
Perithecia of Pyxidiophora, photographed by M. Blackwell.

Belongs within: Pezizomycotina.
Contains: Laboulbeniaceae.

The Laboulbeniomycetes are a group of minute fungi commonly ectoparasitic on insects. They are characterised by linear thalli composed of superposed cells, resulting from enlargement and subsequent cell division of a spore (Henk et al. 2003).

Laboulbeniomycetes [Pyxomycetalia]
    |  i. s.: Amphoromorpha HWB03
    |         Endosporella HWB03
    |         Coreomycetopsis oedipus HWB03
    |         Amphoropsis HWB03
    |         Myriopodophila HWB03
    |         Entomocosma HWB03
    |--+--Laboulbeniopsis termitarius Thaxter 1920 HWB03
    |  `--Pyxidiophoraceae [Pyxidiophorales] EB03
    |       |--Mycorhynchidium Malloch & Cain 1971 EB03, RS99
    |       |    `--*M. saccatum Malloch & Cain 1971 RS99
    |       |--Rhynchonectria von Höhnel 1902 (n. d.) [=Eleutherosphaera Grove 1907] RS99
    |       |    `--*R. longispora (Phillips & Plowr.) von Höhnel 1902 (n. d.) (see below for synonymy) RS99
    |       |--Pyxidiophora Brefeld & Tavel 1891 RS99 (see below for synonymy)
    |       |    |--*P. nyctalidis Brefeld & Tavel 1891 RS99
    |       |    `--P. marchalii (see below for synonymy) RS99
    |       |--Copranophilus Spegazzini 1909 [incl. Ascolanthanus Cailleux 1967] RS99
    |       |    |--*C. spinuliformis Spegazzini 1909 RS99
    |       |    `--‘*Ascolanthanus’ trisporus Cailleux 1967 RS99
    |       `--Treleasia Spegazzini 1896 RS99
    |            |--*T. sacchari Spegazzini 1896 RS99
    |            `--T. musicola RS99
    `--Laboulbeniales EB03
         |--Herpomyces [Herpomycetaceae] EB03
         |--Laboulbeniaceae EB03
         |--Euceratomycetaceae EB03
         |    |--Cochliomyces EB03
         |    |--Colonomyces EB03
         |    |--Euceratomyces EB03
         |    |--Euzodiomyces EB03
         |    `--Pseudoecteinomyces EB03
         `--Ceratomycetaceae EB03
              |--Autoicomyces EB03
              |--Ceratomyces EB03
              |--Drepanomyces EB03
              |--Eusynaptomyces EB03
              |--Helodiomyces EB03
              |--Phurmomyces EB03
              |--Plectomyces EB03
              |--Rhynchophoromyces EB03
              |--Synaptomyces EB03
              |--Tettigomyces EB03
              |--Thaumasiomyces EB03
              `--Thripomyces EB03

Pyxidiophora RS99 [incl. Mycorhynchus Saccardo & Saccardo 1906 RS99, Rhynchomyces Saccardo 1885 non Willkomm 1866 RS99; anam. Thaxteriola HWB03]

Pyxidiophora marchalii [=*Rhynchomyces marchalii Saccardo in Marchal 1885, *Mycorhynchus marchalii (Saccardo) Mig. in Thomé 1922] RS99

*Rhynchonectria longispora (Phillips & Plowr.) von Höhnel 1902 (n. d.) [=Eleutheromyces longisporus, *Eleutherosphaera longispora (Phillips & Plowr.) Grove 1907] RS99

*Type species of generic name indicated


[EB03] Eriksson, O. E., H. O. Barah, R. S. Currah, K. Hansen, C. P. Kurtzman, G. Rambold & T. Laessøe (eds.) 2003. Outline of Ascomycota—2003. Myconet 9: 1-89.

[HWB03] Henk, D. A., A. Weir & M. Blackwell. 2003. Laboulbeniopsis termitarius, an ectoparasite of termites newly recognized as a member of the Laboulbeniomycetes. Mycologia 95 (4): 561-564.

[RS99] Rossman, A. Y., G. J. Samuels, C. T. Rogerson & R. Lowen. 1999. Genera of Bionectriaceae, Hypocreaceae and Nectriaceae (Hypocreales, Ascomycetes). Studies in Mycology 42: 1-248.

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