
Tree violet Hymenanthera dentata, copyright Elizabeth Donoghue.

Belongs within: Violineae.
Contains: Viola.

The Violaceae are a family of flowering plants including the violets (Viola) and related species. Though the herbaceous genus Viola contains the majority of species, species in other genera of Violaceae are shrubs. Members of the Australasian genus Hymenanthera often have spinescent branchlets and their fruit is a berry.

See also: Taxon of this Week: not all violets are violet.

Characters (from Harden 1990): Herbs and shrubs. Leaves alternate, simple; stipules usually present. Inflorescence a raceme or cyme or flowers solitary. Flowers zygomorphic, usually strongly so, mostly bisexual. Sepals 5, imbricate, persistent. Petals 5, imbricate, free, the lowest often largest and spurred. Stamens 5, hypogynous, alternate with petals; filaments very short; anthers free or fused around ovary, the connective usually produced into an appendage. Ovary superior, 1-locular, usually with 3 parietal placentas; style simple, stigma terminal. Fruit a capsule or berry; seeds 2-many.

<==Violaceae [Violarieae]
    |--Fusispermum [Fusispermoideae] XR12
    `--+--Rinorea XR12
       `--+--+--Leonia [Leonioideae] XR12
          |  |    `--L. glycycarpa WM09
          |  `--Hybanthus XR12
          |       |--H. aurantiacus LK14
          |       |--H. concolor BS00
          |       |--H. debilissimus GK00
          |       |--H. enneaspermus LK14
          |       |    |--H. e. ssp. enneaspermus H90
          |       |    `--H. e. ssp. stellarioides H90
          |       |--H. floribundus GK00
          |       |--H. monopetalus H90
          |       `--H. vernonii H87
          |            |--H. v. ssp. vernonii H90
          |            `--H. v. ssp. scaber H90
          `--+--Viola XR12
             `--Hymenanthera Br. 1818 XR12, A61
                  |--H. alpina (Kirk) Oliver 1944 A61 [=H. dentata var. alpina Kirk 1899 A61, Melicytus alpinus D95]
                  |--H. angustifolia Br. ex DC. 1824 [=H. dentata var. angustifolia (Br.) Benth. 1863] A61
                  |--H. banksii B08
                  |--H. chathamica (Muell.) Kirk 1896 [=H. latifolia var. chathamica Muell. 1864] A61
                  |--H. crassifolia Hook. f. 1852 A61
                  |--H. dentata A61
                  |--H. lanceolatus ME70
                  |    |--H. l. var. lanceolatus ME70
                  |    `--H. l. var. latior ME70
                  |--H. latifolia C06
                  |--H. novae-zelandiae (Cunn.) Hemsl. 1908 (see below for synonymy) A61
                  `--H. obovata Kirk 1895 A61

Violaceae incertae sedis:
  Melicytus Forster & Forster 1776 A61
    |--M. flexuosus D95
    |--M. lanceolatus Hook. f. 1776 A61
    |    |--M. l. var. lanceolatus A61
    |    `--M. l. var. latior Simpson & Thomson 1942 A61
    |--M. latifolius D95
    |--M. macrophyllus Cunn. 1840 A61
    |--M. micranthus Hook. f. 1852 [=Elaeodendron micranthum Hook. f. 1844] A61
    |    |--H. m. var. micranthus A61
    |    |--H. m. var. longiusculus Cheesem. 1906 A61
    |    `--H. m. var. microphyllus (Col.) Cheesem. 1906 [=M. microphyllus Col. 1887] A61
    |--M. novae-zelandiae LM98
    `--M. ramiflorus Forster & Forster 1776 A61
  Anchietea salutaris PB03
  Noisettia orchidiflora BS00
  Ionidium filiforme C06
  Clelandia Black 1932 KC01
  Medusula Pers. 1807 KC01

Nomen nudum: Melicytus collina Colenso 1845 C45

Hymenanthera novae-zelandiae (Cunn.) Hemsl. 1908 [=Scaevola novae-zelandiae Cunn. 1839; incl. H. latifolia var. tasmanica Kirk 1871] A61

*Type species of generic name indicated


[A61] Allan, H. H. 1961. Flora of New Zealand vol. 1. Indigenous Tracheophyta: Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledones. R. E. Owen, Government Printer: Wellington (New Zealand).

[BS00] Ballard, H. E., Jr & K. J. Systsma. 2000. Evolution and biogeography of the woody Hawaiian violets (Viola, Violaceae): Arctic origins, herbaceous ancestry and bird dispersal. Evolution 54 (5): 1521–1532.

[B08] Brittlebank, C. C. 1908. The life-history of Loranthus exocarpi Behr. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 33: 650–656, pls 15–20.

[C06] Cheeseman, T. F. 1906. Manual of the New Zealand Flora. John Mackay, Government Printer: Wellington.

[C45] Colenso, W. 1845. Memoranda of an excursion, made in the Northern Island of New Zealand, in the summer of 1841–2; intended as a contribution towards the natural productions of the New Zealand groupe: with particular reference to their botany (concluded). Tasmanian Journal of Natural Science 2: 241–308.

[D95] Dawson, M. I. 1995. Contributions to a chromosome atlas of the New Zealand flora. 33. Miscellaneous species. New Zealand Journal of Botany 33: 477–487.

[GK00] Gibson, N., & G. J. Keighery. 2000. Flora and vegetation of the Byenup-Muir reserve system, south-west Western Australia. CALMScience 3 (3): 323–402.

[H90] Harden, G. J. (ed.) 1990. Flora of New South Wales vol. 1. New South Wales University Press.

[H87] Haviland, E. 1887. Flowering seasons of Australian plants. No. I—List of plants indigenous in the neighbourhood of Sydney, flowering during July. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, series 2, 1 (4): 1049–1051.

[KC01] Kirk, P. M., P. F. Cannon, J. C. David & J. A. Stalpers. 2001. Ainsworth & Bisby's Dictionary of the Fungi 9th ed. CAB International: Wallingford (UK).

[LM98] Lange, P. J. de, & B. G. Murray. 1998. Senecio repangae (Asteraceae): a new endemic species from the north-eastern North Island, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 36: 509–519.

[LK14] Lyons, M. N., G. J. Keighery, L. A. Gibson & T. Handasyde. 2014. Flora and vegetation communities of selected islands off the Kimberley coast of Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 81: 205–244.

[ME70] Moore, L. B., & E. Edgar. 1970. Flora of New Zealand vol. 2. Indigenous Tracheophyta: Monocotyledones except Gramineae. A. R. Shearer, Government Printer: Wellington (New Zealand).

[PB03] Poinar, G. O., Jr & A. E. Brown. 2003. A non-gilled hymenomycete in Cretaceous amber. Mycological Research 107 (6): 763–768.

[WM09] Wang, H., M. J. Moore, P. S. Soltis, C. D. Bell, S. F. Brockington, R. Alexandre, C. C. Davis, M. Latvis, S. R. Manchester & D. E. Soltis. 2009. Rosid radiation and the rapid rise of angiosperm-dominated forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 106 (10): 3853–3858.

[XR12] Xi, Z., B. R. Ruhfel, H. Schaefer, A. M. Amorim, M. Sugumaran, K. J. Wurdack, P. K. Endress, M. L. Matthews, P. F. Stevens, S. Mathews & C. C. Davis. 2012. Phylogenomics and a posteriori data partitioning resolve the Cretaceous angiosperm radiation Malpighiales. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 109 (43): 17519–17524.

Last updated: 16 May 2021.


Mossy stonecrop Crassula tillaea, copyright Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz.

Belongs within: Hamamelidaceae.
Contains: Rhodiola, Tillaea, Dudleya, Sedum.

The Crassulaceae are a family of succulent plants found nearly worldwide but most diverse in north-temperate regions and South Africa. In members of the genus Crassula, the leaves typically bear numerous hydathodes (water-exuding pores); in other genera, forming the subfamily Sempervivoideae, the leaves have only a single apical or subapical hydathode. In species of the genus Bryophyllum, new individuals may be produced vegetatively as plantlets forming along the edges of the parent plant's leaves, later breaking off and taking root.

Characters (from Hickman 1993): Annuals to subshrubs, fleshy. Leaves generally simple, generally basal and cauline, alternate or opposite, generally reduced upward. Inflorescence generally a cyme, generally bracted. Flower with sepals generally 3-5, generally more or less free; petals generally 3-5, more or less free or fused; stamens equal to or more numerous than sepals, free or epipetalous; pistils generally 3-5, simple (sometimes fused at base), ovary 1-chambered, placenta 1, parietal, ovules 1-many, style 1. Fruit follicles generally 3-5. Seeds 1-many, small

    |--Sempervivoideae [Cotyledonoideae, Echeverieae, Sedoideae] T00
    |    |  i. s.: Sempervivum KC83
    |    |           |--S. arachnoideum S96
    |    |           |--S. montanum KC83
    |    |           `--S. tectorum C55
    |    |         Cotyledon orbiculata H93
    |    |           |--C. o. var. orbiculata H93
    |    |           `--C. o. var. oblonga H93
    |    |--+--Dudleya NDA05
    |    |  `--Sedum NDA05
    |    `--Kalanchoe [Kalanchoeae] NDA05
    |         |--K. blossfeldiana MH98
    |         |--K. daigremontiana NDA05 [=Bryophyllum daigremontiana H90]
    |         |--K. longiflora H90
    |         `--K. spathulata LK14
    `--Crassula JB99 [Crassuloideae T00]
         |  i. s.: C. aquatica [=Tillaea aquatica; incl. C. saginoides] H93
         |         C. aurusbergensis CV06
         |         C. ausensis CV06
         |           |--C. a. ssp. ausensis CV06
         |           |--C. a. ssp. giessii CV06
         |           `--C. a. ssp. titanopsis CV06
         |         C. colorata OS04
         |           |--C. c. var. colorata H90
         |           `--C. c. var. acuminata H90
         |         C. connata [incl. Tillaea erecta] H93
         |         C. decumbens [incl. C. macrantha] H90
         |         C. elegans CV06
         |           |--C. e. ssp. elegans CV06
         |           `--C. e. ssp. namibensis CV06
         |         C. exserta OS04
         |         C. falcata JB99
         |         C. helmsii (Kirk) Berger 1930 H90, A61 [=Tillaea helmsii Kirk 1899 A61]
         |         C. luederitzii CV06
         |         C. lycopodioides BT72
         |         C. marnierana NDA05
         |         C. multicava H90
         |         C. natans GK00
         |         C. numaisensis CV06
         |         C. paludosa D03
         |         C. pedicellosa GK00
         |         C. peduncularis GK00 (see below for synonymy)
         |         C. perforata NDA05
         |         C. sarmentosa H90
         |         C. sieberiana (Schult.) Druce 1917 H90, A61 (see below for synonymy)
         |         C. solieri H93
         |         C. tetragona H93
         |           |--C. t. ssp. tetragona H90
         |           `--C. t. ssp. robusta H90
         `--C. sect. Glomeratae BC98
              |--C. basaltica BC98
              |--C. campestris (Ecklon & Zeyh.) Endlicher in Walpers 1843 (see below for synonymy) BC98
              `--C. tillaea BC98

Crassulaceae incertae sedis:
  Rhodiola O88
  Rosularia O88
    |--R. marnieri O88
    `--R. semiensis B06
  Aeonium H93
    |--A. arboreum Y98
    `--A. haworthii H93
  Umbilicus PL04
    |--U. horizontalis PT98
    `--U. rupestris (Salisbury) Dandy 1948 PL04
  Andromischus schuldtianus CV06
    |--A. s. ssp. schuldtianus CV06
    |--A. s. ssp. brandbergensis CV06
    `--A. s. ssp. juttae CV06
  Tylecodon CV06
    |--T. aridimontanus CV06
    `--T. aurusbergensis CV06
  Bryophyllum H06
    |--B. delagoense [=Kalanchoe delagoense; incl. B. tubiflorum, K. tubiflora] H90
    `--B. pinnatum [=Kalanchoe pinnata; incl. B. calycinum] H90
  Tillaea A61
  Parvisedum H93
    |--P. congdonii H93
    |--P. leiocarpum H93
    |--P. pentandrum H93
    `--P. pumilum H93
  Bulliarda DC. 1801 KC01

Crassula campestris (Ecklon & Zeyh.) Endlicher in Walpers 1843 [=Tetraphyle campestre Ecklon & Zeyh. 1837; incl. C. pentandra ssp. catalaunica Vigo & Terradas 1969] BC98

Crassula peduncularis GK00 [incl. Tillaea purpurata Hook. f. 1847 A61, C. purpurata (Hook. f.) Domin 1925 H90, A61]

Crassula sieberiana (Schult.) Druce 1917 H90, A61 [=Tillaea sieberiana Schult. 1827 A61; incl. T. muscosa Forst. f. 1786 non Linnaeus 1753 A61, T. verticillaris DC. 1828 A61]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[A61] Allan, H. H. 1961. Flora of New Zealand vol. 1. Indigenous Tracheophyta: Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledones. R. E. Owen, Government Printer: Wellington (New Zealand).

[BT72] Baker, E. W., & D. M. Tuttle. 1972. New species and further notes on the Tetranychoidea mostly from the southwestern United States (Acarina: Tetranychidae and Tenuipalpidae). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 116: 1–37.

[BC98] Brullo, S., G. Campo, C. Marcenò, S. Romano & G. Siracusa. 1998. Crassula campestris (Eckl. & Zeyh.) Endl. (Crassulaceae), a new record for the Italian flora. Willdenowia 28: 53–58.

[B06] Burgoyne, P. M. 2006. Review: Plants of the Simen. A flora of the Simen Mountains and surroundings, northern Ethiopia. Bothalia 36 (2): 253.

[C55] Candolle, A. de. 1855. Géographie Botanique Raisonée: Ou exposition des faits principaux et des lois concernant la distribution géographique des plantes de l’époque actuelle vol. 2. Librairie de Victor Masson: Paris.

[CV06] Craven, P., & P. Vorster. 2006. Patterns of plant diversity and endemism in Namibia. Bothalia 36 (2): 175–189.

[D03] Dusén, P. 1903. The vegetation of western Patagonia. In: Scott, W. B. (ed.) Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896–1899 vol. 8. Botany pp. 1–34. The University: Princeton (New Jersey).

[GK00] Gibson, N., & G. J. Keighery. 2000. Flora and vegetation of the Byenup-Muir reserve system, south-west Western Australia. CALMScience 3 (3): 323–402.

[H90] Harden, G. J. (ed.) 1990. Flora of New South Wales vol. 1. New South Wales University Press.

[H06] Henderson, L. 2006. Comparisons of invasive plants in southern Africa originating from southern temperate, northern temperate and tropical regions. Bothalia 36 (2): 201–222.

[H93] Hickman, J. C. (ed.) 1993. The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California. University of California Press: Berkeley (California).

[JB99] Johansson, J., R. Berg, A. Pifferi, S. Svenberg & L. O. Bjorn. 1999. Time-resolved studies of light propagation in Crassula and Phaseolus leaves. Photochemistry and Photobiology 69: 242–247.

[KC01] Kirk, P. M., P. F. Cannon, J. C. David & J. A. Stalpers. 2001. Ainsworth & Bisby's Dictionary of the Fungi 9th ed. CAB International: Wallingford (UK).

[KC83] Körner, C., & P. Cochrane. 1983. Influence of plant physiognomy on leaf temperature on clear midsummer days in the Snowy Mountains, south-eastern Australia. Acta Œcologica Œcologiae Plantae 4 (2): 117–124.

[LK14] Lyons, M. N., G. J. Keighery, L. A. Gibson & T. Handasyde. 2014. Flora and vegetation communities of selected islands off the Kimberley coast of Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 81: 205–244.

[MH98] Morikawa, H., A. Higaki, M. Nohno, M. Takahashi, M. Kamada, M. Nakata, G. Toyohara, Y. Okamura, K. Matsui, S. Kitani, K. Fujita, K. Irifune & N. Goshima. 1998. More than a 600-fold variation in nitrogen dioxide assimilation among 217 plant taxa. Plant, Cell and Environment 21: 180–190.

[NDA05] Nickrent, D. L., J. P. Der & F. E. Anderson. 2005. Discovery of the photosynthetic relatives of the "Maltese mushroom" Cynomorium. BMC Evolutionary Biology 5: 38.

[OS04] Obbens, F. J., & L. W. Sage. 2004. Vegetation and flora of a diverse upland remnant of the Western Australian wheatbelt (Nature Reserve A21064). Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 87 (1): 19–28.

[O88] Ohba, H. 1988. The alpine flora of the Nepal Himalayas: an introductory note. In: Ohba, H., & S. B. Malla (eds) The Himalayan Plants vol. 1. The University Museum, University of Tokyo, Bulletin 31: 19–46.

[PT98] Panitsa, M., & D. Tzanoudakis. 1998. Contribution to the study of the Greek flora: flora and vegetation of the E Aegean islands Agathonisi and Pharmakonisi. Willdenowia 28: 95–116.

[PL04] Pohl, G., & I. Lenski. 2004. Zur Verbreitung und Vergesellschaftung von Pennisetum orientale Rich. in Nordeuböa (Griechenland) (Poaceae, Paniceae). Senckenbergiana Biologica 83 (2): 209–223.

[S96] Schatz, H. 1996. Oribatid mites (Oribatida) in alpine dry meadows (Austria, central Alps). In: Mitchell, R., D. J. Horn, G. R. Needham & W. C. Welbourn (eds) Acarology IX vol. 1. Proceedings pp. 633–635. Ohio Biological Survey: Columbus (Ohio).

[T00] Thorne, R. F. 2000. The classification and geography of the flowering plants: dicotyledons of the class Angiospermae (subclasses Magnoliidae, Ranunculidae, Caryophyllidae, Dilleniidae, Rosidae, Asteridae, and Lamiidae). The Botanical Review 66: 441–647.

[Y98] Yannitsaros, A. 1998. Additions to the flora of Kithira (Greece) I. Willdenowia 28: 77–94.

Last updated: 27 March 2022.


American sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua, from here.

Belongs within: Gunneridae.
Contains: Hamamelidaceae.

The Saxifragales are a clade of flowering plants supported by molecular analyses. Members of the clade are morphologically very diverse including both herbaceous taxa (e.g. Saxifragaceae, Crassulaceae) and the wind-pollinated hamamelid taxa (e.g. Hamamelidaceae, Altingiaceae). The Altingiaceae are wind-pollinated trees found in Asia and North America, of which the American sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua is a widely grown ornamental.

<==Saxifragales [Hamamelidales, Hamamelidineae] APG16
    |--Cercidiphyllaceae NDA05
    |    |--Cercidiphyllum japonicum WM09
    |    |--Cercidiphylloxylon kadanense Prakash et al. 1971 [=C. kadanende] CBH93
    |    |--Joffrea CBH93
    |    |--Nyssidium CBH93
    |    `--Cercidiphyllites brevicolpatus CBH93
    `--+--Hamamelidaceae NDA05
       `--+--+--Daphniphyllum [Daphniphyllaceae, Daphniphyllales] NDA05
          |  |    |--D. glaucescens B81
          |  |    |--D. gracile Gage 1918 [incl. D. papuanum Hallier 1918] B81
          |  |    |    |--D. g. var. gracile B81
          |  |    |    `--D. g. var. tuberculatum Huang 1966 B81
          |  |    |--D. himalense SN88
          |  |    |--D. macropodum MH98
          |  |    `--D. protomacropodum CBH93
          |  `--+--Medusandra [Medusandraceae, Medusandrales] XR12
          |     `--+--Peridiscaceae T00
          |        |    |--Peridiscus lucidus NDA05
          |        |    `--Whittonia T00
          |        `--Soyauxia XR12
          |             |--S. floribunda XR12
          |             `--S. talbotii XR12
          `--+--Microaltingia PI-BW04
             `--Altingiaceae [Altingioideae, Liquidambaroideae] NDA05
                  |--Altingia excelsa NDA05
                  |--Semiliquidambar PI-BW04
                  |--Evacarpa polysperma PI-BW04
                  |--Steinhauera subglobosa Presl 1838 PI-BW04
                  |--Ambaroxylon PI-BW04
                  |--Liquidambaroxylon PI-BW04
                  `--Liquidambar [=L. sect. Liquidambar] PI-BW04
                       |  i. s.: L. pachyphyllum PI-BW04
                       |--+--L. (sect. Cathayambar) formosana PI-BW04 [incl. L. maximowiczii LO98]
                       |  `--+--L. acalycina PI-BW04
                       |     `--L. changii Pigg, Ickert-Bond & Wen 2004 PI-BW04
                       `--+--L. orientalis PI-BW04
                          `--+--*L. styraciflua Linnaeus 1753 PI-BW04, CD07
                             |    |--L. s. var. styraciflua PI-BW04
                             |    `--L. s. var. mexicana PI-BW04
                             `--L. macrocarpa PI-BW04

*Type species of generic name indicated


[APG16] Angiosperm Phylogeny Group. 2016. An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG IV. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 181: 1–20.

[B81] Barker, W. R. 1981. Daphniphyllaceae. In: Henty, E. E. (ed.) Handbooks of the Flora of Papua New Guinea vol. 2 pp. 34–37. Melbourne University Press.

[CD07] Cantino, P. D., J. A. Doyle, S. W. Graham, W. S. Judd, R. G. Olmstead, D. E. Soltis, P. S. Soltis & M. J. Donoghue. 2007. Towards a phylogenetic nomenclature of Tracheophyta. Taxon 56 (3): E1–E44.

[CBH93] Collinson, M. E., M. C. Boulter & P. L. Holmes. 1993. Magnoliophyta (‘Angiospermae’). In: Benton, M. J. (ed.) The Fossil Record 2 pp. 809–841. Chapman & Hall: London.

[LO98] Lack, H. W., & H. Ohba. 1998. Die Xylothek des Chikusai Kato. Willdenowia 28: 263–276.

[MH98] Morikawa, H., A. Higaki, M. Nohno, M. Takahashi, M. Kamada, M. Nakata, G. Toyohara, Y. Okamura, K. Matsui, S. Kitani, K. Fujita, K. Irifune & N. Goshima. 1998. More than a 600-fold variation in nitrogen dioxide assimilation among 217 plant taxa. Plant, Cell and Environment 21: 180–190.

[NDA05] Nickrent, D. L., J. P. Der & F. E. Anderson. 2005. Discovery of the photosynthetic relatives of the "Maltese mushroom" Cynomorium. BMC Evolutionary Biology 5: 38.

[PI-BW04] Pigg, K. B., S. M. Ickert-Bond & J. Wen. 2004. Anatomically preserved Liquidambar (Altingiaceae) from the middle Miocene of Yakima Canyon, Washington state, USA, and its biogeographic implications. American Journal of Botany 91 (3): 499–509.

[SN88] Suzuki, M., & S. Noshiro. 1988. Wood structure of Himalayan plants. In: Ohba, H., & S. B. Malla (eds) The Himalayan Plants vol. 1. The University Museum, University of Tokyo, Bulletin 31: 341–379.

[T00] Thorne, R. F. 2000. The classification and geography of the flowering plants: dicotyledons of the class Angiospermae (subclasses Magnoliidae, Ranunculidae, Caryophyllidae, Dilleniidae, Rosidae, Asteridae, and Lamiidae). The Botanical Review 66: 441–647.

[WM09] Wang, H., M. J. Moore, P. S. Soltis, C. D. Bell, S. F. Brockington, R. Alexandre, C. C. Davis, M. Latvis, S. R. Manchester & D. E. Soltis. 2009. Rosid radiation and the rapid rise of angiosperm-dominated forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 106 (10): 3853–3858.

[XR12] Xi, Z., B. R. Ruhfel, H. Schaefer, A. M. Amorim, M. Sugumaran, K. J. Wurdack, P. K. Endress, M. L. Matthews, P. F. Stevens, S. Mathews & C. C. Davis. 2012. Phylogenomics and a posteriori data partitioning resolve the Cretaceous angiosperm radiation Malpighiales. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 109 (43): 17519–17524.

Last updated: 29 March 2022.


Bog saxifrage Saxifraga hirculus, photographed by Rolf Stange.

Belongs within: Saxifragaceae.

Saxifraga, the saxifrages, is a large genus of herbaceous plants found mostly in northern temperate and arctic regions. Most species have leaves distributed along the flowering stem; species with leaves growing as a basal rosette have recently been separated as the genus Micranthes. The strawberry-geranium S. stolonifera of eastern Asia has a branched caudex that generally produces conspicuous stolons (Hickman 1993).

Characters (from Hickman 1993): Plant generally more or less hairy, often glandular; caudex or rhizome generally not woody, generally scaly. Leaf blade oblanceolate to round, base tapered to reniform, margin entire or toothed. Inflorescence with one to many flowers; bracts scale-like. Flower with hypanthium free or more or less fused to ovary; petals sometimes spotted; stamens 10, filaments generally flat; pistil 1 (chambers 2, placentas 2, axile) or 2 (each with 1 chamber, 1 marginal placenta), ovary superior to more or less inferior (sometimes more superior in fruit), styles 2, free throughout. Fruit a capsule or 2 follicles.

    |--S. sect. Saxifraga BGS05 [incl. Zahlbrucknera Rchb. 1832 BGS05, KC01]
    |    `--*S. granulata BGS05
    |--S. sect. Ciliatae [incl. S. sect. Hirculus] WO88
    |    |--S. amabilis Ohba & Wakabayashi 1987 WO88
    |    |--S. aristulata WO88
    |    |--S. brachypoda WO88
    |    |    |--S. b. var. brachypoda WO88
    |    |    `--S. b. var. fimbriata WO88
    |    |--S. brunonis WO88
    |    |--S. chumbiensis WO88
    |    |--S. cordigera WO88
    |    |--S. diversifolia WO88
    |    |--S. engleriana WO88
    |    |--S. glabricaulis WO88
    |    |--S. harai Ohba & Wakabayashi 1987 WO88
    |    |--S. hirculus WO88
    |    |--S. hispidula WO88
    |    |--S. hookeri WO88
    |    |--S. jacquemontiana WO88
    |    |--S. lepida WO88
    |    |--S. lychnitis WO88
    |    |--S. mallae Ohba & Wakabayashi 1987 WO88
    |    |--S. microphylla WO88
    |    |--S. montanella WO88
    |    |--S. moorcroftiana WO88
    |    |--S. nakaoi WO88
    |    |--S. nigroglandulosa WO88
    |    |--S. palpebrata WO88
    |    |--S. parnassifolia WO88
    |    |--S. pilifera WO88
    |    |--S. saginoides WO88
    |    |--S. sikkimensis WO88
    |    |--S. sphaeradena WO88
    |    |    |--S. s. ssp. sphaeradena WO88
    |    |    `--S. s. ssp. dhwojii WO88
    |    `--S. strigosa WO88
    `--S. sect. Porophyllum [incl. S. sect. Kabschia] WO88
         |--S. afghanica WO88
         |--S. andersonii WO88
         |--S. hypostoma WO88
         |--S. subsessiliflora WO88
         `--S. williamsii WO88

Saxifraga incertae sedis:
  S. adscendens C55b
  S. affinis C55b
  S. aizoides A16
  S. aizoon C55a
  S. ajugaefolia C55a
  S. alboffiana D03
  S. aprica H93
  S. asarifolia O88
  S. bicuspidata D03
  S. bryoides C55a
  S. bryophora H93
  S. bulbifera H91
  S. caesia PS98
  S. californica [incl. S. fallax] H93
  S. caveana O88
  S. cernua C55b
  S. cespitosa [incl. S. cespitosa var. emarginata] H93
  S. consanguinea O88
  S. contraria O88
  S. controversa C55a
  S. cordillerarum D03
    |--S. c. var. cordillerarum D03
    `--S. c. var. magellanica D03
  S. corymbosa H09
  S. cotyledon C55b
  S. debilis H93
  S. elegans C55b
  S. elliptica O88
  S. eriophora M69
  S. eschscholtzia YY22
  S. excellens O88
  S. ferruginea H93
  S. georgei O88
  S. geum C55b
  S. granulifera O88
  S. hemisphaerica O88
  S. hirculoides O88
  S. hirsuta C55b
  S. hirta C55b
  S. howellii H93
  S. humilis O88
  S. integrifolia NDA05
  S. kingiana O88
  S. kumaunensis O88
  S. lamninamensis O88
  S. latiflora O88
  S. llonakhensis O88
  S. lowndesii O88
  S. macrostigma YY22
  S. marshallii H93
  S. melanocentra O88
  S. mertensiana Bong. 1832 CD07
  S. mira O88
  S. montana O88
    |--S. m. f. montana O88
    `--S. m. f. rubra O88
  S. mucronulata O88
    |--S. m. ssp. mucronulata O88
    `--S. m. ssp. sikkimensis O88
  S. mutata H09
    |--S. m. ssp. mutata H09
    `--S. m. ssp. demissa H09
  S. namdoensis O88
  S. nanella O88
  S. neopropagulifera O88
  S. nidifica H93
    |--S. n. var. nidifica H93
    `--S. n. var. claytoniifolia H93
  S. nutans O88
  S. nuttallii H93
  S. odontoloma [incl. S. aestivalis] H93
  S. oppositifolia YY22
  S. oregana H93
  S. paniculata S96
  S. parva O88
  S. pensylvanica H93
  S. perpusilla O88
  S. pseudo-pallida O88
  S. pulvinaria O88
  S. punctulata O88
  S. rhodopetala O88
  S. rivularis H93
  S. rolwalingensis O88
  S. rosacea M-JT30
  S. rufidula [incl. S. aequidentata] H93
  S. sibirica O88
  S. staintonii O88
  S. stella-aurea O88
    |--S. s. var. stella-aurea O88
    `--S. s. var. polyadena O88
  S. stenophylla O88
    |--S. s. ssp. stenophylla O88
    `--S. s. ssp. hoffmeisteri O88
  S. stolitzkae O88
  S. stolonifera [incl. S. sarmentosa] H93
  S. tangutica O88
  S. tentaculata O88
  S. tolmiei H93
  S. tricuspidata H44
  S. umbrosa C55b
  S. zimmermannii O88

*Type species of generic name indicated


Abrams, L. 1944. Illustrated Flora of the Pacific States vol. 2. Stanford University Press.

[A16] Alexander, C. P. 1916. New or little-known crane-flies from the United States and Canada: Tipulidae, Diptera, Part 2. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 67 (3): 458–514, pls 16–21.

[BGS05] Banfi, E., G. Galasso & A. Soldano. 2005. Notes on systematics and taxonomy for the Italian vascular flora. 1. Atti Soc. It. Sci. Nat. Museo Civ. Stor. Nat. Milano 146 (2): 219–244.

[C55a] Candolle, A. de. 1855a. Géographie Botanique Raisonée: Ou exposition des faits principaux et des lois concernant la distribution géographique des plantes de l’époque actuelle vol. 1. Librairie de Victor Masson: Paris.

[C55b] Candolle, A. de. 1855b. Géographie Botanique Raisonée: Ou exposition des faits principaux et des lois concernant la distribution géographique des plantes de l’époque actuelle vol. 2. Librairie de Victor Masson: Paris.

[CD07] Cantino, P. D., J. A. Doyle, S. W. Graham, W. S. Judd, R. G. Olmstead, D. E. Soltis, P. S. Soltis & M. J. Donoghue. 2007. Towards a phylogenetic nomenclature of Tracheophyta. Taxon 56 (3): E1–E44.

[D03] Dusén, P. 1903. The vegetation of western Patagonia. In: Scott, W. B. (ed.) Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896–1899 vol. 8. Botany pp. 1–34. The University: Princeton (New Jersey).

[H44] Hammer, M. 1944. Studies on the oribatids and collemboles of Greenland. Meddelelser om Grønland 141 (3): 1–210.

[H09] Heltmann, H. 2009. Der Königstein (Piatra Craiului), die Perle der Burzenländer Gebirge. Mauritiana 20 (3): 515–527.

[H93] Hickman, J. C. (ed.) 1993. The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California. University of California Press: Berkeley (California).

[H91] Hubálek, Z. 1991. Biogeographic indication of natural foci of tick-borne infections. In: Dusbábek, F., & V. Bukva (eds) Modern Acarology: Proceedings of the VIII International Congress of Acarology, held in České Budĕjovice, Czechoslovakia, 6–11 August 1990 vol. 1 pp. 255–260. SPB Academic Publishing: The Hague.

[KC01] Kirk, P. M., P. F. Cannon, J. C. David & J. A. Stalpers. 2001. Ainsworth & Bisby's Dictionary of the Fungi 9th ed. CAB International: Wallingford (UK).

[M-JT30] Marsden-Jones, E. M., & W. B. Turrill. 1930. Hybridization in certain genera of the British flora. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London 141: 36.

[M69] Moran, R. 1969. Twelve new dicots from Baja California, Mexico. Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History 15 (17): 265–295.

[NDA05] Nickrent, D. L., J. P. Der & F. E. Anderson. 2005. Discovery of the photosynthetic relatives of the "Maltese mushroom" Cynomorium. BMC Evolutionary Biology 5: 38.

[O88] Ohba, H. 1988. The alpine flora of the Nepal Himalayas: an introductory note. In: Ohba, H., & S. B. Malla (eds) The Himalayan Plants vol. 1. The University Museum, University of Tokyo, Bulletin 31: 19–46.

[PS98] Prosser, F., & S. Scortegagna. 1998. Primula recubariensis, a new species of Primula sect. Auricula Duby endemic to the SE Prealps, Italy. Willdenowia 28: 27–46.

[S96] Schatz, H. 1996. Oribatid mites (Oribatida) in alpine dry meadows (Austria, central Alps). In: Mitchell, R., D. J. Horn, G. R. Needham & W. C. Welbourn (eds) Acarology IX vol. 1. Proceedings pp. 633–635. Ohio Biological Survey: Columbus (Ohio).

[WO88] Wakabayashi, M., & H. Ohba. 1988. Cytotaxonomic study of the Himalayan Saxifraga. In: Ohba, H., & S. B. Malla (eds) The Himalayan Plants vol. 1. The University Museum, University of Tokyo, Bulletin 31: 71–90.

[YY22] Yampolsky, C., & H. Yampolsky. 1922. Distribution of sex forms in the phanerogamic flora. Bibliotheca Genetica 3: 1–62.

Last updated: 26 March 2022.


Male ologamasid, from here.

Belongs within: Gamasina.

The Ologamasidae are a family of predatory mites found worldwide, though most diverse in the Southern Hemisphere. Some species are found in intertidal habitats such as members of the genera Hydrogamasus and Periseius. Phoresy is rare among ologamasids but some species of the genera Epiphis and Iphidosoma are associated with carabid beetles. Members of the genera Euryparasitus and Cyrtolaelaps are commonly found in the nests of small mammals (Lindquist et al. 2009). Cyrtolaelaps is characterised by having some of the setae on the dorsal shields distinctly pilose or serrated. Species of Euryparasitus have the tibia and tarsus of the second legs fused in the males (Evans & Till 1979).

Characters (from Luxton 1986): Dorsum of adult with holonotal shield or two separate shields; peritrematal shield usually fused with exopodal IV shield, often also with ventro-anal shield.

<==Ologamasidae [Epiphidinae, Euryparasitidae, Gamasellidae, Gamasellini, Gamasiphidae, Ologamasinae]
    |--Litogamasus Lee 1970 L86, L90
    |    |--*L. setosus (Kramer 1898) [=Cyrtolaelaps setosus] L90
    |    `--L. falcipes Lee & Hunter 1974 L90
    |--Evanssellus Ryke 1961 H98
    |    |--*E. foliatus Ryke 1961 R61
    |    `--E. medusa (Lee 1967) [=Heterogamasus medusa] H98
    |--Parasitiphis Womersley 1956 H98
    |    |--*P. littoralis Womersley 1956 L90
    |    |--P. aurora Lee 1970 L90
    |    `--P. jeanneli (André 1947) [incl. Hydrogamasus (Austrohydrogamasus) watsoni Hirschmann 1966] SL71
    |--Stylochirus Canestrini & Canestrini 1882 L91 (see below for synonymy)
    |    |--‘Gamasiphis (*Periphis)’ hemisphaericus B16
    |    `--S. rarior (Berlese 1916) FH93 [=Gamasiphis (*Epiphis) rarior FH93, B16]
    |--Gamasitus Womersley 1956 H98
    |    `--G. obscurus Womersley 1956 H98
    |--Neogamasellevans Loots & Ryke 1967 H98
    |    `--N. berlesei (Womersley 1956) [=Queenslandolaelaps berlesei] H98
    |--Pyriphis Lee 1970 H98
    |    `--P. pyrenoides (Lee 1966) [=Ologamasus pyrenoides] H98
    |--Queenslandolaelaps Womersley 1956 H98
    |    `--Q. vitzthumi Womersley 1956 H98
    |--Solugamasus Lee 1973 H98
    |    `--S. mustela Lee 1973 H98
    |--Gamasiphoides Womersley 1956 H98
    |    |--G. aitkeni Lee 1970 H98
    |    |--G. macquariensis (Hirschmann 1966) [=Gamasellus (Hydrogamasellus) macquariensis] SL71
    |    `--G. propinquus (Womersley 1956) [=Gamasiphis propinqua, Gamasiphoides propinqua] H98
    |--Rhodacaroides Willmann 1959 L86
    |    |--R. aegyptiacus Willmann 1959 L86
    |    `--R. minyaspis Lee 1973 H98
    |--Euryparasitus Oudemans 1902 LKW09, FH93 [incl. Eurylaelaps Oudemans 1902 FH93]
    |    |--E. emarginatus (Koch 1839) FH93 (see below for synonymy)
    |    `--E. calcarator (Banks 1910) [=Gamasus calcarator] FH93
    |--Iphidosoma Berlese 1892 L91
    |    |--*I. fimetarium (Müller 1859) L91 [=Gamasoides fimetarium S22]
    |    `--I. razumovae LKW09
    |--Hiniphis Lee 1970 H98
    |    |--H. bipala Lee 1973 H98
    |    `--H. hinnus Lee 1970 H98
    |--Laelaptiella Womersley 1956 H98
    |    |--L. anomala Womersley 1956 H98
    |    `--L. mackerrasae (Domrow 1957) [=Gamasiphis mackerrasae] H98
    |--Euepicrius Womersley 1942 H98
    |    |--E. filamentosus Womersley 1942 H98
    |    |--E. lootsi Lee 1970 H98
    |    `--E. queenslandicus Womersley 1956 H98
    |--Geogamasus Lee 1970 L86
    |    |--G. fibularis Karg 1976 L86
    |    |--G. howardi Lee 1970 H98
    |    `--G. minimus Lee 1973 H98
    |--Hydrogamasellus Hirschmann 1966 L86
    |    |--H. antarcticus (Trägårdh 1907) [=Gamasellus (Hydrogamasellus) antarcticus] H66
    |    |--H. antennatus Karg 1976 L86
    |    `--H. ubatubaensis (Hirschmann 1966) [=Gamasellus (Hydrogamasellus) ubatubaensis] H66
    |--Acugamasus Lee 1970 H98
    |    |--A. cursor Lee 1970 H98
    |    |--A. elachyaspis Lee 1973 H98
    |    |--A. punctatus (Womersley 1942) [=Digamasellus punctatus, Cyrtolaelaps punctatus] H98
    |    |--A. semipunctatus (Womersley 1942) [=Digamasellus semipunctatus, Cyrtolaelaps semipunctatus] H98
    |    `--A. watsoni (Hirschmann 1956) [=Gamasellus watsoni] SL71
    |--Caliphis Lee 1970 H98
    |    |--C. calvus Lee 1970 H98
    |    |--C. hickmani (Womersley 1956) [=Gamasiphis hickmani] H98
    |    |--C. novaezelandiae (Womersley 1956) [=Gamasellus (Neogamasiphis) novaezelandiae] SL71
    |    |--C. queenslandicus (Womersley 1956) [=Gamasiphis queenslandicus] H98
    |    |--C. schusteri (Hirschmann 1956) [=Gamasellus (Hydrogamasellus) schusteri] SL71
    |    `--C. tamborinensis (Womersley 1956) [=Gamasiphis hickmani var. tamborinensis] H98
    |--Onchogamasus Womersley 1956 H98
    |    |--O. communis Womersley 1956 H98
    |    |--O. pumilio Lee 1970 H98
    |    |--O. quasicurtipilus Lee 1970 H98
    |    `--O. virguncula Lee 1973 H98
    |--Hydrogamasus Berlese 1892 FH93
    |    |--*H. littoralis (Canestrini & Canestrini 1881) [=Gamasus littoralis] ET79
    |    |--H. antarcticus Womersley 1937 LKW09, SL71
    |    |--H. giardi (Berlese & Trouessart 1889) H66
    |    |--H. kensleri Luxton 1967 L90
    |    |--H. racovitzai LKW09
    |    |--H. salinus (Laboulbene 1851) H66 [=Gamasus salinus E57]
    |    `--H. vitzthumi Hirschmann 1966 H66
    |--Cyrtolaelaps Berlese 1887 [incl. Protolaelaps Trägårdh 1912] FH93
    |    |--*C. mucronatus (Canestrini & Canestrini 1881) ET79 (see below for synonymy)
    |    |--C. aster (Berl. 1918) S61, S22 [=Gamasellus (Protolaelaps) aster S61]
    |    |--C. cervus S22
    |    |--C. hammeni H83
    |    |--C. minor K91
    |    `--C. rectus (Berlese 1920) [=Gamasellus (Protolaelaps) rectus; incl. C. (Gamasellus) leggetti Ryke 1962] FH93
    |--Antennolaelaps Womersley 1956 [incl. Stylogamasus Womersley 1956] H98
    |    |--A. affinis Womersley 1956 H98
    |    |--A. aremenae Lee 1973 H98
    |    |--A. celox Lee 1973 H98
    |    |--A. convexa (Womersley 1956) [=Stylogamasus convexus] H98
    |    `--A. testudo Lee 1970 H98
    |--Athiasella Lee 1973 H98
    |    |--A. australica (Womersley 1942) H98 (see below for synonymy)
    |    |--A. dentata (Womersley 1942) H98 (see below for synonymy)
    |    |--A. markmitchelli (Lee 1970) [=Heydeniella markmitchelli] H98
    |    |--A. relata (Womersley 1942) H98 (see below for synonymy)
    |    `--A. relicta (Womersley 1942) (see below for synonymy) H98
    |--Gamasiphis Berlese 1904 (see below for synonymy) FH93
    |    |--G. australicus Womersley 1956 H98
    |    |--G. elegantellus T31
    |    |--G. elongatulus T31
    |    |--G. femoralis (Banks 1916) [=Cyrtolaelaps femoralis] H98
    |    |--G. fornicatus Lee 1970 H98
    |    |--G. illotus Fox 1949 FH93
    |    |--G. lenifornicatus Lee 1973 H98
    |    |--G. pilosellus T31
    |    |--G. pulchellus (Berlese 1887) [=Gamasus pulchellus; incl. Laelaps bermudaensis Ewing 1920] FH93
    |    |--G. saccus Lee 1973 H98
    |    |--G. setosus Womersley 1956 H98
    |    `--G. uncifer Trägårdh 1931 T31
    |--Gamaselliphis Ryke 1961 FH93
    |--Periseius Womersley 1961 [incl. Psammonsella Haq 1965] FH93
    |    |--P. brasiliensis Hirschmann 1966 L86
    |    |--P. littorale H83
    |    `--P. nobskae (Haq 1965) FH93 (see below for synonymy)
    |--Cymiphis SL71
    |    |--C. cymosus (Lee 1966) SL71
    |    |--C. dumosus (Lee 1966) SL71
    |    |--C. leptosceles (Lee 1966) SL71
    |    |--C. mansoni (Lee 1966) SL71
    |    |--C. nucilis (Lee 1966) SL71
    |    |--C. validus (Lee 1966) SL71
    |    `--C. watsoni (Hirschmann 1966) [=Gamasiphis watsoni] SL71
    `--Gamasellus Berlese 1892 LKW09, FH93 [incl. Laelogamasus Berlese 1905 FH93]
         |--*G. falciger (Canestrini 1881) [=Gamasus falciger] LI89
         |--G. alpinus Schweizer 1949 S61
         |--G. bellavistae Emberson 1967 FH93
         |--G. concinus (Womersley 1942) [=Digamasellus concina, Cyrtolaelaps concinnus, D. concinnus] H98
         |--G. cooperi (Womersley 1961) [=Cyrtolaelaps cooperi] H98
         |--G. cophinus Lee 1973 H98
         |--G. discutatus (Lee 1966) [=Ologamasus discutatus] H98
         |--G. gressitti H73
         |--G. grossi Lee 1973 H98
         |--G. humosus Ishikawa 1969 LI89
         |--G. lanceolatus Liang & Ishikawa 1989 LI89
         |--G. lativentralis Ishikawa 1983 LI89
         |--G. litoprothrix (Lee 1966) [=Ologamasus litoprothrix] H98
         |--G. montanus W88
         |--G. nivalis Schweizer 1949 S61
         |--G. occidentalis KA90
         |--G. racovitzai (Trouessart 1903) MSU91, L86 (see below for synonymy)
         |    |--G. r. racovitzai MSU91
         |    `--G. r. neoorcadensis MSU91
         |--G. simpliciseta Liang & Ishikawa 1989 LI89
         |--G. southcotti (Lee 1966) [=Ologamasus southcotti] H98
         |--G. spiricornis S61
         |--G. tasmanicus (Womersley 1956) [=Digamasellus tasmanicus, Cyrtolaelaps tasmanicus] H98
         |--G. tianmuensis Liang & Ishikawa 1989 LI89
         |--G. tindalei (Lee 1966) [=Ologamasus tindalei] H98
         |--G. tragardhi (Womersley 1942) [=Digamasellus tragardhi, Cyrtolaelaps tragardhi] H98
         |--G. venustus Ishikawa 1983 LI89
         |--G. vibrissatus Emberson 1967 K98
         |--G. virgosus (Lee 1966) [=Ologamasus virgosus] H98
         `--G. xini Liang & Ishikawa 1989 LI89

Nomen nudum: Gamasellus arcticus Danks 1981 FH93

Athiasella australica (Womersley 1942) H98 [=Hydrogamasus australicus H98, Gamasellus (Hydrogamasellus) australicus H98, H66, Heydeniella australica H98]

Athiasella dentata (Womersley 1942) H98 [=Hydrogamasus dentatus H98, Gamasellus (Hydrogamasellus) dentatus H98, H66, Heydeniella dentata H98]

Athiasella relata (Womersley 1942) H98 [=Hydrogamasus relatus H98, Gamasellus (Hydrogamasellus) relatus H98, H66, Heydeniella relata H98]

Athiasella relicta (Womersley 1942) [=Hydrogamasus relictus, Gamasellus relictus, Heydeniella relicta; incl. Hydrogamasus relictus var. major Womersley 1942] H98

*Cyrtolaelaps mucronatus (Canestrini & Canestrini 1881) ET79 [=Gamasus micronatus ET79, Gamasellus (Protolaelaps) mucronatus S61; incl. Asca affinis Oudms. 1902 E57, Gamasellus brevispinosus Trägårdh 1910 S22, Protolaelaps brevispinosus S22]

Euryparasitus emarginatus (Koch 1839) FH93 [=Gamasus emarginatus FH93; incl. G. setiger Koch 1839 FH93, G. terribilis Michael 1886 FH93, *Euryparasitus terribilis ET79]

Gamasellus racovitzai (Trouessart 1903) MSU91, L86 [=Gamasus racovitzai L86, Cyrtolaelaps (Gamasellus) racovitza L86, Hydrogamasellus racovitzai L86, Parasitus racovitzai T04; incl. Zercon tuberculatus Tragardh 1907 L86]

Gamasiphis Berlese 1904 [incl. Heteroiphis Trägårdh 1952, Micriphis Berlese 1914, Neogamasiphis Trägårdh 1952] FH93

Periseius nobskae (Haq 1965) FH93 [=Psammonsella nobskae FH93; incl. Pe. (Psammonsella) schusteri Hirschmann 1966 H66, FH93]

Stylochirus Canestrini & Canestrini 1882 L91 [incl. Epiphis Berlese 1916 B16, Megaliphis Willmann 1938 FH93, Periphis Berlese 1914 FH93, Physallolaelaps Berlese 1908 FH93]

*Type species of generic name indicated


[B16] Berlese, A. 1916. Centuria terza di Acari nuovi. Redia 12: 289–338.

[E57] Evans, G. O. 1957. An introduction to the British Mesostigmata (Acarina) with keys to families and genera. Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Zoology 43: 203–259.

[ET79] Evans, G. O., & W. M. Till. 1979. Mesostigmatic mites of Britain and Ireland (Chelicerata: Acari-Parasitiformes). An introduction to their external morphology and classification. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London 35: 139–270.

[FH93] Farrier, M. H., & M. K. Hennessey. 1993. Soil-inhabiting and free-living Mesostigmata (Acari-Parasitiformes) from North America: an annotated checklist with bibliography and index. North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, North Carolina State University, Technical Bulletin 302: i–xvi, 1–408.

[H98] Halliday, R. B. 1998. Mites of Australia: A checklist and bibliography. CSIRO Publishing: Collingwood.

[H83] Hammen, L. van der. 1983. Contribution to the knowledge of the soil-fauna of New Guinea. Zoologische Verhandelingen 206: 1–36.

[H66] Hirschmann, W. 1966. Gangsystematik der Parasitiformes. Teil 15. Gänge von Litoralmilben und neue Litoralmilbenarten. Acarologie: Schriftenreihe für Vergleichende Milbenkunde 9: 25–44.

[H73] Hurlbutt, H. W. 1973. The systematic position of Panteniphis africanus (Acarina: Mesostigmata). Acarologia 17 (1): 36–42.

[K98] Klimov, P. B. 1998. A new tribe of acarid mites of the subfamily Rhizoglyphinae (Acariformes, Acaridae). Far Eastern Entomologist 59: 1–19.

[K91] Kohn, M. 1991. Influence of the refuse dump biotopes on ecology of some gamasoid mites and ticks. In: Dusbábek, F., & V. Bukva (eds) Modern Acarology: Proceedings of the VIII International Congress of Acarology, held in České Budĕjovice, Czechoslovakia, 6–11 August 1990 vol. 1 pp. 199–204. SPB Academic Publishing: The Hague.

[KA90] Krantz, G. W., & B. D. Ainscough. 1990. Acarina: Mesostigmata (Gamasida). In: Dindal, D. L. (ed.) Soil Biology Guide pp. 583–665. John Wiley & Sones: New York.

[LI89] Liang L.-R. & K. Ishikawa. 1989. Occurrence of Gamasellus (Acarina, Gamasida, Ologamasidae) on Tian-mu Mountains in east China. Reports of Research, Matsuyama Shinonome Junior College 20: 143–152.

[LKW09] Lindquist, E. E., G. W. Krantz & D. E. Walter. 2009. Order Mesostigmata. In: Krantz, G. W., & D. E. Walter (eds) A Manual of Acarology 3rd ed. pp. 124–232. Texas Tech University Press.

[L91] Lundqvist, L. 1991. Rearing deutonymphs of Iphidosoma fimetarium (J. Müller), a mesostigmatic mite associated with carabid beetles. In: Schuster, R., & P. W. Murphy (eds) The Acari: Reproduction, development and life-history strategies pp. 447–452. Chapman & Hall: London.

[L86] Luxton, M. 1986. Acari: Rhodacaridae Ologamasinae. In: Botosaneanu, L. (ed.) Stygofauna Mundi: A Faunistic, Distributional, and Ecological Synthesis of the World Fauna inhabiting Subterranean Waters (including the Marine Interstitial) pp. 635–637. E. J. Brill/Dr W. Backhuys: Leiden.

[L90] Luxton, M. 1990. The marine littoral mites of the New Zealand region. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 20 (4): 367–418.

[MSU91] Minto, L. B., G. J. Shepherd & M. B. Usher. 1991. The cryptostigmatid mite Halozetes belgicae (Michael) in the maritime Antarctic. Antarctic Science 3 (1): 53–59.

[R61] Ryke, P. A. J. 1961. Evanssellus, a new genus of the family Rhodacaridae (Acarina: Mesostigmata). Acarologia 3 (3): 245–249.

[S22] Schweizer, J. 1922. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der terrestrischen Milbenfauna der Schweiz. Verhandl. Naturf. Ges. Basel 33: 23–112, 4 pls.

[S61] Schweizer, J. 1961. Die Landmilben der Schweiz (Mittelland, Jura und Alpen): Parasitiformes Reuter, mit 246 Arten und Varietäten und 268 meist kombinierten Originalzeichnungen. Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft [Mémoires de la Société Helvétique des Sciences Naturelles] 84: i–vii, 1–207.

[SL71] Spain, A. V., & M. Luxton. 1971. Catalog and bibliography of the Acari of the New Zealand subregion. Pacific Insects Monograph 25: 179–226.

[T04] Trägårdh, I. 1904. Fauna Arctica: Eine Zusammenstellung der arktischen Tierformen, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Spitzbergen-Gebietes auf Grund der Ergebnisse der Deutschen Expedition in das Nördliche Eismeer im Jahre 1898 vol. 4 pt 1. Monographie der arktischen Acariden. Gustav Fischer: Jena.

[T31] Trägårdh, I. 1931. Acarina from the Juan Fernandez Islands. Natural History of Juan Fernandez and Easter Islands 3 (4): 553–628.

[W88] Walter, D. E. 1988. Nematophagy by soil arthropods from the shortgrass steppe, Chihuahuan desert and Rocky Mountains of the central United States. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 24: 307–316.

Last updated: 13 April 2021.


Chickweed Stellaria media, photographed by Carl Farmer.

Belongs within: Caryophyllaceae.

Stellaria, the chickweeds, is a cosmopolitan genus of small herbaceous plants, some species of which have spread worldwide in pasture. Some species, such as the common chickweed S. media, are eaten as salad greens. Species boundaries within the genus are complicated by high morphological diversity of some species.

See also: Stars in the pasture.

Characters (from Abrams 1944): Low, often diffusely branching annuals or perennials with cymose, white flowers. Sepals usually five. Petals of the same number as sepals or rarely none, two-cleft or parted. Stamens ten or less, hypogynous. Ovary one-celled, many-ovuled. Styles three, rarely four or five, usually opposite sepals. Capsule globose to oblong, dehiscent by twice as many valves as styles. Seeds smooth or roughened.

<==Stellaria Linnaeus 1753 A61
    |--S. alsine PAE98
    |--S. angustifolia [incl. S. glauca var. tenella, S. palustris var. tenella] H90
    |--S. antillana J87
    |--S. borealis H93
    |    |--S. b. var. borealis H93
    |    `--S. b. var. sitchana H93
    |--S. calycantha [incl. S. calycantha ssp. interior, S. calycantha var. simcoei] H93
    |--S. congestiflora O88
    |--S. crispa H93
    |--S. cupaniana PT98
    |--S. cuspidata D03
    |--S. decipiens Hook. f. 1844 A61
    |    |--S. d. var. decipiens A61
    |    `--S. d. var. angustata Kirk 1899 A61
    |--S. decumbens O88
    |    |--S. d. var. decumbens O88
    |    |--S. d. var. polyantha O88
    |    `--S. d. var. pulvinata O88
    |--S. elatinoides Hook. f. 1852 A61
    |--S. filiformis H90
    |--S. flaccida H90
    |--S. gracilenta Hook. f. 1855 A61
    |--S. graminea W01
    |--S. holostea C06
    |--S. littoralis H93
    |--S. longifolia H93
    |--S. longipes [incl. S. longipes var. laeta] H93
    |--S. media (Linnaeus) Vill. 1788 CD07
    |--S. minuta Kirk 1899 A61
    |--S. multiflora C06
    |--S. nitens H93
    |--S. obtusa H93
    |--S. pallida [=S. media ssp. pallida] H93
    |--S. parviflora Banks & Sol. ex Hook. f. 1852 [incl. S. oligosperma Colenso 1886, S. pellucida Colenso 1895] A61
    |--S. patens O88
    |--S. pungens H90
    |--S. roughii Hook. f. 1864 A61
    |--S. subumbellata O88
    |--S. uliginosa O88
    `--S. umbellata H93

*Type species of generic name indicated


Abrams, L. 1944. Illustrated Flora of the Pacific States vol. 2. Stanford University Press.

[A61] Allan, H. H. 1961. Flora of New Zealand vol. 1. Indigenous Tracheophyta: Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledones. R. E. Owen, Government Printer: Wellington (New Zealand).

[CD07] Cantino, P. D., J. A. Doyle, S. W. Graham, W. S. Judd, R. G. Olmstead, D. E. Soltis, P. S. Soltis & M. J. Donoghue. 2007. Towards a phylogenetic nomenclature of Tracheophyta. Taxon 56 (3): E1–E44.

[C06] Cheeseman, T. F. 1906. Manual of the New Zealand Flora. John Mackay, Government Printer: Wellington.

[D03] Dusén, P. 1903. The vegetation of western Patagonia. In: Scott, W. B. (ed.) Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896–1899 vol. 8. Botany pp. 1–34. The University: Princeton (New Jersey).

[H90] Harden, G. J. (ed.) 1990. Flora of New South Wales vol. 1. New South Wales University Press.

[H93] Hickman, J. C. (ed.) 1993. The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California. University of California Press: Berkeley (California).

[J87] Judd, W. S. 1987. Floristic study of Morne La Visite and Pic Macaya National Parks, Haiti. Bulletin of the Florida State Museum—Biological Sciences 32 (1): 1–136.

[O88] Ohba, H. 1988. The alpine flora of the Nepal Himalayas: an introductory note. In: Ohba, H., & S. B. Malla (eds) The Himalayan Plants vol. 1. The University Museum, University of Tokyo, Bulletin 31: 19–46.

[PAE98] Pakeman, R. J., J. P. Attwood & J. Engelen. 1998. Sources of plants colonizing experimentally disturbed patches in an acidic grassland, in eastern England. Journal of Ecology 86: 1032–1041.

[PT98] Panitsa, M., & D. Tzanoudakis. 1998. Contribution to the study of the Greek flora: flora and vegetation of the E Aegean islands Agathonisi and Pharmakonisi. Willdenowia 28: 95–116.

[W01] Wohltmann, A. 2001. Closely related species of Parasitengonae (Acari: Prostigmata) inhabiting the same areas: features facilitating coexistence. In: Halliday, R. B., D. E. Walter, H. C. Proctor, R. A. Norton & M. J. Colloff (eds) Acarology: Proceedings of the 10th International Congress pp. 121–135. CSIRO Publishing: Melbourne.

Last updated: 4 August 2020.


Fourleaf manyseed Polycarpon tetraphyllum, copyright Forest & Kim Starr.

Belongs within: Caryophyllales.
Contains: Polycarpaea, Scleranthus, Minuartia, Stellaria, Colobanthus, Spergularia, Cerastium, Sagina, Arenaria, Silene, Dianthus.

The Caryophyllaceae are a cosmopolitan family of herbaceous plants, most diverse in temperate regions. Familiar representatives include Dianthus (pinks), Stellaria (chickweeds) and Gypsophila (baby's breath). Some species have become widespread as pasture weeds. In members of the subfamily Illecebroideae, stipules are present on the leaves; other subfamilies usually lack stipules. Illecebroideae also differ from other subfamilies in having fruits as utricles rather than capsules. The Caryophylloideae have flowers with sepals more or less fused at the base, whereas Minuartoideae and Illecebroideae have free sepals.

Characters (from Allan 1961): Annual to perennial herbs; leaves usually simple, entire, opposite, often connate, or with scarious stipules. Flowers in simple to compound cymes, or solitary; usually perfect, hypogynous or perigynous; sepals 4-5, free or joined below; petals as many as sepals, often small or absent, free, often bifid or emarginate; stamens up to 10, anthers dehiscing longitudinally; ovary one-celled, at least in upper part, ovules 1 to many on basal or free-central placenta, embryo usually curved; fruit usually a dry capsule opening by teeth or valves.


<==Caryophyllaceae [Caryophyllineae, Illecebraceae, Paronychieae]
    |--Illecebroideae [Illecebraceae, Paronychoideae] T00
    |    |--Achyronychia cooperi H93
    |    |--Scopulophila rixfordii H93
    |    |--Cardionema ramosissimum H93
    |    |--Scleranthus A61
    |    |--Herniaria C06
    |    |    |--H. alpina C55a
    |    |    `--H. hirsuta PT98
    |    |         |--H. h. ssp. hirsuta H93
    |    |         `--H. h. ssp. cinerea [incl. Paronychia pusilla] H93
    |    `--Paronychia H93
    |         |--P. ahartii H93
    |         |--P. argentea C74
    |         |--P. brasiliana H90
    |         |--P. echinulata H93
    |         `--P. franciscana H93
    |--Minuartioideae [Alsineae, Alsinoideae] T00
    |    |--Minuartia KB96
    |    |--Stellaria C06
    |    |--Colobanthus C06
    |    |--Spergularia C06
    |    |--Cerastium H93
    |    |--Pseudostellaria jamesiana [=Stellaria jamesiana] H93
    |    |--Holosteum umbellatum H93
    |    |--Sagina H93
    |    |--Arenaria H93
    |    |--Moehringia macrophylla [=Arenaria macrophylla] H93
    |    |--Loeflingia squarrosa H93
    |    |    |--L. s. var. squarrosa [incl. L. pusilla] H93
    |    |    `--L. s. var. artemisiarum H93
    |    |--Moenchia H93
    |    |    |--M. erecta H93
    |    |    `--M. mantica Y98
    |    |--Alsine C55b
    |    |    |--A. biflora [=Stellaria biflora] C55b
    |    |    |--A. media C55b
    |    |    `--A. stricta [=Spergula stricta; incl. Arenaria uliginosa] C55b
    |    |--Spergula H93
    |    |    |--S. arvensis C55b
    |    |    |--S. fallax VB02
    |    |    |--S. pentandra C06
    |    |    `--S. saginoides C55a
    |    `--Polycarpon H93
    |         |--P. alsinaefolium C55b
    |         |--P. depressum H93
    |         |--P. peploides C74
    |         |--P. prostratum P03
    |         `--P. tetraphyllum (Linnaeus) Linnaeus 1759 PL04 [=Mollugo tetraphylla H90]
    `--Caryophylloideae [Silenoideae] T00
         |         Agrostemma H93
         |           |--A. aestivalis BO08
         |           |--A. flammea BO08
         |           `--A. githago JK80
         |         Petrorhagia H93
         |           |--P. armerioides (Seringe) Ball & Heywood 1964 PL04
         |           |--P. dubia [incl. Kohlrauschia velutina] H93
         |           |--P. nanteuilii H93
         |           |--P. prolifera GK00 [=Dianthus prolifer C06, Tunica prolifera H93]
         |           `--P. velutina GK00
         |         Velezia rigida H93
         |         Vaccaria H93
         |           |--V. hispanica [incl. V. segetalis] H93
         |           `--V. pyramidata H90
         |--Sileneae C06
         |    |--Silene C06
         |    `--Gypsophila C06
         |         |--G. australis H90
         |         |--G. cerastioides O88
         |         |--G. elegans H93
         |         |--G. paniculata H93
         |         |--G. petraea H09
         |         |--G. repens S96
         |         |--G. scorzonerifolia H93
         |         `--G. tubulosa C06
         `--Caryophylleae M99
              |--Caryophyllus aromaticus C55b
              |--Dianthus M99
              |--Saponaria C06
              |    |--S. caespitosa R84
              |    |--S. calabrica H90
              |    |--S. officinalis C55b
              |    `--S. vaccaria C55b
              `--Lychnis C06
                   |--L. alpina C55b
                   |--L. chalcedonica H90
                   |--L. coronaria C06
                   |--L. dioica R13
                   |--L. flos-cuculi BN99
                   |--L. githago [incl. Githago segetum] C06
                   `--L. vespertina C06

Caryophyllaceae incertae sedis:
  Geocarpon T00
  Dicheranthus YY22
  Melandrium YY22
    |--M. album GM96
    `--M. magellanicum D03
  Thylacospermum caespitosum O88
  Drymaria O88
    |--D. cordata O88
    |    |--D. c. ssp. cordata H90
    |    `--D. c. ssp. diandra H90
    `--D. villosa D07
  Lepyrodiclis holosteoides O88
  Bolanthus graecus (von Schreber) Barkoudah 1962 PL04
  Viscaria alpina KB96
  Corrigiola litoralis GK00
  Schiedea verticillata O94
  Polycarpaea LK14
  Hantsia pulchra (Chandler) Chandler 1960 CBH93
  Caryophyllidites polyoratus Muller 1970 CBH93

*Type species of generic name indicated


[A61] Allan, H. H. 1961. Flora of New Zealand vol. 1. Indigenous Tracheophyta: Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledones. R. E. Owen, Government Printer: Wellington (New Zealand).

[BO08] Bönsel, D., I. Ottich, A. Malten & G. Zizka. 2008. An updated list of the vascular plants of Frankfurt am Main (Pteridophyta & Spermatophyta). Senckenbergiana Biologica 88 (1): 111–121.

[BN99] Bungener, P., S. Nussbaum, A. Grub & J. Fuhrer. 1999. Growth response of grassland species to ozone in relation to soil moisture condition and plant strategy. New Phytologist 142: 283–293.

[C55a] Candolle, A. de. 1855a. Géographie Botanique Raisonée: Ou exposition des faits principaux et des lois concernant la distribution géographique des plantes de l’époque actuelle vol. 1. Librairie de Victor Masson: Paris.

[C55b] Candolle, A. de. 1855b. Géographie Botanique Raisonée: Ou exposition des faits principaux et des lois concernant la distribution géographique des plantes de l’époque actuelle vol. 2. Librairie de Victor Masson: Paris.

[C06] Cheeseman, T. F. 1906. Manual of the New Zealand Flora. John Mackay, Government Printer: Wellington.

[C74] Coineau, Y. 1974. Éléments pour une monographie morphologique, écologique et biologique des Caeculidae (Acariens). Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, nouvelle série, Série A, Zoologie 81: 1–299, 24 pls.

[CBH93] Collinson, M. E., M. C. Boulter & P. L. Holmes. 1993. Magnoliophyta (‘Angiospermae’). In: Benton, M. J. (ed.) The Fossil Record 2 pp. 809–841. Chapman & Hall: London.

[D07] Dash, S. S. 2007. Useful plants of Kabi Sacred Grove, Sikkim. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 49: 79–88.

[D03] Dusén, P. 1903. The vegetation of western Patagonia. In: Scott, W. B. (ed.) Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896–1899 vol. 8. Botany pp. 1–34. The University: Princeton (New Jersey).

[GK00] Gibson, N., & G. J. Keighery. 2000. Flora and vegetation of the Byenup-Muir reserve system, south-west Western Australia. CALMScience 3 (3): 323–402.

[GM96] Griffiths, A. J. F., J. H. Miller, D. T. Suzuki, R. C. Lewontin & W. M. Gelbart. 1996. An Introduction to Genetic Analysis 6th ed. W. H. Freeman and Company: New York.

[H90] Harden, G. J. (ed.) 1990. Flora of New South Wales vol. 1. New South Wales University Press.

[H09] Heltmann, H. 2009. Der Königstein (Piatra Craiului), die Perle der Burzenländer Gebirge. Mauritiana 20 (3): 515–527.

[H93] Hickman, J. C. (ed.) 1993. The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California. University of California Press: Berkeley (California).

[JK80] John, J., & K.-P. Kolbe. 1980. The systematic position of the “Theales” from the viewpoint of serology. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 8: 241–248.

[KB96] Konstantinou, M., & D. Babalonas. 1996. Metal uptake by Caryophyllaceae species from metalliferous soils in northern Greece. Plant Systematics and Evolution 203: 1–10.

[LK14] Lyons, M. N., G. J. Keighery, L. A. Gibson & T. Handasyde. 2014. Flora and vegetation communities of selected islands off the Kimberley coast of Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 81: 205–244.

[M99] Matthews, M. 1999. Heliothine Moths of Australia: A guide to bollworms and related noctuid groups. CSIRO Publishing.

[O88] Ohba, H. 1988. The alpine flora of the Nepal Himalayas: an introductory note. In: Ohba, H., & S. B. Malla (eds) The Himalayan Plants vol. 1. The University Museum, University of Tokyo, Bulletin 31: 19–46.

[O94] Otte, D. 1994. The Crickets of Hawaii: origin, systematics and evolution. The Orthopterists' Society: The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.

[PT98] Panitsa, M., & D. Tzanoudakis. 1998. Contribution to the study of the Greek flora: flora and vegetation of the E Aegean islands Agathonisi and Pharmakonisi. Willdenowia 28: 95–116.

[P03] Paul, T. K. 2003. Botanical observations on the Purulia pumped storage hydropower project area, Bagmundi Hills, Purulia district, West Bengal. Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of India 45: 121–142.

[PL04] Pohl, G., & I. Lenski. 2004. Zur Verbreitung und Vergesellschaftung von Pennisetum orientale Rich. in Nordeuböa (Griechenland) (Poaceae, Paniceae). Senckenbergiana Biologica 83 (2): 209–223.

[R84] Ramos, M. A. 1984. Polymorphism of Cepaea nemoralis (Gastropoda, Helicidae) in the Spanish Occidental Pyrenees. Malacologia 25 (2): 325–341.

[R13] Reuter, O. M. 1913. Lebensgewohnheiten und Instinkte der Insekten bis zum Erwachen der sozialen Instinkte. R. Friedländer & Sohn: Berlin.

[S96] Schatz, H. 1996. Oribatid mites (Oribatida) in alpine dry meadows (Austria, central Alps). In: Mitchell, R., D. J. Horn, G. R. Needham & W. C. Welbourn (eds) Acarology IX vol. 1. Proceedings pp. 633–635. Ohio Biological Survey: Columbus (Ohio).

[T00] Thorne, R. F. 2000. The classification and geography of the flowering plants: dicotyledons of the class Angiospermae (subclasses Magnoliidae, Ranunculidae, Caryophyllidae, Dilleniidae, Rosidae, Asteridae, and Lamiidae). The Botanical Review 66: 441–647.

[VB02] Vijay, S. K., & T. N. Bhardwaja. 2002. Vegetation and phenodynamics of wetlands of central Rajasthan. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 99 (3): 573–581.

[YY22] Yampolsky, C., & H. Yampolsky. 1922. Distribution of sex forms in the phanerogamic flora. Bibliotheca Genetica 3: 1–62.

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Last updated: 4 April 2020.