
Trichodina on fish gill, from here.

Belongs within: Oligohymenophorea.

The Urceolariidae are a group of ciliates that are parasites or commensals on aquatic animals such as fish, molluscs or worms.

Characters (from here): Body cylindrical, often slightly tipped to one side; adoral spiral (buccal ciliature) turns ca. 400°, with wide radius; denticles of skeletal ring smoothly linked, ca. 20 in number; compact macronucleus; no cortical rings.

Urceolariidae [Mobilina]
    |--Leiotrocha BK77
    |--Cyclochaeta BK77
    |    |--C. astericola BK77
    |    |--C. asterisci (Gruber 1884) [=Trichodina asterisci, Cyclocyrrha asterisci] BK77
    |    `--C. ophiothricis (Fabre-Domergue 1888) [=Cyclocyrrha ophiothricis] BK77
    |--Urceolaria BK77
    |    |--U. ophiocomae BK77
    |    |--U. spinicola BK77
    |    `--U. synaptae [=Cyclochaeta synaptae, Trichodina synaptae] BK77
    `--Trichodina BK77
         |--T. davisi K-M02b
         |--T. domerguei K-M02a
         |    |--T. d. domerguei K-M02a
         |    `--T. d. saintjohnsi K-M02a
         |--T. elizabethae C02
         |--T. galyae K-M02a
         |--T. pediculus SCM99
         `--T. spheroidesi K-MC02c

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BK77] Barel, C. D. N., & P. G. N. Kramers. 1977. A survey of the echinoderm associates of the north-east Atlantic area. Zoologische Verhandelingen 156: 1-159.

[C02] Collette, B. B. 2002. Pricklebacks. Family Stichaeidae. In Bigelow and Schroeder’s Fishes of the Gulf of Maine (B. B. Collette & G. Klein-MacPhee, eds) 3rd ed. pp. 474-481. Smithsonian Institute Press: Washington.

[K-M02a] Klein-MacPhee, G. 2002a. Lumpfishes. Family Cyclopteridae. In Bigelow and Schroeder’s Fishes of the Gulf of Maine (B. B. Collette & G. Klein-MacPhee, eds) 3rd ed. pp. 363-368. Smithsonian Institute Press: Washington.

[K-M02b] Klein-MacPhee, G. 2002b. Temperate basses. Family Moronidae. In Bigelow and Schroeder’s Fishes of the Gulf of Maine (B. B. Collette & G. Klein-MacPhee, eds) 3rd ed. pp. 374-389. Smithsonian Institute Press: Washington.

[K-M02c] Klein-MacPhee, G. 2002c. Filefishes. Family Monacanthidae. In Bigelow and Schroeder’s Fishes of the Gulf of Maine (B. B. Collette & G. Klein-MacPhee, eds) 3rd ed. pp. 592-598. Smithsonian Institute Press: Washington.

[SCM99] Shu, D., S. Conway Morris, X.-L. Zhang, L. Chen, Y. Li & J. Han. 1999. A pipiscid-like fossil from the Lower Cambrian of south China. Nature 400: 746-749.

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