
Buxbaumia aphylla, copyright Bernd Haynold.

Belongs within: Bryophyta.

The Tetraphidales are a group of mosses with leaves in which the costa is narrow or absent, and capsules with a nematodontous peristome (that is, the teeth are, at least in part, composed of entire cells).

<==Tetraphidales SK02
    |--Tetraphis [Tetraphidaceae, Tetraphididae] FHH01
    |    |--T. browniana [=Bryum brownianum, Georgia brownii, Tetrodontium brownianum] D24
    |    |--T. geniculata D24
    |    |--T. pellucida FHH01 [=Mnium pellucidum D24, Georgia pellucida D24]
    |    `--T. repanda D24
    `--Buxbaumia Hedw. 1801 [Buxbaumiaceae] SK02
         |--B. aphylla Hedw. 1801 SK02
         |--B. colyerae Burges 1932 SK02
         |--B. indusiata D24
         |--B. piperi FHH01
         |--B. tasmanica Mitt. 1859 SK02
         `--B. thorsborneae Stone 1983 SK02

*Type species of generic name indicated


[D24] Dixon, H. N. 1924. The Student's Handbook of British Mosses 3rd ed. V. V. Sumfield: Eastbourne.

[FHH01] Frey, W., M. Hofmann & H. H. Hilger. 2001. The gametophyte-sporophyte junction: unequivocal hints for two evolutionary lines of archegoniate land plants. Flora 196: 431–445.

[SK02] Streimann, H., & N. Klazenga. 2002. Catalogue of Australian Mosses. Flora of Australia Supplementary Series 17. Australian Biological Resources Study: Canberra.

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