
Poraniomorpha hispida, copyright Claude Nozères.

Belongs within: Ambuloasteroidea.
Contains: Valvatacea, Spinulosacea, Asteriadina.

The Neoasteroidea represents the starfish crown group, including all living starfish and all known Asteroidea from the Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras (Blake & Hagdorn 2003).

Characters (from Blake & Hagdorn 2003): Axillary or axillary series absent. More or less extensive actinal series differentiated ventral to marginal series. Actinals in basal taxa more or less irregular in form and arrangement but with longest series adjacent to marginal series. Adambulacrals overlapping in distal direction. Adambulacrals little wider than ambulacral articular flanges; ambulacrals typically larger than adambulacrals. Longitudinal ambulacral connective surfaces inclined proximally such that proximal flange of each ambulacral more or less clearly overlapping distal side of more proximal ossicle, ossicular form is not bilateral.

Neoasteroidea [Valvatina]
    |--+--+--Valvatacea BH03
    |  |  `--Spinulosacea BH03
    |  `--Poraniidae BH03
    |       |--Noriaster Blake, Tintori & Hagdorn 2000 BH04
    |       |    `--*N. barberoi Blake et al. 2000 BH03
    |       |--Chondraster Verrill 1895 SW66
    |       |    `--*C. grandis (Verrill 1878) [=Porania grandis] SW66
    |       |--Marginaster Perrier 1881 [incl. Cheilaster Bell 1892] SW66
    |       |    `--*M. pectinatus Perrier 1881 SW66
    |       |--Petricia Gray 1847 SW66
    |       |    `--P. vernicina (Lamarck 1816) [=Asterias vernicina; incl. *P. punctata Gray 1847] SW66
    |       |--Poraniella Verrill 1914 SW66
    |       |    `--*P. regularis Verrill 1914 SW66
    |       |--Poranisca Verrill 1914 SW66
    |       |    `--*P. lepida Verrill 1914 SW66
    |       |--Pseudoporania Dons 1936 SW66
    |       |    `--*P. stormi Dons 1936 SW66
    |       |--Sphaeriaster Dons 1939 [=Sphaeraster Dons 1938 non Quenstedt 1875] SW66
    |       |    `--*S. berthae (Dons 1938) [=*Sphaeraster berthae] SW66
    |       |--Spoladaster Fisher 1940 SW66
    |       |    `--*S. brachyactis (Clark 1923) [=Cryaster brachyactis] SW66
    |       |--Tylaster Danielsson & Koren 1881 SW66
    |       |    `--*T. willei Danielsson & Koren 1881 SW66
    |       |--Porania Gray 1840 BH04 [incl. Glabraster Clark 1916 SW66]
    |       |    `--P. pulvillus (Müller 1788) (see below for synonymy) SW66
    |       |         |--P. p. pulvillus BH04
    |       |         `--P. p. insignis Muller 1776 BH04
    |       `--Poraniomorpha Danielsson & Koren 1881 (see below for synonymy) SW66
    |            |--*P. rosea Danielsson & Koren 1881 SW66
    |            |--P. hispida BK77
    |            `--P. tumida BK77
    `--Forcipulatacea [Forcipulatae, Forcipulatida] BH03
         |  i. s.: Argoviaster Hess 1972 B02
         |         Hystrixasterias Blake 1990 B02
         |--Asteriadina SW66
         `--Brisingidae [Brisingina, Euclasteroides] SW66
              |--Astrocles Fisher 1917 SW66
              |    `--*A. actinodetus Fisher 1917 SW66
              |--Astrolirus Fisher 1917 SW66
              |    `--*A. panamensis (Ludwig 1905) [=Brisinga panamensis] SW66
              |--Astrostephane Fisher 1917 SW66
              |    `--*A. moluccana (Fisher 1916) [=Brisinga moluccana] SW66
              |--Belgicella Ludwig 1903 SW66
              |    `--*B. racowitzana Ludwig 1903 SW66
              |--Brisingaster de Loriol 1883 SW66
              |    `--*B. robillardi de Loriol 1883 SW66
              |--Brisingenes Fisher 1917 SW66
              |    `--*B. mimica (Fisher 1916) [=Brisinga mimica] SW66
              |--Colpaster Sladen 1889 SW66
              |    `--*C. scutigerulus Sladen 1889 SW66
              |--Craterobrisinga Fischer 1916 SW66
              |    `--*C. panopla (Fisher 1906) [=Brisinga panopla] SW66
              |--Freyella Perrier 1885 SW66
              |    `--*F. spinosa Perrier 1885 SW66
              |--Freyellaster Fisher 1918 SW66
              |    `--*F. fecundus (Fisher 1905) [=Freyella fecunda] SW66
              |--Hymenodiscus Perrier 1884 SW66
              |    `--*H. agassizi Perrier 1884 SW66
              |--Odinella Fisher 1940 SW66
              |    `--*O. nutrix Fisher 1940 SW66
              |--Parabrisinga Hayashi 1948 SW66
              |    `--*P. pellucida Hayashi 1948 SW66
              |--Stegnobrisinga Fisher 1916 SW66
              |    `--*S. placoderma (Fisher 1916) [=Brisinga (*Stegnobrisinga) placoderma] SW66
              |--Brisinga Asbjornsen 1856 SW66
              |    |--*B. endecacnemos Asbjornsen 1856 SW66
              |    `--B. mediterranea SW66
              |--Brisingella Fisher 1917 SW66
              |    |--*B. fragilis (Fisher 1906) [=Brisinga fragilis] SW66
              |    `--B. coronata BK77
              `--Odinia Perrier 1885 SW66
                   |--*O. semicoronata Perrier 1885 SW66
                   `--O. pandina BK77

Porania pulvillus (Müller 1788) [=Asterias pulvillus; incl. A. gibbosus Leach 1817 non A. gibbosa Pennant 1777, *Porania gibbosa] SW66

Poraniomorpha Danielsson & Koren 1881 [incl. Culcitopsis Verrill 1914, Lasiaster Sladen 1889, Rhegaster Sladen 1883] SW66

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BK77] Barel, C. D. N., & P. G. N. Kramers. 1977. A survey of the echinoderm associates of the north-east Atlantic area. Zoologische Verhandelingen 156: 1–159.

[B02] Blake, D. B. 2002. Compsaster formosus Worthen & Miller (Asteroidea; Echinodermata): A Carboniferous homeomorph of the post-Paleozoic Asteriidae. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 76 (2): 357–367.

[BH03] Blake, D. B., & H. Hagdorn. 2003. The Asteroidea (Echniodermata) of the Muschelkalk (Middle Triassic of Germany). Paläontologische Zeitschrift 77 (1): 23–58.

[BH04] Blake, D. B., & F. H. C. Hotchkiss. 2004. Recognition of the asteroid (Echinodermata) crown group: implications of the ventral skeleton. Journal of Paleontology 78: 359–370.

[SW66] Spencer, W. K., & C. W. Wright. 1966. Asterozoans. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on invertebrate Paleontology pt U. Echinodermata 3 vol. 1 pp. U4–U107. The Geological Society of America, Inc., and The University of Kansas Press.

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