrophic or heterotrophic with ejectisomes (trichocysts); mitochondrial cristae flat tubules; two cilia emerging subapically or dorsally from right side of an anterior depression (vestibulum); longitudinal grooves (furrows) and/or tubular channels (gullets) or a combination of both, extending posteriorly from vestibublum on ventral side; gullet/furrow complexes lined with large ejectisomes; with or without plastid-nucleomorph complex; chloroplasts when present contain chlorophylls a and c2 and phycobiliproteins, located in thylakoid lumen; chloroplast covering comprised of inner and superficial periplast components.

Cryptophyceae [Cryptista, Cryptophyta] AS12
    |  i. s.: Chilomonas paramecium MO08
    |         Chilodinium Massart 1920 FT93
    |         Chrysidella Pascher 1911 FT93
    |         Pyrenomonas helgolandii MO08
    |         Teleaulax amphioxeia EDF04
    |--Goniomonas Stein 1878 [Goniomonadales, Goniomonadea] AS12
    |    |--G. amphinema OC09
    |    `--G. truncata C-SC06
    |--Kathablepharidae (see below for synonymy) AS12
    |    |  i. s.: Phyllomitus OI05
    |    |--Roombia Okamoto, Chatangsi et al. 2009 OC09
    |    |    `--*R. truncata Okamoto, Chatangsi et al. 2009 OC09
    |    `--+--Hatena arenicola OC09
    |       |--Platychilomonas Larsen & Patterson 1990 OC09, OI05
    |       |    `--P. psammobia OC09
    |       |--Leucocryptos Butcher 1967 OI05, C-S93
    |       |    `--L. marina [=Bodo marina, Chilomonas marina] OI05
    |       `--Kathablepharis Skuja 1939 (ICZN) AS12, OC09 [=Katablepharis (ICBN) OC09]
    |            |--K. hyalurus OI05
    |            |--K. japonica Okamoto & Inouye 2005 OI05
    |            `--K. remigera OI05
    `--Cryptomonadales [Cryptomonadida] AS12
         |--Cryptomonas Ehrenberg 1831 C-SC06, FT93
         |    |--C. caudata OC09
         |    |--C. erosa KN03
         |    |    |--C. e. var. erosa KN03
         |    |    `--C. e. var. reflexa KN03
         |    |--C. obovoidea C-SA96
         |    |--C. ovata C-SC06
         |    |--C. paramecium OC09
         |    |--C. phi S03
         |    |--C. rostratisformis KN03
         |    |--C. schaudinni LT64
         |    `--C. rostrella C-SC03a
         `--+--Guillardia theta C-SC06
            `--+--+--Proteomonas sulcata C-SC06
               |  `--Rhodomonas C-SC06
               |       |--R. abbreviata MO08
               |       |--R. marina OI05
               |       `--R. salina GLB04
               `--+--+--Hanusia phi OI05
                  |  `--Geminigera cryophila C-SC06
                  `--+--Falcomonas daucoides C-SC06
                     `--+--+--Komma caudata C-SC06
                        |  `--Hemiselmis C-SC06
                        |       |--H. andersenii OC09
                        |       |--H. brunnescens OI05
                        |       `--H. virescens C-SC06
                        `--Chroomonas C-SC06
                             |--C. caudata SX97
                             |--C. coerulea OC09
                             |--C. mesostigmatica C-SC06
                             |--C. nordtstedtii MM05
                             |--C. ovalis SX97
                             `--C. pochmannii OC09

Kathablepharidae [Katablepharidaceae, Katablepharidales, Katablepharidophyceae, Katablepharidophyta, Kathablepharida, Kathablepharidida, Kathablepharididae, Kathablepharidea, Leucocrypta] C-S10

*Type species of generic name indicated


[AS12] Adl, S. M., A. G. B. Simpson, C. E. Lane, J. Lukeš, D. Bass, S. S. Bowser, M. W. Brown, F. Burki, M. Dunthorn, V. Hampl, A. Heiss, M. Hoppenrath, E. Lara, E. Le Gall, D. H. Lynn, H. McManus, E. A. D. Mitchell, S. E. Mozley-Stanridge, L. W. Parfrey, J. Pawlowski, S. Rueckert, L. Shadwick, C. L. Schoch, A. Smirnov & F. W. Spiegel. 2012. The revised classification of eukaryotes. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 59 (5): 429–493.

[C-S93] Cavalier-Smith, T. 1993. The protozoan phylum Opalozoa. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 40 (5): 609–615.

[C-SA96] Cavalier-Smith, T., M. T. E. P. Allsopp, M. M. Haueber, G. Goethe, E. E. Chao, J. A. Couch & U.-G. Maier. 1996. Chromobiote phylogeny: the enigmatic alga Reticulosphaera japonensis is an aberrant haptophyte, not a heterokont. European Journal of Phycology 31: 255–263.

[C-SC03] Cavalier-Smith, T., & E. E.-Y. Chao. 2003. Phylogeny of Choanozoa, Apusozoa, and other Protozoa and early eukaryote megaevolution. Journal of Molecular Evolution 56: 540–563.

[C-SC06] Cavalier-Smith, T., & E. E.-Y. Chao. 2006. Phylogeny and megasystematics of phagotrophic heterokonts (kingdom Chromista). Journal of Molecular Evolution 62: 388–420.

[EDF04] Ekelund, F., N. Daugbjerg & L. Fredslund. 2004. Phylogeny of Heteromita, Cercomonas and Thaumatomonas based on SSU rDNA sequences, including the description of Neocercomonas jutlandica sp. nov., gen. nov. European Journal of Protistology 40: 119–135.

[FT93] Fensome, R. A., F. J. R. Taylor, G. Norris, W. A. S. Sarjeant, D. I. Wharton & G. L. Williams. 1993. A classification of living and fossil dinoflagellates. Micropaleontology Special Publication 7: i–viii, 1–351.

[GLB04] Gray, M. W., B. F. Lang & G. Burger. 2004. Mitochondria of protists. Annual Review of Genetics 38: 477–524.

[KN03] Knapp, C. W., F. deNoyelles Jr., D. W. Graham & S. Bergin. 2003. Physical and chemical conditions surrounding the diurnal vertical migration of Cryptomonas spp. (Cryptophyceae) in a seasonally stratified Midwestern reservoir (USA). Journal of Phycology 39: 855–861.

[LT64] Loeblich, A. R., Jr & H. Tappan. 1964. Sarcodina: chiefly “thecamoebians” and Foraminiferida. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt C. Protista 2 vol. 1. The Geological Society of America and The University of Kansas Press.

[MM05] Melkonian, M., & D. Mollenhauer. 2005. Robert Lauterborn (1869–1952) and his Paulinella chromatophora. Protist 156: 253–262.

[MO08] Moore, R. B., M. Oborník, J. Janouškovec, T. Chrudimský, M. Vancová, D. H. Green, S. W. Wright, N. W. Davies, C. J. S. Bolch, K. Heimann, J. Šlapeta, O. Hoegh-Guldberg, J. M. Logsdon, Jr. & D. A. Carter. 2008. A photosynthetic alveolate closely related to apicomplexan parasites. Nature 451: 959–963.

[OC09] Okamoto, N., C. Chantangsi, A. Horák, B. S. Leander & P. J. Keeling. 2009. Molecular phylogeny and description of the novel katablepharid Roombia truncata gen. et sp. nov., and establishment of the Hacrobia taxon nov. PLoS One 4 (9): e7080.

[OI05] Okamoto, N., & I. Inouye. 2005. The katablepharids are a distant sister group of the Cryptophyta: a proposal for Katablepharidophyta divisio nova/Kathablepharida phylum novum based on SSU rDNA and beta-tubulin phylogeny. Protist 156: 163–179.

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