Belongs within: Cephalopoda.
Contains: Actinoceras, Ormoceratidae, Armenoceras.
The Middle Ordovician to Upper Carboniferous Actinocerida are a mostly straight-shelled group of (occassionally quite large) cephalopods characterised by a distinctive siphuncle structure. The siphuncle was largely filled by mineralised deposits except for a thin tube down the centre, with small radial canals connecting the central hollow and a thin space separating the deposits and the outer wall of the siphuncle. In life, the central tube and radial canals would have presumably held living tissue.
Characters (from Teichert 1964): Mostly orthoconic conchs with broad siphuncle containing calcareous deposits; radial canals connecting central canal and thin perispatium; septal necks short, recurved. Cameral deposits present in many species.
<==Actinocerida (see below for synonymy)
| i. s.: Calhounoceras Troedsson 1926 T64
| `--*C. candelabrum Troedsson 1926 T64
| Hopeioceras Shimizu & Obata 1936 (n. d.) T64
| `--*H. shihlingense Shimizu & Obata 1936 T64
| Subtofangoceras Shimizu & Obata 1936 (n. d.) T64
| `--*S. liaotungense (Endo 1932) (n. d.) [=Sactoceras liaotungense] T64
|--Polydesmiidae T64
| |--Polydesmia Lorenz 1906 (see below for synonymy) T64
| | |--*P. canaliculata Lorenz 1906 T64
| | `--P. zuezshanensis T64
| `--Ordosoceras Chang 1959 T64
| `--*O. sphaeriforme Chang 1959 T64
| |--O. s. sphaeriforme T64
| `--O. s. otoktiensis T64
|--Huroniidae [Besselsoceratinae, Gigantei] T64
| |--Discoactinoceras Kobayashi 1927 [=Discoactionoceras (l. c.)] T64
| | `--*D. multiplexum Kobayashi 1927 T64
| |--Huroniella Foerste 1924 [incl. Besselsoceras Shimizu & Obata 1935] T64
| | |--*H. inflecta (Parks 1915) [=Huronia inflecta] T64
| | `--H. persiphonata T64
| `--Huronia Stokes 1824 T64
| |--*H. bigsbei Stokes 1824 [=H. bigsbyi] T64
| |--H. gaspensis Foerste 1936 P68
| |--H. minuens T64
| |--H. occidentale Foerste 1928 P68
| `--H. paulodilata T64
|--Gonioceratidae T64
| |--Lambeoceras Foerste 1917 [incl. Hoeloceras Sweet 1958] T64
| | |--*L. lambii (Whiteaves 1891) [=Gonioceras lambii, G. lambei, Tripteroceras (*Lambeoceras) lambii] T64
| | |--L. acutilaterale Foerste 1935 P68
| | |--L. baffinense Miller, Youngquist & Collinson 1954 P68
| | |--L. confertum P68
| | |--L. landerense Foerste 1935 P68
| | |--L. princeps T64
| | `--L. richmondensis (Foerste 1917) [=Tripteroceras (Lambeoceras) richmondensis] P68
| `--Gonioceras Hall 1847 T64
| |--*G. anceps Hall 1847 T64
| |--G. chaziense P68
| |--G. groenlandicum T64
| |--G. holtedahli T64
| |--G. occidentale P68
| `--G. wulffi T64
|--Actinoceratidae [Ellinocerataceae, Ellinoceratidae, Floweroceratidae] T64
| | i. s.: Ellinoceras Balashov 1960 T64
| | `--*E. septicurvatum Balashov 1960 T64
| |--Actinoceras T64
| |--Troostoceras Foerste & Teichert 1930 T64
| | `--*T. paulocurvatum Foerste & Teichert 1930 T64
| | |--T. p. paulocurvatum P68
| | `--T. p. abbreviatum Foerste & Teichert 1930 P68
| |--Paractinoceras Hyatt in Zittel 1900 T64
| | |--*P. canadense (Whiteaves 1892) [=Sactoceras canadense] T64
| | |--P. lamellosum P68
| | `--P. pusillum Ruedemann 1926 P68
| |--Leurorthoceras Foerste 1921 T64
| | |--*L. hanseni Foerste 1921 T64
| | |--L. altopontense Foerste & Teichert 1930 P68
| | |--L. baffinense P68
| | `--L. lebanonense Foerste & Teichert 1930 P68
| `--+--Saffordoceras Foerste & Teichert 1930 T64
| | `--*S. nelsoni Foerste & Teichert 1930 T64
| `--+--Floweroceras Miller & Youngquist 1947 T64
| | `--*F. boreale Miller & Youngquist 1947 T64
| `--Kochoceras Troedsson 1926 [incl. Nothoceras Eichwald 1860 non Barrande 1856] T64
| |--*K. cuneiforme Troedsson 1926 T64
| |--K. ellipticum T64
| `--K. grande Foerste 1935 P68
`--Armenoceratidae [Nybyoceratinae, Wutinoceratidae] T64
| i. s.: Stolbovoceras Balashov 1962 T64
| `--*S. boreale Balashov 1962 T64
|--+--Ormoceratidae T64
| `--Cyrtonybyoceras Teichert 1933 T64
| `--*C. haesitans (Billings 1857) [=Orthoceras haesitans] T64
`--+--+--Armenoceras T64
| `--+--Monocyrtoceras Foerste 1924 T64
| | `--*M. lentidilatatum Foerste 1924 T64
| `--Elrodoceras Foerste 1924 T64
| |--*E. indianense (Miller 1892) [=Cyrtoceras indianense] T64
| |--E. abnorme T64
| |--E. cedarvillense Foerste 1928 P68
| |--E. osmanense Foerste & Teichert 1930 P68
| `--E. telleri Foerste & Teichert 1930 P68
`--+--Selkirkoceras Foerste 1929 T64
| |--*S. cuneatum Foerste 1929 T64
| `--S. tyndallense T64
|--Nybyoceras Troedsson 1926 (see below for synonymy) T64
| |--*N. bekkeri (Troedsson 1926) [=Actinoceras (*Nybyoceras) bekkeri] T64
| |--‘Wutinoceras’ exortivum D82
| |--N. foerstei Endo 1930 P68
| `--N. ulrichi Foerste & Teichert 1930 P68
`--Megadisocosorus Foerste 1925 T64
`--*M. crassisegmentatus Foerste 1925 T64
|--M. c. crassisegmentatus T64
`--M. c. orientalis T64
Actinocerida [Actinoceracea, Actinoceratida, Actinoceratina, Actinoceratoidea, Actinoceroida, Actinoceroidea, Actinosiphitae, Annulosiphonata, Cochleati]
Nybyoceras Troedsson 1926 [incl. Jeholoceras Kobayashi & Matsumoto 1942, Pararmenoceras Shimizu & Obata 1936, Wutinoceras Shimizu & Obata 1936] T64
Polydesmia Lorenz 1906 [incl. Maruyamaceras Kobayashi 1931, Maruyamacerina Kobayashi 1936, Murayamaceras (l. c.)] T64
*Type species of generic name indicated
[D82] Dong D.-Y. 1982. Lower Ordovician stromatoporoids of northern Anhui. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 21 (5): 577-583.
[P68] Purnell, L. R. 1968. Catalog of the Type Specimens of Invertebrate Fossils. Part I: Paleozoic Cephalopoda. United States National Museum Bulletin 262: 1-198.
[T64] Teichert, C. 1964. Actinoceratoidea. In Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt. K. Mollusca 3. Cephalopoda – General Features – Endoceratoidea – Actinoceratoidea – Nautiloidea – Bactritoidea (R. C. Moore, ed.) pp. K190-K216. The Geological Society of America and the University of Kansas Press.
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