
Mamoea pilosa, copyright Ivan Magalhaes.

Belongs within: Amphinectidae.

Mamoea is a New Zealand genus of species that are common on the forest floor (Paquin et al. 2010).

<==Mamoea Forster & Wilton 1973 PVD10
    |--*M. rufa (Berland 1931) PVD10 [=Rubrius rufus NS00]
    |--M. assimilis Forster & Wilton 1973 PVD10
    |--M. bicolor (Bryant 1935) PVD10 [=Rubrius bicolor NS00]
    |--M. cantuaria Forster & Wilton 1973 PVD10
    |--M. cooki Forster & Wilton 1973 PVD10
    |--M. florae Forster & Wilton 1973 PVD10
    |--M. grandiosa Forster & Wilton 1973 PVD10
    |--M. hesperis Forster & Wilton 1973 PVD10
    |--M. hughsoni Forster & Wilton 1973 NS00
    |--M. inornata Forster & Wilton 1973 PVD10
    |--M. mandibularis (Bryant 1935) PVD10 [=Rubrius mandibularis NS00]
    |--M. maorica Forster & Wilton 1973 PVD10
    |--M. montana Forster & Wilton 1973 PVD10
    |--M. monticola Forster & Wilton 1973 PVD10
    |--M. otira Forster & Wilton 1973 PVD10
    |--M. pilosa (Bryant 1935) PVD10 [=Cambridgea pilosa NS00]
    |--M. rakiura Forster & Wilton 1973 PVD10
    |--M. unica Forster & Wilton 1973 PVD10
    `--M. westlandica Forster & Wilton 1973 PVD10

*Type species of generic name indicated


[NS00] Nicholls, D. C., P. J. Sirvid, S. D. Pollard & M. Walker. 2000. A list of arachnid primary types held in Canterbury Museum. Records of the Canterbury Museum 14: 37–48.

[PVD10] Paquin, P., C. J. Vink & N. Dupérré. 2010. Spiders of New Zealand: annotated family key and species list. Manaaki Whenua Press: Lincoln (New Zealand).

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