Belongs within: Asterales.
Contains: Blumea, Balsamorhiza, Geigeria, Hemizonia, Lasthenia, Lessingia, Lipochaeta, Cremanthodium, Machaeranthera, Saussurea, Arnica, Eriophyllum, Heterotheca, Hulsea, Layia, Malacothrix, Pyrrocoma, Tetradymia, Wyethia, Mutisioideae, Carduoideae, Cichorioideae, Asteroideae.
The Asteraceae, also known as Compositae, are a large family of plants distinguished by their production of composite flowers: a large number of minute flowers are clustered together on a common base, giving the superficial appearance of a single flower. The individual flowers may be tubular or ligulate. In the classic radiate 'daisy' arrangement, the central flowers are tubular with a circumferential ring of ligulate flowers but other forms have all florets either one form or the other. Past classifications accordingly divided the composite-flowered plants between the subfamilies Liguliflorae and Tubuliflorae, but this division has since been recognised as somewhat artificial. Instead, the South American Barnadesioideae have been recognised as the sister group to the remaining Asteraceae; members of this clade lack a 22 kb inversion in the chloroplast genome found in all other members of the family. Other basal groups include the Gochnatioideae, containing species found in the Americas characterised by glabrous styles and anthers with appendiculate appendages (Panero & Funk 2002). Hecastocleis shockleyi, prickleleaf, is a low, prickly shrub found on rocky slopes in the southwestern United States. The Pertyoideae are a group of Asian composites bearing discoid or disciform, homogamous heads with florets with actinomorphic, deeply but unequally divided corollas. Gymnarrhena is a genus of rosette-forming perennial herbs found in northern Africa and the Middle East that produces both aerial and subterranean flower heads (Panero & Funk 2002).
Characters (from Black & Robertson 1965): Herbs or shrubs with alternate or opposite exstipulate leaves. Flowers regular or irregular, bisexual or unisexual, sessile or almost so, collected together on a common receptacle or floral base in heads surrounded by an involucre of bracts arranged in one or several rows; surface of receptacle nake or furnished with bracts (chaffy scales), normally one to each flower but sometimes split into fine bristles; calyx mounted on summit of ovary and consisting of ring of bristles or scales or of a small cup or crown called the pappus, or rarely absent; corolla sympetalous, either regular and tubular, the tube expanded upwards into a long or short limb which is more or less deeply cut into five, rarely four, valvate lobes or teeth, or irregular with the teeth or lobes united and extended outwards on one side into a flat usually linear or oblong tongue or ligule, or sometime outer female flowers very slender (filiform) with two or three minute teeth; stamens as many as corolla-lobes, alternate with them and inserted in tube, anthers linear, two-celled, opening inwards by longitudinal slits and usually united in tube round style; ovary inferior, one-celled, with one erect anatropous ovule; style divided at summit in fertile flowers into two (rarely more) long or short stigmatic branches; fruit a small indehiscent achene, naked or crowned by pappus; seed exalbuminous, with thin testa often adherent to pericarp; embryo straight, with short inferior radicle.
<==Asteraceae [Compositae, Lactucoideae, Tubuliflorae]
|--Barnadesia K03 [Barnadesieae, Barnadesioideae PF02]
| `--B. caryophylla K03
`--+--Mutisioideae PF02
`--+--Gochnatioideae [Gochnatieae] PF02
| |--Gochnatia Kunth in HBK 1820 PF02
| |--Cnicothamnus PF02
| |--Cyclolepis PF02
| |--Richterago [incl. Actinoseris] PF02
| `--Chucoa PF02
`--+--Hecastocleis Gray 1882 [Hecastocleideae, Hecastocleioideae] PF02
| `--H. shockleyi H93
`--+--Carduoideae PF02
`--+--+--Gymnarrhena Desfontaines 1818 [Gymnarrheneae, Gymnarrhenoideae] PF02
| `--+--Cichorioideae PF02
| `--+--Corymbium Linnaeus 1737 [Corymbieae, Corymbioideae] PF02
| `--Asteroideae PF02
`--Pertyoideae [Pertyeae] PF02
|--Pertya Schultz 1862 PF02
|--Ainsliaea latifolia PF02, D07
|--Diaspananthus PF02
|--Macroclinidium PF02
`--Myripnois PF02
Asteraceae incertae sedis:
Liatris Gaertner ex von Schreber 1791 (nom. cons.) [incl. Lacinaria Hill 1762] GYS03
|--L. cylindracea ZF84
|--L. ligulistylis GYS03
`--L. scariosa (Linnaeus) von Willdenow 1803 (see below for synonymy) GYS03
|--L. s. var. scariosa (see below for synonymy) GYS03
|--L. s. var. nieuwlandii (Lunell) Voss 1995 (see below for synonymy) GYS03
`--L. s. var. novae-angliae (Lunell) Gandhi, Young & Somers 2003 (see below for synonymy) GYS03
Blumea LK14
Fitchia H03
Tetramolopium H03
Tuberostylis H03
Catamixis YY22
Dinoseris YY22
Hymenoclea YY22
|--H. monogyra H93
`--H. salsola H93
|--H. s. var. salsola H93
|--H. s. var. patula H93
`--H. s. var. pentalepis H93
Acamptopappus YY22
|--A. shockleyi H93
`--A. sphaerocephalus H93
|--A. s. var. sphaerocephalus H93
`--A. s. var. hirtellus H93
Achaetogeron YY22
Achmophora YY22
Achyrachaena mollis H93
Adelostigma YY22
Aganippea YY22
Aiolotheca YY22
Allendea YY22
Aniauria YY22
Amblyocarpum YY22
Amellus YY22
Amphiglossa thuja CV06
Amphoricarpus YY22
Anaglypha YY22
Anaxeton YY22
Antithrixia YY22
Aphanactis YY22
Aphanostephus YY22
Agyroxiphium YY22
Arnicastrum YY22
Arrowsmithia YY22
Astephania YY22
Asteromoea YY22
Axiniphyllum YY22
Balsamorhiza YY22
Baltimora YY22
Bellida YY22
Bellium minutum PT98
Berlandiera lyrata YY22, BT72
Bileveillea YY22
Blainvillea acmella PP07
Blepharizonia plumosa H93
|--B. p. ssp. plumosa H93
`--B. p. ssp. viscida H93
Boltonia YY22
Brachychaeta YY22
Bradburia YY22
Bryomorphe YY22
Burrielia YY22
Cacosmia YY22
Cadiscus YY22
Callistephus chinensis BR65, MN03
Calostephane marlothiana CV06
Calyptrocarpus YY22
Carpesium YY22
Ceruana YY22
Chaetopappa ericoides [=Leucelene ericoides] H93
Chardinia YY22
Charieis YY22
Chionolaena YY22
Chlamydites YY22
Chroilema YY22
Chromolepis YY22
Chrysactinia YY22
Chrysogonum YY22
Clibadium villosum MM96
Coleocoma YY22
Commidendron YY22
Crocidium multicaule H93
Crossostephium YY22
Cyathocline SS02
|--C. lutea SS02
|--C. manilaliana Prabhakar Raju & Venkata Raju 1999 SS02
`--C. purpurea SS02
Cylindrocline YY22
Cypselodontia YY22
Delameres YY22
Denekia YY22
Dichrocephala integrifolia D07
Dicranocarpus YY22
Diplostephium C61
|--D. anactinotum C61
|--D. antioquense Cuatrecasas 1961 C61
|--D. denticulatum C61
|--D. eriophorum R96
|--D. revolutum R96
|--D. rosmarinifolium R96
|--D. saxatile Cuatrecasas 1961 C61
`--D. tabanense C61
Dipterocome YY22
Disparago YY22
Doronicum YY22
|--D. austriacum C55a
|--D. caucasicum C55a
|--D. pardalianches C55b
|--D. plantagineum C55b
|--D. roylei O88
`--D. scorpioides C55a
Enydra YY22
Ermeiastrum YY22
Eutetras YY22
Evax H93
|--E. multicaulis H93
|--E. prolifera H93
`--E. pygmaea PT98
Felicia CV06
|--F. alba CV06
|--F. gunillae CV06
`--F. smaragdina CV06
Fresenia DC. 1836 KC01
Gamolepis YY22
Garcilassa YY22
Garuleum schinzii CV06
|--G. s. ssp. schinzii CV06
`--G. s. ssp. crinitum CV06
Geigeria CV06
Glossocardia LK14
|--G. bidens LK14
`--G. bosvallea PP07
Glycideras YY22
Goldmanella YY22
Golionema YY22
Grangea maderaspatana PP07
Gratwickia YY22
Greenella YY22
Grypocarpha YY22
Guardiola YY22
Gymnodiscus Less. 1831 KC01
Gymnosperma YY22
Gymnostephium YY22
Heliopsis YY22
Hemizonella YY22
Hemizonia YY22
Heptanthus YY22
Hertia YY22
Heterolepis YY22
Heteropappus YY22
Hidalgoa YY22
Hinterhubera C61
|--H. columbica C61
|--H. ericoides C61
`--H. nevadensis Cuatrecasas 1961 C61
Hippia YY22
Homochaete YY22
Homochroma YY22
Homogyne YY22
Ichthyothere YY22
Ifloga YY22
Inulopsis YY22
Ischnea YY22
Isocarpha YY22
Jaegena YY22
Jasonia YY22
Keerlia YY22
Koehneola YY22
Lachnophyllum YY22
Laggera alata (Don.) Schultz ex Oliver 1873 (see below for synonymy) SS02
Lagophylla YY22
|--L. dichotoma H93
|--L. glandulosa [incl. L. glandulosa var. serrata] H93
|--L. minor H93
`--L. ramosissima H93
|--L. r. ssp. ramosissima H93
`--L. r. ssp. congesta H93
Lantanopsis hispidula J87
Lasiocoma YY22
Lasiopogon CV06
|--L. ponticulus CV06
`--L. volkii CV06
Lasthenia YY22
Lecocarpus YY22
Leontonyx YY22
Lepidostephium YY22
Leptocarpha YY22
Lessingia YY22
Leyssera YY22
Lifago YY22
Lindheimera YY22
Lipochaeta YY22
Macowania Oliv. 1870 KC01
Mairia YY22
Melampodium YY22
Melanodendron YY22
Merrittia YY22
Micractis YY22
Microlecane YY22
Microtrichia YY22
Minurothamnus YY22
Mollera YY22
Monarrhenus YY22
Monolopia YY22
|--M. gracilens H93
|--M. lanceolata H93
|--M. major H93
`--M. stricta H93
Monoptilon YY22
|--M. bellidiforme H93
`--M. bellioides H93
Moonia YY22
Myriactis YY22
Nananthea YY22
Nannoglottis O88
|--N. hookeri O88
`--N. souliei O88
Nanothamnus YY22
Narvalina domingensis J87
Nerrittia YY22
Nestlera YY22
Nicolasia heterophylla CV06
|--N. h. ssp. heterophylla CV06
`--N. h. ssp. affinis CV06
Nidorella mordenstamii CV06
Nolletia tenuifolia CV06
Odontospermum YY22
Oedera YY22
Olivaea YY22
Ondetia linearis CV06
Oreochrysum YY22
Osmites YY22
Osmitopsis YY22
Otochlamya YY22
Oxypappus YY22
Parthenice YY22
Parantennaria YY22
Pechuelloeschea [=Pechuel-Löschea] YY22
Perralderia YY22
Petalacte YY22
Petalactella YY22
Petrollinia YY22
Phacellothrix YY22
Phaenocoma YY22
Phalacrocarpum YY22
Phemmera YY22
Philactis YY22
Philoglossa YY22
Philyrophyllum brandbergense CV06
Phymaspermum YY22
Pinillosia YY22
Podochaenium YY22
Polygyne YY22
Porphyrostemma YY22
Printzia YY22
Psiadia YY22
Psilactis YY22
Pulicaria PP07
|--P. angustifolia PP07
|--P. crispa PP07
|--P. foliosa VB02
|--P. paludosa [incl. P. hispanica] H93
|--P. rajputanae PP07
`--P. wightiana P73
Raillardella YY22
|--R. argentea H93
|--R. pringlei H93
`--R. scaposa H93
Relhania YY22
Remya YY22
Rhantherium YY22
Rhodogeron YY22
Rhynchospermum YY22
Riddelia YY22
Riencourtia YY22
Rochonia YY22
Ruckeria YY22
Rumfordia YY22
Sabazia YY22
Sachaia YY22
Sartwellia YY22
Schistocarpha YY22
Schistostephium YY22
Schizotrichia YY22
Sclerocarpus africanus PP07
Scyphocoronis YY22
Selloa glutinosa YY22, BT72
Sheareria YY22
Silphium YY22
Sphacophyllum YY22
Sphaeromorphaea YY22
Sphagneticola trilobata LK14 [=Thelechitonia trilobata H06]
Staurochlamys YY22
Steirodiscus YY22
Stemmatella YY22
Stenocline YY22
Stephanodoria YY22
Stilpnogyne YY22
Styloclyne YY22
Symphyllocarpus YY22
Syncephalantha YY22
Syntrichopappus YY22
|--S. fremontii H93
`--S. lemmonii H93
Tetragonotheca YY22
Tetranthus YY22
Tetraperone YY22
Thespidium YY22
Thespis YY22
Thymopsis YY22
Tolbonia YY22
Tragoceros YY22
Trigonospermum YY22
Triplocephalum YY22
Urbinella YY22
Vanclevea YY22
Varilla YY22
Venegazia YY22
Vieraea YY22
Villanova YY22
Welwitschiella YY22
Whitneya dealbata H93
Wyomingia YY22
Xanthisma YY22
Zoegea YY22
Arsium arvense YY22
Astemma YY22
Luciliopsis YY22
Lycoseris YY22
Parastrephia YY22
Petrobium YY22
Synchodendron YY22
Tafalla YY22
Archibaccharis YY22
Rhetinodendron YY22
Leontopodium O88
|--L. alpinum H09
|--L. brachyactis O88
|--L. haastioides O88
|--L. himalayanum O88
|--L. jacotianum O88
|--L. makianum O88
|--L. monocephalum O88
|--L. nanum O88
`--L. stracheyi O88
Oligandra YY22
Blepharipappus scaber [incl. B. scaber ssp. laevis] H93
Cladanthus YY22
Cremanthodium O88
Eatonella nivea H93
Geissopappus YY22
Gonospermum YY22
Gynoxys YY22
Gynura YY22
Ligularia fischeri O88
Oligothrix YY22
Othake YY22
Pericome caudata H93
Waldheimia O88
|--W. glabra O88
|--W. nivea O88
`--W. tomentosa O88
Petasites O88
|--P. albus [=Tussilago alba] C55b
|--P. frigidus H93
| |--P. f. var. frigidus H93
| `--P. f. var. palmatus H93
|--P. niveus C55a
`--P. tricholobus O88
Nardosmia fragrans [=Tussilago fragrans] C55b
Tussilago farfara C55a, C55b
Machaeranthera FM80
Brachyactis O88
|--B. anomala O88
|--B. pubescens O88
`--B. roylei O88
Cacalia O88
|--C. chenopodiifolia O88
|--C. penninervis O88
`--C. pentaloba O88
Cicerbita SS05
|--C. cyanea O88
|--C. filicina (Duthie) Mamgain & Rao 1989 [=Lactuca filicina Duthie ex Stebbins 1939] SS05
|--C. macrantha O88
|--C. macrorhiza O88
| |--C. m. var. macrorhiza O88
| `--C. m. var. saxatilis O88
`--C. pancicii GR98
Cousinia thomsonii O88
Dendranthema O88
|--D. mutellina O88
|--D. nubigenum O88
`--D. tenuiflorum O88
Dubyaea hispida O88
Jurinea C98
|--J. dolomiaea O88
`--J. mollis (Linnaeus) Reichenb. 1831 PL04 (see below for synonymy)
|--J. m. ssp. mollis C98
| |--J. m. ssp. m. f. mollis C98
| `--J. m. ssp. m. f. erectobracteata Conti 1998 C98
`--J. m. ssp. anatolica (Boissier) Stoj. & Stef. 1925 PL04
Leibnitzia nepalensis O88
Prenanthes violaefolia O88
Saussurea CP02
Soroseris O88
|--S. deasyi O88
|--S. gillii O88
| |--S. g. ssp. gillii O88
| `--S. g. ssp. occidentalis O88
|--S. glomerata O88
|--S. hookeriana O88
| |--S. h. ssp. hookeriana O88
| `--S. h. ssp. erysimoides O88
`--S. pumila O88
Youngia O88
|--Y. depressa O88
|--Y. gracilipes O88
|--Y. japonica J87
|--Y. racemifera O88
|--Y. simulatrix O88
`--Y. tenuifolia O88
|--Y. t. ssp. tenuifolia O88
`--Y. t. ssp. diversifolia O88
Praxelis clematidea W03
Atractylis Y98
|--A. cancellata PT98 [=Acarna cancellata C55a]
`--A. gummifera Y98
Aetheorhiza bulbosa PT98
|--A. b. ssp. bulbosa PT98
`--A. b. ssp. microcephala PT98
Asteriscus PT98
|--A. aquaticus PT98
`--A. graveolens CS77
Carlina PL04
|--C. corymbosa Linnaeus 1753 PL04
| |--C. c. ssp. corymbosa PL04
| `--C. c. ssp. graeca (Bociss.) Nyman 1879 PL04
|--C. lanata PT98
`--C. vulgaris G88
Dittrichia PL04
|--D. graveolens GK00
`--D. viscosa (Linnaeus) Greuter 1973 PL04
Geropogon hybridus PT98
Hyoseris scabra PT98
Notobasis syriaca PT98
Ptilostemon chamaepeuce PT98, S98
Rhagadiolus stellatus PT98
Bombycilaena erecta GR98 [=Micropus erecta H91]
Leucopsis (de Candolle 1836) Baker in Martius 1882 non Olivier 1792 (ICZN) FT93
Kleinia neriifolia ES06
Actinobole KM08
|--A. condensatum KM08
`--A. uliginosum G04a
Asteridea G04b
|--A. athrixioides G04b
`--A. pulverulenta GK00
Blennospora drummondii OS04
Erymophyllum ramosum G04a
Gilberta tenuifolia G04a
Gilruthia osbornei G04a
Streptoglossa LK14
|--S. cylindriceps G04a
|--S. liatroides G04a
`--S. odora LK14
Trichanthodium skirrophorum G04a
Hyalosperma G04b
|--H. cotula GK00
|--H. demissum G04b
`--H. simplex GK00
Argentipallium niveum OS04
Pterochaeta paniculata OS04
Steptorhamphus tuberosus (von Jacquin) Grossh. 1934 PL04
Caesulia axillaris P03
Launaea PP07
|--L. acaulis M72
|--L. arborescens N-A04
|--L. fallax M72
|--L. procumbens VB02
`--L. resedifolia PP07
Eremothamneae T00
|--Eremothamnus marlothianus CV06
`--Hoplophyllum T00
Chamaemelum H93
|--C. fuscatum [=Anthemis fuscata] H93
`--C. nobile [=Anthemis nobilis] H93
Vellereophyton dealbatum GK00
Pithocarpa GK00
|--P. corymbulosa GK00
`--P. pulchella GK00
Pogonolepis KM08
|--P. muelleriana KM08
`--P. stricta GK00
Elytropappus rhinocerotis K02
Antiphiona CV06
|--A. fragrans CV06
`--A. pinnatisecta CV06
Pentatrichia CV06
|--P. avasmontana CV06
`--P. rehmii CV06
Dauresia alliariifolia [=Senecio alliariifolius] CV06
Gazania CV06
|--G. linearis [incl. G. longiscapa] H93
|--G. splendens R35
`--G. thermalis CV06
Gorteria diffusa CV06
|--G. d. ssp. diffusa CV06
`--G. d. ssp. parviligulata CV06
Myxopappus hereroensis CV06
Norlindhia aptera CV06
Pegolettia CV06
|--P. pinnatilobata CV06
`--P. plumosa CV06
Pentzia tomentosa CV06
Pteronia CV06
|--P. eenii CV06
|--P. polygalifolia CV06
|--P. pomonae CV06
|--P. rangei CV06
`--P. spinulosa CV06
Rennera eenii CV06
Tripteris nervosa CV06
Campuloclinium macrocephalum H06
Tithonia H06
|--T. diversifolia H06
`--T. rotundifolia H06
Emilia LK14
|--E. fosbergii J87
`--E. sonchifolia LK14
Piqueria trinerva J87
Pembertonia latisquamea KM08
Xerochrysum bracteatum MM09
Oligochaeta ramosa PP07
Tridax procumbens LK14
*Artemisiastrum palmeri [=Artemisia palmeri] M79
Ammobium alatum V09
Leptorhynchus squamatus M65
Donia Br. 1813 A61
Baileya H93
|--B. multiradiata H93
|--B. pauciradiata H93
`--B. pleniradiata BM76
Paragynoxys C61
|--P. meridana C61
`--P. undulatifolia Cuatrecasas 1961 C61
Parasenecio CP02
|--P. monantha CP02
`--P. nokoensis CP02
Acmella grandiflora LK14
|--A. g. var. grandiflora LK14
`--A. g. var. brachyglossa LK14
Allopterigeron filifolius LK14
Cyanthillium cinereum LK14
Iotasperma australiense LK14
Pentalepis LK14
|--P. ecliptoides LK14
`--P. trichodesmoides ML13
Peripleura LK14
|--P. spechtii LK14
| |--P. s. var. spechtii LK14
| `--P. s. var. kimberleyensis LK14
`--P. virgata LK14
Pleurocarpaea denticulata LK14
Cenia turbinata C06
Lapsana communis C06
Acourtia microcephala [=Perezia microcephala] H93
Acroptilon repens H93 [=Centaurea repens H93; incl. C. picris BR65]
Adenophyllum H93
|--A. cooperi [=Dyssodia cooperi] H93
`--A. porophylloides [=Dyssodia porophylloides] H93
Amphipappus fremontii H93
|--A. f. var. fremontii H93
`--A. f. var. spinosus H93
Ancistrocarphus filagineus [=Stylocline filaginea; incl. S. filaginea var. depressa] H93
Cymbolaena H93
Anisocoma acaulis H93
Argyranthemum H93
|--A. foeniculaceum [=Chrysanthemum foeniculaceum; incl. C. anethifolium] H93
`--A. frutescens H93
Arnica H93
Atrichoseris platyphylla H93
Bebbia juncea H93
|--B. j. var. juncea H93
`--B. j. var. aspera H93
Cacaliopsis nardosmia H93
Calycadenia H93
|--C. fremontii [incl. C. ciliosa, C. elegans] H93
|--C. hooveri H93
|--C. mollis H93
|--C. multiglandulosa (see below for synonymy) H93
|--C. oppositifolia H93
|--C. pauciflora H93
|--C. spicata H93
|--C. truncata [incl. C. truncata ssp. microcephala, C. truncata ssp. scabrella] H93
`--C. villosa H93
Calycoseris H93
|--C. parryi H93
`--C. wrightii H93
Chaetadelpha wheeleri H93
Chamomilla H93
|--C. occidentalis [=Matricaria occidentalis] H93
`--C. suaveolens [incl. Matricaria matricarioides] H93
Chloracantha spinosa [=Aster spinosus] H93
Dimeresia howellii H93
Dugaldia hoopesii [=Helenium hoopesii] H93
Dyssodia papposa H93
Eastwoodia elegans H93
Enceliopsis H93
|--E. covillei [incl. E. argophylla var. grandiflora] H93
`--E. nudicaulis H93
Eriophyllum H93
Euthamia occidentalis [=Solidago occidentalis] H93
Geraea H93
|--G. canescens H93
`--G. viscida H93
Glyptopleura marginata [incl. G. setulosa] H93
Helianthella H93
|--H. californica H93
| |--H. c. var. californica H93
| |--H. c. var. nevadensis H93
| `--H. c. var. shastensis H93
`--H. castanea H93
Hesperevax H93
|--H. acaulis [=Evax acaulis (Kellogg) Greene 1883] H93
| |--H. a. var. acaulis H93
| |--H. a. var. ambusticola H93
| `--H. a. var. robustior H93
|--H. caulescens [=Evax caulescens; incl. E. involucrata] H93
`--H. sparsiflora [=Evax sparsiflora] H93
|--H. s. var. sparsiflora H93
`--H. s. var. brevifolia [=Evax sparsiflora var. brevifolia] H93
Heteranthemis viscidehirta H93
Heterotheca H93
Holocarpha H93
|--H. heermannii H93
|--H. macradenia H93
|--H. obconica [incl. H. obconica ssp. autumnalis] H93
`--H. virgata H93
|--H. v. ssp. virgata H93
`--H. v. ssp. elongata H93
Holozonia filipes H93
Hulsea H93
Hymenopappus filifolius H93
|--H. f. var. filifolius H93
|--H. f. var. eriopodus H93
|--H. f. var. lugens H93
|--H. f. var. megacephalus H93
`--H. f. var. nanus H93
Hymenothrix H93
|--H. loomisii H93
|--H. wislezeni BT72
`--H. wrightii H93
Isocoma H93
|--I. acradenia [=Haplopappus acradenius] H93
| |--I. a. var. acradenia H93
| |--I. a. var. bracteosa [=Haplopappus acradenius var. bracteosus] H93
| `--I. a. var. eremophila [=Haplopappus acradenius var. eremophilus] H93
|--I. arguta [=Haplopappus venetus ssp. argutus] H93
`--I. menziesii [incl. Haplopappus venetus, I. veneta] H93
|--I. m. var. menziesii (see below for synonymy) H93
|--I. m. var. sedoides [=Haplopappus venetus var. sedoides] H93
`--I. m. var. vernonioides [=Haplopappus venetus ssp. veronioides] H93
Layia H93
Lembertia congdonii H93
Lepidospartum H93
|--L. latisquamum H93
`--L. squamatum [incl. L. squamatum var. palmeri] H93
Leucanthemum H93
|--L. maximum H93 [=Chrysanthemum maximum Ramond 1800 H93, R00]
`--L. vulgare [incl. Chrysanthemum leucanthemum] H93
|--L. v. var. vulgare S72
`--‘Chrysanthemum leucanthemum’ var. pinnatifidum S72
Luina hypoleuca H93
Malacothrix H93
Malperia tenuis H93
Micropus H93
|--M. amphibolus [=Stylocline amphibola] H93
`--M. californicus H93
|--M. c. var. californicus H93
`--M. c. var. subvestitus H93
Nicolletia occidentalis H93
Nothocalais H93
|--N. alpestris H93
`--N. troximoides H93
Orochaenactis thysanocarpha H93
Osmadenia tenella [=Calycadenia tenella] H93
Palafoxia arida H93
|--P. a. var. arida H93
`--P. a. var. gigantea [=P. linearis var. gigantea] H93
Petradoria pumila H93
Peucephyllum schottii H93
Phalacroseris bolanderi [incl. P. bolanderi var. coronata] H93
Pleurocoronis pluriseta [=Hoffmeisteria pluriseta] H93
Porophyllum gracile H93
Prenanthella exigua [=Lygodesmia exigua] H93
Prionopsis ciliata [=Haplopappus ciliatus] H93
Psathyrotes H93
|--P. annua H93
`--P. ramosissima H93
Pseudobahia H93
|--P. bahiifolia [=Monolopia bahiifolia] H93
|--P. heermannii [=Eriophyllum heermannii] H93
`--P. peirsonii H93
Pyrrocoma H93
Rafinesquia H93
|--R. californica H93
`--R. neomexicana H93
Raillardiopsis H93
|--R. muirii [=Raillardella muirii] H93
`--R. scabrida [=Raillardella scabrida] H93
Santolina H93
|--S. chamaecyparisus H93
|--S. marchii R-CT01
`--S. rosmarinifolia RCT96
Stebbinsoseris H93
|--S. decipiens [=Microseris decipiens] H93
`--S. heterocarpa [=Microseris heterocarpa] H93
Uropappus lindleyi [=Microseris lindleyi; incl. M. linearifolia] H93
Stenotus H93
|--S. acaulis [=Haplopappus acaulis] H93
|--S. lanuginosus H93
`--S. stenophyllus [=Haplopappus stenophyllus] H93
Stylocline H93
|--S. citroleum H93
|--S. gnaphaloides [=S. gnaphalioides (l. c.)] H93
|--S. intertexta H93
|--S. masonii H93
|--S. micropoides H93
|--S. psilocarphoides H93
`--S. sonorensis H93
Tetradymia H93
Thymophylla pentachaeta H93
|--T. p. var. pentachaeta H93
`--T. p. var. belenidium [=Dyssodia pentachaeta var. belenidium; incl. D. thurberi] H93
Tonestus H93
|--T. eximius [=Haplopappus eximius] H93
|--T. lyallii [=Haplopappus lyallii] H93
`--T. peirsonii [=Haplopappus peirsonii] H93
Townsendia H93
|--T. condensata H93
|--T. leptotes H93
|--T. parryi H93
`--T. scapigera H93
Trichocoronis wrightii H93
Trichoptilium incisum H93
Trimorpha H93
|--T. acris H93
| |--T. a. var. acris H93
| `--T. a. var. debilis [=Erigeron debilis] H93
`--T. lonchophylla [=Erigeron lonchophylla] H93
Venegasia carpesioides H93
Venidium fastuosum H93
Viguiera H93
|--V. laciniata H93
|--V. parishii [=V. deltoidea var. parishii] H93
`--V. reticulata H93
Wyethia H93
Xylorhiza H93
|--X. cognata [=Machaeranthera cognata] H93
|--X. orcuttii [=Machaeranthera orcuttii] H93
`--X. tortifolia [=Machaeranthera tortifolia] H93
Lygodesmia juncea G05
Hieracites salyorum Saporta 1861 CBH93
‘Tricolporopollenites’ microechinatus Hochuli 1978 CBH93
Tubulifloridites antipodica Kemp & Harris 1975 CBH93
Bedfordia WB-P93
|--B. arborescens WB-P93
`--B. salicina SN08
Acanthotheca DC. 1838 KC01
Arnoldia Mass. 1856 KC01
Asterothrix Cass. 1827 KC01
Ceratella Hook. f. 1844 KC01
Cladochaete DC. 1838 KC01
Eriosphaera Dietr. 1817 KC01
Laestadia Kunth ex Less. 1832 KC01
Margarita Gaudin 1829 nec Leach 1814 (ICZN) nec Leach 1819 (ICZN) KC01
Martinia Vaniot 1903 non M’Coy 1844 (ICZN) KC01
Mosigia Spreng. 1826 KC01
Peltidium Zollik. 1820 KC01
Sphaerocephalus Lag. ex DC. 1812 KC01
Xanthopsis (DC.) Koch 1851 KC01
Argyroxyphium sandwicense SBM11
|--A. s. ssp. sandwicense SBM11
`--A. s. ssp. macrocephalum SBM11
Wilkesia gymnoxiphium SBM11
Daubautia scabra SBM11
Echinacea pallida S72
Goniocaulon indicum (Klein ex Willd.) Clarke 1876 (see below for synonymy) SY72
Calycadenia multiglandulosa [incl. C. multiglandulosa ssp. bicolor, C. multiglandulosa ssp. cephalotes, C. hispida, C. hispida ssp. reducta, C. multiglandulosa ssp. robusta] H93
Goniocaulon indicum (Klein ex Willd.) Clarke 1876 [=Serratula indica Klein ex Willd. 1803; incl. G. glabrum Cass. 1817] SY72
Isocoma menziesii var. menziesii [incl. Haplopappus venetus ssp. furfuraceus, I. menziesii ssp. oxyphyllus] H93
Jurinea mollis (Linnaeus) Reichenb. 1831 PL04 [=Carduus mollis Linnaeus 1759 C98; incl. C. moschatus Gussone 1825 C98, Jurinea mollis ssp. moschata (Gussone) Nyman 1879 C98, J. mollis var. moschata (Gussone) Visiani 1847 C98, J. moschata (Gussone) de Candolle 1838 C98]
Laggera alata (Don.) Schultz ex Oliver 1873 [=Erigeron alatum Don. 1825, Blumea alata (Don) de Candolle 1836] SS02
Liatris scariosa (Linnaeus) von Willdenow 1803 [=Serratula scariosa Linnaeus 1753, Lacinaria scariosa (Linnaeus) Hill 1762, Vernonia scariosa (Linnaeus) Poiret in Lamarck 1808] GYS03
Liatris scariosa var. nieuwlandii (Lunell) Voss 1995 [=Lacinaria scariosa var. nieuwlandii Lunell 1912, Liatris × nieuwlandii (Lunell) Gaiser 1946, Liatris novae-angliae var. nieuwlandii (Lunell) Shinners 1943] GYS03
Liatris scariosa var. novae-angliae (Lunell) Gandhi, Young & Somers 2003 [=Lacinaria scariosa var. novae-angliae Lunell 1912, Liatris novae-angliae (Lunell) Shinners 1943] GYS03
Liatris scariosa (Linnaeus) von Willdenow 1803 var. scariosa [incl. Liatris borealis Nuttall ex McNab 1835, Lacinaria scariosa var. borealis (Nuttall) Lunell 1912, Lacinaria scariosa var. virginiana Lunell 1912, Liatris scariosa var. virginiana (Lunell) Gaiser 1948] GYS03
*Type species of generic name indicated
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Last updated: 31 December 2021.
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