
Erythrotrichia carnea, copyright Ignacio Bárbara.

Belongs within: Corticata.
Contains: Bangiales, Florideophycidae.

The Rhodophyceae include the red algae, a major group of aquatic photosynthetic organisms. Many red algae are multicellular (forming the clade Macrorhodophytina) but the taxon also includes a number of unicellular or filamentous lineages.

Characters (from Adl et al. 2012): Without ciliated stages, and without centrioles, basal bodies, or other 9 + 2 microtubular structures; polar rings present instead; two-membraned simple chloroplasts, unstacked thylakoids with phycobilisomes, and chlorophyll a only, lacking external endoplasmic reticulum; cytoplasmic carbohydrate reserve floridean starch; chromosomal and interzonal microtubules not converging towards polar rings, so spindle poles very broad; telophase spindle and nuclear envelope persisting with closed mitosis surrounded by perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum; cell wall of cellulose; cells in filamentous forms linked by pit plugs, formed between cells after incomplete cell division; sexual reproduction typically oogamous; triphasic life history common.

<==Rhodophyceae [Bangiophycidae, Rhodophycophyta, Rhodophyta, Rhodoplantae] AS12
    |--Macrorhodophytina C-S98
    |    |--Bangiales C-S98
    |    `--Florideophycidae C-S98
    |--Cyanidiales [Cyanidiophyceae, Cyanidiophyta] AS12
    |    |--Cyanidioschyzon merolae NM03
    |    |--Cyanidium caldarium GP03
    |    `--Galdieria merolae AS12, C-SCL15
    |--Rhodellophyceae [Rhodellophytina] C-S98
    |    |--Dixoniella grisea AS12, MO08
    |    |--Glaucosphaera vacuolata AS12, LA03
    |    `--Rhodella JLG03
    |         |--R. maculata OI05
    |         `--R. violacea JLG03
    |--Porphyridiophyceae AS12
    |    |--Erythrolobus AS12
    |    |--Flintiella sanguinaria AS12, PB04
    |    `--Porphyridium [Porphyridiaceae, Porphyridiales] C-S98
    |         |--P. aerugineum HSA03
    |         `--P. purpureum C-SCL15
    |--Stylonematales [Stylonematophyceae] AS12
    |    |--Stylonema alsidii MO08
    |    |--Bangiopsis subsimplex AS12, MS02
    |    |--Chroodactylon ornatum AS12, MS02
    |    |--Purpureofilum AS12
    |    |--Rhodosorus marinus AS12, MO08
    |    |--Rhodospora AS12
    |    `--Rufusia AS12
    `--Compsopogonales [Compsopogonophyceae] AS12
         |--Rhodochaete [Rhodochaetales] AS12
         |    `--R. parvula PH03
         `--Erythrotrichiaceae SG05
              |--Compsopogon caeruleus MO08
              `--Erythrotrichia MS02
                   |--E. carnea MS02
                   |--E. ciliaris (Carmichael) Batters. 1900 [=Bangia ciliaris] L27
                   |--E. kylinii Gardner 1927 S57
                   `--E. parksii S57
                        |--E. p. var. parksii S57
                        `--E. p. var. minor Gardner 1927 S57

Rhodophyceae incertae sedis:
  Salpingoporella HS02
  Smithora naiadum HSA03
  Kappaphycus alvarezii JLG03
  Schottera nicaeensis W03
  Californiella Poncet 1987 VH01
  Gymnocodium [Gymnocodiaceae] VH01
    `--G. exile Mu 1981 VH01
  Goniotrichum [Goniotrichaceae, Goniotrichales] S57
    |--G. cornu-cervi (Reinsch) Hauck 1885 S57
    `--G. elegans (Chauvin) Zanardini 1847 S57
  ‘Diplocystis’ Agardh 1896 nec Trevisan 1848 nec Berkeley & Curtis 1869 FT93
  Cruoriella Crouan 1859 K98
    `--C. japonica (Segawa) Denizot 1968 [=Cruoriopsis japonica Segawa 1941] K98
  Cruoriopsis aestuarii K98
  Pustularia Vologdin 1955 nec Swainson 1840 (ICZN) nec Gray 1858 (ICZN) G79
    `--*P. taeniata Vologdin 1955 G79
  Rubellophyton Vologdin 1966 G79
    `--*R. rameus Vologdin 1966 G79
  Wurdemannia miniata N10
  Curdiea racovitzae N10
  Pyropia yezoensis C-SCL15

*Type species of generic name indicated


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