Belongs within: Metazoa.
Contains: Machaeridia, Leodicidae, Orthonectida, Cornulitidae, Amphinomida, Phyllodocida, Eunicida, Mesonerilla, Echiura, Aeolosomatida, Clitellata, Scolecida, Polygordius, Saccocirrus, Protodrilus, Spionida, Cirratuliformia, Orbiniidae, Maldanidae, Terebelliformia, Arenicolidae, Sabellida.
The Annelida includes the segmented worms and related taxa. Most members of this clade possess homonomous segmentation, lateral chaetae and a nuchal organ at the posterior end of the prostomium, but these characters have all been modified or lost in some derived subgroups. Many classifications of the annelids have divided them between three classes: the Polychaeta (mostly marine worms which have more or less dense arrays of chaetae inserted on lateral parapodia), Oligochaeta (earthworms and related taxa which have fewer chaetae and lack parapodia) and Hirudinea (leeches). However, recent phylogenetic analyses have indicated that the latter two 'classes' (which together form a clade called the Clitellata) are likely to be nested within the paraphyletic 'polychaetes'. Exact relationships within the annelids remain otherwise much debated. Potential clades include the Canalipalpata, members of which often possess grooved, ciliated palps in association with the prostomium (Parry et al. 2014). Another group, the Aciculata, is characterised by the presence of aciculae, supportive chaetae embedded within the parapodia. Within the Aciculata, the Errantia are mobile, predatory or detritivorous, worms. The Nerillidae are minute, mostly marine polychaetes with the prostomium fused to the peristomium and with setae on most or all segments.
Annelida (see below for synonymy)
|--Pygocirrus butyricampum PE16, PTV14
|--Guanshanchaeta PE16
|--+--Aciculata PE16
| | |--+--Kenostrychus clementsi PE16
| | | `--Amphinomida PE16
| | `--Errantia PE16
| | |--Phyllodocida PE16
| | `--Eunicida PE16
| `--Nerillidae H-S86
| |--Mesonerilla PE16
| |--Thalassochaetus Ax 1954 H-S86
| | `--T. palpifoliaceus Ax 1954 TS02
| |--Afronerilla Faubel 1978 H-S86
| | `--A. hartwigi Faubel 1978 H-S86
| |--Bathynerilla Faubel 1978 H-S86
| | `--B. marina Faubel 1978 H-S86
| |--Nerillidopsis Jouin 1966 H-S86
| | `--N. hyalina Jouin 1966 H-S86
| |--Psammoriedlia Kirsteuer 1966 H-S86
| | `--P. ruperti Kirsteuer 1966 H-S86
| |--Troglochaetus Delachaux 1921 H-S86
| | `--T. beranecki Delachaux 1921 H-S86
| |--Meganerilla Boaden 1961 H-S86
| | |--M. clavata Magagnini 1966 H-S86
| | `--M. swedmarki Boaden 1961 TS02
| |--Micronerilla TS02
| | |--M. brevis Saphonov & Tzetlin 1997 TS02
| | `--M. minuta TS02
| |--Nerilla Schmidt 1848 H-S86
| | |--N. antennata Schmidt 1848 H-S86
| | |--N. digitata Wieser 1957 H-S86
| | |--N. inopinata Gray 1968 H-S86
| | |--N. marginalis Tilzer 1970 H-S86
| | |--N. mediterranea Schlieper 1925 H-S86
| | |--N. parva Schmidt & Westheide 1977 H-S86
| | |--N. sinica Wu, Chen & Sun 1980 H-S86
| | `--N. stygicola Ax 1957 H-S86
| `--Nerillidium Remane 1925 H-S86
| |--N. gracile Remane 1925 H-S86
| |--N. levetzovi Remane 1949 H-S86
| |--N. lothari Schmidt & Westheide 1977 H-S86
| |--N. macropharyngeum Jouin 1970 H-S86
| |--N. mediterraneum Remane 1928 H-S86
| |--N. renaudae Join 1970 H-S86
| |--N. simplex Levi 1953 H-S86
| `--N. troglochaetoides Remane 1925 H-S86
`--Canalipalpata [Capitellida, Drilomorpha, Sedentaria, Spiomorpha] PTV14
| i. s.: Keilorites Allan 1927 Ho62 [=Trachyderma Phillips 1848 non Latreille 1829 Ho62; Keiloritidae W93b]
| |--*K. crassituba (Chapman 1910) [=*Trachyderma crassituba] Ho62
| |--‘Trachyderma’ antiquissima H64
| |--K. coriacea (Phillips 1848) W93b
| `--K. squamosa (Phillips 1848) W93b
|--+--+--+--Echiura PE16
| | | `--+--Aeolosomatida SS07
| | | `--Clitellata PE16
| | `--+--Scolecida PE16
| | `--Cossura Webster & Benedict 1887 PE16, J56 [Cossuridae]
| | |--*C. longocirrata J56
| | |--C. candida Hartman 1955 J56
| | `--C. pygodactyla Jones 1956 J56
| `--+--Polygordiidae [Gymnotoma] RP07
| | |--Polygordius PE16
| | |--Rhamphogordius lacteus Rathke 1843 H69
| | |--Linotrypane apogon M’Intosh 1875 H69
| | `--Chaetogordius canaliculatus Moore 1904 H69
| `--+--Protodriloides Jouin 1966 PE16, H-S86 [Protodriloididae RF98]
| | |--P. chaetifer (Remane 1926) H-S86
| | `--P. symbioticus (Giard 1904) H-S86
| `--+--Saccocirrus PE16
| `--Protodrilidae RP07
| |--Protodrilus PE16
| `--Astomus Jouin 1979 H-S86
| `--A. taenioides Jouin 1979 H-S86
`--+--Spionida PE16
`--+--+--Cirratuliformia PE16
| `--+--Orbiniidae PE16
| `--Paraonidae SS07
| |--Paraonis lyra PP64
| |--Cirrophorus lyra (Southern 1914) RP07
| `--Aricidea PE16
| |--A. cerrutii Laubier 1967 [=Acesta cerrutii] H-S86
| `--A. jeffreysii M62
`--+--+--Maldanidae PE16
| `--+--Terebelliformia PE16
| `--Arenicolidae PE16
`--+--Oweniidae SS07
| |--Myriochele RP07
| `--Owenia PE16
| |--O. collaris Hartman 1955 SS07
| `--O. fusiformis delle Chiaje 1841 SS07
`--+--Sabellida PE16
`--Chaetopteridae SS07
| i. s.: Spiochaetopterus costarum (Claparède 1870) SS07
|--Chaetopterus PE16
| |--C. sarsi Boeck in Sars 1851 RP07
| `--C. variopedatus (Renier 1804) SS07
`--+--Telepsavus RP07
`--Phyllochaetopterus RP07
|--P. solitarius M62
`--P. verrillii Treadwell 1943 H56
Annelida incertae sedis:
Paranerilla limicola GO06
Phyllobranchus Girard 1851 BR05
Machaeridia PTV14
Eumenia crassa MF02
Amharete acutifrons GAS03
Asabelides sibirica GAS03
Praxillella praetermissa GAS03
Chone teres KBC03
Jugaria quadriangularis KBC03
Circeis KBC03
|--C. armoricana KBC03
`--C. spirillum KBC03
Hermilepidonotus robustus KBC03
Genetylli castanea KBC03
Polymnia trigonostoma KBC03
Demonax fullo KBC03
Neoamphitrite grayi KBC03
Nicolea gracilibranchis KBC03
Euthalenessa dendrolepis PP64
Hermonia histrix M62
Lagisca extenuata [incl. L. extenuata var. abyssorum] PP64
Kefersteinia cirrata M62
Podarke M62
|--P. obscura H56
`--P. pallida M62
Langheransia cornuta M62
Dialychone acustica M62
Jasmineira BBB-S95
|--J. candela M62
`--J. elegans BBB-S95
Praegeria remota M62
Synelmis albini (Langerhans 1881) H-S86
Adyte assimilis (McIntosh 1874) (see below for synonymy) BK77
Antinoella sarsi [incl. Polynoe cirrata Grube 1876, Harmothoe cirrata] BK77
Hermadion hyalinus BK77
Subadyte pellucida (Ehlers 1864-1868) (see below for synonymy) BK77
Phylo foetida [=Aricia foetida] BK77
Hesperonoe adventor CH97
Scolecolepides benhami HS01
Hemipodus simplex HS01
‘Hedyle’ Malmgren 1865 non Guenée 1857 BR05
Psammodrilidae [Psammodrilida] H-S86
|--Psammodriloides Swedmark 1961 H-S86
| `--P. fauveli Swedmark 1961 H-S86
`--Psammodrilus Swedmark 1953 H-S86
|--P. aedificator Kristensen & Nørrevang 1982 H-S86
`--P. balanoglossoides Swedmark 1952 TS02
Steblospio benedicti R96
Manayunkia speciosa KA01
Hrabeiella periglandulata Pizl & Chalupsky 1984 RP07
Ditrypa F71
|--D. australis Bretnall 1921 F71
`--D. brazieri Bretnall 1921 F71
Augeneriella lagunari P71
Theostoma oerstedi BBB-S95
Arabellidae H56
|--Notocirrus attenuatus (Treadwell 1906) [=Arabella attenuata] H56
`--Arabella H56
|--‘Aracoda’ attenuata Treadwell 1911 [=Drilonereis attenuata] H56
|--A. iricolor (Montagu 1804) (see below for synonymy) H56
|--A. iridescens Treadwell 1906 H56
`--A. semimaculata (Moore 1911) [=Aracoda semimaculata; incl. Arab. pacifica Treadwell 1941] H56
Laonome BBB-S95
|--L. kroyeri BBB-S95
`--L. salmacidis BBB-S95
Audouinia BBB-S95
|--A. filigera BBB-S95
`--A. tentaculata BBB-S95
Polyodontes BM88
|--P. lupina (Stimpson 1856) BM88
|--P. maxillosus M62
|--P. oculea (Treadwell 1901) [=Panthalis oculea] H56
`--P. panamensis (Chamberlin 1919) [=Panthalis panamensis; incl. Po. californicus Treadwell 1941] H56
Leodicidae Ho62
Lumbriconereidae Ho62
|--Lumbriconereites Ehlers 1869 Ho62
| `--*L. deperditus Ehlers 1869 Ho62
`--Lumbriconereis Grube 1840 Ho62
|--*L. quadristriata Grube 1840 Ho62
|--L. coccinea PP64
`--L. paradoxa PP64
Staurocephalitidae Ho62
|--Staurocephalites Hinde 1879 Ho62
| `--*S. niagarensis Hinde 1879 Ho62
`--Marlenites Eller 1945 Ho62
`--*M. marginatus (Eller 1944) [=Oenonites marginatus] Ho62
Ebetallites Žebera 1935 Ho62
`--*E. ancoraeformis Žebera 1935 Ho62
Ottawina Wilson 1948 Ho62
`--*O. trentonensis Wilson 1948 Ho62
Chloraemidae Ho62
|--Chloraema Dujardin 1838 Ho62
| `--*C. edwardsii Dujardin 1838 Ho62
|--Eotrophonia Ulrich 1878 Ho62
| `--*E. setigera Ulrich 1878 Ho62
`--Siphonostomites Roverto 1904 Ho62
`--*S. hesionoides (Massalongo 1855) [=Nereites hesionoides] Ho62
Campylites Eichwald 1856 Ho62
`--*C. longissimus (Sowerby 1839) [=Serpulites longissimus] Ho62
Hammatopsis Hadding 1913 Ho62
`--*H. scanicus Hadding 1913 Ho62
Khemisina Termier & Termier 1951 Ho62
`--*K. annulata Termier & Termier 1951 Ho62
Lockportia Howell 1959 [=Dactylethra Ruedemann 1925 nec Cuvier 1829 nec Meyrick 1906] Ho62
`--*L. conspicua (Ruedemann 1925) [=*Dactylethra conspicua] Ho62
Oliveirania Maury 1927 Ho62
`--*O. santacatharinae Maury 1927 Ho62
Ruedemannella Howell 1959 (see below for synonymy) Ho62
`--*R. obesa (Ruedemann 1925) [=*Bertiella obesa] Ho62
Tubulella Howell 1949 [incl. Urotheca Matthew 1899 non Cocteau & Bibron 1843] Ho62
|--*T. flagellum (Matthew 1899) Ho62 (see below for synonymy)
|--T. pervetus (Matthew 1899) WS93
`--T. terranovaensis Howell 1963 WS93
Tubulelloides Howell 1949 Ho62
`--*T. gracilis (Ruedemann 1916) [=Serpulites gracilis] Ho62
Eopolychaetus Ruedemann 1901 Ho62
`--*E. albaniensis Ruedemann 1901 Ho62
Pontobdellopsis Ruedemann 1901 Ho62
`--*P. cometa Ruedemann 1901 Ho62
Lonchosaccus Ruedemann 1925 H75
`--*L. uticanus Ruedemann 1925 H75
Ladatheca L95
|--*L. annae (Syssoiev 1959) D94
|--L. cylindrica (Grabau 1900) L95
`--L. sysoievi (Meshkova 1974) W93a
‘Hipponyx’ inexpectata Mestayer 1929 P61
Peronochaeta [Peronochaetidae] E-J04
`--P. dubia (Walcott 1911) [=Canadia dubia] E-J04
Insolicorypha [Insilicoryphidae] E-J04
`--I. psygma Conway Morris 1979 E-J04
Stephenoscolex [Stephenoscolecidae] E-J04
`--S. argutus Conway Morris 1979 E-J04
Aberrantidae RF98
Spintheridae RF98
Hartmaniellidae RF98
Histriobdellidae RF98
|--Histriobdella van Beneden 1858 [incl. Histriodrilus Foettinger 1884] H69
| `--H. homari H69
`--Stratiodrilus Haswell 1900 H69
`--S. platensis H69
Pallasia porrecta PP64
Rhodine PG98
|--R. intermedia PG98
`--R. loveni [incl. R. loveni f. gracilior] PP64
Pontogenia chrysocoma PP64
Clymene lumbricoides PP64
Scolaricia typica PP64
Leiocapitella dollfusi PP64
Nossis Kindberg 1865 KM17
Psyrmobranchus protensus G84
Arachnostega JB12
Facivermis yunnanicus Hou & Chen 1989 W93b
Maotianchaeta fuxianella C12
Orthonectida SRT18
Pharyngocirrus tridentiger SRT18
Ramesses magnus Schram 1979 W93b
Soris labiosus Schram 1979 W93b
Cornulitidae C01
Trophonia plumosa M01
Panthalis H56
|--P. evanida (Treadwell 1926) [=Eupanthalis evanida] H56
|--P. pacifica Treadwell 1914 H56
`--P. pustulata Treadwell 1924 [incl. Acoetes magnifica Treadwell 1929] H56
Pareulepis [Pareulepidae] H56
|--P. fimbriata (Treadwell 1901) [=Eulepis fimbriata] H56
`--P. wyvillei (McIntosh 1885) [incl. Eulepis splendida Treadwell 1901] H56
Eupanthalis H56
|--E. maculosa (Treadwell 1931) [=Macellicephala maculosa] H56
`--E. mutilata (Treadwell 1906) [=Polynoe mutilata; incl. E. oahuensis Treadwell 1906] H56
Eupolyodontes elongata (Treadwell 1931) [=Iphionella elongata] H56
Lysarete [Lysaretidae] H56
`--L. brasiliensis Kinberg 1865 [incl. Oenone brevimaxillata Treadwell 1931] H56
Chrysodon alveolatum G20
Thia rostrata G20
Eumolpe plana G20
Levinsenia gracilis HG98
Lysippe labiata HG98
Paraprionospio coora PG98
Euchone pallida PG98
Kinbergonuphis proalopus PG98
Rhamphobrachium (Spinigerum) averincevi PG98
Leitoscoloplos kerguelensis PG98
Vermiforma Cloud in Cloud et al. 1976 D78, G79
`--*V. antiqua Cloud in Cloud et al. 1976 G79
Trace fossil: Trachyderma serrata Salter 1864 Ha62
Adyte assimilis (McIntosh 1874) [=Hermadion assimile, Scalisetosus assimilis; incl. H. echini Giard 1886] BK77
Annelida [Amphitrites, Archiannelida, Chaetopoda, Errantida, Naidina, Nereides, Palpata, Pharyngata, Plesiopora, Plesiotheca, Polychaeta, Sedentarida, Terebellida]
Arabella iricolor (Montagu 1804) [=Nereis iricolor; incl. A. dubia Treadwell 1922, Drilonereis pinnata Treadwell 1921, A. setosa Treadwell 1921] H56
Ruedemannella Howell 1959 [=Bertiella Ruedemann 1925 nec (Sacc.) Sacc. & Syd. 1899 (ICBN) nec Stiles & Hassall 1902 nec Kirschst. 1906 (ICBN)] Ho62
Subadyte pellucida (Ehlers 1864-1868) [=Polynoe pellucida, Adyte pellucida, Hermadion pellucidum, Lepidonotus pellucidus, Scalisetosus pellucidus; incl. H. fragile Clarapède 1868, H. fugax Giard 1890, H. sabatieri Darboux 1900] BK77
*Tubulella flagellum (Matthew 1899) Ho62 [=Urotheca flagellum Ho62; incl. Selkirkia pennsylvanica Resser & Howell 1938 SHB15]
*Type species of generic name indicated
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Last updated: 20 November 2021.
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