Belongs within: Cosmetidae.
Paecilaema is a diverse genus of harvestmen found in Central and South America.
Characters (from Goodnight & Goodnight 1953): Dorsum with five areas, variously armed with tubercles and spines. Tarsus of first leg with more than six segments; distitarsi of both first and second tarsi with three segments. Third and fourth legs with simple untoothed claws.
<==Paecilaema Koch 1839 K03 (see below for synonymy)
|--*P. u-flavum (Perty 1833) [=Cosmetus u-flavum, Paecilima u-flavum, Poecilaema u-flavum] K03
|--P. acurigense González-Sponga 1992 PA-Z11, K03 [=P. acuriguensis K03]
|--P. adspersum Roewer 1947 K03
|--P. albantica (Roewer 1947) [=Paecilaemella albantica] K03
|--P. altaspinulatum Goodnight & Goodnight 1943 [=Paecilaemula altaspinatum (l. c.)] K03
|--P. altispina González-Sponga 1992 K03
|--P. amazonicum González-Sponga 1992 PA-Z11, K03 [=P. amazonica K03]
|--P. andreae (Perty 1833) (n. d.) [=Cosmetus andreae, Cynorta andreae, Flirtea andreae, Poecilaema andreae] K03
|--P. angustum González-Sponga 1992 [=P. angusta] K03
|--P. anticum Roewer 1927 K03
|--P. araguanum González-Sponga 1992 [=P. araguanus] K03
|--P. argentinoi Soares 1970 K03
|--P. atroluteum Roewer 1912 [=Poecilaema atroluteum] K03
|--P. barinense González-Sponga 1992 [=P. barinensis] K03
|--P. bicingulatum Roewer 1927 K03
|--P. bifurca Roewer 1933 K03
|--P. bilineatum Goodnight & Goodnight 1953 K03
|--P. bilunatum (Wood 1869) (n. d.) [=Ortonia bilunata, Cynorta bilunata, Poecilaema bilunatum] K03
|--P. bimaculatum Roewer 1927 K03
|--P. cabudarense González-Sponga 1992 [=P. cabudarensis] K03
|--P. campoeliasense González-Sponga 1998 PA-Z11, K03 [=P. campoeliasensis K03]
|--P. cancellatum Roewer 1927 [=P. cancelatum (l. c.)] K03
|--P. carvalhoi Soares 1970 K03
|--P. chiriquiense Goodnight & Goodnight 1943 [=P. chiriquiensis] K03
|--P. c-insignitum Simon 1879 [=Poecilaema c-insignitum] K03
|--P. circunscriptum Roewer 1947 K03
|--P. conspicillatum Simon 1879 [=Poecilaema conspicillatum] K03
|--P. contextum Roewer 1927 K03
|--P. curvipes Roewer 1912 [=Poecilaema curvipes] K03
|--P. diadematum Roewer 1917 [=Poecilaema diadematum] K03
|--P. distinctum Roewer 1915 [=Poecilaema distincta] K03
|--P. eutypum (Chamberlin 1925) KA-Z11, K03 (see below for synonymy)
|--P. festae Roewer 1925 K03
|--P. festivum Kury 2003 KA-Z11, K03 (see below for synonymy)
|--P. forcipatum (Pickard-Cambridge 1905) [=Meterginus forcipatus, Pararhaucus forcipatus] K03
|--P. gigas (Roewer 1933) [=Paecilaemella gigas] K03
|--P. gonzalezi Kury 2003 [=P. vittata González-Sponga 1992 non Rhaucus vittatus Sørensen 1932] K03
|--P. gracile (Goodnight & Goodnight 1947) [=*Soaresella gracilis] K03
|--P. granitum Sørensen 1932 [=Poecilaema granitum] K03
|--P. graphicum Roewer 1947 K03
|--P. guttatum Roewer 1912 [=Poecilaema guttatum] K03
|--P. guttigerum Sørensen 1932 K03
|--P. henrikseni Mello-Leitão 1944 (see below for synonymy) K03
|--P. inerme (Banks 1909) [=Meterginus inermis, *Meterginoides inermis] K03
|--P. inglei Goodnight & Goodnight 1947 [incl. P. punctulata Caporiacco 1951] K03
|--P. irmae González-Sponga 1992 K03
|--P. laevifemur (Roewer 1947) [=Meterginulus laevifemur] K03
|--P. laterale Goodnight & Goodnight 1942 KA-Z11, K03 [=P. lateralis K03]
|--P. lepidopterum González-Sponga 1992 [=P. lepidoptera] K03
|--P. leucomelas Simon 1880 (n. d.) [=Poecilaema leucomelas] K03
|--P. limbatum Kollar in Koch 1839 (n. d.) [=Poecilaema limbatum] K03
|--P. lineatum (Roewer 1933) [=*Pararhauculus lineatus] K03
|--P. lobipictum Roewer 1947 K03
|--P. longicruris Mello-Leitão 1939 K03
|--P. lucifugum Goodnight & Goodnight 1973 K03
|--P. luquillense Soares 1990 K03
|--P. lutzi Goodnight & Goodnight 1942 K03
|--P. maculatum González-Sponga [=P. maculata] K03
|--P. maculifrons Roewer 1947 K03
|--P. manifestum Roewer 1927 K03
|--P. marajoara Soares 1970 K03
|--P. marginatum (Sørensen 1884) (n. d.) [=Cosmetus marginatus, Poecilaema marginatum] K03
|--P. marmoratum Roewer 1915 [=Poecilaema marmoratum] K03
|--P. medianum Roewer 1947 K03
|--P. micropunctatum Roewer 1916 [=Poecilaema micropunctatum] K03
|--P. neglectum Ringuelet 1957 [=P. bonita ms] K03
|--P. oblongum González-Sponga 1992 KA-Z11, K03 [=P. oblonga K03]
|--P. obscurum (Pickard-Cambridge 1905) [=*Pararhaucus obscurus] K03
|--P. octosegmentatum González-Sponga 1992 [=P. octosegmentata] K03
|--P. oculatum González-Sponga 1992 [=P. oculata] K03
|--P. ornatum Roewer 1917 [=Poecilaema ornatum] K03
|--P. paraense Soares 1970 [=P. paraensis] K03
|--P. paucistipulatum Roewer 1947 K03
|--P. pectinigerum (Roewer 1912) [=Meterginulus pectinigerus] K03
|--P. rastelliferum Pickard-Cambridge 1905 (see below for synonymy) K03
|--P. rectipes Roewer 1947 K03
|--P. reticulatum Roewer 1927 K03
|--P. serrifemur Roewer 1917 [=Poecilaema serrifemur] K03
|--P. sexlineatum Goodnight & Goodnight 1942 [=P. sexlineata] K03
|--P. sigillatum Roewer 1912 [=Poecilaema sigillatum] K03
|--P. sinuatum Roewer 1947 K03
|--P. sulphuratum Roewer 1912 [=Poecilaema sulphuratum, Paecilaema sulfuratum (l. c.)] K03
|--P. triangulatum Goodnight & Goodnight 1942 [=P. triangulata] K03
|--P. trisegmentatum González-Sponga 1992 [=P. trisegmentata] K03
|--P. triseriatum Roewer 1947 K03
|--P. variegatum Goodnight & Goodnight 1977 [=P. variegatus] K03
|--P. virens González-Sponga 1998 K03
|--P. vittatum (Sørensen 1932) [=Rhaucus (Ortonia) vittatus] K03
|--P. waratukum Goodnight & Goodnight 1943 (see below for synonymy) K03
|--P. withi Henriksen in Sørensen 1932 [=Poecilaema withi] K03
|--P. x-signatum Mello-Leitão 1940 K03
`--P. ypsilon Roewer 1912 [=Poecilaema ypsilon] K03
Paecilaema Koch 1839 K03 [=Paecilima KA-Z11, Poecilaema K03, Poeciloema (l. c.) K03; incl. Meterginoides Roewer 1912 K03, Meterginulus Roewer 1912 K03, Paecilaemella Roewer 1925 K03, Poecilaemella (l. c.) K03, Pararhauculus Roewer 1933 K03, Pararhaucus Pickard-Cambridge 1905 K03, Soaresella Goodnight & Goodnight 1947 K03]
Paecilaema eutypum (Chamberlin 1925) KA-Z11, K03 [=Meterginoides eutypa K03, Paecilaema eutypa K03, Paecilaemella eutypa K03, Paecilaema eutypta (l. c.) K03]
Paecilaema festivum Kury 2003 KA-Z11, K03 [=*Paecilaemella festae Roewer 1925 non Paecilaema festae Roewer 1925 K03, Paecilaema festiva K03]
Paecilaema henrikseni Mello-Leitão 1944 [=, P. reticulatum Sørensen 1932 non Roewer 1927, Cynorta reticulata non Roewer 1947; incl. C. estebana Roewer 1947, Paecilaema estebana] K03
Paecilaema rastelliferum Pickard-Cambridge 1905 [=Poecilaema rastellifera, *Meterginulus rastellifer, M. rastellifera, Paecilaema rastellifer] K03
Paecilaema waratukum Goodnight & Goodnight 1943 [=P. reticulata Goodnight & Goodnight 1942 nec Roewer 1927 nec Sørensen 1932]
*Type species of generic name indicated
Goodnight, C. J., & M. L. Goodnight. 1953. The opilionid fauna of Chiapas, Mexico, and adjacent areas (Arachnoidea, Opiliones). American Museum Novitates 1610: 1–81.
[K03] Kury, A. B. 2003. Annotated catalogue of the Laniatores of the New World (Arachnida, Opiliones). Revista Ibérica de Aracnología, volumen especial monográfico 1: 1–337.
[KA-Z11] Kury, A. B., & M. A. Alonso-Zarazaga. 2011. Addenda and corrigenda to the "Annotated catalogue of the Laniatores of the New World (Arachnida, Opiliones)". Zootaxa 3034: 47–68.
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