
Cerioides ornata, copyright Gail Hampshire.

Belongs within: Syrphoidea.

The Cerioidini are a group of hover flies that closely mimic wasps in their appearance.

Characters (from Vockeroth & Thompson 1987): Length 8 mm or more. Antenna long; scape three to four times as long as wide; first flagellomere shorter than scape and pedicel combined; with terminal stylus. Head not strongly concave, postpronota clearly exposed. Crossvein r-m beyond middle of cell dm. Male abdomen with tergite 5 not visible in dorsal view.

<==Cerioidini [Cerioidinae]
    |--Polybiomyia townsendi VT87, TRZ10
    |--Sphiximorpha VT87
    |--Monoceromyia floridensis VT87
    |--Ceriana VT87
    |    |--C. abbreviata VT87
    |    `--C. cacica TRZ10
    `--Cerioides [incl. Pterygophoromyia Shannon 1927] R54
         |  i. s.: C. ablepta Riek 1954 R54
         |         C. fascialis (Kertesz 1903) [=Ceria fascialis] R54
         |         C. ornatifrons R35
         |--C. subarmata group R54
         |    |--C. procapna Riek 1954 R54
         |    `--C. subarmata Curran 1926 [incl. Monoceromyia austeni Shannon 1927] R54
         |--C. macleayi group R54
         |    |--C. alaplicata Hardy 1945 R54
         |    |--C. atacta Riek 1954 [=C. fascialis Ferguson 1926 non Ceria fascialis Kertesz 1903] R54
         |    |--C. breviscapa (Saunders 1845) [=Ceria breviscapa; incl. Cerioides victoria Curran 1925] R54
         |    |--C. doddi Ferguson 1926 R54
         |    |--C. euchroma Riek 1954 R54
         |    |--C. macleayi Ferguson 1926 [incl. Monoceromyia hardyi Shannon 1927] R54
         |    `--C. phya Riek 1954 R54
         `--C. ornata group R54
              |--C. alboseta Ferguson 1926 R54
              |--C. apicalis Ferguson 1926 R54
              |--C. euphara Riek 1954 [=C. variabilis Ferguson 1926 non Kertesz 1903] R54
              |--C. lypra Riek 1954 R54
              |--C. mastersi Ferguson 1926 R54
              |--C. mellivora (Shannon 1927) [=Tenthredomyia (Pterygophoromyia) mellivora] R54
              |--C. optata Riek 1954 R54
              |--C. opuntiae Ferguson 1926 R54
              |--C. ornata (Saunders 1845) (see below for synonymy) R54
              |    |--C. o. ornata R54
              |    `--C. o. australis (Macquart 1850) [=Ceria australis, Tenthredomyia australis] R54
              |--C. picta Riek 1954 R54
              |--C. platypus Ferguson 1926 R54
              |--C. saundersi (Shannon 1925) [=Tenthredomyia saundersi, T. (*Pterygophoromyia) saundersi] R54
              |--C. sphenotoma Riek 1954 R54
              `--C. tolmera Riek 1954 R54

Cerioides ornata (Saunders 1845) [=Ceria ornata, Cerioides ornatus, Tenthredomyia (Pterygophoromyia) ornata] R54

*Type species of generic name indicated


[R35] Rayment, T. 1935. A Cluster of Bees: Sixty essays on the life-histories of Australian bees, with specific descriptions of over 100 new species. Endeavour Press: Sydney.

[R54] Riek, E. F. 1954. The Australian syrphid flies of the subfamily Cerioidinae (Diptera: Syrphidae): systematics and wing folding. Australian Journal of Zoology 2 (1): 100–130.

[TRZ10] Thompson, E. C., G. E. Rotheray & M. A. Zumbado. 2010. Syrphidae (flower flies). In: Brown, B. V., A. Borkent, J. M. Cumming, D. M. Wood, N. E. Woodley & M. A. Zumbado (eds) Manual of Central American Diptera vol. 2 pp. 763–792. NRC Research Press: Ottawa.

[VT87] Vockeroth, J. R., & F. C. Thompson. 1987. Syrphidae. In: McAlpine, J. F. (ed.) Manual of Nearctic Diptera vol. 2 pp. 713–743. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada.

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