
Coast beard-heath Cyathodes parviflora, copyright Stephen Bain.

Belongs within: Styphelioideae.

The Styphelieae are a group of ericaceous shrubs with fleshy fruits. In the Australasian genus Pentachondra, the fruits are divided into usually five separate pyrenes whereas fruits of most other genera are five-loculed with a bony endocarp. Cyathodes have flower pedicels bearing many, more or less persistent bracts and a corolla that is more or less glabrous on the upper surface whereas Leucopogon flowers have fewer, caducous bracts on the pedicel and a bearded upper surface on the corolla (Allan 1961). Styphelia bears flowers with anthers on long filaments that are well exserted from the corollar tube.

Characters (from Kron et al. 2002): Shrubs. Leaves alternate, entire, with leaf base narrow and one to several longitudinal veins having abaxial fiber cap that contacts abaxial epidermis. Flowers in terminal or reduced axillary racemes; bracts several grading upward in size, or one, mostly small and persistent, sometimes leaflike and caducous; bracteoles 2. Flowers 5-merous. Calyx lobes ciliate, persistent; corolla sympetalous, cylindrical, the lobes straight, spreading or recurved, mostly valvate in bud, occasionally imbricate. Stamens 5, epipetalous; anthers monothecal, with or without appendages. Pollen in monads, sometimes in tetrads or shed as reduced tetrads with one or more cells aborting. Ovary 2–11-locular, each with single ovule, placentation apical, style not impressed. Fruit drupaceous and brightly coloured, sometimes splitting to release endocarp, with sometimes splits into separate pyrenes.

<==Styphelieae [Stenanthereae, Stypheliinae]
    |--Brachyloma daphnoides KJ02
    |--Coleanthera myrtoides KJ02, G04
    |--Conostephium pendulum KJ02, RL05
    |--Croninia KJ02
    |--Cyathopsis KJ02
    |--Decatoca KJ02
    |--Leptecophylla KJ02
    |--Lissanthe strigosa KJ02
    |--Planocarpa KJ02
    |--Trochocarpa thymifolia KJ02
    |--Pentachondra Br. 1810 KJ02, A61
    |    `--P. pumila (Forster & Forster) Br. 1810 (see below for synonymy) A61
    |--Melichrus KJ02
    |    |--M. rotatus C08
    |    `--M. urceolatus [incl. M. erubescens, M. medius] B96
    |--Acrotriche KJ02
    |    |--A. aggregata KJ02
    |    |--A. hamptonii GMD11
    |    `--A. patula G04
    |--Monotoca KJ02
    |    |--M. elliptica MM09
    |    |--M. glauca KJ02
    |    |--M. leucantha G04
    |    |--M. oreophila B00
    |    `--M. scoparia KJ02
    |--Astroloma KJ02
    |    |--A. baxteri GK00
    |    |--A. cataphractum OS04
    |    |--A. ciliatum RL05
    |    |--A. humifusum B96
    |    |--A. microcalyx GK00
    |    |--A. pallidum GK00
    |    |--A. prostratum GK00
    |    |--A. serratifolium OS04
    |    |--A. styphelioides MM09
    |    `--A. xerophyllum H18
    |--Styphelia MK08
    |    |--S. abnormis H03
    |    |--S. esquamata M87
    |    |--S. laeta C08
    |    |    |--S. l. var. laeta B96
    |    |    |--S. l. var. angustifolia B96
    |    |    `--S. l. var. glabra Baker 1896 B96
    |    |--S. longiflora H87a
    |    |--S. nesophila H03
    |    |--S. pulchella G04
    |    |--S. suaveolens P88
    |    |--S. tameiameiae MK08
    |    |--S. tenuiflora GK00
    |    |--S. tubiflora KJ02
    |    `--S. viridis C08
    |--Cyathodes Labill. 1804 KJ02, A61
    |    |--C. colensoi Hooker 1864 [=Leucopogon colensoi Hooker 1854] A61
    |    |--C. dealbata W91
    |    |--C. empetrifolia Hooker 1854 [=Androstoma empetrifolia Hooker 1844] A61
    |    |--C. fasciculata (Forster) Allan 1961 (see below for synonymy) A61
    |    |--C. juniperina (Forster & Forster) Druce 1917 (see below for synonymy) A61
    |    |    |--C. j. var. juniperina A61
    |    |    `--C. j. var. oxycedrus (Labill.) Allan 1961 (see below for synonymy) A61
    |    |--C. parviflora (Andr.) Allan 1961 [=Styphelia parviflora Andr. 1803, Leucopogon parviflorus Lindl. 1833] A61
    |    |--C. pumila Hooker 1867 A61
    |    `--C. robusta Hooker 1864 [incl. C. acerosa var. latifolia Hooker 1854] A61
    `--Leucopogon KJ02
         |--L. amplexicaulis H87b
         |--L. attenuatus NC91
         |--L. australis GK00
         |--L. biflorus H87b
         |--L. capitellatus RL05
         |--L. cinereus LK00
         |--L. collinus C08
         |--L. conostephioides RL05
         |--L. cuneifolius G04
         |--L. cymbiformis OS04
         |--L. dielsianus OS04
         |--L. elatior GK00
         |--L. ericoides H87a
         |--L. esquamatus H87b
         |--L. fimbriatus OS04
         |--L. florulentus OS04
         |--L. fraseri Cunn. 1839 KJ02, A61 (see below for synonymy)
         |    |--L. f. var. fraseri A61
         |    `--L. f. var. muscosus Simpson 1945 [=Cyathodes fraseri var. muscosa (Simpson) Allan 1961] A61
         |--L. gibbosus GK00
         |--L. glabellus GK00
         |--L. gracillimus LK00
         |--L. hamulosus S95
         |--L. juniperinus WO88
         |--L. lanceolatus C08
         |--L. lasiophyllus GK00
         |--L. margarodes M65
         |--L. marginatus G04
         |--L. melaleucoides C08
         |--L. microphyllus C08
         |    |--L. m. var. microphyllus C08
         |    `--L. m. var. pilibundus C08
         |--L. muticus KJ02
         |--L. neo-anglicus C08
         |--L. oxycedrus GK00
         |--L. pendulus GK00
         |--L. pogonocalyx OS04
         |--L. polymorphus GK00
         |--L. propinquus GK00
         |--L. pulchellus RL05
         |--L. richei Br. 1810 ME70, A61 [=Styphelia richei Labill. 1804 A61]
         |--L. sprengelioides GK00
         |--L. sulcatus G04
         |--L. tamariscinus GK00
         |--L. unilateralis GK00
         |--L. verticillatus RL05
         `--L. virgatus N91

Cyathodes fasciculata (Forster) Allan 1961 [=Epacris fasciculata Forster 1786, Leucopogon fasciculatus Rich. 1832; incl. L. brevibarbis Stchegl. 1859, L. heterophyllus Colenso 1898] A61

Cyathodes juniperina (Forster & Forster) Druce 1917 [=Epacris juniperina Forster & Forster 1776; incl. Ardisia acerosa Gaertn. 1791, Cyathodes acerosa (Gaertn.) Br. 1810, C. articulata Col. 1896, Leucopogon forsteri Rich. 1832] A61

Cyathodes juniperina var. oxycedrus (Labill.) Allan 1961 [=Styphelia oxycedrus Labill. 1804, C. acerosa var. oxycedrus (Labill.) Cheesem. 1906, C. oxycedrus Br. 1810] A61

Leucopogon fraseri Cunn. 1839 KJ02, A61 [=Cyathodes fraseri (Cunn.) Allan 1961 A61, Styphelia fraseri Muell. 1867 A61; incl. Leucopogon bellignianus Raoul 1844 A61, Pentachondra mucronata Hook.f. 1849 C06, L. nesophilus DC. 1839 A61]

Pentachondra pumila (Forster & Forster) Br. 1810 [=Epacris pumila Forster & Forster 1776; incl. Trochocarpa novae-zelandiae Col. 1896, Pernettya polyphylla Col. 1899, Pentachondra rubra Col. 1896] A61

*Type species of generic name indicated


[A61] Allan, H. H. 1961. Flora of New Zealand vol. 1. Indigenous Tracheophyta: Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledones. R. E. Owen, Government Printer: Wellington (New Zealand).

[B96] Baker, R. T. 1896. On the botany of Rylstone and the Goulburn River districts. Part I. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 21 (3): 427–466.

[B00] Braby, M. F. 2000. Butterflies of Australia: their identification, biology and distribution vol. 2. CSIRO Publishing: Collingwood (Victoria).

[C08] Cambage, R. H. 1908. Notes on the native flora of New South Wales. Part VI. Deepwater to Torrington and Emmaville. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 33 (1): 45–65, pls 1–2.

[C06] Cheeseman, T. F. 1906. Manual of the New Zealand Flora. John Mackay, Government Printer: Wellington.

[GMD11] George, A. S., N. L. McKenzie & P. Doughty. 2011. A Biodiversity Survey of the Pilbara Region of Western Australia 2002–2007. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 78 (1).

[G04] Gibson, N. 2004. Flora and vegetation of the Eastern Goldfields Ranges: part 7. Middle and South Ironcap, Digger Rock and Hatter Hill. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 87 (2): 49–62.

[GK00] Gibson, N., & G. J. Keighery. 2000. Flora and vegetation of the Byenup-Muir reserve system, south-west Western Australia. CALMScience 3 (3): 323–402.

[H87a] Haviland, E. 1887a. Flowering seasons of Australian plants. No. I—List of plants indigenous in the neighbourhood of Sydney, flowering during July. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, series 2, 1 (4): 1049–1051.

[H87b] Haviland, E. 1887b. Flowering seasons of Australian plants. No. II. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, series 2, 1 (4): 1103–1104.

[H03] Heads, M. 2003. Ericaceae in Malesia: vicariance biogeography, terrane tectonics and ecology. Telopea 10 (1): 311–449.

[H18] Houston, T. 2018. A Guide to Native Bees of Australia. CSIRO Publishing.

[KJ02] Kron, K. A., W. S. Judd, P. F. Stevens, D. M. Crayn, A. A. Anderberg, P. A. Gadek, C. J. Quinn & J. L. Luteyn. 2002. Phylogenetic classification of Ericaceae: molecular and morphological evidence. Botanical Review 68: 335–423.

[LK00] Lowrie, A., & K. F. Kenneally. 2000. Three new species of Stylidium (Stylidiaceae) from south-west Western Australia. Nuytsia 13: 293–302.

[M65] Michener, C. D. 1965. A classification of the bees of the Australian and South Pacific regions. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 130: 1–362.

[MK08] Mockford, E. L., & P. D. Krushelnycky. 2008. New species and records of Liposcelis Motschulsky (Psocoptera: Liposcelididae) from Hawaii with first description of the male of Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel. Zootaxa 1766: 53–68.

[ME70] Moore, L. B., & E. Edgar. 1970. Flora of New Zealand vol. 2. Indigenous Tracheophyta: Monocotyledones except Gramineae. A. R. Shearer, Government Printer: Wellington (New Zealand).

[MM09] Mound, L. A., & M. Masumoto. 2009. Australian Thripinae of the Anaphothrips genus-group (Thysanoptera), with three new genera and thirty-three new species. Zootaxa 2042: 1–76.

[M87] Mueller, F. von. 1887. Some hitherto undescribed plants of New South Wales. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, series 2, 1 (4): 1105–1110.

[NC91] Nielsen, E. S., & I. F. B. Common. 1991. Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies). In: CSIRO. The Insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers 2nd ed. vol. 2 pp. 817–915. Melbourne University Press: Carlton (Victoria).

[N91] Norris, K. R. 1991. General biology. In: CSIRO. The Insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers 2nd ed. vol. 1 pp. 68–108. Melbourne University Press: Carlton (Victoria).

[OS04] Obbens, F. J., & L. W. Sage. 2004. Vegetation and flora of a diverse upland remnant of the Western Australian wheatbelt (Nature Reserve A21064). Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 87 (1): 19–28.

[P88] Polunin, I. 1988. Plants and Flowers of Malaysia. Times Editions: Singapore.

[RL05] Rafferty, C., & B. B. Lamont. 2005. Selective feeding by macropods on vegetation regenerating following fire. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 88 (4): 155–165.

[S95] Smith, G. T. 1995. Species richness, habitat and conservation of scorpions in the Western Australian wheatbelt. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 52: 55–66.

[WO88] Wakabayashi, M., & H. Ohba. 1988. Cytotaxonomic study of the Himalayan Saxifraga. In: Ohba, H., & S. B. Malla (eds) The Himalayan Plants vol. 1. The University Museum, University of Tokyo, Bulletin 31: 71–90.

[W91] Williams, P. A. 1991. Subalpine and alpine vegetation of granite ranges in western Nelson, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 29: 317–330.

Last updated: 5 June 2022.


Prognathogryllus in stem of tree fern Cibotium menziesii, copyright Forest & Kim Starr.

Belongs within: Grylloidea.

The Oecanthinae, tree crickets, are a group of crickets easily distinguished from other grylloides by their deltoid appearance, pale coloration, prognathous mouthparts and bifurcate tarsal claws (Rentz 1996).

<==Oecanthinae R96
    |  i. s.: Paraphasius O94
    |         Lerneca varipes Walker 1869 R18
    |--Oecanthini O94
    |    |--Viphius O94
    |    |--Oecanthodes O94
    |    `--Oecanthus R96
    |         |--O. adyeri MC13
    |         |--O. angustus R96
    |         |--O. filiger O94
    |         |--O. fultoni O94
    |         `--O. rufescens R96
    `--Xabini O94
         |--Xabea leai O94, R96
         |--Neoxabea Kirby 1906 O94
         `--+--+--Thaumatogryllus Perkins 1899 O94
            |  |    |--*T. variegatus Perkins 1899 O94
            |  |    |--T. cavicola Gurney & Rentz 1978 O94
            |  |    |--T. conanti Otte 1994 O94
            |  |    `--T. mauiensis Otte 1994 O94
            |  `--Leptogryllus Perkins 1899 O94
            |       |  i. s.: L. apicalis Perkisn 1910 O94
            |       |         L. deceptor Perkins 1910 O94
            |       |         L. kipahulu Otte 1994 O94
            |       |         L. perkisni Otte 1994 O94
            |       |--+--+--L. poamoho Otte 1994 O94
            |       |  |  `--+--L. nigromaculatus Perkins 1899 O94
            |       |  |     `--L. haupu Otte 1994 O94
            |       |  `--+--+--L. mauumae Otte 1994 O94
            |       |     |  `--L. nigrolineatus Perkins 1899 [incl. L. cylindricus Perkins 1910 non Perkins 1899] O94
            |       |     `--+--L. kainalu Otte 1994 O94
            |       |        `--+--L. luteus Otte 1994 O94
            |       |           `--L. ookala Otte 1994 O94
            |       `--+--+--L. kauaiensis Perkins 1899 [incl. L. cylindricus Perkins 1899] O94
            |          |  `--+--L. kaala Otte 1994 O94
            |          |     `--L. oahuensis Otte 1994 O94
            |          `--+--+--+--L. elongatus Perkins 1899 O94
            |             |  |  `--L. kohala Otte 1994 O94
            |             |  `--+--L. mauiensis Otte 1994 O94
            |             |     `--L. waikemoi Otte 1994 O94
            |             `--+--L. fusconotatus Perkins 1899 O94
            |                |--L. lanaiensis Otte 1994 O94
            |                |--+--*L. forficularis (Brunner 1895) [=Prognathogryllus forficularis] O94
            |                |  `--L. similis Perkins 1899 O94
            |                |--+--L. kawela Otte 1994 O94
            |                |  `--L. molokai Otte 1994 O94
            |                `--+--L. hanaula Otte 1994 O94
            |                   |--L. montgomeri Otte 1994 O94
            |                   `--L. simillimus Perkins 1899 O94
            `--Prognathogryllus Brunner von Wattenwyl 1895 (see below for synonymy) O94
                 |  i. s.: P. apteryx (Perkins 1899) (n. d.) [=*Aphonogryllus apteryx] O94
                 |--+--P. epimeces Otte 1994 O94
                 |  |--P. haupu Otte 1994 O94
                 |  |--P. kahili Otte 1994 O94
                 |  |--P. parakahili Otte 1994 O94
                 |  `--+--P. elongatus Perkins 1899 O94
                 |     `--P. hypomacron Otte 1994 O94
                 |--+--*P. alatus Brunner von Wattenwyl 1895 O94
                 |  |--P. giganteus Otte 1994 O94
                 |  |--P. pihea Otte 1994 O94
                 |  |--P. victoriae Otte 1994 O94
                 |  |--+--P. flavidus Otte 1994 O94
                 |  |  `--P. hea Otte 1994 O94
                 |  `--+--P. pararobustus Otte 1994 O94
                 |     `--P. robustus Perkins 1899 O94
                 `--+--+--+--P. awili Otte 1994 O94
                    |  |  `--P. kahea Otte 1994 O94
                    |  `--+--P. alapa Otte 1994 O94
                    |     |--P. alternatus Otte 1994 O94
                    |     |--+--P. makai Otte 1994 O94
                    |     |  `--P. weli Otte 1994 O94
                    |     `--+--P. olympus Otte 1994 O94
                    |        `--P. opua Otte 1994 O94
                    `--+--P. aphrastos Otte 1994 O94
                       |--P. makakapua Otte 1994 O94
                       |--+--P. oahuensis Perkins 1899 O94
                       |  `--+--P. spadix Otte 1994 O94
                       |     `--P. stridulans (Perkins 1899) [=*Nesogryllus stridulans] O94
                       `--+--+--P. kukui Otte 1994 O94
                          |  `--P. parakukui Otte 1994 [=P. neokukui (l. c.)] O94
                          |--+--P. hana Otte 1994 O94
                          |  |--P. kipahulu Otte 1994 O94
                          |  `--P. waikemoi Otte 1994 O94
                          `--+--P. kohala Otte 1994 O94
                             `--+--P. mauka Otte 1994 O94
                                `--P. puna Otte 1994 O94

Nomen nudum: Leptogryllus kilauea Otte 1994 O94
             Prognathogryllus polani Otte 1994 O94
             Prognathogryllus unia Otte 1994
             Prognathogryllus wahiawa Otte 1994 O94

Prognathogryllus Brunner von Wattenwyl 1895 [incl. Aphonogryllus Perkins 1899, Nesogryllus Perkins 1899] O94

*Type species of generic name indicated


[MC13] Majer, J. D., S. K. Callan, K. Edwards, N. R. Gunawardene & C. K. Taylor. 2013. Baseline survey of the terrestrial invertebrate fauna of Barrow Island. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 83: 13–112.

[O94] Otte, D. 1994. The Crickets of Hawaii: origin, systematics and evolution. The Orthopterists' Society: The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.

[R18] Rehn, J. A. G. 1918. On a collection of Orthoptera from the State of Pará, Brazil. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 70: 144–236, pls 1–2.

[R96] Rentz, D. 1996. Grasshopper Country: The abundant orthopteroid insects of Australia. University of New South Wales Press: Sydney.


Unidentified Trigonidium, copyright Muhammad Mahdi Karim.

Belongs within: Grylloidea.

Trigonidium is a widespread genus of sword-tailed crickets in Asia and the Pacific, with the highest diversity currently recognised from the Hawaiian Islands.

Characters (from Otte 1994): Body colour often spotted or variegated, often with dark spots and markings on head, pronotum, forewings and abdomen; basal body colour usually pale brown, sometimes reddish or greenish, rarely blackish; fore and mid-legs usually banded, rarely unbanded, sometimes blackish; male genitalia wide with long narrow prongs; songs usually consisting of rapid trills, rarely slower.

<==Trigonidium R96
    |  i. s.: *T. cicindeloides Rambur 1838 O94
    |         T. australis MC13
    |         T. canberrae R96
    |         T. meekappa MC13
    |--+--T. sylvaticum Otte 1994 [=T. sylvatica (l. c.)] O94
    |  |--+--T. akaka Otte 1994 O94
    |  |  |--T. hamakua Otte 1994 O94
    |  |  `--T. kalopa Otte 1994 O94
    |  |--+--+--T. holomua Otte 1994 O94
    |  |  |  `--T. makani Otte 1994 O94
    |  |  `--+--T. aka Otte 1994 O94
    |  |     |--T. halulu Otte 1994 O94
    |  |     `--T. kulana Otte 1994 O94
    |  |--+--+--T. kapipi Otte 1994 O94
    |  |  |  `--T. malanai Otte 1994 O94
    |  |  |--+--T. excultatum Otte 1994 O94
    |  |  |  |--T. improbum Otte 1994 [=T. improba (l. c.)] O94
    |  |  |  `--T. incongruum Otte 1994 [=T. incongrua (l. c.)] O94
    |  |  `--+--T. exuberans Otte 1994 O94
    |  |     |--T. roseum (Perkins 1899) [=Paratrigonidium roseum, T. rosea (l. c.)] O94
    |  |     `--T. wahoi Otte 1994 O94
    |  |--+--T. kau Otte 1994 O94
    |  |  |--+--T. hoku Otte 1994 O94
    |  |  |  `--T. neovarians Otte 1994 O94
    |  |  |--+--T. hyperkona Otte 1994 O94
    |  |  |  |--T. kahua Otte 1994 O94
    |  |  |  `--T. makapala Otte 1994 O94
    |  |  `--+--T. kohala Otte 1994 O94
    |  |     |--T. nani Otte 1994 O94
    |  |     `--T. pavidum Otte 1994 O94
    |  `--+--+--T. ookala Otte 1994 O94
    |     |  `--T. pololu Otte 1994 O94
    |     |--+--T. awiwi Otte 1994 O94
    |     |  |--T. kolekole Otte 1994 O94
    |     |  `--T. ola Otte 1994 O94
    |     `--+--T. filicum (Perkins 1899) [=Paratrigonidium filicum] O94
    |        |--T. fritinnium Otte 1994 O94
    |        |--T. grande (Perkins 1899) [=Paratrigonidium grande] O94
    |        |--T. kona Otte 1994 O94
    |        |--T. mahina Otte 1994 O94
    |        |--T. mauka Otte 1994 O94
    |        |--T. neogrande Otte 1994 O94
    |        |--T. varians (Perkins 1899) [=Paratrigonidium varians] O94
    |        |--T. viridiscens (Perkins 1899) [=Paratrigonidium viridescens] O94
    |        `--T. waimea Otte 1994 O94
    `--+--+--T. octonalis Otte 1994 O94
       |  |--+--T. flectens Otte 1994 O94
       |  |  `--T. robustum (Perkins 1899) [=Paratrigonidium robustum, T. robusta (l. c.)] O94
       |  |--+--T. septimum Otte 1994 [=T. septima (l. c.)] O94
       |  |  `--T. sextum Otte 1994 [=T. sexta (l. c.)] O94
       |  |--+--T. acuste Otte 1994 O94
       |  |  |--T. crepitans (Perkins 1899) [=Paratrigonidium crepitans] O94
       |  |  `--T. pahiwa Otte 1994 O94
       |  |--+--T. hopo Otte 1994 O94
       |  |  |--T. novagintum Otte 1994 O94
       |  |  `--T. olomea Otte 1994 O94
       |  |--+--T. huapala Otte 1994 O94
       |  |  |--T. makau Otte 1994 O94
       |  |  `--T. malela Otte 1994 O94
       |  |--+--T. anoe Otte 1994 O94
       |  |  |--T. haupu Otte 1994 O94
       |  |  |--T. pseudonoe Otte 1994 O94
       |  |  `--T. triens Otte 1994 O94
       |  |--+--T. attenuatum (Perkins 1899) [=Paratrigonidium attenuatum, T. attenuata (l. c.)] O94
       |  |  |--T. crustum Otte 1994 [=T. crusta (l. c.)] O94
       |  |  |--T. octavum Otte 1994 [=T. octava (l. c.)] O94
       |  |  `--T. procrustum Otte 1994 [=T. procrusta (l. c.)] O94
       |  `--+--T. novena Otte 1994 O94
       |     |--T. paranoe Otte 1994 O94
       |     |--T. paroctonalis Otte 1994 O94
       |     `--T. virens Otte 1994 O94
       `--+--+--T. atroferrugineum (Brunner 1895) [=Paratrigonidium atroferrugineum] O94
          |  |--T. puiwa Otte 1994 O94
          |  |--+--T. awawa Otte 1994 O94
          |  |  |--T. ua Otte 1994 O94
          |  |  `--T. wai Otte 1994 O94
          |  `--+--T. kupono Otte 1994 O94
          |     |--T. molokaiense (Perkins 1899) [=Paratrigonidium molokaiense] O94
          |     `--T. pipili Otte 1994 O94
          |--+--+--T. ilex Otte 1994 O94
          |  |  `--T. pudicum Otte 1994 [=T. pudica (l. c.)] O94
          |  |--+--T. kaeka Otte 1994 O94
          |  |  `--T. wiki Otte 1994 O94
          |  |--+--T. ahiu Otte 1994 O94
          |  |  |--T. imitans Otte 1994 O94
          |  |  `--T. nele Otte 1994 O94
          |  |--+--T. freycinetiae (Perkins 1899) [=Paratrigonidium freycinetiae] O94
          |  |  |--T. hapapa Otte 1994 O94
          |  |  `--T. saltator (Perkins 1994) [=Paratrigonidium saltator] O94
          |  `--+--T. iuka Otte 1994 O94
          |     |--T. lena Otte 1994 O94
          |     `--T. paranoho Otte 1994 O94
          |--+--+--T. exiguum (Perkins 1899) [=Paratrigonidium exiguum] O94
          |  |  `--T. haawina Otte 1994 O94
          |  |--+--T. hehelo Otte 1994 O94
          |  |  `--T. liula Otte 1994 O94
          |  |--+--T. ignavum Otte 1994 [=T. ignava (l. c.)] O94
          |  |  `--T. languidum Otte 1994 [=T. languida (l. c.)] O94
          |  |--+--T. subroseum (Perkins 1899) [=Paratrigonidium subroseum] O94
          |  |  `--T. venatum Otte 1994 [=T. venata (l. c.)] O94
          |  |--+--T. fortuitum Otte 1994 [=T. fortuita (l. c.)] O94
          |  |  |--T. paraspilos Otte 1994 O94
          |  |  `--T. pseudoli Otte 1994 O94
          |  |--+--T. laupele Otte 1994 O94
          |  |  |--T. makanina Otte 1994 O94
          |  |  |--T. puukani Otte 1994 O94
          |  |  `--T. sibilans Otte 1994 O94
          |  `--+--T. debile (Perkins 1899) [=Paratrigonidium debile] O94
          |     |--T. ligna Otte 1994 O94
          |     |--T. ohaka Otte 1994 O94
          |     |--T. palai Otte 1994 O94
          |     `--T. spilos Otte 1994 O94
          `--+--T. waikua Otte 1994 O94
             |--+--T. eumeles Otte 1994 O94
             |  `--T. ulaino Otte 1994 O94
             |--+--T. hoahoa Otte 1994 O94
             |  |--T. proalina Otte 1994 O94
             |  `--T. waialina Otte 1994 O94
             |--+--T. hamumu Otte 1994 O94
             |  |--T. kupinai Otte 1994 O94
             |  |--T. paramana Otte 1994 O94
             |  `--T. silvicola Otte 1994 O94
             |--+--T. iao Otte 1994 [=T. rufa Otte 1994 (n. n.)] O94
             |  |--T. kukui Otte 1994 O94
             |  |--T. mauiensis Otte 1994 O94
             |  |--T. neokukui Otte 1994 O94
             |  `--T. promana Otte 1994 O94
             `--+--T. alina Otte 1994
                |--T. kewai Otte 1994 O94
                |--T. kolea Otte 1994 O94
                |--T. kua Otte 1994 O94
                |--T. mana Otte 1994 O94
                |--T. pseudokua Otte 1994 O94
                `--T. waipuna Otte 1994 O94

Nomina nuda: Trigonidium halulu Otte 1994 O94
             Trigonidium infrequens Otte 1994 O94
             Trigonidium kokio Otte 1994 O94
             Trigonidium koolignava Otte 1994 O94
             Trigonidium kuikawa Otte 1994 O94
             Trigonidium welau Otte 1994 O94

*Type species of generic name indicated


[MC13] Majer, J. D., S. K. Callan, K. Edwards, N. R. Gunawardene & C. K. Taylor. 2013. Baseline survey of the terrestrial invertebrate fauna of Barrow Island. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 83: 13–112.

[O94] Otte, D. 1994. The Crickets of Hawaii: origin, systematics and evolution. The Orthopterists' Society: The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.

[R96] Rentz, D. 1996. Grasshopper Country: The abundant orthopteroid insects of Australia. University of New South Wales Press: Sydney


Protempis antennata, from Grimaldi & Engel (2005).

Belongs within: Neoneura.
Contains: Hybotidae, Dolichopodidae, Empididae.

The Empidoidea are a clade of long-legged flies supported by molecular data. Members of this clade are predators as adults and larvae (Grimaldi & Engel 2005). In the past this group has been divided between the families Dolichopodidae and Empididae but recognition of the latter as paraphyletic has led to its division between the Empididae sensu stricto, Atelestidae, Hybotidae and basal Dolichopodidae. The Atelestidae have the costa ending at or near vein M1+2, vein R5 originating as far or further from the humeral crossvein than the length of said crossvein, the prosternum and proepisternum separated, and symmetrical, unrotated male terminalia (Wahlberg & Johanson 2018).

<==Empidoidea [Oreogetoninae]
    |  i. s.: Homalocnemis WJ18
    |         Gondwanamyia WJ18
    |--Protoreogeton admirabilis GE05
    |--Homalocnemimus abjugatus GE05
    |--Protempis [Protempididae, Protempidinae] GE05
    |    |--P. antennata GE05
    |    `--P. minuta Ran 1998 GC99
    `--+--+--Hybotidae WJ18
       |  `--+--Dolichopodidae WJ18
       |     `--+--Empididae WJ18
       |        `--Ragadidae WJ18
       |             |--Iteaphila [Iteaphilinae] WJ18
       |             |    |--I. macquarti SK81
       |             |    `--+--I. furcata WJ18
       |             |       `--Anthepiscopus SK81
       |             `--Ragadinae WJ18
       |                  |--Dipsomyia WJ18
       |                  |--Hormopeza brevicornis WJ18, SK81
       |                  |--Hydropeza WJ18
       |                  |--Zanclotus WJ18
       |                  `--Ragas WJ18
       |                       |--R. primigenia SK81
       |                       `--R. unica WJ18
       `--Atelestidae WT11
            |  i. s.: Dianafranskia fisheri GE05
            |--Atelestinae WJ18
            |    |--Acarteroptera WJ18
            |    |--Alavesia subiasi WJ18, GE05
            |    |--Meghyperus WJ18
            |    |--Atelestus WT11 [incl. Platycnema K87]
            |    |     `--A. pulicarius WT11
            |    `--Atelestites Grimaldi & Cumming 1999 GC99
            |         `--*A. senectus Grimaldi & Cumming 1999 GC99
            `--+--Burmitempis halteralis Cockerell 1917 GC99
               |--Nemedina [Nemedininae] WJ18
               |    `--N. alamirabilis GC99
               |--Prolatomyia Grimaldi & Cumming 1999 GC99
               |    `--*P. elongata Grimaldi & Cumming 1999 GC99
               |--Cretodromia Grimaldi & Cumming 1999 GC99
               |    `--*C. glaesa Grimaldi & Cumming 1999 GC99
               |--Phaetempis Grimaldi & Cumming 1999 GC99
               |    `--*P. lebanensis Grimaldi & Cumming 1999 GC99
               |--Nemedromia Grimaldi & Cumming 1999 GC99
               |    |--*N. campania Grimaldi & Cumming 1999 GC99
               |    |--N. telescopica Grimaldi & Cumming 1999 GC99
               |    `--N. turonia Grimaldi & Cumming 1999 GC99
               `--Neoturonius Grimaldi & Cumming 1999 GC99
                    |--*N. asymmetrus Grimaldi & Cumming 1999 GC99
                    |--N. cretatus Grimaldi & Cumming 1999 GC99
                    `--N. vetus Grimaldi & Cumming 1999 GC99

*Type species of generic name indicated


[GC99] Grimaldi, D., & J. Cumming. 1999. Brachyceran Diptera in Cretaceous ambers and Mesozoic diversification of the Eremoneura. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 239: 1–124.

[GE05] Grimaldi, D., & M. S. Engel. 2005. Evolution of the Insects. Cambridge University Press: New York.

[K87] Kessel, E. L. 1987. Platypezidae. In: McAlpine, J. F. (ed.) Manual of Nearctic Diptera vol. 2 pp. 681–688. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada.

[SK81] Steyskal, G. C., & L. V. Knutson. 1981. Empididae. In: McAlpine, J. F., B. V. Peterson, G. E. Shewell, H. J. Teskey, J. R. Vockeroth & D. S. Wood (eds) Manual of Nearctic Diptera vol. 1 pp. 607–624. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada.

[WJ18] Wahlberg, E., & K. A. Johanson. 2018. Molecular phylogenetics reveals novel relationships within Empidoidea (Diptera). Systematic Entomology 43: 619–636.

[WT11] Wiegmann, B. M., M. D. Trautwein, I. S. Winkler, N. B. Barr, J.-W. Kim, C. Lambkin, M. A. Bertone, B. K. Cassel, K. M. Bayless, A. M. Heimberg, B. M. Wheeler, K. J. Peterson, T. Pape, B. J. Sinclair, J. H. Skevington, V. Blagoderov, J. Caravas, S. N. Kutty, U. Schmidt-Ott, G. E. Kampmeier, F. C. Thompson, D. A. Grimaldi, A. T. Beckenbach, G. W. Courtney, M. Friedrich, R. Meier & D. K. Yeates. 2011. Episodic radiations in the fly tree of life. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 108 (14): 5690–5695.

Last updated: 18 July 2021.


Margarinotus obscurus, copyright AfroBrazilian.

Belongs within: Hydrophiloidea.
Contains: Pachylomalus, Eblisia, Chlamydopsis, Paromalini, Abraeini, Teretriini, Saprinus, Platysomatini, Hister.

The Histeridae are a group of carnivorous beetles that are diverse in appearance but have a generally compact body form, deeply inserted head and compactly clubbed antennae (Lawrence & Britton 1991). In members of the subfamily Saprininae, cavities along the prosternal keel allow for the retraction of the antennae against the body; other subfamilies may have similar cavities in a more lateral position. In the subfamilies Onthophilinae and Tribalinae, the retracted antennae are partially concealed by lateral extensions of the prosternal lobe (Kovarik & Carerino 2001). Species in the subfamilies Hetaeriinae and Chlamydopsinae are inquilines of social insects such as ants and termites, producing glandular secretions that attract and appease their hosts (Bouchard 2014).

Characters (from Lawrence & Britton 1991): Adult with compact body form, length 1–16 mm; head deeply inserted; antenna 8–11-segmented, almost always geniculate, with compact, pilose, one- or three-segmented club; fore coxae large, transverse, fore trochantin concealed, fore coxal cavity open; fore tibiae dentate; elytra with six or fewer striae, truncate, exposing one or two abdominal segments; middle coxal cavities very widely separated, open laterally; tarsal formula 5-5-5 or 5-5-4; abdomen with five ventrites, none connate. Larva with head prognathous; one or no stemmata; antenna three-segmented; frontoclypeal suture absent; labrum fused; mandibular mola absent; ventral mouth-parts prognathous; penicillus of hairs present at base of each mandible; maxilla without lobes; maxillary palp four- or five-segmented; labial palp two- or three-segmented; hypopharyngeal sclerome absent; hypostomal rods absent; ventral epicranial ridges absent; legs five-segmented; two or no tarsungular setae; urogomphi almost always two-segmented; abdominal spiracles biforous.

Histeridae [Niponiidae]
    |--Niponius [Niponiinae] B14
    |    `--N. osoriceps Lewis 1885 B14
    |--Trypeticus [Trypeticinae, Trypeticini] B14
    |    `--T. cinctipygus (Marseul 1864) B14
    |--Trypanaeus [Trypanaeinae] B14
    |    `--T. bipustulatus (Fabricius 1801) B14
    |--Chlamydopsinae B14
    |    |--Eucurtia comata (Blackburn 1901) B14
    |    |--Pheidoliphila magna Dégallier & Caterino 2005 B14
    |    `--Chlamydopsis L19
    |--Onthophilinae KC01
    |    |--Peploglyptus LeConte 1880 KC01
    |    |    `--P. belfragei LeConte 1880 KC01
    |    `--Onthophilus Leach 1817 KC01
    |         |--O. cynomysi KC01
    |         |--O. deflectus KC01
    |         `--O. punctatus (Müller 1776) B14
    |--Hetaeriinae KC01
    |    |--Mroczkowskiella Mazur 1984 [incl. Echinodes Zimmerman 1869] KC01
    |    |--Ulkeus Horn 1885 KC01
    |    |--Terapus Marseul 1862 KC01
    |    |--Chrysetaerius Reichensperger 1923 KC01
    |    |--Euclasea Lewis 1888 KC01
    |    |--Reninus Lewis 1889 [incl. Renia Lewis 1885 non Guenée 1854] KC01
    |    |    `--R. salvini (Lewis 1888) KC01
    |    `--Hetaerius Erichson 1834 KC01
    |         |--H. blanchardi KC01
    |         `--H. tristriatus Horn 1874 B14
    |--Tribalinae KC01
    |    |--Idolia Lewis 1885 KC01
    |    |--Plagiogramma Tarsia in Curia 1935 non Greville 1859 (ICBN) KC01
    |    |    `--P. subtropica (Casey 1893) KC01
    |    |--Epierus Erichson 1834 KC01
    |    |    `--E. pulicarius KC01
    |    |--Pseudepierus Casey 1916 KC01
    |    |    `--P. gentilis (Horn 1883) KC01
    |    |--Stictostix Marseul 1870 KC01
    |    |    `--S. californicus KC01
    |    |--Caerosternus LeConte 1852 KC01
    |    |    `--C. americanus (LeConte 1845) KC01
    |    |--Tribalus L01
    |    |    |--T. acceptus L01
    |    |    |--T. hornii Lewis 1901 L01
    |    |    `--T. rubriculus L01
    |    `--Tribalasia Cooman 1941 C41
    |         `--*T. vallata Cooman 1941 C41
    |--Dendrophilinae KC01
    |    |--Dendrophilus Leach 1817 [Dendrophilini] KC01
    |    |--Anapleus Horn 1873 [Anapleini] KC01
    |    |    `--A. marginatus KC01
    |    |--Bacaniini KC01
    |    |    |--Bacanius LeConte 1853 KC01
    |    |    |    `--B. (Gomyister Mazur 1984) KC01
    |    |    `--Geocolus Wenzel 1944 KC01
    |    |         `--G. caecus Wenzel 1944 KC01
    |    `--Paromalini B14
    |--Abraeinae [Teretriinae] B14
    |    |--Abraeini KC01
    |    |--Acritini KC01
    |    |    |--Halacritus Schmidt 1793 [incl. Paracritus Brethes 1823] KC01
    |    |    |    `--H. lividus MC13
    |    |    |--Aeletes Horn 1873 KC01
    |    |    |    `--A. (Acritinus Casey 1916) KC01
    |    |    `--Acritus LeConte 1853 KC01
    |    |         |  i. s.: A. attaphilus KC01
    |    |         `--A. (Pycnacritus Casey 1916) KC01
    |    |--Teretriini B14
    |    `--Althanini C40
    |         |--Althanus C40
    |         `--Heudister Cooman 1940 C40
    |              `--*H. mieni Cooman 1940 C40
    |--Saprininae KC01
    |    |--Saprinus B14
    |    |--Gnathoncus Duval 1858 KC01
    |    |--Eremosaprinus Ross 1939 KC01
    |    |--Hypocaccus Thomson 1867 KC01
    |    |    `--H. (Baeckmanniolus Reichardt 1926) KC01
    |    |--Neopachylopus Reichardt 1926 KC01
    |    |    `--N. sulcifrons (Mannerheim 1843) KC01
    |    |--Monachister Mazur 1991 KC01
    |    |    `--M. californicus Mazur 1991 KC01
    |    |--Philoxenus Mazur 1991 KC01
    |    |    `--P. desertorum Mazur 1991 KC01
    |    |--Chelyoxenus Hubbard 1894 KC01
    |    |    `--C. xerobatis Hubbard 1894 KC01
    |    |--Aphelosternus Wenzel 1962 KC01
    |    |    `--A. interstitialis (LeConte 1851) KC01
    |    |--Geomysaprinus Ross 1940 KC01
    |    |    |  i. s.: G. obscurus KC01
    |    |    |         G. obsidianus KC01
    |    |    `--G. (Priscosaprinus Wenzel 1962) KC01
    |    |--Xerosaprinus Wenzel 1962 KC01
    |    |    |--X. (Auchmosaprinus Wenzel 1962) KC01
    |    |    |--X. (Lophobregmus Wenzel 1962) KC01
    |    |    `--X. (Vastosaprinus Wenzel 1962) KC01
    |    `--Euspilotus Lewis 1907 KC01
    |         |  i. s.: E. rossi KC01
    |         |--E. (Hesperosaprinus Wenzel 1962) KC01
    |         `--E. (Neosaprinus Bickhardt 1909) KC01
    `--Histerinae B14
         |  i. s.: Pachylister inaequalis (Olivier 1789) B14
         |         Yarmister Wenzel 1939 KC01
         |           `--Y. barberi Wenzel 1939 KC01
         |--Omalodes Erichson 1834 [Omalodini] KC01
         |--Platysomatini KC01
         |--Exosterinini KC01
         |    |--Tribalister Horn 1873 KC01
         |    |--Pseudister Bickhardt 1917 KC01
         |    |--Phelisteroides hospes (Lewis 1902) [=Pseudister hospes] KC01
         |    `--Phelister Marseul 1853 KC01
         |         |--P. balzanii Schmidt 1889 S89
         |         |--P. fulvulus S89
         |         `--P. speculipygus C41
         |--Hololeptini B14
         |    |--Oxysternus maximus (Linnaeus 1767) B14
         |    |--Iliotona Carnochan 1917 KC01
         |    |    `--I. cacti LeConte 1851 KC01
         |    `--Hololepta Paykull 1811 [incl. Lioderma Marseul 1857, Lionota Marseul 1853] KC01
         |         |  i. s.: H. batchiana Mars 1860 M86
         |         |         H. plana (Sulzer 1776) B14
         |         |         H. sidnensis Mars 1860 M86
         |         `--H. (Leionota Dejean 1837) KC01
         `--Histerini KC01
              |--Hister B14
              |--Atholus Thomson 1862 [incl. Atholister Reitter 1909] KC01
              |--Merohister Reitter 1909 KC01
              |    |--M. grandis KC01
              |    `--M. oculatus KC01
              |--Psiloscelis Marseul 1853 KC01
              |    |--P. corrosa KC01
              |    `--P. subopacus KC01
              |--Margarinotus Marseul 1853 KC01
              |    |  i. s.: M. egregius KC01
              |    |         M. guttifer KC01
              |    |         M. umbiculatus KC01
              |    |--M. (Paralister Bickhardt 1916) KC01
              |    |--M. (Promethister Kryzhanovskij 1966) KC01
              |    |--M. (Ptomister Houlbert & Monnot 1922) KC01
              |    `--M. (Stenister Reichhardt 1920) KC01
              |         `--M. (S.) obscurus KC01
              `--Nicotikis Marseul 1883 [incl. Mendelius Lewis 1908] C41
                   |--*N. incisipyge (Marseul 1883) [=Platysoma incisipyge, Eblisia incisipyge] C41
                   |--N. gratus Cooman 1941 C41
                   |--N. lineipennis [=Mendelius lineipennis] C41
                   `--N. tenuipes (Lewis 1905) [=Eblisia tenuipes, *Mendelius tenuipes] C41

Histeridae incertae sedis:
  Epiechinus LB91
  Plaesius Z93
    |--P. cossyphus Marseul 1864 L01
    |--P. javanus Z93
    `--P. pudicus L01
  Apobletes L01
    |--A. foliaceus L01
    `--A. migneauxi Marseul 1860 L01
  Cypturus L01
    |--*C aenescens C41
    |--C. assamensis C41
    |--C. bengalensis Lewis 1901 L01
    |--C. perroti Cooman 1941 C41
    `--C. thugi C41
  Pelorurus L01
    |--P. cregoei Lewis 1901 L01
    |--P. formosus L01
    `--P. glaucopterus L01
  Pachylomalus C41
  Eulomalus C41
    |--E. laevicauda C41
    `--E. seitzi Cooman 1941 C41
  Eblisia C41
  Binhister C41
    |--*B. barbarus C41
    |--B. chujoi Cooman 1941 C41
    `--B. noziri C41

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B14] Bouchard, P. (ed.) 2014. The Book of Beetles: A lifesize guide to six hundred of nature's gems. Ivy Press: Lewes (United Kingdom).

[C40] Cooman, A. de. 1940. Coléoptères Histeridae d'Extrême-Orient, principalement du Tonkin. Notes d'Entomologie Chinoise 8 (3): 41–46.

[C41] Cooman, A. de. 1941. Coléoptères Histeridae d'Extrême-Orient, principalement de Tonkin. Notes d'Entomologie Chinoise 8 (7): 291–333.

[KC01] Kovarik, P. W., & M. S. Carerino. 2001. Histeridae Gyllenhal, 1808. In: Arnett, R. H., Jr & M. C. Thomas (eds) American Beetles vol. 1. Archostemata, Myxophaga, Adephaga, Polyphaga: Staphyliniformia pp. 212–227. CRC Press: Boca Raton.

[LB91] Lawrence, J. F., & E. B. Britton. 1991. Coleoptera (beetles). In: CSIRO. The Insects of Australia: A textbook for students and research workers 2nd ed. vol. 2 pp. 543–683. Melbourne University Press: Carlton (Victoria).

[L19] Lea, A. M. 1919. Notes on some miscellaneous Coleoptera with descriptions of new species.—Part V. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 43: 166–261, pls 25–27.

[L01] Lewis, G. 1901. On new species of Histeridae and notices of others. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, series 7, 7: 241–245.

[M86] Macleay, W. 1886. The insects of the Fly River, New Guinea, "Coleoptera". Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, series 2, 1 (1): 136–157.

[S89] Schmidt, J. 1889. Descrizione di una nuova specie di Histeridae. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, Serie 2a, 7: 112.

[Z93] Zimmerman, E. C. 1993. Australian Weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) vol. 3. Nanophyidae, Rhynchophoridae, Erirhinidae, Curculionidae: Amycterinae, literature consulted. CSIRO Australia.

Last updated: 13 December 2020.


Stained culture of Fusobacterium nucleatum, copyright J. Michael Miller.

Belongs within: Life.

The Fusobacteria are a group of anaerobic, Gram-negative, rod-shaped bacteria with a chemoorganotrophic heterotrophic metabolism (Garrity & Holt 2001).

<==Fusobacteria [Fusobacteriaceae, Fusobacteriales]
    |  i. s.: Ilyobacter GH01
    |         Cetobacterium GH01
    |--+--Leptotrichia buccalis MP95
    |  `--+--Sebaldella termitidis [=Bacteroides termitidis] MP95
    |     `--Streptobacillus moniliformis MP95
    `--+--Propionigenium modestum MP95
       `--Fusobacterium MP03
            |  i. s.: F. perfoetens PHK96
            |--F. necrogenes MP95
            |--+--F. varium MP95
            |  `--+--F. mortiferum MP95
            |     `--F. ulcerans MP95
            `--+--+--F. gonidiaformans MP95
               |  `--F. necrophorum MP95
               `--+--F. russii MP95
                  `--+--+--F. alocis MP95
                     |  `--F. simiae MP95
                     `--+--F. nucleatum MP95
                        `--F. periodonticum MP95

Nomen invalidum: Leptotrichia trevisanii Tee, Midolo et al. 2002VP JC08

*Type species of generic name indicated


[GH01] Garrity, G. M., & J. G. Holt. 2001. The road map to the Manual. In: Boone, D. R., R. W. Castenholz & G. M. Garrity (eds) Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology 2nd ed. vol. 1. The Archaea and the Deeply Branching and Phototrophic Bacteria pp. 119–166. Springer.

[JC08] Judicial Commission of the International Committee on Systematics of Prokaryotes. 2008. Status of strains that contravene Rules 27 (3) and 30 of the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria. Opinion 81. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 58: 1755–1763.

[MP95] Maher, M., R. Palmer, F. Gannon & T. Smith. 1995. Relationship of a novel bacterial fish pathogen to Streptobacillus moniliformis and the fusobacteria group, based on 16S ribosomal RNA analysis. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 18: 79–84.

[PHK96] Prescott, L. M., J. P. Harley & D. A. Klein. 1996. Microbiology 3rd ed. Wm. C. Brown Publishers: Dubuque (Iowa).


Fruiting body of Nannocystis exedens, copyright Leibniz-Institut DSMZ.

Belongs within: Deltaproteobacteria.

The Polyangiaceae are a group of myxobacteria with stout, rigid rod-shaped cells that tend to sink into the agar in culture, and change little in shape when producing myxospores.

Polyangiaceae [Sorangineae]
    |--+--‘Sorangium cellulosum’ IJ03
    |  `--Chondromyces IJ03
    |       |--C. apiculatus IJ03
    |       `--C. crocatus IJ03
    `--+--+--Polyangium vitellinum IJ03
       |  `--Haliangium IJ03
       |       |--H. ochraceum IJ03
       |       `--H. tepidum IJ03
       `--+--Plesiocystis Iizuka, Jojima et al. 2003 IJ03
          |    `--*P. pacifica Iizuka, Jojima et al. 2003 IJ03
          `--Nannocystis IJ03
               |--‘N. aggregans’ IJ03
               `--N. exedens IJ03

*Type species of generic name indicated


[IJ03] Iizuka, T., Y. Jojima, R. Fudou, A. Hiraishi, J.-W. Ahn & S. Yamanaka. 2003. Plesiocystis pacifica gen. nov., sp. nov., a marine myxobacterium that contains dihydrogenated menaquinone, isolated from the Pacific coasts of Japan. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 53: 189–195.


Fruiting bodies of Myxococcus xanthus, copyright Michiel Vos.

Belongs within: Deltaproteobacteria.

The Cystobacterineae are a group of myxobacteria with slender, flexible rod-shaped cells that tend to form thin, filmlike swarms on agar and transform into myxospores via sustantial shortening and fattening.

Cystobacterineae [Cystobacteraceae, Myxococcaceae]
    |--Stigmatella aurantiaca IJ03
    `--+--+--Cystobacter fuscus IJ03
       |  `--+--Angiococcus disciformis IJ03
       |     `--Archangium [Archangiaceae] IJ03
       |          `--A. gephyra IJ03
       `--+--Melittangium lichenicola IJ03
          `--Myxococcus IJ03
               |--M. coralloides IJ03
               |--M. fulvus PHK96
               |--M. stipitatus PHK96
               `--M. xanthus IJ03

*Type species of generic name indicated


[IJ03] Iizuka, T., Y. Jojima, R. Fudou, A. Hiraishi, J.-W. Ahn & S. Yamanaka. 2003. Plesiocystis pacifica gen. nov., sp. nov., a marine myxobacterium that contains dihydrogenated menaquinone, isolated from the Pacific coasts of Japan. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 53: 189–195.

[PHK96] Prescott, L. M., J. P. Harley & D. A. Klein. 1996. Microbiology 3rd ed. Wm. C. Brown Publishers: Dubuque (Iowa).