Belongs within: Lygaeidae.
Rhypodes is a genus of bugs endemic to New Zealand.
Characters (from Eyles 1990): Surface usually shiny. Colour dull brown, pale or variegated, with usually dark antennae and spotted or dark femora. Inner margin of eyes with a narrow pale orange or cream band; calli black. Body form elongate oval and robust, to slender and parallel-sided; with appressed pubescence, and long hairs (at least on pronotum). Medium sized insects 4-8 mm long. Head wider than long, may appear triangular, with antennal tubercles not or only just visible from above,or pentagonal with antennal tubercles clearly visible from above. Anteocular length 1.1-2.15 x length of eye. Juga not reaching tip of tylus; either not prominent, lying close against sides of tylus, or prominent with a gap between tylus and each jugum, the points sometimes curving and jutting outwards. Vertex usually low, below or level with top of eye; in some species distinctly convex above eyes; rarely elevated in a prominent mound. Antennae with scattered erect hairs as well as shorter hairs; typical ratio of antennal segments 1.0: 2.6: 2.1: 2.4; 1st segment with from 0-1/2 of its length projecting beyond tip of tylus. Dorsal surface with irregular wrinkles under pubescence; ventral surface punctate under pubescence. Bucculae finely or coarsely punctate; as long as or longer than width of rostrum; convex or flat to about level of antennal tubercle, where they taper, continuing as short, tapering carinae meeting and ending in a V or rounded V just before base of head. Rostrum reaching to form mid coxae to well beyond hind coxae. Pronotum with lateral edges dorso-ventrally rounded; sides straight or sinuate; anterior margin concave; posterior margin convex before scutellum, with sinuation at each basal angle of scutellum. In some species posterior margin with two large, triangular, plate-like projections overlapping bases of clavi; rarely with two pointed, conical projections on sides of pronotum at anterior. Pronotum punctate; usually slightly convex, sometimes elevated posteriorly. Scutellum punctate; with tri-radiate elevation; apex acute or rounded, often turned up. Hemelytra with costal margin more or less straight to about level of apex of scutellum, then slightly expanded and arcuate; connexivum of abdomen partly (usual) or broadly exposed, or unexposed. Point of branching of vein R+M between level of middle of claval commissure and apex of clavus (except in brachypters); the branches relatively long, with M closer to Cu than to R on apical margin. Clavus and disc of corium often lightly punctate; usually with row of faint punctures lateral to R+M at least basally; usually with full or part faint row on clavus following claval suture. Legs short, hind femora rarely surpassing level of apices of coria; tibiae slightly longer than femora; hind tarsus with combined length of 2nd and 3rd tarsomeres (excluding claw) about equal to length of 1st tarsomere. Femora and tibiae often with erect or semi-erect hairs as well as shorter hairs or pubescence, especially on fore tibia where erect hairs are sometimes as long as, or longer than, width of tibia at middle. Abdomen with spiracle VII in lateral third, sometimes on lateral margin, of connexivum; membrane between terga and inner laterotergites with tiny, sclerotised, tooth-like spines. Paramere blade varies from short and curved throughout to long, straight for part of length and not tapering. Aedeagus with 0-2 conjunctival lobes. Vesica with two large earlike lobes (basal one sclerotised), another large, and one or two small, membranous lobes. Sometimes with small membranous lobe before ear-like lobes. Seminal duct not free; secondary gonopore flared. Ejaculatory reservoir with broad triangular, or A-shaped, wings; body not apparent, fused with wings. Spermatheca consisting of bulb, short duct and a large, cup-like flange; bulb may be elongate and lying over, round or lemon-shaped, or intermediate with a longer and disorganised duct. Ring sclerites present on roof of genital capsule may be larger or smaller than spermathecal bulb.
|--R. argenteus Eyles 1990 L02
|--R. atricornis Eyles 1990 L02
|--R. brachypterus Eyles 1990 L02
|--R. brevifissas Eyles 1990 L02
|--R. brevipilis Eyles 1990 L02
|--R. bucculentus Eyles 1990 L02
|--R. celmisiae Eyles 1990 L02
|--R. cognatus Eyles 1990 L02
|--R. crinitus Eyles 1990 L02
|--R. depilis Eyles 1990 L02
|--R. eminens Eyles 1990 L02
|--R. gracilis Eyles 1990 L02
|--R. hirsutus Eyles 1990 L02
|--R. jugatus Eyles 1990 L02
|--R. koebelei Eyles 1990 L02
|--R. longiceps Eyles 1990 L02
|--R. longirostris Eyles 1990 L02
|--R. rupestris Eyles 1990 L02
|--R. russatus Eyles 1990 L02
|--R. spadix Eyles 1990 L02
|--R. townsendi Eyles 1990 L02
`--R. triangulus Eyles 1990 L02
*Type species of generic name indicated
Eyles, A. C. 1990. A review and revision of the genus Rhypodes Stål (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae). New Zealand Journal of Zoology 17 (3): 347-418.
[L02] Larivière, M.-C. 2002. Primary types of Heteroptera in the New Zealand Arthropod Collection: Pentatomomorpha described from New Zealand before the year 2000. New Zealand Entomologist 25: 79-85.
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