
Unela remanei, from Arnaud et al. (1986). Length = 3 mm.

Belongs within: Heterobranchia.

The Acochlidimorpha are a group of small, mostly aquatic slugs that usually bear a large visceral hump projecting freely from the headfoot.

<==Acochlidimorpha (see below for synonymy)
    |--Acochlidioidea [Strubellioidea, Strubellioidei] BR17
    |    |--Pseudunela Salvini-Plawen 1973 [Pseudunelidae, Pseudunelloidea] BR05
    |    |    `--*P. cornuta (Challis 1970) [=Microhedyle cornuta] BR17
    |    |--Aiteng Swennen & Buatip 2009 [Aitengidae] BR17
    |    |    `--*A. ater Swennen & Buatip 2009 BR17
    |    |--Bathyhedyle Neusser, Jörger et al. 2016 [Bathyhedylidae] BR17
    |    |    `--*B. boucheti Neusser, Jörger et al. 2016 BR17
    |    |--Hedylopsis Thiele 1931 BR05 [Hedylopsidae BR17, Hedylopsinae]
    |    |    `--*H. spiculifera (Kowalewsky 1901) BR17 (see below for synonymy)
    |    |--Tantulum Rankin 1979 BR05 [Pharyngoneura, Tantulidae BR17, Tantuloidea]
    |    |    `--*T. elegans Rankin 1979 BR17
    |    `--Acochlidiidae BR17
    |         |--Acochlidium Strubell 1892 [Acochlidiinae] BR05
    |         |    `--*A. amboinense Strubell 1892 BR17
    |         |--Palliohedyle Rankin 1979 BR17, BR05 (see below for synonymy)
    |         |    `--*P. weberi (Bergh 1895) [=*Hedyle weberi] BR17
    |         `--Strubellia Odhner 1937 BR17, BR05 [Strubelliidae]
    |              `--*S. paradoxa (Strubell 1892) [=Acochlidium paradoxum] BR17
    `--Parhedyloidea BR17
         |--Asperspinidae BR17
         |    |--Minicheviella Starobogatov 1983 BR17, BR05 [Minicheviellidae, Minichevielloidea]
         |    |    `--*M. murmanica (Kudinskaja & Minichev 1978) [=Hedylopsis murmanica] BR17
         |    `--Asperspina Rankin 1979 BR05
         |         |--*A. brambelli (Swedmark 1968) [=Hedylopsis brambelli] BR17
         |         |--A. loricata (Swedmark 1968) APS-P86
         |         |--A. murmanica (Kudinskaja & Minichev 1978) APS-P86
         |         |--A. rhopalotecta (Salvini-Plawen 1973) APS-P86
         |         `--A. riseri (Morse 1976) APS-P86
         `--Parhedylidae [Avelariacea, Ganitidae, Ganitoidea, Microhedylidae, Microhedylinae, Velariacea] BR05
              |--Parhedyle Thiele 1931 [Parhedylinae] BR05
              |    `--*P. tyrtowii (Kowalewsky 1901) BR17 [=Hedyle tyrtowii BR17, Microhedyle tyrtowii APS-P86]
              |--Sabulincola Rankin 1979 [Sabulincolidae] BR05
              |    `--*S. odhneri (Marcus & Marcus 1955) [=Unela odhneri] BR17
              |--Ganitus Marcus 1953 BR17, BR05
              |    `--*G. evelinae Marcus 1953 BR17
              |--Paraganitus Challis 1968 APS-P86
              |    `--P. ellynnae Challis 1968 APS-P86
              |--Livorniella Rankin 1979 BR17, BR05 [Livorniellidae, Livornielloidea, Visceroneura]
              |    `--*L. glomerans (Salvini-Plawen 1973) [=Microhedyle glomerans] BR17
              |--Pontohedyle Golikov & Starobogatov 1972 BR05 (see below for synonymy)
              |    |--*P. milaschewitchii (Kowalewsky 1901) [=Hedyle milaschewitchii, *Mancohedyle milaschewitchii] BR17
              |    |--P. brasilensis (Rankin 1979) APS-P86
              |    `--P. verrucosa (Challis 1970) APS-P86
              |--Microhedyle Hertling 1930 BR05
              |    |--*M. lactea Hertling 1930 BR17
              |    |--M. cryptophthalma Westheide & Wawra 1974 APS-P86
              |    |--M. gerlachi Marcus & Marcus 1959 APS-P86
              |    `--M. milaschewitchii M62
              `--Unela Marcus 1953 [Unelidae] BR05
                   |--*U. remanei Marcus 1953 BR17
                   |--U. glandulifera (Kowalevsky 1901) APS-P86
                   |--U. glomerans (Salvini-Plawen 1973) APS-P86
                   |--U. nahatensis Doe 1974 APS-P86
                   `--U. neapolitana (Rankin 1979) [=Stellaspina neapolitana] APS-P86

Nomina nuda: Microhedyle fundensis Rankin in Arnaud, Poizat & Salvini-Plawen 1986 APS-P86
             Pseudunela eirenei Wawra in Arnaud, Poizat & Salvini-Plawen 1986 APS-P86

Acochlidimorpha [Acochlidiacea, Acochlidiida, Acochlidiomorpha, Cerebroneura, Euacochlidiacea, Euacochlidioidea, Hedylopsoidea, Hedylopsoidei, Microhedylacea, Pedoneura]

*Hedylopsis spiculifera (Kowalewsky 1901) BR17 [=Hedyle spiculifera BR17; incl. Hedylopsis suecica Odhner 1937 APS-P86]

Palliohedyle Rankin 1979 BR17, BR05 [=Hedyle Bergh 1895 nec Guenée 1857 nec Malmgren 1865 BR05; Hedylinae, Palliohedylidae, Palliohedyloidea, Palliohedyloidei]

Pontohedyle Golikov & Starobogatov 1972 [incl. Mancohedyle Rankin 1979 APS-P86, BR05; Mancohedylidae, Pontohedylidae]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[APS-P86] Arnaud, P. M., Cl. Poizat & L. v. Salvini-Plawen. 1986. Marine-interstitial Gastropoda (including one freshwater interstitial species).  In: Botosaneanu, L. (ed.) Stygofauna Mundi: A Faunistic, Distributional, and Ecological Synthesis of the World Fauna inhabiting Subterranean Waters (including the Marine Interstitial) pp. 153–176. E. J. Brill/Dr W. Backhuys: Leiden.

[BR05] Bouchet, P., & J.-P. Rocroi. 2005. Classification and nomenclator of gastropod families. Malacologia 47 (1–2): 1–397.

[BR17] Bouchet, P., J.-P. Rocroi, B. Hausdorf, A. Kaim, Y. Kano, A. Nützel, P. Parkhaev, M. Schrödl & E. E. Strong. 2017. Revised classification, nomenclator and typification of gastropod and monoplacophoran families. Malacologia 61 (1–2): 1–526.

[M62] Monniot, F. 1962. Recherches sur les graviers a Amphioxus de la région de Banyuls-sur-Mer. Vie et Milieu 13: 231–322.

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