
Flowering twig of Iodes sp., copyright Leonardo L. Co.

Belongs within: Garryales.

The Iodeae have been recognised as a tribe within the pantropical flowering plant family Icacinaceae, though phylogenetic analysis indicates that it is paraphyletic with regard to the Phytocreneae and Sarcostigma (Kårehed 2001).

Synapomorphies (from Kårehed 2001, as unnamed clade): Leaves with prominent major veins present; flowers functionally unisexual; fruit a laterally compressed drupe; pollen with spines originating from the foot-layer; columellae more or less long and fine, often heterogeneous.

    |--Mappianthus K01
    `--+--+--+--Rhyticaryum K01
       |  |  `--+--Sarcostigma [Sarcostigmateae] K01
       |  |     `--Stachyanthus K01
       |  `--+--Hosiea K01
       |     `--+--Natsiatopsis K01
       |        `--Natsiatum K01
       `--+--+--Polyporandra K01
          |  `--Iodes K01
          |       |--I. africana K01
          |       |--I. cirrhosa K01
          |       `--I. ovalis K01
          `--Phytocreneae K01
               |--+--Miquelia K01
               |  `--Phytocrene K01
               `--+--Polycephalium K01
                  `--+--Chlamydocarya K01
                     `--Pyrenacantha K01
                          |--P. grandifolia K01
                          `--P. malvifolia K01

*Type species of generic name indicated


[K01] Kårehed, J. 2001. Multiple origin of the tropical forest tree family Icacinaceae. American Journal of Botany 88 (12): 2259–2274.

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