Belongs within: Oripodoidea.
The Mochlozetidae are a pantropical and subtropical group of arboreal oribatid mites.
Characters (from Norton & Behan-Pelletier 2009): Length: 500–800 µm. Prodorsum fused to notogaster; distinct notch present antiaxially on chelicerae; tutorium present. Notogaster without conspicuous setae, three pairs of short setae in p row and seven pairs of alveoli; four or more pairs of porose areas, their limits often well defined by internally thickened border, porose areas sometimes sexually dimorphic; pteromorphs immovable.
|--Calugarella Balogh & Balogh 1992 S04
| `--*C. sabahna (Mahunka 1987) [=Unguizetes sabahnus] S04
|--Mochlobates Norton 1984 S04
| `--*M. affinis (Banks 1895) [=Oribata affinis] S04
|--Nesiotizetes Jacot 1934 S04
| `--*N. adamsoni Jacot 1934 S04
|--Gephyrazetes Hirauchi 1999 S04
| `--*G. fasciatus Hirauchi 1999 S04
|--Paralobozetes Tseng 1984 S04
| `--*P. longirostralis Tseng 1984 S04
|--Mahunkazetes Balogh & Balogh 1992 S04
| |--*M. africanus (Mahunka 1988) [=Mochlozetes africanus] S04
| `--M. longicuspis (Balogh & Mahunka 1967) [=Podoribates longicuspis] S04
|--Dynatozetes Grandjean 1960 S04
| |--*D. amplus Grandjean 1960 S04
| |--D. magnus (Banks 1895) [=Oribata magna] S04
| `--D. obesus Grandjean 1960 S04
|--Drymobatoides Jacot 1936 NB-P09, S04 [incl. Pelokylla Adolph & Haq 1982 S04, Seychellozetes Mahunka 1984 S04]
| |--*D. mauritius Jacot 1936 BB92
| |--D. benoiti (Mahunka 1984) [=Seychellozetes benoiti] S04
| `--D. malabaricus (Adolph & Haq 1982) [=Pelokylla malabarica] S04
|--Rykella Balogh 1962 NB-P09, S04
| |--*R. insignis Balogh 1962 BB92
| |--R. asiatica Yamamoto & Aoki 2000 S04
| `--R. elamellata (Berlese 1916) [=Podoribates elamellata] S04
|--Uracrobates Balogh & Mahunka 1967 [incl. Urobates Hammer 1973] S04
| |--*U. magniporosus Balogh & Mahunka 1967 S04
| |--U. africanus Mahunka 1988 S04
| |--U. indicus Ramani & Haq 1990 S04
| `--U. pygiseta (Hammer 1973) [=Urobates pygiseta] S04
|--Mochlozetes Grandjean 1930 S04
| |--*M. penetrabilis Grandjean 1930 S04
| |--M. asculpturatus Mahunka 1985 S04
| |--M. atypicus Mahunka 1982 S04
| |--M. chambrieri Mahunka 1991 S04
| |--M. flatus Grandjean 1930 S04
| |--M. maximus (Ewing 1908) [=Oribata maxima] S04
| |--M. officiosus Grandjean 1930 S04
| `--M. saltaensis Alzuet 1989 S04
|--Mochloribatula Mahunka 1978 S04
| |--*M. multiporosa Mahunka 1978 S04
| |--M. bahamensis Norton 1983 S04
| |--M. calycifera Mahunka 1985 S04
| |--M. depilis (Ewing 1909) [=Notaspis depilis] S04
| |--M. floridana (Banks 1904) [=Eremaeus floridanus] S04
| |--M. grandjeani Mahunka 1978 S04
| |--M. metzi Norton 1983 S04
| `--M. texana (Ewing 1909) [=Notaspis texana] S04
|--Unguizetes Sellnick 1925 [incl. Terrazetes Jacot 1929] S04
| |--*U. sphaerula (Berlese 1905) [=Oribata sphaerula; incl. U. triplicatulus Grandjean 1960] S04
| |--U. clavatus Aoki 1967 S04
| |--U. curypterus Wen & Zhao 1994 S04
| |--U. incertus (Balogh & Mahunka 1969) [=Uracrobates incertus] S04
| |--U. inermis Mahunka 1991 S04
| |--U. longiporosus (Balogh & Mahunka 1966) [=Terrazetes longiporosus] S04
| |--U. mauritius (Jacot 1936) S04 [=*Terrazetes mauritius BB92]
| |--U. reticulatus Wallwork 1965 S04
| |--U. setiger (Balogh & Mahunka 1978) [=Uracrobates setiger; incl. Podoribates brasiliensis Mahunka 1983] S04
| |--U. similis Mahunka 1998 S04
| `--U. yemenitica Mahunka 2000 S04
`--Podoribates Berlese 1908 (see below for synonymy) S04
|--*P. longipes (Berlese 1887) [=Oribata longipes; incl. Sphaerozetes gratus Sellnick 1921] S04
|--P. artilamellatus (Ewing 1909) [=Oribata artilamellata] S04
|--P. cuscensis (Hammer 1961) [=Sphaerobates cuscensis] S04
|--P. cuspidatus Sakakibara & Aoki 1966 S04
|--P. foveolatus (Hammer 1958) [=Sphaerobates foveolatus] S04
|--P. glaber (Berlese 1916) [=Sphaerozetes (Trichoribates) glaber] S04
|--P. javensis (Willmann 1932) [=Sphaerobates javensis] S04
| |--P. j. javensis S04
| `--P. j. africanus Jacot 1940 S04
|--P. laneus (Tseng 1984) [=Falsolobozetes laneus] S04
|--P. minusculus (Banks 1906) [=Galumna minuscula] S04
|--P. oriformis (Pearce 1910) S04 [=Oribata oriformis S04, *Cardioribates oriformis SN98]
|--P. platensis Berlese 1916 [=P. longipes platensis] S04
|--P. pratensis (Banks 1895) [=Oribata pratensis] S04
|--P. rectus Berlese 1916 S04
`--P. turgidus (Banks 1906) [=Galumna turgida] S04
Podoribates Berlese 1908 [incl. Cardioribates Jacot 1934, Falsolobozetes Tseng 1984, Sphaerobates Sellnick 1928] S04
*Type species of generic name indicated
[BB92] Balogh, J., & P. Balogh. 1992. The Oribatid Mites Genera of the World vol. 1. Hungarian Natural History Museum: Budapest.
[NB-P09] Norton, R. A., & V. M. Behan-Pelletier. 2009. Suborder Oribatida. In: Krantz, G. W., & D. E. Walter (eds) A Manual of Acarology 3rd ed. pp. 430–564. Texas Tech University Press.
[S04] Subías, L. S. 2004. Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los ácaros oribátidos (Acariformes, Oribatida) del mundo (1758–2002). Graellsia 60 (número extraordinario): 3–305.
[SN98] Swift, S. F., & R. A. Norton. 1998. Preliminary report on oribatid mite (Acari: Oribatida) diversity in the Hawaiian Islands. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 57: 1–44.
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