
Fossil specimen of Paraechinocaris punctata, from the Digital Atlas of Ancient Life.

Belongs within: Archaeostraca.

The Echinocaridina are a group of phyllocarid crustaceans known from the Silurian (or possibly the Ordovician) to the early Carboniferous (Briggs et al. 1993).

Characters (from Rode & Lieberman 2002): Carapace subovate to subquadrate; anterior horn rounded or absent; posterior margin sinuous or convex. Rostrum free or absent, lacking longitudinal ridge. Carapace divided into anterior and posterior regions by distinct groove; one to five raised nodes present in anterior region. Marginal groove present on carapace and demarcating marginal rim.

Echinocaridina RL02
    |--Aristozoe Barrande 1872 FGS04 [Aristozoidae RL02]
    |    |--A. memoranda Barrande 1872 RL02 [incl. *A. amica Barrande 1868 BB61]
    |    |--A. parabolica O68
    |    `--A. porcula BWW93
    |--Ptychocarididae RL02
    |    |--Kerfornecaris Racheboeuf & Rolfe 1990 RL02
    |    |    `--K. roscanvelensis Racheboeuf & Rolfe 1990 RL02
    |    `--Ptychocaris Novák 1885 RL02
    |         `--P. novaki Copeland 1960 RL02
    `--Echinocarididae RL02
         |--Montecaridinae RL02
         |    |--Eleutherocaris whitfieldi (Clarke 1885) RL02
         |    `--Montecaris RL02
         |         |--M. antecedens Chlupáč 1960 BWW93
         |         |--M. lehmannii Jux 1960 RL02
         |         `--M. strunensis Jux 1960 RL02
         `--Echinocaridinae RL02
              |--Paraechinocaris Rode & Lieberman 2002 RL02
              |    |--*P. punctata (Hall 1863) (see below for synonymy) RL02
              |    |--P. asiatica (Reed 1908) [=Echinocaris asiatica] RL02
              |    `--P. spiniger (Racheboeuf 1998) [=Echinocaris spiniger] RL02
              `--Echinocaris Whitfield 1880 FGS04
                   |--*E. sublaevis Whitfield 1880 (see below for synonymy) RL02
                   |--E. auricula Eller 1935 RL02
                   |--E. beecheri Copeland 1960 RL02
                   |--E. castorensis Copeland 1960 RL02
                   |--E. clarkii Beecher 1902 RL02
                   |--E. condylepis Hall & Clarke 1988 RL02
                   |--E. consanguina Eller 1935 RL02
                   |--E. crosbyensis Eller 1937 RL02
                   |--E. hunanensis Han & Zhou 1993 RL02
                   |--E. multinodosa Whitfield 1880 RL02
                   |--E. multispinosis Feldmann & McKenzie 1981 RL02
                   |--E. ohioensis Sturgeon, Hlavin & Kesling 1964 RL02
                   |--E. randallii Beecher 1902 RL02
                   |--E. sloliensis Partridge 1902 RL02
                   |--E. socialis Beecher 1884 RL02
                   |--E. turgida Eller 1935 RL02
                   `--E. whidbornei (Jones & Woodward 1889) RL02

Echinocaris sublaevis Whitfield 1880 [incl. E. pulcra Sturgeon, Hlavin & Kesling 1964, E. pustulosa Whitfield 1880] RL02

Paraechinocaris punctata (Hall 1863) [=Ceratiocaris punctatus, Echinocaris punctata, Echinocaris punctatus; incl. Ceratiocaris armatus Hall 1863] RL02

*Type species of generic name indicated


[BB61] Benson, R. H., J. M. Berdan, W. A. van den Bold, T. Hanai, I. Hessland, H. V. Howe, R. V. Kesling, S. A. Levinson, R. A. Reyment, R. C. Moore, H. W. Scott, R. H. Shaver, I. G. Sohn, L. E. Stover, F. M. Swain & P. C. Sylvester-Bradley. 1961. Systematic descriptions. In: Moore, R. C. (ed.) Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology pt Q. Arthropoda 3: Crustacea: Ostracoda pp. Q99–Q421. Geological Society of America and University of Kansas Press.

[BWW93] Briggs, D. E. G., M. J. Weedon & M. A. Whyte. 1993. Arthropoda (Crustacea excluding Ostracoda). In: Benton, M. J. (ed.) The Fossil Record 2 pp. 321–342. Chapman & Hall: London.

[FGS04] Feldmann, R. M., A. A. Garassino & C. E. Schweitzer. 2004. The presumed decapod, Palaeopemphix Gemmellaro, 1890, is a unique member of the Phyllocarida (Palaeopemphicida: Palaeopemphidae). Journal of Palaeontology 78: 340–348.

[O68] Öpik, A. A. 1968. Ordian (Cambrian) Crustacea Bradoriida of Australia. Commonwealth of Australia, Bureau of National Development, Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Bulletin 103: 1–45.

[RL02] Rode, A. L., & B. S. Lieberman. 2002. Phylogenetic and biogeographic analysis of Devonian phyllocarid crustaceans. Journal of Paleontology 76 (2): 271–286.

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