Belongs within: Brassicales.
Contains: Descurainia, Erysimum, Alyssum, Draba, Brassica, Caulanthus, Streptanthus, Thelypodium, Lepidium, Cardamine, Rorippa, Arabis.
The Brassicaceae are a cosmopolitan family of herbs and sub-shrubs. The alternative name Cruciferae (meaning 'cross-bearer') refers to the cross-shaped flowers of members of this family, with four petals. The Brassicaceae include a number of species grown as food plants, the most important of which are species of the genus Brassica. Others include radish Raphanus sativus, rocket Eruca sativa and watercress Nasturtium officinale. The horseradish Armoracia rusticana is grown for its root, pungent when cut and used as a condiment. The mouse-ear cress Arabidopsis thaliana has become a significant model organism used in research on plant genetics.
Tribes within the Brassicaceae can be distinguished on the basis of characters of the fruits and cotyledons (Allan 1961). Members of the Arabideae have cotyledons that are accumbent (with the radicle lying perpendicular to the cotyledons) and a fruit that is a silique (an elongate capsule formed from two fused carpels more than three times as long as wide). In Lepideae and Sisymbrieae the cotyledons are incumbent (lying parallel to the radicle); Sisymbrieae have the fruit as a silique whereas that of Lepideae is a short silique or a silicle (less than three times as long as wide). Members of the Lepideae include the endemic New Zealand genus Notothlaspi in which pods are broadly winged and contain multiple seeds per cell (Allan 1961).
Characters (from Allan 1961): Annual to perennial herbs or subshrubs with mostly alternate exstipulate leaves. Flowers perfect, regular, or nearly so, usually in bractless racemes; sepals 4, petals 4-(0); stamens usually 6, tetradynamous; anthers 2-(1)-celled. Ovary usually of two united carpels, divided by a thin membrane into 'cells'; stigmas 2, often connate; fruit usually dehiscent. Seeds usually without endosperm; cotyledons accumbent, incumbent or sometimes conduplicate.
<==Brassicaceae [Cruciales, Cruciferae]
|--Lepideae A61
| |--Lepidium LM98
| `--Notothlaspi Hook. f. 1862 A61
| |--N. australe Hook. f. 1864 [=Thlaspi australe Hook. f. 1855] A61
| | |--N. a. var. australe A61
| | `--N. a. var. stellatum Kirk 1899 A61
| `--N. rosulatum Hook. f. 1864 (see below for synonymy) A61
|--Sisymbrieae A61
| |--Ischnocarpus Schulz 1924 A61
| | `--I. novae-zelandiae (Hook. f.) Schulz 1924 [=Sisymbrium novae-zelandiae Hook. f. 1864] A61
| |--Sisymbrium M99
| | |--S. altissimum H93
| | |--S. erysimoides H93
| | |--S. irio M99
| | |--S. loeselii H93
| | |--S. officinale GK00
| | |--S. orientale KM08
| | |--S. polyceratium C55b
| | |--S. sophia C06
| | `--S. thellungii H90
| |--Pachycladon Hook. f. 1867 G-J91, A61
| | |--P. crenata Phillipson 1957 A61
| | `--P. novae-zelandiae Hook. f. 1867 (see below for synonymy) A61
| `--Iti Garnock-Jones & Johnson 1988 G-J91
| `--I. lacustris G-J91
`--Arabideae A61
|--Cardamine A61
|--Rorippa A61
|--Arabis PT98
`--Cheesemania Schulz 1929 A61
|--C. enysii (Cheesem.) Schulz 1929 (see below for synonymy) A61
|--C. fastigiata (Hook. f.) Schulz 1929 (see below for synonymy) A61
| |--C. f. var. fastigiata A61
| `--C. f. var. stellata Allan 1947 A61
|--C. latesiliqua (Cheesem.) Schulz 1929 A61 (see below for synonymy)
|--C. radicata A61
`--C. wallii (Carse) Allan 1947 [=Nasturtium wallii Carse 1926] A61
Brassicaceae incertae sedis:
Isatis tinctoria PT01
Lobularia maritima PT01
Arabidopsis thaliana (Linnaeus) Heynhold 1842 PT01, AS12
Arcyosperma primulifolium O88
Christolea crassifolia O88
Chrysobraya glaricola O88
Desideria nepalensis O88
Dilophia Thomson 1853 KC01
`--D. salsa O88
Dontostemon pectinatus O88
Ermaniopsis pumila O88
Eutrema heterophyllum O88
Glaribraya lowndesii O88
Loxostemon pulchellus O88
Megacarpaea polyandra O88
Phaeonychium parryoides O88
Pycnoplinthopsis bhutanica O88
Torularia humilis O88
Alliaria petiolata TG88
Cardaria Y98
|--C. chalepensis H93
|--C. draba [incl. C. draba var. repens] H93
`--C. pubescens [incl. C. pubescens var. elongata] H93
Coronopus Y98
|--C. didymus Y98
`--C. squamatus H93
Clypeola jonthlaspi PT98
Hirschfeldia incana [incl. H. adpressa, Brassica geniculata] H93
Erucaria hispanica AGF98
Zilla spinosa AGF98
Farsetia hamiltonii PP07
Conringia orientalis H91
Capsella PT98
|--C. bursa-pastoris PT98
`--C. procumbens [incl. C. elliptica] C06
Rapistrum rugosum M99, M65
Eruca vesicaria H93
|--E. v. ssp. vesicaria H93
`--E. v. ssp. sativa H93
Cakile KM08
|--C. edentula [incl. C. edentula var. californica] H93
`--C. maritima KM08
Iberis PT01
|--I. amara C55b
`--I. umbellata PT01
Lunaria PT01
|--L. annua PT01
`--L. rediviva C55a
Hutchinsia C55a
|--H. alpina C55a
|--H. petraea [=Lepidium petraeum] C55a
`--H. procumbens H93
Braya O88
|--B. alpina C55b
`--B. oxycarpa O88
Ermania O88
|--E. himalayensis O88
`--E. linearis O88
Lignariella hobsonii O88
|--L. h. ssp. hobsonii O88
`--L. h. ssp. serpens O88
Pegaeophyton O88
|--P. minutum O88
`--P. scapiflorum O88
Staintoniella O88
|--S. nepalensis O88
`--S. verticillata O88
Aethionema saxatile (Linnaeus) Brown 1812 PL04
|--A. s. ssp. saxatile Y98
`--A. s. ssp. creticum Y98
Bunias Y98
|--B. erucago Y98
`--B. orientalis C55b
Calepina PT98
|--C. corvini [incl. Bunias cochlearioides] C55b
`--C. irregularis PT98
Smelowskia Meyer ex Ledebour 1830 (nom. cons. prop.) (see below for synonymy) A-S03
|--S. alba [=Sisymbrium album, *Sm. cinerea Ledebour 1830 (nom. illeg.)] A-S03
|--S. ovalis H93
| |--S. o. var. ovalis H93
| `--S. o. var. congesta H93
`--‘*Redowskia’ sophiifolia von Chamisso & Schltdl. 1826 A-S03
Stenopetalum G04
|--S. filifolium G04
|--S. lineare H90
|--S. nutans H90
|--S. pedicellare G04
|--S. sphaerocarpum H90
`--S. velutinum H90
Hornungia KM08
|--H. petraea H91
`--H. procumbens KM08
Descurainia ES06
Erophila PT98
|--E. macrocarpa PT98
|--E. verna G88
| |--E. v. ssp. verna H90
| `--E. v. ssp. praecox H90
`--E. vulgaris C06
Biscutella PT98
|--B. didyma PT98
|--B. laevigata D37
`--B. prealpina Raffaelli & Baldoin 1997 PS98
Sinapis PT98
|--S. alba H93 [=Brassica alba PT01; incl. B. hirta H93]
|--S. arvensis [incl. Brassica kaber, B. kaber var. pinnatifida, B. kaber var. schkuhriana] H93
|--S. dissecta C55a
`--S. nigra C55b
Diplotaxis GR98
|--D. erucoides GR98
|--D. muralis C55b
`--D. tenuifolia C55b
Hesperis PT01
|--H. matronalis H09
| |--H. m. ssp. matronalis H09
| `--H. m. ssp. candida H09
`--H. oblongifolia H09
Barbarea GR98
|--B. australis H90
|--B. grayi H90
|--B. orthoceras [incl. B. orthoceras var. dolichocarpa] H93
|--B. praecox C06
|--B. verna PT01
`--B. vulgaris GR98
|--B. v. ssp. vulgaris GR98
`--B. v. ssp. arcuata GR98
Heliophila CV06
|--H. deserticola CV06
| |--H. d. var. deserticola CV06
| `--H. d. var. micrantha CV06
`--H. obibensis CV06
Matthiola M99
|--M. annua D59
|--M. bicornis PT01
|--M. glabra D59
|--M. incana M99
`--M. sinuata PT98
Erysimum H93
Raphanus PT01
|--R. raphanistrum PT98
`--R. sativus W02
|--R. s. var. sativus W02
|--R. s. var. longipinnatus P88
`--R. s. var. oleiformis W02
Malcolmia PL04
|--M. africana H93
|--M. chia PT98
|--M. flexuosa PT98
|--M. littorea C74
|--M. macrocalyx (Halácsy) Rech. 1929 PL04
| |--M. m. ssp. macrocalyx PL04
| `--M. m. ssp. scyria (Rech.) Ball 1963 PL04
`--M. maritima PT01
Nasturtium D07
|--N. microphyllum HE80
|--N. officinale BMM99
`--N. pyrenaicum C55a
Alyssum PL04
Thlaspi H91
|--T. alliaceum C55b
|--T. alpestre C55b
|--T. andersonii O88
|--T. arvense O88
|--T. californicum [=T. alpestre var. californicum, T. montanum var. californicum] H93
|--T. cochlearioides O88
|--T. magellanicum D03
|--T. montanum [incl. T. fendleri var. hesperium, T. glaucum var. hesperium] H93
`--T. perfoliatum H91
Draba O88
Brassica CD07
Harmsiodoxa M99
|--H. blennodioides M99
|--H. brevipes H90
| |--H. b. var. brevipes H90
| `--H. b. var. major H90
`--H. puberula M99
Blennodia M99
|--B. canescens H90
`--B. pterosperma M99
Cochlearia L. 1753 KC01
|--C. armoracia C06
|--C. anglica G60
|--C. cochlearioides [incl. C. flava] TS72
|--C. danica G60
|--C. officinalis G60
| |--C. o. var. officinalis H93
| `--C. o. var. arctica H93
`--C. rusticana C55b
Camelina H93
|--C. alyssum H90
|--C. microcarpa H93
`--C. sativa C06
Senebiera Decandolle 1799 C06, D99
|--S. coronopus C55b
|--S. didyma C06
|--S. integrifolia Decandolle 1799 D99
`--S. pinnatifida Decandolle 1799 D99
Anelsonia eurycarpa [=Phoenicaulis eurycarpa] H93
Armoracia rusticana H93
Athysanus pusillus H93
Aubrieta deltoidea H93
|--A. d. ssp. deltoidea H09
`--A. d. ssp. falcata H09
Caulanthus H93
Caulostramina jaegeri [=Thelypodium jaegeri] H93
Chorispora tenella H93
Cusickiella H93
|--C. douglasii [incl. Draba douglasii var. crockeri] H93
`--C. quadricostata [=Draba quadricostata] H93
Dithyrea H93
|--D. californica H93
|--D. maritima H93
`--D. wislizeni R35
Erucastrum gallicum H93
Euclidium syriacum H93
Guillenia H93
|--G. flavescens [=Thelypodium flavescens] H93
|--G. lasiophylla (see below for synonymy) H93
`--G. lemmonii [=Thelypodium lemmonii] H93
Halimolobos H93
|--H. jaegeri [=H. diffusa var. jaegeri] H93
`--H. virgata H93
Heterodraba unilateralis H93
Idahoa scapigera H93
Lesquerella H93
|--L. arctica H44
|--L. fendleri KIW98
|--L. kingii H93
| |--L. k. ssp. kingii H93
| |--L. k. ssp. bernardina H93
| `--L. k. ssp. latifolia H93
|--L. occidentalis [incl. L. cusickii] H93
`--L. tenella H93
Lyrocarpa coulteri H93
|--L. c. var. coulteri H93
`--L. c. var. palmeri H93
Phoenicaulis cheiranthoides [incl. P. cheiranthoides ssp. glabra] H93
Physaria chambersii H93
Polyctenum fremontii H93
|--P. f. var. fremontii H93
`--P. f. var. confertum H93
Sibara H93
|--S. deserti H93
|--S. filifolia H93
|--S. rosulata H93
`--S. virginica H93
Stanleya H93
|--S. elata H93
|--S. pinnata H93
| |--S. p. var. pinnata H93
| `--S. p. var. inyoensis H93
`--S. viridiflora H93
Streptanthella longirostris [incl. S. longirostris var. derelicta] H93
Streptanthus H93
Subularia aquatica H93
|--S. a. var. aquatica H93
`--S. a. var. americana H93
Teesdalia H93
|--T. coronopifolia H93
`--T. nudicaulis H64
Thelypodium H93
Thysanocarpus H93
|--T. conchuliferus [=T. laciniatus var. conchuliferus] H93
|--T. curvipes [incl. T. c. var. elegans, T. c. var. eradiatus, T. c. var. longistylus] H93
|--T. laciniatus (see below for synonymy) H93
`--T. radians H93
Tropidocarpum H93
|--T. capparideum H93
`--T. gracile [incl. T. gracile var. dubium] H93
Isatides microcarpa Saporta 1889 CBH93
Carrichtera annua H90
Cuphonotus H90
|--C. andraeanus H90
`--C. humistratus H90
Phlegmatospermum H90
|--P. cochlearinum H90
`--P. eremaeum H90
Turritis glabra H90
Arabidella H90
|--A. eremigena H90
|--A. glaucescens H90
|--A. nasturtium H90
|--A. procumbens H90
`--A. trisecta H90
Menkea australis H90
Drabastrum alpestre H90
Geococcus pusillus H90
Irenepharsus H90
|--I. magicus H90
`--I. trypherus H90
Pachymitus cardaminoides H90
Cryptospora Kar. & Kir. 1842 KC01
Guepinia Bastard 1821 KC01
Physalidium Fenzl 11866 KC01
Cheesemania enysii (Cheesem.) Schulz 1929 [=Cardamine enysii Cheesem. ex Kirk 1899, Nasturtium enysii Cheesem. 1911] A61
Cheesemania fastigiata (Hook. f.) Schulz 1929 [=Arabis fastigiata Hook. f. 1855, Cardamine fastigiata Hook. f. 1864, Nasturtium fastigiatum (Hook. f.) Cheesem. 1911; incl. Pachycladon elongata Buchan. 1887, Notothlaspi hookeri Buchan. 1888] A61
Cheesemania latesiliqua (Cheesem.) Schulz 1929 A61 [=Cardamine latesiliqua Cheesem. 1883 A61, Nasturtium latesiliqua Cheesem. 1883 A61; incl. N. gibbsii Cheesem. 1925 A61, Cheesemania gibbsii (Cheesem.) Schulz 1929 G-J91, A61]
Guillenia lasiophylla [=Thelypodium lasiophyllum; incl. T. lasiophyllum var. inalienum, T. lasiophyllum var. rigidum, T. lasiophyllum var. utahense] H93
Notothlaspi rosulatum Hook. f. 1864 [incl. N. rosulatum var. hursthousei Petrie 1926, N. notabilis Buchan. 1882] A61
Pachycladon novae-zelandiae Hook. f. 1867 [=Braya novae-zelandiae Hook. f. 1864; incl. P. glabra Buchanan 1882, P. novae-zelandiae var. glabra (Buchanan) Kirk 1899] A61
Smelowskia Meyer ex Ledebour 1830 (nom. cons. prop.) [incl. Gorodkovia Botsch. & Karav. 1959, Hedinia Ostenfeld 1922, Redowskia von Chamisso & Schltdl. 1826 (nom. rej. prop.), Sinosophiopsis Al-Shehbaz 2000] A-S03
Thysanocarpus laciniatus [incl. T. laciniatus var. crenatus, T. laciniatus var. hitchcockii, T. laciniatus var. ramosus, T. laciniatus var. rigidus] H93
*Type species of generic name indicated
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Last updated: 4 January 2022.
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