Belongs within: Corotocini.
The Abrotelina are a group of distinctively frail-bodied physogastric staphylinid beetles found in association with nasutitermitine termites in the Neotropical region (Seevers 1957).
Characters (from Seevers 1957): Frail-bodied, frequently with very thin sclerites; head and thorax slender, abdomen ovoidal, weakly to strongly physogastric. Entire clypeus very weakly sclerotised or not sclerotised; very little sclerotisation anterior to tentorial pit level. Pronotum small, its surface not impressed. Tergites relatively narrow, about three-fifths as broad as abdomen; inner paratergites large, about one-third as broad as tergites. Elytra generalized, contiguous. Wings normal. Antennae 11-segmented. Tarsi 4, 4, 4-segmented or 5, 5, 5-segmented. Abdominal segments 7-9 distinctive.
<==Abrotelina S57
|--Oecidiophilus Silvestri 1946 S57
| `--*O. mimellus Silvestri 1946 [=O. oglobinii ms] S57
|--Parvidolum Silvestri 1946 S57
| `--*P. microsomatis Silvestri 1946 [=P. microsamatis] S57
|--Mormellus Silvestri 1946 S57
| `--*M. bicolor Silvestri 1946 S57
|--Termitosius Silvestri 1901 S57
| `--*T. pauciseta Silvestri 1901 S57
|--Termitoiceus Silvestri 1901 S57
| |--*T. anastrephoproctus Silvestri 1901 [=T. anastrephoroctus (l. c.)] S57
| `--T. simulans Silvestri 1946 [=T. anastrephoproctus simulans] S57
|--Perlinctus Silvestri 1946 S57
| |--*P. quaesitus Silvestri 1946 S57
| `--P. foveicollis Seevers 1957 S57
|--Eburniogaster Seevers 1938 S57
| |--*E. termitocola Seevers 1938 S57
| |--E. anahuaci Seevers 1957 S57
| `--E. texana (Brues 1902) [=Termitogaster texana] S57
|--Fonsechellus Silvestri 1946 [incl. Trianellus Silvestri 1946] S57
| |--*F. diversicolor Silvestri 1946 S57
| |--F. bicolor Silvestri 1946 [=F. (*Trianellus) bicolor] S57
| `--F. fragilis Seevers 1957 S57
|--Termitonidia Seevers 1938 S57
| |--*T. lunata Seevers 1938 S57
| |--T. michoacani Seevers 1957 S57
| |--T. jaliscensis Seevers 1957 S57
| `--T. tarascani Seevers 1957 S57
`--Abroteles Casey 1890 [incl. Termitothymus Silvestri 1901] S57
|--*A. beaumonti Casey 1890 S57
|--A. badia Seevers 1957 S57
|--A. bisetosus Seevers 1937 S57
|--A. compacticornis Borgmeier 1950 S57
|--A. lobata Seevers 1957 S57
|--A. philetaerus (Silvestri 1901) (n. d.) [=*Termitothymus philetaerus] S57
|--A. pubicollis Seevers 1957 S57
`--A. rurrenabaquensis Seevers 1946 S57
*Type species of generic name indicated
[S57] Seevers, C. H. 1957. A monograph on the termitophilous Staphylinidae (Coleoptera). Fieldiana Zoology 40: 1–334.
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