Belongs within: Amphipoda.
Contains: Neopleustinae, Parapleustinae, Metopa, Stenothoe.
The Leucothoidea are a group of marine amphipods with the posterior pereopods uniform and telson lobes fused (Bousfield 1983).
Characters (from Bousfield 1983): Gnathopods 1 and 2 strongly dimorphic, amplexing in male; antenna with neither calceoli nor brush setae; labium with inner lobes partially developed; left mandible with lacinia 5-dentate; pereopods 5–7 homopodous, equal, with coxae posterolobate; pereopod 7 gill absent; uropods 1 and 2 with rami lanceolate, bare, uropod 3 rami non-foliaceous; telson lobes totally fused; brood plate broad, setose.
<==Leucothoidea B83
|--Maxillipiidae B83
|--Nihotungidae B83
|--Pagetinidae B83
| |--Pagetina Barnard 1931 B69
| | `--*P. genarum Barnard 1932 B69
| `--Heterocressa Nicholls 1938 N38
| `--*H. monodi Nicholls 1938 N38
|--Anamixidae B83
| |--Paranamixis Schellenberg 1938 B69
| | `--*P. bocki Schellenberg 1938 B69
| `--Anamixis Stebbing 1897 B69
| |--*A. hanseni Stebbing 1897 B69
| `--A. linsleyi Barnard 1955 B69
|--Cressidae B83
| |--Cressina Stephensen 1931 B69
| | `--*C. monocuspis Stephensen 1931 B69
| `--Cressa Boeck 1871 [incl. Danaia Bate 1857 (preoc.)] B69
| |--C. dubia (Bate 1857) [=Danaia dubia; incl. *C. schiodtei Boeck 1871] B69
| `--C. minuta B69
|--Colomastix Grube 1861 B69 [incl. Cratippus Bate 1862 B69, Exunguia Norman 1869 B69; Colomastigidae B83]
| |--*C. pusilla Grube 1861 B69
| |--C. brazieri N38
| |--C. fissilingua N38
| |--C. magnirama Hurley 1954 B69
| |--C. simplicicauda Nicholls 1938 N38
| `--C. subcastellata Hurley 1954 B69
|--Laphystiopsidae B83
| |--Laphystiopsis Sars 1895 B69
| | `--*L. planifrons Sars 1895 B69
| |--Prolaphystius Barnard 1930 B69
| | `--*P. isopodops Barnard 1930 B69
| `--Prolaphystiopsis Schellenberg 1931 B69
| `--*P. platyceras Schellenberg 1931 B69
|--Thaumatelsonidae B83
| |--Prothaumatelson Schellenberg 1931 B69
| | |--*P. nasutum (Chevreux 1912) [=Thaumatelson nasutum] B69
| | `--P. carinatum Shoemaker 1955 B69
| |--Thaumatelson Walker 1906 B69
| | |--*T. herdmani Walker 1906 B69
| | |--T. cultricauda N38
| | `--T. walkeri Chilton 1912 B69
| `--Pseudothaumatelson Schellenberg 1931 [incl. Parathaumatelson Gurjanova 1938] B69
| |--*P. patagonicum Schellenberg 1931 B69
| |--P. cyproides Nicholls 1938 N38
| `--P. herdmani N38
| |--Leucothoella Schellenberg 1928 B69
| | `--*L. bannwarthi Schellenberg 1928 B69
| |--Leucothoides Shoemaker 1933 B69
| | `--*L. pottsi Shoemaker 1933 B69
| |--Paraleucothoe Stebbing 1899 B69
| | `--*P. novaehollandiae (Haswell 1880) [=Leucothoe novaehollandiae] B69
| `--Leucothoe Leach 1814 (see below for synonymy) B69
| |--*L. spinicarpa (Abildgaard 1789) [=Gammarus spinicarpus] B69
| |--L. incisa Robertson 1892 BD95
| |--L. lilljeborgi Boeck 1861 BD95
| |--L. occulta Krapp-Schickel 1975 BD95
| |--L. pachycera Della Valle 1893 BD95
| |--L. richiardii Lessona 1865 BD95
| |--L. serraticarpa Della Valle 1893 BD95
| `--L. venetiarum Giordani Soika 1950 BD95
|--Amphilochidae [Amphilochinae] B83
| |--Gitana Boeck 1871 B69
| | `--*G. sarsi Boeck 1871 B69
| |--Gitanopsis Sars 1895 B69
| | `--*G. bispinosa (Boeck 1871) [=Amphilochus bispinosus] B69
| |--Gitanogeiton Stebbing 1910 B69
| | `--*G. sarsi Stebbing 1910 B69
| |--Amphilochopsis Stephensen 1925 B69
| | `--*A. hamatus Stephensen 1925 B69
| |--Amphilochella Schellenberg 1926 B69
| | `--*A. simplicarpus Schelleberg 1926 B69
| |--Cyclotelson Potts 1915 B69
| | `--*C. purpureum Potts 1915 B69
| |--Amphilochoides Sars 1895 B69
| | |--*A. odontonyx Boeck 1871 [incl. A. pusillus Sars 1895] B69
| | |--A. intermedius Scott 1896 N00
| | `--A. serratipes (Norman 1869) [incl. A. longimanus (Chevreux 1888)] BD95
| `--Amphilochus Bate 1862 [incl. Callimerus Stebbing 1876] B69
| |--*A. manudens Bate 1862 B69
| |--A. brunneus Della Valle 1893 BD95
| |--A. melanops Walker 1895 N00
| |--A. neapolitanus Della Valle 1893 BD95
| |--A. sabrinae Stebbing 1878 N00
| `--A. tenuimanus N00
|--Pleustidae B83
| | i. s.: Pleusymtes Barnard 1969 B69
| | `--*P. glaber (Boeck 1861) [=Amphithopsis glaber, Sympleustes glaber] B69
| | Relictomaera Barnard & Karaman 1982 S86
| | |--R. relicta (Ueno 1971) S86
| | `--R. tsushimana (Ueno 1971) S86
| | Pleustes Bate 1858 B69
| | `--*P. panopla (Krøyer 1838) [=Amphithoe panopla] B69
| | Austropleustes Barnard 1931 B69
| | `--*A. cuspidatus Barnard 1931 B69
| | Mesopleustes Stebbing 1899 B69
| | `--*M. abyssorum (Stebbing 1888) [=Pleustes abyssorum] B69
| | Parepimeriella Schellenberg 1931 B69
| | `--*P. irregularis Schellenberg 1931 B69
| | Stenopleustes Sars 1895 [incl. Sympleustes Stebbing 1899] B69
| | |--*S. malmgreni (Boeck 1871) [=Amphithopsis malmgreni] B69
| | `--S. latipes (Sars 1858) [=Amphithoe latipes, *Sympleustes latipes] B69
| |--Neopleustinae BH95
| |--Parapleustinae BH95
| |--Pleusirus Barnard 1969 [Pleusirinae] BH95
| | `--*P. secorrus Barnard 1969 BH95
| | |--P. s. secorrus BH95
| | `--P. s. asiaticus Kudryaschov & Tzvetkova 1975 BH95
| `--Dactylopleustes Karaman & Barnard 1979 (see below for synonymy) BH95
| |--*D. echinoicus (Tzvetkova 1975) [=Parapleustes echinoicus] BH95
| |--D. echinoides Bousfield & Hendrycks 1995 [=D. (*Neodactylopleustes) echinoides] BH95
| `--D. obsolescens Hirayama 1988 [=D. (*Apodactylopleustes) obsolescens] BH95
`--Stenothoidae B83
|--Microstenothoe Pirlot 1933 B69
| `--*M. ascidiae Pirlot 1933 B69
|--Prometopa Schellenberg 1926 B69
| `--*P. tuberculata Schellenberg 1926 B69
|--Stenula Barnard 1962 B69
| `--*S. latipes (Chevreux & Fage 1925) [=Stenothoides latipes] B69
|--Metopelloides Gurjanova 1938 B69
| `--*M. micropalpa (Shoemaker 1930) [=Metopella micropalpa] B69
|--Parametopa Chevreux 1901 B69
| `--*P. kervillei Chevreux 1901 B69
|--Prostenothoe Gurjanova 1938 B69
| `--*P. sextonae Gurjanova 1938 B69
|--Probolisca Gurjanova 1938 B69
| |--*P. ovata (Stebbing 1888) [=Metopa ovata] B69
| `--P. nasutigenes (Stebbing 1888) [=Metopella nasutigenes] B69
|--Parametopella Gurjanova 1938 B69
| |--*P. cypris (Holmes 1905) [=Stenothoe cypris] B69
| `--P. stelleri Gurjanova 1948 B69
|--Metopella Sars 1895 B69
| |--*M. longimana (Boeck 1871) [=Metopa longimana] B69
| `--M. ovata N38
|--Mesometopa Gurjanova 1938 B69
| |--*M. esmarki (Boeck 1872) [=Metopa esmarki] B69
| `--M. neglecta B69
|--Stenothoides Chevreux 1900 [incl. Mesostenothoides Gurjanova 1938] B69
| |--*S. perrieri Chevreux 1900 B69
| |--S. bassarginensis KBC03
| `--‘Mesostenothoides’ nenoi KBC03
|--Proboloides Della Valle 1893 [incl. Proboliella Walker 1906] B69
| |--*P. gregarius (Sars 1882) [=Metopa gregaria] B69
| |--P. antarcticus N38
| |--P. bruzelii S00
| |--P. crenatipalmata N38
| `--P. dentimanus Nicholls 1938 N38
|--Metopa B69
|--Metopoides Della Valle 1893 B69
| |--*M. magellanica (Stebbing 1888) [=Metopa magellanica] B69
| |--M. aurorae Nicholls 1938 N39
| |--M. compacta N38
| |--M. heterostylis N38
| `--M. sarsii [incl. M. walkeri] N38
`--Stenothoe B69
Dactylopleustes Karaman & Barnard 1979 [incl. Apodactylopleustes Hirayama 1988, Neodactylopleustes Bousfield & Hendrycks 1995 (n. n.); Dactylopleustinae] BH95
Leucothoe Leach 1814 [incl. Cuvieria Leach 1814 (n. n.) nec Lesueur & Petit 1807 nec Rang 1827, Lycesta Savigny 1816] B69
*Type species of generic name indicated
[BD95] Bakalem, A., & J.-C. Dauvin. 1995. Inventaire des crustacĂ©s amphipodes (Gammaridea, Caprellidea, Hyperiidea) des costes d'AlgĂ©rie: essai de synthèse. MĂ©sogĂ©e 54: 49–62.
[B69] Barnard, J. L. 1969. The families and genera of marine gammaridean Amphipoda. United States National Museum Bulletin 271: i–vi, 1–535.
[B83] Bousfield, E. L. 1983. An updated phyletic classification and palaeohistory of the Amphipoda. In: Schram, F. R. (ed.) Crustacean Phylogeny pp. 257–277. A. A. Balkema.
[BH95] Bousfield, E. L., & E. A. Hendrycks. 1995. The amphipod family Pleustidae on the Pacific coast of North America: Part II. Subfamilies Parapleustinae, Dactylopleustinae, and Pleusirinae. Systematics and distributional ecology. Amphipacifica 2: 65–133.
[KBC03] Kashin, I. A., E. V. Bagaveeva & S. F. Chaplygina. 2003. Fouling communities of hydrotechnical constructions in Nakhodka Bay (Sea of Japan). Russian Journal of Marine Biology 29: 267–283.
[N38] Nicholls, G. E. 1938. Australasian Antarctic Expedition 1911–1914. Under the Leadership of Sir Douglas Mawson, O.B.E., B.E., D.Sc., F. R. S. Scientific Reports. Series C—Zoology and Botany vol. 2 pt 4. Amphipoda Gammaridea. David Harold Paisley, Government Printer: Sydney (Australia).
[N39] Nicholls, G. E. 1939. The Prophliantidae: a proposed new family of Amphipoda, with description of a new genus and four new species. Records of the South Australian Museum 6 (3): 309–334.
[N00] Norman, A. M. 1900. British Amphipoda: families Pontoporeidae to Ampeliscidae. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, series 7, 5: 326–346.
[S00] Stebbing, T. R. R. 1900. Arctic Crustacea: Bruce collection. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, series 7, 5: 1–16.
[S86] Stock, J. H. 1986. Amphipoda: Pleustidae. In: Botosaneanu, L. (ed.) Stygofauna Mundi: A Faunistic, Distributional, and Ecological Synthesis of the World Fauna inhabiting Subterranean Waters (including the Marine Interstitial) pp. 560–561. E. J. Brill/Dr W. Backhuys: Leiden.
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