
Branched finger coral Porites furcata, copyright James St John.

Belongs within: Hexacorallia.

The Fungiina are a group of corals including both solitary and colonial forms, with fenestrate septa with beaded or dentate margins (Cairns 2002).

<==Fungiina [Fungiida]
    |--Agariciodae PR72
    |    |--Siderastreidae PR72
    |    |--Agariciidae PR72
    |    `--Thamnastraea Q72 [Thamnastreidae PR72]
    |         |--T. arachnoides H04
    |         `--T. sera Q72
    |--Fungiidae [Fungioidae] PR72
    |    |--Cantharellus noumeae Hoeksema & Best 1984 M09
    |    |--Heliofungia actiniformis (Quoy & Gaimard 1833) M09
    |    |--Herpolitha limax (Houttuyn 1772) M09
    |    |--Podabacia crustacea (Pallas 1766) M09
    |    |--Polyphyllia talpina (Lamarck 1801) M09
    |    |--Sandalolitha robusta Quelch 1886 M09
    |    |--Ctenactis M09
    |    |    |--C. crassa (Dana 1846) M09
    |    |    `--C. echinata (Pallas 1766) M09
    |    |--Cycloseris M09
    |    |    |--C. costulata (Ortmann 1889) M09
    |    |    `--C. vaughani (Boschma 1923) M09
    |    |--Lithophyllon M09
    |    |    |--L. mokai Hoeksema 1989 M09
    |    |    `--L. undulatum Rehberg 1892 M09
    |    `--Fungia M09
    |         |--F. actiniformis B79
    |         |--F. concinna Verrill 1864 M09
    |         |--F. fragilis PR72
    |         |--F. fungites (Linnaeus 1758) M09
    |         |--F. granulosa Klunzinger 1879 M09
    |         |--F. horrida Dana 1846 M09
    |         |--F. moluccensis Horst 1919 M09
    |         |--F. patella PR72
    |         |--F. paumotensis Stutchbury 1833 M09
    |         |--F. repanda Dana 1846 M09
    |         |--F. scruposa Klunzinger 1879 M09
    |         `--F. scutaria Lamarck 1801 M09
    |--Micrabaciidae S00
    |    |--Letepsammia formosissima (Moseley 1876) MG-H11
    |    |--Rhombopsammia niphada Owens 1986 MG-H11
    |    `--Leptopenus discus S00, H04
    `--Poritidae [Poritoidae] PR72
         |--Alveopora M09
         |    |--A. allingi Hoffmeister 1925 M09
         |    |--A. catalai Wells 1968 M09
         |    |--A. fenestrata (Lamarck 1816) M09
         |    |--A. spongiosa Dana 1846 M09
         |    |--A. tizardi Bassett-Smith 1890 M09
         |    `--A. verrilliana Dana 1872 M09
         |--Goniopora M09
         |    |--G. burgosi Nemenzo 1955 M09
         |    |--G. columna Dana 1846 M09
         |    |--G. djiboutiensis Vaughan 1907 M09
         |    |--G. lobata Milne Edwards & Haime 1860 M09
         |    |--G. minor Crossland 1952 M09
         |    |--G. palmensis Veron & Pichon 1982 M09
         |    |--G. pendulus Veron 1985 M09
         |    |--G. stutchburyi Wells 1955 M09
         |    `--G. tenuidens (Quelch 1886) M09
         `--Porites M09
              |--P. annae Crossland 1952 M09
              |--P. astreoides PR72
              |--P. compressa PR72
              |--P. cylindrica Dana 1846 M09
              |--P. evermanni PR72
              |--P. furcata Lamarck 1816 D84
              |--P. lichen Dana 1846 M09
              |--P. lobata Dana 1846 M09
              |--P. lutea Milne Edwards & Haime 1851 M09
              |--P. monticulosa Dana 1846 M09
              |--P. murrayensis Vaughan 1918 M09
              |--P. nigrescens Dana 1846 M09
              |--P. porites PR72
              |--P. rus (Forskal 1775) M09
              |--P. solida (Forskal 1775) M09
              `--P. vaughani Crossland 1952 M09

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B79] Buss, L. W. 1979. Habitat selection, directional growth and spatial refuges: why colonial animals have more hiding places. In: Larwood, G., & B. R. Rosen (eds) Biology and Systematics of Colonial Organisms pp. 459–497. Academic Press: London.

[D84] Dardeau, M. R. 1984. Synalpheus shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Alpheidae). I. The Gambarelloides group, with a description of a new species. Memoirs of the Hourglass Cruises 7 (2): 1–125.

[H04] Haeckel, E. 1899–1904. Kunstformen der Natur. Bibliographisches Institut: Leipzig und Wien.

[MG-H11] McEnnulty, F. R., K. L. Gowlett-Holmes, A. Williams, F. Althaus, J. Fromont, G. C. B. Poore, T. D. O'Hara, L. Marsh, P. Kott, S. Slack-Smith, P. Alderslade & M. V. Kitahara. 2011. The deepwater megabenthic invertebrates on the western continental margin of Australia (100–1100 m depths): composition, distribution and novelty. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 80: 1–191.

[M09] McKinney, D. 2009. A survey of the scleractinian corals at Mermaid, Scott, and Seringapatam Reefs, Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 77: 105–143.

[PR72] Powers, D. A., & F. J. Rohlf. 1972. A numerical taxonomic study of Caribbean and Hawaiian reef corals. Systematic Zoology 21 (1): 53–64.

[Q72] Quilty, P. G. 1972. The biostratigraphy of the Tasmanian marine Tertiary. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 106: 25–44.

[S00] Stolarski, J. 2000. Origin and phylogeny of Guyniidae (Scleractinia) in the light of microstructural data. Lethaia 33: 13–38.

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