
Prognathogryllus in stem of tree fern Cibotium menziesii, copyright Forest & Kim Starr.

Belongs within: Grylloidea.

The Oecanthinae, tree crickets, are a group of crickets easily distinguished from other grylloides by their deltoid appearance, pale coloration, prognathous mouthparts and bifurcate tarsal claws (Rentz 1996).

<==Oecanthinae R96
    |  i. s.: Paraphasius O94
    |         Lerneca varipes Walker 1869 R18
    |--Oecanthini O94
    |    |--Viphius O94
    |    |--Oecanthodes O94
    |    `--Oecanthus R96
    |         |--O. adyeri MC13
    |         |--O. angustus R96
    |         |--O. filiger O94
    |         |--O. fultoni O94
    |         `--O. rufescens R96
    `--Xabini O94
         |--Xabea leai O94, R96
         |--Neoxabea Kirby 1906 O94
         `--+--+--Thaumatogryllus Perkins 1899 O94
            |  |    |--*T. variegatus Perkins 1899 O94
            |  |    |--T. cavicola Gurney & Rentz 1978 O94
            |  |    |--T. conanti Otte 1994 O94
            |  |    `--T. mauiensis Otte 1994 O94
            |  `--Leptogryllus Perkins 1899 O94
            |       |  i. s.: L. apicalis Perkisn 1910 O94
            |       |         L. deceptor Perkins 1910 O94
            |       |         L. kipahulu Otte 1994 O94
            |       |         L. perkisni Otte 1994 O94
            |       |--+--+--L. poamoho Otte 1994 O94
            |       |  |  `--+--L. nigromaculatus Perkins 1899 O94
            |       |  |     `--L. haupu Otte 1994 O94
            |       |  `--+--+--L. mauumae Otte 1994 O94
            |       |     |  `--L. nigrolineatus Perkins 1899 [incl. L. cylindricus Perkins 1910 non Perkins 1899] O94
            |       |     `--+--L. kainalu Otte 1994 O94
            |       |        `--+--L. luteus Otte 1994 O94
            |       |           `--L. ookala Otte 1994 O94
            |       `--+--+--L. kauaiensis Perkins 1899 [incl. L. cylindricus Perkins 1899] O94
            |          |  `--+--L. kaala Otte 1994 O94
            |          |     `--L. oahuensis Otte 1994 O94
            |          `--+--+--+--L. elongatus Perkins 1899 O94
            |             |  |  `--L. kohala Otte 1994 O94
            |             |  `--+--L. mauiensis Otte 1994 O94
            |             |     `--L. waikemoi Otte 1994 O94
            |             `--+--L. fusconotatus Perkins 1899 O94
            |                |--L. lanaiensis Otte 1994 O94
            |                |--+--*L. forficularis (Brunner 1895) [=Prognathogryllus forficularis] O94
            |                |  `--L. similis Perkins 1899 O94
            |                |--+--L. kawela Otte 1994 O94
            |                |  `--L. molokai Otte 1994 O94
            |                `--+--L. hanaula Otte 1994 O94
            |                   |--L. montgomeri Otte 1994 O94
            |                   `--L. simillimus Perkins 1899 O94
            `--Prognathogryllus Brunner von Wattenwyl 1895 (see below for synonymy) O94
                 |  i. s.: P. apteryx (Perkins 1899) (n. d.) [=*Aphonogryllus apteryx] O94
                 |--+--P. epimeces Otte 1994 O94
                 |  |--P. haupu Otte 1994 O94
                 |  |--P. kahili Otte 1994 O94
                 |  |--P. parakahili Otte 1994 O94
                 |  `--+--P. elongatus Perkins 1899 O94
                 |     `--P. hypomacron Otte 1994 O94
                 |--+--*P. alatus Brunner von Wattenwyl 1895 O94
                 |  |--P. giganteus Otte 1994 O94
                 |  |--P. pihea Otte 1994 O94
                 |  |--P. victoriae Otte 1994 O94
                 |  |--+--P. flavidus Otte 1994 O94
                 |  |  `--P. hea Otte 1994 O94
                 |  `--+--P. pararobustus Otte 1994 O94
                 |     `--P. robustus Perkins 1899 O94
                 `--+--+--+--P. awili Otte 1994 O94
                    |  |  `--P. kahea Otte 1994 O94
                    |  `--+--P. alapa Otte 1994 O94
                    |     |--P. alternatus Otte 1994 O94
                    |     |--+--P. makai Otte 1994 O94
                    |     |  `--P. weli Otte 1994 O94
                    |     `--+--P. olympus Otte 1994 O94
                    |        `--P. opua Otte 1994 O94
                    `--+--P. aphrastos Otte 1994 O94
                       |--P. makakapua Otte 1994 O94
                       |--+--P. oahuensis Perkins 1899 O94
                       |  `--+--P. spadix Otte 1994 O94
                       |     `--P. stridulans (Perkins 1899) [=*Nesogryllus stridulans] O94
                       `--+--+--P. kukui Otte 1994 O94
                          |  `--P. parakukui Otte 1994 [=P. neokukui (l. c.)] O94
                          |--+--P. hana Otte 1994 O94
                          |  |--P. kipahulu Otte 1994 O94
                          |  `--P. waikemoi Otte 1994 O94
                          `--+--P. kohala Otte 1994 O94
                             `--+--P. mauka Otte 1994 O94
                                `--P. puna Otte 1994 O94

Nomen nudum: Leptogryllus kilauea Otte 1994 O94
             Prognathogryllus polani Otte 1994 O94
             Prognathogryllus unia Otte 1994
             Prognathogryllus wahiawa Otte 1994 O94

Prognathogryllus Brunner von Wattenwyl 1895 [incl. Aphonogryllus Perkins 1899, Nesogryllus Perkins 1899] O94

*Type species of generic name indicated


[MC13] Majer, J. D., S. K. Callan, K. Edwards, N. R. Gunawardene & C. K. Taylor. 2013. Baseline survey of the terrestrial invertebrate fauna of Barrow Island. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 83: 13–112.

[O94] Otte, D. 1994. The Crickets of Hawaii: origin, systematics and evolution. The Orthopterists' Society: The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.

[R18] Rehn, J. A. G. 1918. On a collection of Orthoptera from the State of ParĂ¡, Brazil. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 70: 144–236, pls 1–2.

[R96] Rentz, D. 1996. Grasshopper Country: The abundant orthopteroid insects of Australia. University of New South Wales Press: Sydney.

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