
Sea bristletails Petrobius maritimus, photographed by Jymm.

Belongs within: Panhexapoda.
Contains: Meinertellidae.

The Archaeognatha, bristletails, are a group of wingless insects with an arched thorax modified for jumping.

Characters (from Ferguson 1990): Body form subcylindrical, thorax strongly arched; head hypognathous; eyes large, contiguous, with hundreds of ommatidia; vertex greatly reduced; frons large, with median ocellus; lateral ocelli large; mandibles primitive, consisting of a basal part with a single point of articulation to the cranium and a distal part with separate molar and incisor processes; palpus of maxillae with seven segments; labium with palpus of three unequal segments, the distal not greatly expanded apically; thoracic terga with very large paranotal lobes against sides; all leg segments essentially cylindrical; meso— and metathoracic coxae typically with styli (may be absent on mesothoracic coxa or both); femur and tibia large; tarsus with three tarsomeres; abdominal segments II—VII covered ventrally by three distinct sclerites; an anteromedial sternite and two lateral coxopodites; coxopodites of abdominal segments II—IX each with a posterolateral stylus; posterior edge of segments I—VII typically with one or two pairs of exsertile vesicles mesad of the styli.

<==Archaeognatha [Machilida, Machiloidea, Microcoryphia, Monocondylia]
    |  i. s.: Triassomachilis Sharov 1948 KS02 [Triassomachilidae GE05]
    |           `--T. uralensis Sharov 1948 K03
    |         Ditrigoniophthalmus oreophilus SBG11
    |--Dasyleptidae [Cercopodata, Monura] R02
    |    |--Leoidodasypus sharoui RJ93
    |    `--Dasyleptus Brongniart 1885 FT05
    |         |--D. brongniarti Sharov 1957 K-P83
    |         `--D. sharovi GE05
    `--+--Meinertellidae R02
       `--Machilidae R02
            |--Dilta littoralis GEW01, MG06
            |--Petridiobus arcticus F90
            |--Mesomachilis nearcticus F90
            |--Mixomachilis remingtoni F90
            |--Neomachilis halophilus F90
            |--Trigoniophthalmus Verhoeff 1910 F90
            |    `--T. alternatus (Silvestri 1904) F90
            |--Pedetontus Silvestri 1911 F90
            |    |--P. saltator Wygodzinsky & Schmidt 1980 F90
            |    `--P. unimaculatus R02
            |--Machilis Latreille 1802 L02
            |    |--*M. polypoda [=Lepisma polypoda] L02
            |    |--M. strenuva F90
            |    `--M. variabilis LNM91
            `--Petrobius Leach 1908 F90
                 |--P. brevistylis Carpenter 1913 [incl. P. canadensis Paclt 1969] F90
                 |--P. calcaratus Silvestri 1911 F90
                 |--P. californicus Silvestri 1911 F90
                 |--P. longicaudatus K-P83
                 |--P. maritimus Leach 1809 F90
                 |--P. persquamosus Silvestri 1911 F90
                 |--P. submutans Silvestri 1911 F90
                 `--P. superior Silvestri 1911 F90

*Type species of generic name indicated


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[F90] Ferguson, L. M. 1990. Insecta: Microcoryphia and Thysanura. In: Dindal, D. L. (ed.) Soil Biology Guide pp. 935-949. John Wiley & Sones: New York.

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