
Rhizosolenia sp., from here.

Belongs within: Diatomea.

The Rhizosoleniaceae are a group of centric diatoms in which the cylindrical cells are united in chains.

<==Rhizosoleniaceae [Rhizosoleniales, Rhizosoleniophycidae]
    |--Guinardia flaccida RA05
    `--Rhizosolenia KI02
         |--R. alata B26
         |--R. barboi BC79
         |--R. curvirostris BC79
         |--R. hebetata B26
         |--R. praebergonii BC79
         |--R. semispina B26
         |--R. setigera KI02
         |--R. shrubsolei B26
         |--R. stolforthii B26
         `--R. styliformis B26

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BC79] Berggren, W. A., & J. A. Van Couvering. 1979. Quaternary. In: Robison, R. A., & C. Teichert (eds) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt A. Introduction. Fossilisation (Taphonomy), Biogeography and Biostratigraphy pp. A505–A543. The Geological Society of America, Inc.: Boulder (Colorado), and The University of Kansas: Lawrence (Kansas).

[B26] Bigelow, H. B. 1926. Plankton of the offshore waters of the Gulf of Maine. Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries 40 (2): 1–509.

[KI02] Kawachi, M., I. Inouye, D. Honda, C. J. O’Kelly, J. C. Bailey, R. R. Bidigare & R. A. Andersen. 2002. The Pinguiophyceae classis nova, a new class of photosynthetic stramenopiles whose members produce large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Phycological Research 50: 31–47.

[RA05] Rath, J., & S. P. Adhikary. 2005. A check list of algae from Chilika Lake, Orissa. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 47 (1–4): 101–114.

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