
Toxopsiella medialis, copyright Te Papa Tongarewa.

Belongs within: Amaurobioidea.

The Cycloctenidae, scuttling spiders, are a group of free-living hunting spiders endemic to Australasia (Jocqué & Dippenaar-Schoeman 2007).

Characters (from Jocqué & Dippenaar-Schoeman 2007): Small to medium-sized araneomorph spiders; eight eyes, eyes in two strongly recurved rows with posterior eyes much larger than anterior one; three tarsal claws; claw tufts and scopulae absent; ecribellate; entelegyne.

<==Cycloctenidae [Cyclocteninae]
    |--Galliena Simon 1898 JD-S07
    |--Uzakia Koçak & Kemal 2008 PVD10 [=Anaua Forster 1970 (preoc.) PVD10, JD-S07]
    |    `--*U. unica (Forster 1970) [=*Anaua unica] PVD10
    |--Plectophanes Bryant 1935 PVD10
    |    |--*P. frontalis Bryant 1935 PVD10
    |    |--P. altus Forster 1964 PVD10
    |    |--P. archeyi Forster 1964 PVD10
    |    |--P. hollowayae Forster 1964 PVD10
    |    `--P. pilgrimi Forster 1964 PVD10
    |--Cycloctenus Koch 1878 PVD10
    |    |--C. agilis Forster 1979 PVD10
    |    |--C. centralis Forster 1979 PVD10
    |    |--C. duplex Forster 1979 PVD10
    |    |--C. fiordensis Forster 1979 PVD10
    |    |--C. flaviceps Koch 1878 S99
    |    |--C. fugax Goyen 1890 PVD10
    |    |--C. lepidus Urquhart 1890 PVD10
    |    |--C. nelsonensis Forster 1979 PVD10
    |    |--C. paturau Forster 1979 PVD10
    |    |--C. pulcher Urquhart 1891 PVD10
    |    `--C. westlandicus Forster 1964 PVD10
    `--Toxopsiella Forster 1964 PVD10
         |--*T. lawrencei Forster 1964 PVD10
         |--T. alpina Forster 1964 PVD10
         |--T. australis Forster 1964 PVD10
         |--T. centralis Forster 1964 PVD10
         |--T. dugdalei Forster 1964 PVD10
         |--T. horningi Forster 1979 PVD10
         |--T. medialis Forster 1964 PVD10
         |--T. minuta Forster 1964 PVD10
         |--T. nelsonensis Forster 1979 PVD10
         |--T. orientalis Forster 1964 PVD10
         |--T. parrotti Forster 1964 PVD10
         `--T. perplexa Forster 1964 PVD10

*Type species of generic name indicated


[JD-S07] Jocqué, R., & A. S. Dippenaar-Schoeman. 2007. Spider Families of the World. Royal Museum for Central Africa: Tervuren (Belgium).

[PVD10] Paquin, P., C. J. Vink & N. Dupérré. 2010. Spiders of New Zealand: annotated family key and species list. Manaaki Whenua Press: Lincoln (New Zealand).

[S99] Simon, E. 1899. Ergebnisse einer Reise nach dem Pacific (Schauinsland 1896–1897. Zoologische Jahrbücher, Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie un Biologie der Thiere 12 (4): 411–437.

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