
Anomodon attenuatus, photographed by Hermann Schachner.

Belongs within: Hypnales.

The Anomodontaceae are a group of mat-forming mosses with an erect, exserted capsule.

Characters (from I. Granzow-de la Cerda): Plants small to large, in dense or loose mats, glaucous, green, brown, or yellowish brown, dull. Stems creeping, sparsely to profusely branched, irregularly pinnate; paraphyllia absent. Stem and branch leaves differentiated. Stem leaves scalelike, minute; apex acute-acuminate to rounded; costa single, long, ending below apex, thick, usually pellucid, or double and short; laminal cells short. Branch leaves with costa single, ending sharply at or near apex, pellucid. Sexual condition dioicous. Seta dark to light reddish or brown, flexuose. Capsule erect, exserted; operculum conic to obliquely short-rostrate; exostome whitish yellow to pale brown, often striolate at base and papillose.

<==Anomodontaceae SK02
    |--Haplohymenium Dozy & Molk. 1846 SK02
    |--Herpetineuron (Müll.Hal.) Cardot 1905 SK02
    |    `--H. toccoae (Sull. & Lesq.) Cardot 1905 SK02
    `--Anomodon Hooker & Taylor 1818 SK02
         |--A. attenuatus VH02 [=Hypnum attenuatum D24]
         |--A. longifolius [=Pterigynandrum longifolium] D24
         |--A. pseudotristis (Müll.Hal.) Kindb. 1888 (see below for synonymy) SK02
         |--A. rostratus J87
         |--A. rugelli N02
         |--A. thraustus N02
         `--A. viticulosus [=Hypnum viticulosum] D24

Nomen invalidum: Anomodon brevissimus Broth. ex Bailey 1890 SK02

Anomodon pseudotristis (Müll.Hal.) Kindb. 1888 [=Haplohymenium pseudotriste (Müll.Hal.) Broth. 1907; incl. A. brevinervis, H. brevinerve] SK02

*Type species of generic name indicated


[D24] Dixon, H. N. 1924. The Student's Handbook of British Mosses 3rd ed. V. V. Sumfield: Eastbourne.

[J87] Judd, W. S. 1987. Floristic study of Morne La Visite and Pic Macaya National Parks, Haiti. Bulletin of the Florida State Museum—Biological Sciences 32 (1): 1–136.

[N02] Negi, H. R. 2002. Abundance and diversity of moss communities of Chopta-Tunganath in the Garhwal Himalaya. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 99 (3): 418–433.

[SK02] Streimann, H., & N. Klazenga. 2002. Catalogue of Australian Mosses. Flora of Australia Supplementary Series 17. Australian Biological Resources Study: Canberra.

[VH02] Vanderpoorten, A., L. Hedenäs, C. J. Cox & A. J. Shaw. 2002. Phylogeny and morphological evolution of the Amblystegiaceae (Bryopsida). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 23 (1): 1–21.

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