Balcis (Balcis)

Balcis otakauica, copyright Te Papa Tongarewa.

Belongs within: Vanikoroidea.

The type subgenus of the genus Balcis is a group of snails parasitic on echinoderms with an awl-shaped, turriculate shell.

<--Balcis Leach 1847 (Balcis) P61
    |--B. (B.) alba [incl. *B. montagui] P61
    |--B. (B.) alertae Dell 1956 P61
    |--B. (B.) archeyi Finlay 1928 P61
    |--B. (B.) aucklandica (Suter 1909) P61
    |--B. (B.) aupouria Powell 1937 P61
    |--B. (B.) bollonsi Powell 1937 P61
    |--B. (B.) infrapatula (Murdoch & Suter 1906) P61
    |--B. (B.) maoria Powell 1940 P61
    |--B. (B.) maui Dell 1952 P61
    |--B. (B.) micans B56
    |--B. (B.) otagoensis Powell 1927 P61
    |--B. (B.) otakauica Dell 1956 P61
    |--B. (B.) oxyacme (Suter 1908) P61
    |--B. (B.) paxillus (Hedley 1904) P61
    |--B. (B.) pervegrandis Powell 1940 P61
    |--B. (B.) puhana Dell 1956 P61
    |--B. (B.) titahica (Suter 1908) P61
    |--B. (B.) truncata (Suter 1908) P61
    `--B. (B.) vegrandis (Murdoch & Suter 1906) P61

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B56] Berry, S. S. 1956. Mollusca dredged by the Orca off the Santa Barbara Islands, California, in 1951. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 46 (5): 150–157.

[P61] Powell, A. W. B. 1961. Shells of New Zealand: An illustrated handbook 4th ed. Whitcombe and Tombs Limited: Christchurch.

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