
Ablerus, from here.

Belongs within: Chalcidoidea.

Ablerus is a genus of small parasitoid wasps, including primary parasites of Hemiptera and Lepidoptera, and hyperparasites of other parasitic Hymenoptera within those hosts.

Characters (from Hayat 1983): Antenna seven-segmented, antennal formula 1,1,4,1, third segment of funicle invariably shorter than others; labial palp unsegmented; prepecti not connected medially on the venter; propodeum distinctly longer than metanotum; mesoscutum with 1 or 2 pairs of setae; forewing with the disc sparsely and more or less uniformly setose, or almost bare, disc usually uniformly infuscated except for hyaline apex (sometimes entirely hyaline); submarginal vein with one seta; stigmal vein long, with apex hardly expanded; body short and convex. Female with hypopygium prominent; ovipositor exserted.

<==Ablerus Howard 1894 GM79 [=Alberus (l. c.) G32b; incl. Dimacrocerus Brethes 1914 G17, GM79; Azotinae]
    |--A. amarantus Girault 1932 G32b
    |--A. arboris Girault 1932 G32a
    |--A. argentiscapus Girault 1932 G32a
    |--A. beenleighi Girault 1932 G32a
    |--A. bicinctipes Girault 1932 G32a
    |--A. biguttatibiae Girault 1924 G24
    |--A. clisiocampae MH11
    |--A. gratus Girault 1929 G29
    |--A. hastatus Girault 1932 G32b
    |--A. hyalinus Girault 1913 GM79
    |--A. impunctatipennis Girault 1917 GM79
    |--A. miricilia Girault 1929 G29
    |--A. novicornis Girault 1931 [=Alberus (l. c.) novicornis] G31a
    |--A. pan Girault 1913 GM79
    |--A. perspeciosus MH11
    |--A. pius Girault 1929 G29
    |--A. plinii Girault 1929 G29
    |--A. pullicornis Girault 1931 G31b
    |--A. rhea Girault 1929 G29
    |--A. romae Girault 1932 G32a
    |--A. saintpierrei Girault 1913 GM79
    |--A. semifuscipennis Girault 1913 GM79
    |--A. sidneyi Girault 1932 G32a
    |--A. socratis Girault 1931 [=Alberus (l. c.) socratis] G31a
    |--A. speciosus Girault 1913 GM79
    |--A. totifuscipennis Girault 1929 G29
    `--A. venustulus Girault 1915 GM79

*Type species of generic name indicated


[G17] Girault, A. A. 1917. Descriptiones hymenopterorum chalcidoidicarum variorum cum observationibus. V. Privately published (reprinted Gordh, G., A. S. Menke, E. C. Dahms & J. C. Hall. 1979. The privately printed papers of A. A. Girault. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 28: 116-131).

[G24] Girault, A. A. 1924. Homo perniciosus and new Hymenoptera. Privately published (reprinted Gordh, G., A. S. Menke, E. C. Dahms & J. C. Hall. 1979. The privately printed papers of A. A. Girault. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 28: 178-181).

[G29] Girault, A. A. 1929. Description of a case of lunacy in Homo and of six-legged articulates. Privately published (reprinted Gordh, G., A. S. Menke, E. C. Dahms & J. C. Hall. 1979. The privately printed papers of A. A. Girault. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 28: 262-265).

[G31a] Girault, A. A. 1931a. A new habit in an old insect, Homo pudicus and new Eurytomidae. Privately published (reprinted Gordh, G., A. S. Menke, E. C. Dahms & J. C. Hall. 1979. The privately printed papers of A. A. Girault. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 28: 280-283).

[G31b] Girault, A. A. 1931b. Hymenoptera, Thysanoptera nova Australiensis. Privately published (reprinted Gordh, G., A. S. Menke, E. C. Dahms & J. C. Hall. 1979. The privately printed papers of A. A. Girault. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 28: 284-285).

[G32a] Girault, A. A. 1932a. New pests from Australia, X. Privately published (reprinted Gordh, G., A. S. Menke, E. C. Dahms & J. C. Hall. 1979. The privately printed papers of A. A. Girault. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 28: 286-291).

[G32b] Girault, A. A. 1932b. New lower Hymenoptera from Australia and India. Privately published (reprinted Gordh, G., A. S. Menke, E. C. Dahms & J. C. Hall. 1979. The privately printed papers of A. A. Girault. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 28: 293-298).

[GM79] Gordh, G., A. S. Menke, E. C. Dahms & J. C. Hall. 1979. The privately printed papers of A. A. Girault. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 28: 1-400.

Hayat, M. 1983. The genera of Aphelinidae (Hymenoptera) of the world. Systematic Entomology 8: 63-102.

[MH11] Munro, J. B., J. M. Heraty, R. A. Burks, D. Hawks, J. Mottern, A. Cruaud, J.-Y. Rasplus & P. Jansta. 2011. A molecular phylogeny of the Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera). PLoS One 6 (11): e27023.

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