Belongs within: Ericaceae.
The Rhodoreae are a group of shrubs and small trees bearing more or less zygomorphic flowers, often with spots or blotches on the petals (Kron et al. 2002).
Characters (from Kron et al. 2002): Shrubs or small trees. Leaves evergreen or deciduous, alternate, non-ericoid, entire to serrulate-ciliate, convolute or revolute in bud. Leaf epidermal cells not lignified. Indumentum very variable, sometimes glandular, peltate, or highly branched. Inflorescence terminal or rarely axillary, usually corymbose or umbellate; bracts present, usually as perulae (except Therorhodion where bracts are green), bracteoles paired, usually more or less basal; calyx articulated with pedicel or not. Flowers usually 4- or 5-merous, slightly zygomorphic, but occasionally secondarily actinomorphic. Calyx lobes variably developed, persistent or deciduous; corolla usually sympetalous, variously shaped, often with spots or blotches, the lobes usually moderate to large; stamens 5–15, included or exserted, the filaments straight to curved, unicellular-pubescent or smooth; anthers smooth, lacking spurs, dehiscing by terminal pores to elongate slits. Pollen with viscin threads. Ovary 3–14-locular, with axile placentation, superior; style impressed or not; stigma truncate or expanded. Fruit an ovoid to cylindric septicidal capsule; seeds with testa cells usually elongated; embryo with 2 cotyledons.
|--Therorhodion camtschaticum KJ02
`--+--Diplarche multiflora KJ02
|--Tsusiophyllum KJ02
|--Menziesia KJ02
| |--M. ciliicalyx KJ02
| |--M. ferruginea H93
| |--M. lasiophylla KJ02
| `--M. pilosa KJ02
`--Rhododendron [incl. Rhodora] KJ02
|--R. acuminatum P88
|--R. afghanicum H03
|--R. albiflorum KJ02
|--R. alborugosum H03
|--R. anagalliflorum H03
|--R. anthopogon SN88
| |--R. a. var. anthopogon O88
| `--R. a. var. hypenanthum O88
|--R. arboreum P05
| |--R. a. ssp. arboreum RR02
| |--R. a. ssp. cinnamomeum SN88
| `--R. a. ssp. nilagirieum RR02
|--R. arfakianum H03
|--R. atropurpureum H03
|--R. baconii H03
|--R. barbatum SN88
|--R. borneensis H03
|--R. brassii H03
|--R. brookeanum H03
| |--R. b. var. brookeanum H03
| |--R. b. var. cockburnii H03
| |--R. b. var. gracile H03
| |--R. b. var. kinabaluense H03
| `--R. b. var. moultonii H03
|--R. burttii H03
|--R. buxifolium H03
|--R. caespitosum H03
|--R. caliginis H03
|--R. calostrotum H03
|--R. campanulatum SN88
| |--R. c. var. campanulatum SN88
| `--R. c. var. wallichii SN88
|--R. canadense H03
|--R. canescens KJ02
|--R. capellae H03
|--R. catawbiense D59
|--R. christianae H03
|--R. culminicolum H03
| |--R. c. var. culminicolum H03
| `--R. c. var. angiense H03
|--R. cuneifolium H03
|--R. cuspidellum H03
|--R. dalhousiae SN88
|--R. degronianum [incl. R. metternichii] LO98
|--R. edgeworthii KJ02
|--R. ericoides H03
|--R. falconeri KJ02
|--R. farrerae KJ02
|--R. ferrugineum H03
|--R. flavum G98
|--R. floccigerum H03
|--R. forrestii H03
|--R. fulgens O88
|--R. gracilentum KJ02
|--R. grande KJ02
|--R. groenlandicum KJ02
|--R. heptaster H03
|--R. herzogii H03
|--R. hippophaeoides KJ02
|--R. hirsutum H03
|--R. hodgesonii SN88
|--R. hongkongense KJ02
|--R. hooglandii H03
|--R. hypoleucum KJ02
|--R. incommodum H03
|--R. inconspicuum H03
|--R. jasminiflorum H03
|--R. javanicum H03
|--R. kaempferi KJ02 [=R. obtusum var. kaempferi LO98]
|--R. keiskei A80
|--R. kiusianum KJ02
|--R. lamrialianum H03
|--R. lapponicum RJ11
|--R. lateritium BBO02
|--R. lepidotum SN88
| |--R. l. var. lepidotum O88
| |--R. l. var. elaeagnoides O88
| `--R. l. var. obovatum O88
|--R. leucogigas H03
|--R. lochiae H03
|--R. longiflorum H03
|--R. loranthiflorum H03
| |--R. l. var. loranthiflorum H03
| `--R. l. var. lakekamuensis H03
|--R. lowndesii O88
|--R. macgregoriae H03
|--R. macrophyllum H93
|--R. madulidii H03
|--R. malayanum P88
|--R. maximum KJ02
|--R. meijeri H03
|--R. minus KJ02
|--R. molle KJ02
|--R. moulmainense P88
|--R. mucronatum MH98
|--R. myrtifolium H09
|--R. nieuwenhuisii H03
|--R. nivale O88
|--R. obtusum MH98
|--R. occidentale H93
|--R. oomurasaki MH98
|--R. ovatum KJ02
|--R. pendulum KJ02
|--R. pentaphyllum LO98
| |--R. p. var. pentaphyllum LO98
| `--R. p. var. nikoense LO98
|--R. periclymenoides KJ02
|--R. ponticum G98
|--R. primuliflorum H03
|--R. prinophyllum G96
|--R. pumilum O88
|--R. quadrasiamum H03
|--R. reticulatum BBO02
|--R. retusum H03
|--R. rex H03
|--R. roseiflorum H03
|--R. rousei H03
|--R. rubineiflorum H03
|--R. sanguineum H03
|--R. sarcodes H03
|--R. saxifragoides H03
|--R. schlechteri H03
|--R. semibarbatum KJ02
|--R. setosum SN88
|--R. simsii H03
|--R. sleumeri H03
|--R. stamineum KJ02
|--R. stapfianum H03
|--R. stenophyllum H03
|--R. taxoides H03
|--R. tomentosum KJ02
|--R. triflorum SN88
|--R. truncicolum H03
|--R. tsusiophyllum KJ02
|--R. tuhanensis H03
|--R. vaccinioides P05
|--R. vanvuurenii H03
|--R. variolosum H03
|--R. venator H03
|--R. virgatum KJ02
|--R. vitis-idaea H03
|--R. wightii O88
|--R. womersleyi H03
|--R. yongii H03
`--R. zoelleri H03
*Type species of generic name indicated
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