
Right view of Bassleratia typa, from Benson et al. (1961).

Belongs within: Ostracoda.

The Bassleratiidae are a group of small ostracods known from the lower to mid-Ordovician (Benson et al. 1961).

Characters (from Benson et al. 1961): Small, subovate to subrectangular with one or more marginal ridges and anterocentral node; other ridges and nodes commonly within marginal ridges.

<==Bassleratiidae [Bassleratinae]
    |--Bellornatia Kay 1934 BB61
    |    `--*B. tricollis Kay 1934 BB61
    |--Lennukella Jaanusson 1957 BB61
    |    `--*L. europaea Jaanusson 1957 BB61
    |--Raymondatia Kay 1934 BB61
    |    `--*R. goniglypta Kay 1934 BB61
    |--Thomasatia Kay 1934 BB61
    |    `--*T. falcicosta Kay 1934 BB61
    |--Opikatia Kay 1940 M61, BB61 [=Oepikatia Henningsmoen 1953 BB61]
    |    `--*O. emaciata Kay 1940 BB61
    `--Bassleratia Kay 1934 [incl. Hilseweckella Harris 1957, Laddella Spivey 1939] BB61
         |--*B. typa Kay 1934 BB61
         `--B. rugulosa (Harris 1957) [=*Hilseweckella rugulosa] BB61

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BB61] Benson, R. H., J. M. Berdan, W. A. van den Bold, T. Hanai, I. Hessland, H. V. Howe, R. V. Kesling, S. A. Levinson, R. A. Reyment, R. C. Moore, H. W. Scott, R. H. Shaver, I. G. Sohn, L. E. Stover, F. M. Swain & P. C. Sylvester-Bradley. 1961. Systematic descriptions. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt Q. Arthropoda 3: Crustacea: Ostracoda pp. Q99–Q421. Geological Society of America and University of Kansas Press.

[M61] Moore, R. C. 1961. Supplement—USSR treatise on Ostracoda. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt Q. Arthropoda 3: Crustacea: Ostracoda pp. Q422–Q429. Geological Society of America and University of Kansas Press.

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