Belongs within: Psocomorpha.
Contains: Stenopsocidae, Caeciliusidae, Kodamaius, Dasydemella, Amphipsocini, Siniamphipsocus.
The Caeciliusetae are a clade of barklice characterised by the absence of a preapical tooth on the pretarsal claw, and reduction of the external valve of the gonapophyses. Members of the clade are divided between the small bark-dwelling family Asiopsocidae and the more diverse foliage-dwelling Caeciliusoidea (Yoshizawa 2002).
Characters (from Yoshizawa 2002): Small to large in size, about 2–10 mm in length. Sexual dimorphism present. Head with rounded vertex; eyes variable; ocelli complete, clustered on small tubercle; mandible more or less elongate, outer margin angled; galea ball-shaped; labial palpus somewhat triangular. Prothorax less bulged dorsally; preepisternum of prothorax elongate. Pterothorax greatly bulged dorsally in winged form; mesothorax with broad precoxal bridge and narrow trochantin; metathorax with broad membranous region. Forewing variable in venation, size, shape, and colour; posteroproximal corner smoothly rounded. Hindwing with smoothly rounded posteroproximal corner; ciliation variable; Sc clear; Rs and M + Cu fused for long distance basally; Rs and M fused. Tarsi 2-segmented; claws without preapical tooth. Male genitalia: Hypandrium simple, posterior margin smoothly rounded. Phallosome: aedeagus pointed apically, strongly arched in lateral aspect; paramere extended along aedeagus, strongly arched in lateral aspect; phallobase simple and narrow, anterior margin not divided; endophallus usually with weakly sclerotized region but never with rod-like sclerites. Female genitalia: Subgenital plate simply rounded or slightly hollowed posteriorly. Gonapophyses variable; external valve more or less reduced.
<==Caeciliusetae [Caecilietae]
|--Asiopsocidae [Asiopsocoidea] NL07
| |--Pronotiopsocus Mockford 1983 M93
| | `--*P. amazonicus M93
| |--Notiopsocus Banks 1913 [incl. Lenkoella Machado-Allison & Papavero 1964] M93
| | |--*N. simplex M93
| | |--N. aldretei Y02
| | |--N. machadoi Badonnel 1955 B55
| | `--N. vilhenai Badonnel 1955 B55
| `--Asiopsocus Günther 1968 Y02
| |--*A. mongolicus Günther 1968 L02
| |--A. meridionalis Lienhard 1981 L98
| |--A. sonorensis Mockford & García Aldrete 1976 M93
| |--A. vanharteni Lienhard 1995 L98
| `--A. wulingshanensis Li 2002 L02
`--Caeciliusoidea [Caecilioidea] NL07
|--Stenopsocidae Y02
`--+--Caeciliusidae Y02
`--Amphipsocidae Y02
| i. s.: Brachypsocus Lienhard 1979 L98
| `--*B. badonneli Lienhard 1979 L98
|--Kodamaius NL07
|--Calocaecilius Mockford 1974 L03 [Calocaecillinae NL07]
| |--*C. decipiens Mockford 1974 NL07
| `--C. apertus Thornton 1984 NL07
|--Dasydemellinae [Dasydemellidae] NL07
| |--Ptenopsila M93
| |--Dasydemella SN04
| |--Teliapsocus Chapman 1930 M93
| | |--*T. conterminus (Walsh 1863) (see below for synonymy) M93
| | `--T. distinctus Badonnel 1986 B86
| `--Matsumuraiella Enderlein 1906 L02
| |--*M. radiopicta Enderlein 1906 L02
| |--M. auriformis Li 1989 L02
| |--M. enderleini Banks 1937 L02
| |--M. guichengana Li 1997 L02
| |--M. maculosa Li 1997 L02
| |--M. perducta Li 2002 [=M. producta Li 2001 (n. n.)] L03
| |--M. quadripunctata Li 1993 L02
| `--M. wangae Li 1997 L02
`--Amphipsocinae [Polypsocidae] NL07
| i. s.: Harpezoneura ambigua Badonnel 1946 B55
| Polypsocus Hagen 1866 [incl. Ptilopsocus Enderlein 1900] M93
| |--*P. corruptus (Hagen 1861) (see below for synonymy) M93
| `--P. fasciatus Banks 1908 M74
|--Amphipsocini NL07
|--Dasypsocus Enderlein 1906 L02 [Dasypsocini NL07]
| |--*D. solox (Enderlein 1903) [=Kolbea solox] NL07
| |--D. angolensis Badonnel 1955 B55
| |--D. brunneus Badonnel 1955 B55
| |--D. pilosus Badonnel 1955 B55
| `--D. tibialis Badonnel 1955 B55
`--Kolbiini [Kolbeinae, Kolbeini] NL07
|--Pseudokolbea Li 2002 L02 [=Pseudoklobea L03, Pseudokolba L03]
| |--*P. nigrisetosa Li 2002 [=P. nigrietosa] L03
| |--P. immaculata (Li & Yang 1992) [=Kolbea immaculata] L02
| |--P. phaea Li 2002 L03
| |--P. xanthoptera Li 2002 L03
| `--P. xuthosticta Li 2002 L03
|--Kolbia Bertkau 1883 NL07, G74 [=Kolbea NL07]
| |--*K. quisquiliarum Bertkau 1882 L98 [=Kolbea quisquiliarum G74]
| |--K. bakeri Banks 1916 NL07
| |--K. hummeli Enderlein 1936 L02
| |--K. maculipennis Karny 1925 NL07
| `--K. serialis Banks 1937 L02
`--Siniamphipsocus M03
*Polypsocus corruptus (Hagen 1861) [=Psocus corruptus; incl. Psocus abruptus Hagen 1861, Polypsocus abruptus, Ptilopsocus annulicornis Banks 1903, Po. corruptus var. omissus Banks 1938, Po. corruptus var. pictilis Banks 1938] M93
*Teliapsocus conterminus (Walsh 1863) [=Psocus conterminus, Elipsocus conterminus, Matsumuraiella contermina; incl. Psocus canadensis Provancher 1876, Caecilius definitus Aaron 1883] M93
*Type species of generic name indicated
[B55] Badonnel, A. 1955. Psocoptères de l'Angola. Diamang Publicações Culturais 26: 11–267.
[B86] Badonnel, A. 1986. Psocoptères de Colombie (Insecta, Psocoptera). Spixiana 9 (2): 179–223.
[G74] Günther, K. K. 1974. Staubläuse, Psocoptera. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands 61: 1–315.
[L02] Li F. 2002. Psocoptera of China vol. 1. Science Press: Beijing.
[L98] Lienhard, C. 1998. Faune de France. France et Régions Limitrophes. 83. Psocoptères Euro-Méditerranéens. Fédération Française des Sociétés de Sciences Naturelles: Paris.
[L03] Lienhard, C. 2003. Nomenclatural amendments concerning Chinese Psocoptera (Insecta), with remarks on species richness. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 110 (4): 695–721.
[M74] Mockford, E. L. 1974. Records and descriptions of Cuban Psocoptera. Entomologica Americana 48 (2): 103–215.
[M93] Mockford, E. L. 1993. North American Psocoptera (Insecta). Sandhill Crane Press, Inc.
[M03] Mockford, E. L. 2003. New species and records of Psocoptera from the Kuril Islands. Mitt. Mus. Nat.kd. Berl., Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 50 (2): 191–230.
[NL07] New, T. R., & C. Lienhard. 2007. The Psocoptera of Tropical South-east Asia. Brill: Leiden.
[SN04] Schmidt, E. R., & T. R. New. 2004. A systematic and phylogenetic revision of the family Elipsocidae (Insecta: Psocoptera), with the erection of two new families: Lesneiidae and Sabulopsocidae. Invertebrate Systematics 18: 157–213.
[Y02] Yoshizawa, K. 2002. Phylogeny and higher classification of suborder Psocomorpha (Insecta: Psocodea: ‘Psocoptera’). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 136: 371–400.
Last updated: 9 August 2020.
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